Why is it truthers feel the need to lie?

Did you really get to 40,000+ posts by typing shit like this? Dude, way to go! I would have gotten bored long ago. Keep divin' bra!

At least half of his posts are one liners like "proove it...Liar...Moron". With all of the energy invested it is beyond curious that he shows no curiosity whatsoever. It is like HE wrote the 9/11 report and damn anyone to hell that does not buy it in it's entirety. I don't know...maybe he did. THAT would explain his obsession with trying to defend the massive holes in it.

Any word on what took down the lightpoles yet, hussy?

I dare not think about it for fear of offending the victims of 9/11.
At least half of his posts are one liners like "proove it...Liar...Moron". With all of the energy invested it is beyond curious that he shows no curiosity whatsoever. It is like HE wrote the 9/11 report and damn anyone to hell that does not buy it in it's entirety. I don't know...maybe he did. THAT would explain his obsession with trying to defend the massive holes in it.

Any word on what took down the lightpoles yet, hussy?

I dare not think about it for fear of offending the victims of 9/11.

Typical twoofer bullshit. Don't you have a plane to fly skycap? Sorry, I couldn't resist. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shit, it's still funny.


funny, i see you troofers as "the scared little men"

Did you really get to 40,000+ posts by typing shit like this? Dude, way to go! I would have gotten bored long ago. Keep divin' bra!

At least half of his posts are one liners like "proove it...Liar...Moron". With all of the energy invested it is beyond curious that he shows no curiosity whatsoever. It is like HE wrote the 9/11 report and damn anyone to hell that does not buy it in it's entirety. I don't know...maybe he did. THAT would explain his obsession with trying to defend the massive holes in it.

Neg me all you want pussy. That won't change a fucking thing I've said about you in public. WHAT??? You think it is a secret? :lol:...Loser! You are the only one on the board that doesn't think you are a troll? Here is a simple test fuckwit. Count up your replies and if the average post isn't more than ten words....You are a troll.
Did you really get to 40,000+ posts by typing shit like this? Dude, way to go! I would have gotten bored long ago. Keep divin' bra!

At least half of his posts are one liners like "proove it...Liar...Moron". With all of the energy invested it is beyond curious that he shows no curiosity whatsoever. It is like HE wrote the 9/11 report and damn anyone to hell that does not buy it in it's entirety. I don't know...maybe he did. THAT would explain his obsession with trying to defend the massive holes in it.

Neg me all you want pussy. That won't change a fucking thing I've said about you in public. WHAT??? You think it is a secret? :lol:...Loser! You are the only one on the board that doesn't think you are a troll? Here is a simple test fuckwit. Count up your replies and if the average post isn't more than ten words....You are a troll.
whine about a neg rep more
Hi. I am new here. I am on several other sites as Patriot911 and I enjoy spending free time making truthers cry. I do a good enough job that I've been accused of being a government agent, a Mossad agent, and, most recently, Liability from this site.

I am assuming that, like most other sites, sock puppets or multiple accounts is not allowed. Therefore, if I were Liability, the admins of this site should be kicking me off here. They won't. Why? Because once again truthers are lying just because they can't defend their own pitiful claims, so feel they must go after the user.

Personally, I am betting Liability makes truthtards cry on this site like I make them cry on others. In that case, I am sure Liability and I will get along quite well. I'll send him a PM to come visit this thread and show we're not one and the same.

You make no one cry. You are too stupid to be an agent of any kind. On this rare occasion I actually read your post. I doubt very many do read your crap. It is repetitive and juvenile. I read Liability because he is funny. You are not. I respond to CandyCornHole because she is SOOO stupid she actually ends up being funny. You are lame ...this will be my last reply. Treasure it.

actually "He" ends up being funny is what it should say about candytroll. and yeah his posts are so moronic they are funny.:lol: most agents act like that candyfag,fizzbithc,to name a couple,so he fits the profile of one.the fact that he trolls so much at so many message boards like he claims kinda gives him away as well as one.
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What does 70k a year have to do with the fact that a buildilng freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? What does it have to do with you posting No sources, citing no facts, and only posting commentary with no self-respect? You sir are a distraction. www.youtube.com/ae911truth

