Why is wikileaks trying to throw the election

The US intelligence community says you're wrong. Trump paid no federal income tax, and he screwed investors and he was BORN into the monied elite.
link to that word salad blanket assertion mkaythanks
Try not getting your news through Tump and it's all clear.
Sooo you have nothing. Understood.
I'm not googling for you. If you're unable to follow news, that's not my fault.

But Hillary is corrupt. No argument from me there.
Sooo you've been here how long and are now just learning that sourcing is not optional? bendog :eusa_eh: I need a source saying that Trump payed zero taxes on all of his holdings
Ah stuff it dot com. We both know Trump inferred he didn't pay. Stop trying to be cute.
link to that word salad blanket assertion mkaythanks
Try not getting your news through Tump and it's all clear.
Sooo you have nothing. Understood.
I'm not googling for you. If you're unable to follow news, that's not my fault.

But Hillary is corrupt. No argument from me there.
Sooo you've been here how long and are now just learning that sourcing is not optional? bendog :eusa_eh: I need a source saying that Trump payed zero taxes on all of his holdings
Ah stuff it dot com. We both know Trump inferred he didn't pay. Stop trying to be cute.
oh really? I'm embarrassed for you kid bendog :
So he didn't pay these? You SURE about that?:
property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes.

You shouldn't shoot off at the mouth w/o researching first :thup:
They've "released" all kind of stuff about the Clintons (so far all nonsense if true) but absolutely nothing about the Trump's.


The MSM is in clintons pocket so I guess wikileaks wishes to balance out the election process. Also I think Assange hates the Wall Street elite and, as clinton has sold her soul to them, I surmise he is trying to screw them up as best he can.
You realize the NYTs is the one that exposed her private server use, correct? Not to mention the constant msm coverage of bbbbb bbbbb Benghazi and the Burn and her Wall Street connections. You are willfully blind.

Actually it was CREW that broke the story way back in 2013. It took the NYT's until 2015 to actually report on it. Best get your facts straight.
They've "released" all kind of stuff about the Clintons (so far all nonsense if true) but absolutely nothing about the Trump's.


The MSM is in clintons pocket so I guess wikileaks wishes to balance out the election process. Also I think Assange hates the Wall Street elite and, as clinton has sold her soul to them, I surmise he is trying to screw them up as best he can.
You realize the NYTs is the one that exposed her private server use, correct? Not to mention the constant msm coverage of bbbbb bbbbb Benghazi and the Burn and her Wall Street connections. You are willfully blind.

Actually it was CREW that broke the story way back in 2013. It took the NYT's until 2015 to actually report on it. Best get your facts straight.
No, you.
Assange and Putin are trying to rig the American election.
It's about time! Democreeps have been rigging elections since the Democrap Party was formed.

But at least it was Americans rigging an American election.

Republicans are rooting for foreigners hostile to the United States to rig American elections.

Traitors, I say.
Negative, Toto. Foreigners who are hostile to Hiliarity who is hostile to the United States. Sooner or later all you sheeple are going to have to face reality and get off her tit.
Donald J. Trump said on Wednesday that he hoped Russian intelligence services had successfully hacked Hillary Clinton’s email, and encouraged them to publish whatever they may have stolen, essentially urging a foreign adversary to conduct cyberespionage against a former secretary of state.

Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference here in an apparent reference to Mrs. Clinton’s deleted emails. “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily.. by our press.”

Mr. Trump’s call was another bizarre moment in the mystery of whether Vladimir V. Putin’s government has been seeking to influence the United States’ presidential race.

His comments came amid questions about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee’s computer servers, which American intelligence agencies have told the White House they have “high confidence” was the work of the Russian government.

You read too much into the tongue-in-cheek remark that Trump made. I applaud him for those remarks. You can go ahead and call me a traitor if you want. Just one more lie on your side.
wikileak lovers are weaksauce sheep for anti American propaganda...
You had better inform the CIA about Hossfly. I had to sign a statement I am bound by until I die. Better tell them Hossfly is anti-American, Dummkopf. They'll probably give you a $25 ITunes gift card.
Illegally gotten goods is all the "Law and Order" candidate has.

Sounds Nixonion.
They've "released" all kind of stuff about the Clintons (so far all nonsense if true) but absolutely nothing about the Trump's.


Julian Assange has a deep and unreasoning hatred of the Clintons. That he has sunk to altering emails, and other forms of lying and manipulation of the emails, shows how much he has been co-opted by Russian interests.
Try not getting your news through Tump and it's all clear.
Sooo you have nothing. Understood.
I'm not googling for you. If you're unable to follow news, that's not my fault.

But Hillary is corrupt. No argument from me there.
Sooo you've been here how long and are now just learning that sourcing is not optional? bendog :eusa_eh: I need a source saying that Trump payed zero taxes on all of his holdings
Ah stuff it dot com. We both know Trump inferred he didn't pay. Stop trying to be cute.
oh really? I'm embarrassed for you kid bendog :
So he didn't pay these? You SURE about that?:
property taxes, sales and excise taxes, real estate taxes, city taxes, state taxes, employee taxes and federal taxes.

You shouldn't shoot off at the mouth w/o researching first :thup:

Trump didn't pay personal income tax making him one of the 47% who take, take, take but don't contribute to the military, to education, to Medicare, or to government infrastructure or the court system he uses so freely, to fleece others.
Julian Assange has a deep and unreasoning hatred of the Clintons.

Hillary has tried to kill him twice. He has good reason to hate her and the criminal syndicate she runs.

That he has sunk to altering emails, and other forms of lying and manipulation of the emails, shows how much he has been co-opted by Russian interests.

That you morons are so desperate as to try and convince anyone that Hillary Rodham Soprano's email WAZ CHANGED, is too funny.

You retards are something else.
They've "released" all kind of stuff about the Clintons (so far all nonsense if true) but absolutely nothing about the Trump's.

They are exposing corruption and lies. Assange says he has stuff on Trump but none of its any worse than what Trump already says! AKA Trump is truthful Clinton is a fucking lying scumbag....but we already knew that so.
They've "released" all kind of stuff about the Clintons (so far all nonsense if true) but absolutely nothing about the Trump's.


They did not find anything on Trump most likely.
Besides the dishonest mainstream media has pushed made up nonsense on Trump and is in bed for Hillary and all of the Dems.
Left leaning media leaves out important informationtion that they don't want you the people to know about.
Heck even some on the right wing media does the same thing, though not as often.

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