Why isn’t Trump considering a white male for SCJ?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Is this another concession made to the Left as they force decisions by way of PC?
Is Trump doing anything different than One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Joe did with his black woman VP pick?
Why are only Amy Barrett and Barbara Lagoa being considered?
I feel sorry for Barrett right now as she is just too white to be chosen...Lagoa is an anchor baby with Cuban roots...a safer bet for the nutless coward Republicans.
Is this another concession made to the Left as they force decisions by way of PC?
Is Trump doing anything different than One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Joe did with his black woman VP pick?
Why are only Amy Barrett and Barbara Lagoa being considered?
I feel sorry for Barrett right now as she is just too white to be chosen...Lagoa is an anchor baby with Cuban roots...a safer bet for the nutless coward Republicans.
White supremacist s are being abandoned by Donald Trump.
I actually support what Trump is doing because it shows that the white supremacist message that the white race is inferior is not resonating even with Donald trump.
Is this another concession made to the Left as they force decisions by way of PC?
Is Trump doing anything different than One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Joe did with his black woman VP pick?
Why are only Amy Barrett and Barbara Lagoa being considered?
I feel sorry for Barrett right now as she is just too white to be chosen...Lagoa is an anchor baby with Cuban roots...a safer bet for the nutless coward Republicans.
Need a balance of men and women on SCOTUS because our society is made up of men and women.
He is considering a MILF to give all us hetro males something to flap to.
Uniformity of ideas and goals among it's population makes a nation strong.
When people work together toward a common goal.
As a society, we are goign the opposite direction in order to appease a few who are unhappy no matter how good they have it.
I think the nation will benefit by having a strong Conservative woman on the bench to serve as a counter to the leftarded women already there.
Trump is smart, if he picks a man no matter who the democrats will have a few women lie that he sexually abused them in the 1971 or some other stupid lying crap.

Picking a woman minimizes the attacks on his nominee....
I love the idea of a conservative female justice. It's time we had a female conservative voice on the SCOTUS because what a shining example of conservatism that would be to women currently registered as Dem or independent let alone Republican.
Uniformity of ideas and goals among it's population makes a nation strong.
When people work together toward a common goal.
As a society, we are goign the opposite direction in order to appease a few who are unhappy no matter how good they have it.

I guess I thought ‘conservatives’ were against that identity politics bullshit....what happened to “choose the person most qualified for the job”?
Sorry, this is obviously just another cave to Leftist demands...it can’t be spun into anything else.
Need a balance of men and women on SCOTUS because our society is made up of men and women.

You sound 100% Lib
No, just not a White Supremacist like you.

Haha...make that 110% Lib
We'll ask your hero.

Trump is smart, if he picks a man no matter who the democrats will have a few women lie that he sexually abused them in the 1971 or some other stupid lying crap.

Picking a woman minimizes the attacks on his nominee....
“Picking a woman minimizes the attacks on his nominee.”
I agree, so let’s just admit it...it’s another concession to Leftist demand. The Left owns the Right....has for decades.

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