Why is there a growing movement to deny reality in America?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
It seems like society is going backwards. It seems like each passing year more and more people believe in a fantasy reality. A fantasy reality that believes in outlandish things like "vaccines are the devil" or that "space is fake".

This mindset has even infected physically healthy people.


There was a time when these type of people aspired to be astronauts.

Why does now the red blooded American male prefers to get caught up in dumb conspiracy theories instead of flying airplanes and being excited for the advancement of humanity?
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It seems like society is going backwards. It seems like each passing year more and more people believe in a fantasy reality. A fantasy reality that believes in outlandish things like "vaccines are the devil" or that "space is fake".

This mindset has even infected physically healthy people.


There was a time when these type of people aspired to be astronauts.

Why does now the red blooded American male prefers to get caught up in dumb conspiracy theories instead of flying airplanes and being excited for the advancement of humanity?

Hey Look guys,Jake is not even trying to disguise it anymore on the socks he uses.How many is this latest sock of yours Jake?:auiqs.jpg:
It seems like society is going backwards. It seems like each passing year more and more people believe in a fantasy reality.
I do not have it all figured out to explain it in the detail that you are probably hoping to learn, but it has to do with the lack of a reliable knowledge classification system for organizing reality, and subsequently, fictional fantasy.

The library classification systems are examples of knowledge classification systems, but they are not useful for anything other than organizing bookshelves, otherwise, we would be taught to memorize the listings and use it for various other lists, such as, directories for data files in computer memory storage. Furthermore, we would be using the classification system to assist in our complex arguments like we use dictionary definitions to assist in our simple arguments.

In essence, knowledge classification is the ultimate social contract - we have to agree to what the definition of words are and what their relationship is to each other word.
interrogative list.png

Another problem is that the organization of the government is flawed, and it does not provide the deliberation of issues in such a way that the citizen can trust the dissemination of information.

US4CC.meme.Biden_Dude_JH - GVMNT_is_AFU.png
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