Why is the Left obsessed with forcing the Right to believe the Election wasn’t Stolen?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
I would think the Left wants their opponents to think elections are not fair, that way they will tend not to bother to vote.

And in the interim, you may get stories of angry protesters the press can mock and demonize and marginalize which is a bonus.

It's all a bit of fun really
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
You're not required to agree.

You can believe whatever you're told in your universe.

We do, however, have the right to think you've been conned.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;
Good read, thanks.
This sums up the left and their attempt to indoctrinate the rest of us into believing MSM lies:
Why is the Left obsessed with forcing the Right to believe the Election wasn’t Stolen?-The Hawk

Because we live in a society.
Apparently the left believes everyone should live in their society.
Actually, about 30% of those on the Left thinks it was stolen as well.


But they are all OK with it.
Good read, because it’s very true. It’s so odd that the left are obsessed with having us believe there was no shenanigans on election night or the days after. We already disagree on just about everything, so why do they care so much in what we believe?

  • Counting shutdowns in five states, in which one candidate was ahead, only to lose after the counting resumed;
  • “Found” tranches of ballots going overwhelmingly—sometimes exclusively—to one candidate, the eventual “winner”;
  • Sworn affidavits alleging the backdating of ballots;
  • Historically low rejection rates—as in, orders of magnitude lower—of mail-in ballots, suggesting that many obviously invalid ballots were accepted as genuine;
  • Mail-in and absentee ballots appearing without creases, raising the question of how they got into the envelopes required for their being mailed in;
  • Thousands upon thousands of ballots all marked for one presidential candidate without a single choice marked for any down-ballot candidate.
  • The absolute refusal to conduct signature audits—indeed, the discarding of many envelopes which alone make such audits possible—i.e., of the kind of recounts which are performed not merely to get the math right but to evaluate the validity of ballots;

Only because their guy was installed at a pivotal point in our history!
You can always tell when an election is stolen. When the numbers just don’t add up. How does President Trump get +10% of the black vote over his already good 2016 numbers all over the country, yet somehow Biden gets 120% of the black vote in just a few cities, the cities where the vote was stopped and ballots shipped in with no oversight?


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