A Progressive Democrat is frontrunner in open Pennsylvania Senate race, gets accused of "white male privilege" because he appeals to Trump voters


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

from the article, this is ridiculous:

But for many party leaders, this isn’t a question of “the intractable outsider” vs. “the establishment.” Fetterman’s candidacy hits at the heart of the debate roiling the Democratic Party today: Should the party try to win back working-class white voters who stray further from them every year or double down on the suburban and Black electorate that has powered their recent wins? Fetterman’s white guy working-class appeal, they say, is outdated for a party that should be committed to addressing structural racism.

Ryan Boyer, the African American president of Philadelphia’s powerful building trades council, took to Facebook earlier this year to make the case for a Black nominee: “What has John [Fetterman] done to warrant a U.S. Senate seat? If black [women] are the base of the Democratic Party … shouldn’t the state party recruit an African American candidate[?]”

One African American state House member says Fetterman’s “authentic” brand smacks of white male privilege. “I know it would be an impossible race [for a Black candidate] to be able to run for anything across the state being dressed down every day,” says the lawmaker. “It’s just not fair. It’s such a double standard.”

Fetterman’s team, meanwhile, maintains that his lack of pretense is exactly why rank-and-file Democrats like him—in Trump country, sure, but among other demographics too. It’s why he was reelected mayor of majority-Black Braddock by huge margins each time.
Good, let the DemonRats destroy themselves for that race and a Republican will hold the seat.
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The opposite will happen in other races, where Trump will actively campaign against GOP incumbent Senators. bye bye, Lisa!

from the article, this is ridiculous:

But for many party leaders, this isn’t a question of “the intractable outsider” vs. “the establishment.” Fetterman’s candidacy hits at the heart of the debate roiling the Democratic Party today: Should the party try to win back working-class white voters who stray further from them every year or double down on the suburban and Black electorate that has powered their recent wins? Fetterman’s white guy working-class appeal, they say, is outdated for a party that should be committed to addressing structural racism.

Ryan Boyer, the African American president of Philadelphia’s powerful building trades council, took to Facebook earlier this year to make the case for a Black nominee: “What has John [Fetterman] done to warrant a U.S. Senate seat? If black [women] are the base of the Democratic Party … shouldn’t the state party recruit an African American candidate[?]”

One African American state House member says Fetterman’s “authentic” brand smacks of white male privilege. “I know it would be an impossible race [for a Black candidate] to be able to run for anything across the state being dressed down every day,” says the lawmaker. “It’s just not fair. It’s such a double standard.”

Fetterman’s team, meanwhile, maintains that his lack of pretense is exactly why rank-and-file Democrats like him—in Trump country, sure, but among other demographics too. It’s why he was reelected mayor of majority-Black Braddock by huge margins each time.

Long long long ago-----when I was barely an adolescent (yeah that long ago), my older brother
wrote a "letter to the editor" in support of
"affirmative action" He was also an adolescent----
His gist was that {even though it might "SEEM"
discriminatory-----it MUST be supported to help
even things out} ---(early 60s) The letter was clear
to my 11 year old mind------but SOMEHOW it had
lots of people WRECKED. It was simple english.
English comprehension has not improved in all
this time. Yeah? In my OLD MIND----the fact that
there are people STILL CHOOSING candidates
BECAUSE they are ("persons of color") reflects a huge
failure of the civil rights movement of the 1960s

from the article, this is ridiculous:

But for many party leaders, this isn’t a question of “the intractable outsider” vs. “the establishment.” Fetterman’s candidacy hits at the heart of the debate roiling the Democratic Party today: Should the party try to win back working-class white voters who stray further from them every year or double down on the suburban and Black electorate that has powered their recent wins? Fetterman’s white guy working-class appeal, they say, is outdated for a party that should be committed to addressing structural racism.

Ryan Boyer, the African American president of Philadelphia’s powerful building trades council, took to Facebook earlier this year to make the case for a Black nominee: “What has John [Fetterman] done to warrant a U.S. Senate seat? If black [women] are the base of the Democratic Party … shouldn’t the state party recruit an African American candidate[?]”

One African American state House member says Fetterman’s “authentic” brand smacks of white male privilege. “I know it would be an impossible race [for a Black candidate] to be able to run for anything across the state being dressed down every day,” says the lawmaker. “It’s just not fair. It’s such a double standard.”

Fetterman’s team, meanwhile, maintains that his lack of pretense is exactly why rank-and-file Democrats like him—in Trump country, sure, but among other demographics too. It’s why he was reelected mayor of majority-Black Braddock by huge margins each time.

The dem needs to talk down to black voter same way Biden did
All white progressives that hold or try to hold any position of power or privilege are hypocrites. There should be no white progressive CEO, Chair of a Humanities Dept at a University, and the same for Congress/Senate.

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