Why Latinos back Donald Trump


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom
They do not back Donald nobly the Cubans who seem to press GOP buttons because Florida is a swing statw
Trump’s Secret to Victory in 2020: Hispanic Voters
Yes, it’s true: The man who wants to build a wall to keep out immigrants is winning over just enough Latinos to get re-elected. Unless Democrats figure out how to stop him.
Trump’s Secret to Victory in 2020: Hispanic Voters

"................Trump is making an aggressive play for Hispanic-American votes in Florida and beyond. Meanwhile, polls suggest Marist might have been onto something—and that Democrats should be worried that Hispanic voters could help reelect Trump and keep the Senate in Republican control. If so, it would be a cosmic twist of fate: A party that has staked its future on a belief that America’s demographic picture is changing decidedly in its favor could find itself losing to a man whose politics of fear should be driving precisely those voters into the Democrats’ waiting arms.

In theory, the rosy predictions that once gave rise to chest-beating liberal books like “The Emerging Democratic Majority” are proving true: 2020 will be the first U.S. election in which Hispanics make up the largest racial or ethnic minority in the electorate, according to the Pew Research Center. Pew estimates that 32 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote—a full 2 million more than eligible black voters and more than 13 percent of the electorate. Hispanics figure to constitute at least 11 percent of the national vote, as they did in 2016 and 2018.

Many expected Hispanics to vote overwhelmingly against Trump in 2016. A Latino Decisions poll conducted just before the 2016 presidential election found Trump had the support of just 18 percent of Hispanics. But the actual figure was 28 percent, which—given Trump’s incendiary rhetoric about immigrants—some analysts and pundits refused to believe from exit polls until further studies confirmed it. That was just as good as Mitt Romney, as the 2012 Republican nominee, did with Hispanics—and it was enough to help Trump squeak an Electoral College victory........."

".........Now, here’s the brutal truth for Democrats: If Hispanic Americans are in fact showing surging approval of Trump, he could be on his way to matching or exceeding the 40 percent won by George W. Bush in his 2004. If Trump does 12 percentage points better than his 2016 numbers with the growing Hispanic vote, it pretty much takes Florida, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina off the table for Democrats, who would need to sweep Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to reach the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the White House. At the same time, that 12-point shift would give Trump a clear shot at winning Colorado and Nevada, states where Hispanic voters make up well over 10 percent of the electorate and where Clinton won by 5 percentage points or less in 2016
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom
They do not back Donald nobly the Cubans who seem to press GOP buttons because Florida is a swing statw

Cubans are welfare queens. Mexicans work their arses off.
Hispanics want Jobs...good paying jobs....Latino Americans are as patriotic and pro American as any of us...they want a booming economy and they could see that the Obama style of leading from behind was a mistake that we are paying for now....
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom
You couldn't even spell "Latina" until you looked it up.
ME: Today I self-identify as a Latina. I am a Latina for Trump. Watch out, there are more than you think.

Why Latinos back Donald Trump
Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

Most certainly those from Cuba will fiercely support Trump or any other candidate who support capitalism and dislikes communism. In all I have read of those who suffered until Communism, good luck trying to get them to revert back to any semblance of that system when they are free and able engage in the Pursuit of Happiness. They'd rather fail on their own merits and live in the gutter than get some free crumbs, a little roof over their head but be controlled.

Then you have Central and South Americans who despise socialism and believe in God. All of these signs point to a GOP candidate being popular, even in the face of the same chants meant to divide and have people focused less on issues that impact them and more on emotion. Trump has called it out and reached out directly to minority communities. Bad news for his opponents who rely on NY, Cali and Washington.
There are many Hispanics who don't like the caravans massing at the border demanding entry and services. They are the ones who followed the process that often took years but they did it by the rules. These "asylum seekers" play a game of gaining entry and not showing up for their court date. Voila! They're in, screw the process. Nearly 90% of them are no-shows in court.
Once again, my great OP stands un-refuted:

Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Why Latinos back Donald Trump

Hispanic Americans will overtake African Americans as the second largest demographic group in the 2020 presidential election. That is bad news for Democrats, who are convinced that they are entitled to these millions of minority voters. Democrats just cannot understand why so many Latinos, especially in important battleground states such as Florida, continue to line up firmly behind President Trump. The thought simply terrifies them.......

.........Unlike Democrats, Republicans offer Hispanic voters in Florida and around the country real value. Trump has delivered on the issues that Latinos, like most Americans, actually care about. These are better job choices, more money in their pockets, and confidence in our national strength both at home and abroad. Latinos do not care whether Trump has met with liberal activists who want affirmation of their “experience” as a minority group in this country. They do care about what he has done to improve their lives.
Trump has been an ally of Hispanics beyond our borders as well. Whereas President Obama willing to reward and normalize relations with the Cuban communist government and turn a blind eye to the brutal pillaging of the Venezuelan people by Nicolas Maduro, Trump has taken a forceful stand against both of those repressive regimes, denying their illegitimate rulers critical access to the world markets and pledging American support for their citizens who are bravely struggling to take back their own freedom

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