Face it this Parrot is convinced he has been told all there is to know about 9-11 because the government NEVER lies to him. Forget about mentioning all the inconsistencies that good people have noticed and mentioned about the event. Nope cover ups and conspiracies are never done by the government :lol: Notice how Parrot always comes back with something like " Nist said this or that, and because it's NIST they have to be right" No critical thinking whatsoever and attacks the messenger with BS talking points. It is clear in a society of apathy, whoever controls the expressed world view of the general environment controls the world view of the people in it. The MSM accomplishes this task quite nicely for them. For people like him, they could be confronted with the most irrefutable of facts, or inconsistencies, and extreme peculiar circumstances with outrageous odds of happening, but if these lay too far outside their established opinion, their minds freeze up.
When the presentation of solid information without malicious intent causes a person to actually feel physically threatened to the point of unchecked rage or clownish indignance, something in their psyche is highly imbalanced. The truth exists for everyone, but the only way for everyone to attain it, is to find it for themselves. Sheep leading sheep is not the way to enlightenment, but disaster. I'm not interested in changing people or forcing anyone to change their minds but I do know that part of changing the way we have been conditioned to think is being brave enough to admit that perhaps you have been fooled/duped your entire life.

you hit the nail right on the head.:clap2::clap2::clap2: The newest agent to penetrate this site.He exposed that by confessing he goes around trolling at all these different message boards everywhere posting his lies and propaganda.seeing how he is like that other troll agent candytroll,who does the same thing and also blatantly ignores evidence,facts and witness testimony,and the laws of physics just like him,gives it away that he is the newest agent troll to penetrate this site.
BTW, I've joined this forum in response to being accused by Patriot911, on another forum, of having posted here (which I never have). I think what you'll find with him, and candycorn (another mindless troll who lurks politicalforum.com), is that they will do whatever is necessary to avoid arguing points and instead will simply waste your time. So to other intelligent lifeforms on this forum, you have a couple options: a) ignore them both and wait for actual intellect to arrive, b) continue arguing your case in a concise and respectable manner, or c) devolve into their ad hominem game plan.


thats what i was saying earlier.Yeah this new troll reminds me so much of candytroll.candytroll AKA obamamerican,goes around to all these different message boards everywhere posting hours on end all day long lies,misinformation and propganda on 9/11.this new troll just confessed he does the same thing.to have so much time like that all day long like they do to go to all these different message boards everywhere,kinda gives it away that they are agents.no way in hell could someone with so much time on their hands like these two have be able to do that for free.they also would not keep doing it everyday hours on end to get thier constand ass beatings they get everywhere they go for free.they would only keep coming back fro their ass beating they get here and all these other message boards they go if they were getting well paid for it.:lol:
You have to realize you're dealing with an incredibly unstable and irrational individual. He accused me on another forum of having posted a bunch of material on here, and tried to disprove arguments I never even made. Prior to that, he accused me of promoting violence against the government. He's a scared little man, and this is his outlet, so let's be gentle with him.
funny, i see you troofers as "the scared little men"

You disregard the whole post and only commentate on points you feel like bringing up at the time. What the fuck is your deal?

How about responding to:

He accused me on another forum of having posted a bunch of material on here

and tried to disprove arguments I never even made.

Prior to that, he accused me of promoting violence against the government.

Why dont you respond to those claims, DiveCon? You are a pussy, and a naive one at that.

your wasting your time talking to ditzcon or candytroll.those two morons are just attention seekers seeking attention from people,the worst thing you can do is feed these two trolls by replying to them.do the smart thing,put these two trolls on ignore,dont feed the trolls.
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Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value? What a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

Hey, 911 inside job! I heard there was a plane that flew over your house with chemtrails behind it! See how long you can hold your breath! :lol:
Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value? What a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

Hey, 911 inside job! I heard there was a plane that flew over your house with chemtrails behind it! See how long you can hold your breath! :lol:

What are you talking about? You should be in a Special Education Program, preferably in an Elementary School so you can start at the basics.

