Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Why the "thumbs down" NewsVine_Mariyam
It didn't happen? These white missionaries weren't murdered by blacks?
Because EVERYONE in the country who is not a part of the gang is at risk of harm or murder, not just this white couple nor presumably only because they are white.

This is a terrible thing that happened to them but they were not the only victims, so it's dishonest of you to try to use their murders as proof that white people in general are right to fear Black people.
The FBI crime statistics are a compilation of data submitted by law enforcement agencies throughout the country. For DECADES they have indicated that Blacks, and in particular Black males (about 6% of the population) commit about half of all VIOLENT crimes, most of which are committed against other Black males.

In recent years, urban municipalities whose governments are dominated by Black politicians and Chiefs of Police have declined to submit their statistics, because they don't like the "picture" that they create of Black criminality. Hence the data in recent years have been incomplete, but still show a wildly disproportionate share of violent crimes committed by Blacks.

Nobody denies that there are lots of Black middle-class people living "normal" lives, but they are not reported in the Media, so sometimes tend to fly under the radar, so to speak. But the 70% statistic - you know what I'm talking about - overwhelms everything else.

By the way, I really like that pyramid graphic above. It is all shite, but it is striking and clever. How nice that they put Trump's 2016 campaign slogan as covertly racist.
I have another one around here somewhere on the continuum use of force that I like a lot. Haven't had the opportunity to post it in a while but may have to pull it out soon for the people that think shooting someone in the back while they're attempting to flee and may possibly be a felon but just as likely to be not is a good idea. And lawful too.

And no, I have no idea what 70% you're referring to.
Well you just proved my previous comment. I'm asking you because you are citing FBI arrest "counts" not "statistics" yet you can't explain what these numbers represent and I'm telling you they don't mean what you all keep insisting they mean.

You stated that 12.1 percent of the population is responsible for more than 50% of the violent crime or something like that, I don't have your previous comment up on my screen, but nonetheless you are using these incorrect figures to bash and denigrate Black people.

This is a part of the systemic racism we face, being wrongly tagged as criminals, as a group, based on bogus numbers.

And for the record Black people do NOT commit MORE crime than anyone else. White privilege shields whites from many of the pains and disadvantages that Black people in society have been saddled with including all of the negative stereotypes that we accompany that baggage:
View attachment 952720
LOL lie some more; black men commit far more violent crime than any other group in the US. it isn't even close.
Are you scared or not?
I am not afraid of being called a racist. Nevertheless, the term is not used to advance a serious discussion, but to suppress it. When I am called a racist, I want the term to be defined, so I can tell if it accurately describes me. So, how do you define "racist." Use a dictionary if you need to.
LOL lie some more; black men commit far more violent crime than any other group in the US. it isn't even close.
Of course you would think that the only possible explanation is that I'm lying, but I'm not.

And it doesn't help your case any that none of you can show what those numbers actually represent. All you can do is cut & paste them and then parrot what they say without understanding what you're parroting.
Because EVERYONE in the country who is not a part of the gang is at risk of harm or murder, not just this white couple nor presumably only because they are white.

This is a terrible thing that happened to them but they were not the only victims, so it's dishonest of you to try to use their murders as proof that white people in general are right to fear Black people.
The thread axes, "why do white people fear blacks"

It was an answer you're just not comfortable with.
She isn't intelligent. She is saying things that make you feel good as a white person.

You are right about me feeling good as a white person.

The thread axes, "why do white people fear blacks"

It was an answer you're just not comfortable with.
Did your brain just fart? You misspelled "asks".

So you're telling me that the reason YOU fear Black people is because you're afraid that you'll be randomly murdered by a criminal gang who just successfully pulled off a coup and murdered a bunch of people, including a bunch of other Black people?

You kind of remind me of all of those people who were terrified of being eaten by a shark after seeing Jaws. Most of them lived nowhere near an ocean and not going in the water even if they were near an ocean is something over which they had control.
You don't find it disturbing that all any of you can do is cite numbers but you can't explain anything about them?

What numbers are you using and what do those numbers actually represent because I can guarantee you, Black people, as a group, a race, do not commit more crime than white people.
That's also not how statistics work, Mariyam.

It's the concentration that makes it an issue.

According to Whitehouse(.)gov, 1 out of every 3 Black men have a felony conviction.

Here is another from American Progress...1 out of every 3 Black men will go to prison for a felony.

You have to do some extrapolation from this website... come up with the White folks with felony conviction (likely to avoid this very comparison) of about 1 out of every 20.

That is a HUGE gap.

Boiled down...statistically, if you meet three Black men today, one will be a convicted criminal.

If I meet 3 White guys today, statistically NONE will be a convicted criminal.

If you meet 10 Black men today, 3 would be convicted criminals.

If I meet 10 White men today, still, statistically, none would be convicted criminals.

If you meet 100 Black men today, 33 will be convicted criminals.

If I meet 100 White men, 5 will be convicted criminals.

It's not the totals of crimes committed by race. It's the concentration of crime committed by one race.
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