Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Zogby Poll Has Trump Gaining Support Among Blacks And Hispanics.
Zogby Poll Has Trump Gaining Support Among Blacks and Hispanics.

“Race also played a factor in Trump’s job approval rating. Hispanics, this time around, were much more likely to approve of his job performance (49% approve/51% disapprove), while the president also saw his numbers jump with African Americans. This was his second straight poll with over a quarter support from African Americans (28% approve/70% disapprove). If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble!”

ME: As I have said before, if Trump wins good numbers of Hispanics and 20% of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be toast! Now you know why the Left is throwing the race card.
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom
Which means two-thirds don't

So what.

You folks have a strange definition of "support."

Not at all. One third of Florida Hispanics back Donald Trump’s reelection. Thats the story. You just don't understand why that is important, thats all.

As has been posted a billion times already, if the GOP were to get to the point that 20% of blacks become Republicans, the fascist Dems would be dead. So likewise, if a certain percentage of Hispanics become Republicans voters, and I admit that I do not know what that number is, then it would have the same effect.

Therefore, the fact that One third of Florida Hispanics back Donald Trump’s reelection is very siginifigant.
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom


Democrats Should Be Worried About the Latino Vote
Political organizers have a warning for the 2020 candidates.
Democrats Should Be Worried About the Latino Vote

The first warning sign of the new year came three days into 2020. Speaking at a rally of conservative evangelicals in South Florida, President Donald Trump riffed on the targeted killing of Iran’s Qassem Soleimani before the thousands assembled in the King Jesus International Ministry megachurch, outside of Miami.

That night, the president captured headlines for declaring that “God is on our side” and accusing Democrats of disloyalty for not supporting his air strike. But for Domingo Garcia, the national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, what the headlines—and Democrats—missed was the significance of the rally’s location: the home of the country’s largest Hispanic evangelical congregation.

“That should be a serious red flag to Democrats,” Garcia told me. Trump’s outreach to conservative Latinos in the South serves as a warning sign for deeper concerns that several Latino leaders and political activists shared with me: that they are dissatisfied with the level of engagement they are seeing from the Democratic primary contenders and are noticing the same kind of poor strategizing by candidates that yielded disappointing turnout among Hispanic voters in 2016.
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

What if Democrats lose the Hispanic vote?
What if Democrats lose the Hispanic vote?

A specter is haunting the Democratic Party — the specter of conservative Hispanic voters. Right now, Democrats and many in the national media are openly anticipating the possibility of Donald Trump (and what’s left of the Republican Party) being vanquished to the dustbin of history in 2020, and being replaced by a new “progressive” vision for America. The problem? Unless Democrats begin winning the Hispanic vote in overwhelming numbers, that dream is unlikely to ever become reality. And the dirty little secret is they are far from doing so.

This may sound odd, considering all of Donald Trump’s insulting rhetoric and harsh policies toward immigrant populations, particularly from Latin America. And it may sound even odder when considering all the efforts to portray Trump, and often those who support him, as “white supremacists.”

But that is where the unique and critical role of Hispanic-Americans comes into play. Democrats and their supporters are wagering their entire political future on a supposed emerging “non-white” majority of voters, which they believe will be a natural and possibly permanent constituency (along with liberal whites) for their increasingly progressive brand of governance, which includes promises of universal health care (including for illegal immigrants); aggressive gun control measures; and policies centered on racial, economic, and environmental “justice.”

However, the conventional wisdom that America is rapidly transforming into a “white minority” country is actually only true if Hispanic-Americans — by far the country’s fastest-growing demographic group — are all counted as “non-white.” But “Hispanic” is not a race — it’s an ethnicity. In fact, in the 2010 census 53 percent of Hispanic-Americans defined their race as “white.” If that trend continues, by 2060 the United States will still be roughly 60 percent white (along with about 13 percent non-white Hispanic; 13 percent black; and 9 percent Asian).
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom


Democrats Should Be Worried About the Latino Vote
Political organizers have a warning for the 2020 candidates.
Democrats Should Be Worried About the Latino Vote

The first warning sign of the new year came three days into 2020. Speaking at a rally of conservative evangelicals in South Florida, President Donald Trump riffed on the targeted killing of Iran’s Qassem Soleimani before the thousands assembled in the King Jesus International Ministry megachurch, outside of Miami.

That night, the president captured headlines for declaring that “God is on our side” and accusing Democrats of disloyalty for not supporting his air strike. But for Domingo Garcia, the national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, what the headlines—and Democrats—missed was the significance of the rally’s location: the home of the country’s largest Hispanic evangelical congregation.

“That should be a serious red flag to Democrats,” Garcia told me. Trump’s outreach to conservative Latinos in the South serves as a warning sign for deeper concerns that several Latino leaders and political activists shared with me: that they are dissatisfied with the level of engagement they are seeing from the Democratic primary contenders and are noticing the same kind of poor strategizing by candidates that yielded disappointing turnout among Hispanic voters in 2016.
Evangelicals are insane, no matter what race.
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

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