How does a building freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? It doesnt.

How does a fire collapse a steel highrise structure into its own footprint at freefall speeds? It doesnt.

How do 2 100 stories buildings explode on video? How is there nanothermite residue? How are there nanothermite chips? How come the investigators violated all investigation protocols?

Stop playing games, stop commentating, and have some self respect. You are the epitome of an ignorant and naive human being.
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Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value? What a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

Hey, 911 inside job! I heard there was a plane that flew over your house with chemtrails behind it! See how long you can hold your breath! :lol:

What are you talking about? You should be in a Special Education Program, preferably in an Elementary School so you can start at the basics.

How does a building freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? It doesnt.

How does a fire collapse a steel highrise structure into its own footprint at freefall speeds? It doesnt.

How do 2 100 stories buildings explode on video? How is there nanothermite residue? How are there nanothermite chips? How come the investigators violated all investigation protocols?

Stop playing games, stop commentating, and have some self respect. You are the epitome of an ignorant and naive human being.

Ahh fuck you.

Still pretending not to be CreativeDreams I see.
What are you talking about? You should be in a Special Education Program, preferably in an Elementary School so you can start at the basics.
If you would only take your own advice and start at the basics. What is one of the first rules of science? Don't start at the solution and work your way backwards. That is what you are doing. You want a controlled demolition no matter what, so you accept the facts that fit and discard the rest.

PhysicsExist said:
How does a building freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? It doesnt.
OK, then somehow the support structures were removed or greatly diminished. Is the ONLY way for this to happen through explosives? No.

PhysicsExist said:
How does a fire collapse a steel highrise structure into its own footprint at freefall speeds? It doesnt.
See, there you go with your preconceived notions again. WHY can't fire destory the structures that hold up a building? Steel loses half it's strength at a little over 1000F. It rapidly loses the rest as temperatures rise past that. This is a known fact. It is also a known fact that temperatures in office fires exceed 1000F. That is why they put in fire retardant; to give people a chance to escape and firefighters a chance to fight the fire. This too is a known fact. If there were no chance for the building to collapse from fire, why bother with fire retardant?

PhysicsExist said:
How do 2 100 stories buildings explode on video?
They don't explode. That is a lie. People can't survive where you claim the explosives were planted, yet they lived and didn't hear explosives going off. You can't claim explosives AND that people survived where the explosives were going off AND didn't hear them.

PhysicsExist said:
How is there nanothermite residue? How are there nanothermite chips? How come the investigators violated all investigation protocols?
You need to re-read the report. The report doesn't say it is nano-thermite or nano-thermate, just that it is an "active thermitic material". A thermitic material is one that gives off heat through a chemical reaction.

Never mind the fact the dust did not follow a chain of custody as any material used in an investigation should.

Never mind that Jones et. al. didn't follow scientfic protocols.

Why is it they had to publish their paper in a magazine that will print anyone's paper for a price, vs. one that will publish a paper only after peer review? It is because Jones' "research" wouldn't pass peer review and he knows it or he would have truly submitted it for peer review.

PhysicsExist said:
Stop playing games, stop commentating, and have some self respect. You are the epitome of an ignorant and naive human being.
We know you are. Take your own advice. Seriously.
Anyone else notice 911 inside job does a whole lot of posting, yet never posts anything of value? What a waste of perfectly good oxygen.

Hey, 911 inside job! I heard there was a plane that flew over your house with chemtrails behind it! See how long you can hold your breath! :lol:

What are you talking about? You should be in a Special Education Program, preferably in an Elementary School so you can start at the basics.

How does a building freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance? It doesnt.

How does a fire collapse a steel highrise structure into its own footprint at freefall speeds? It doesnt.

How do 2 100 stories buildings explode on video? How is there nanothermite residue? How are there nanothermite chips? How come the investigators violated all investigation protocols?

Stop playing games, stop commentating, and have some self respect. You are the epitome of an ignorant and naive human being.

Hey Chris, I really like this new persona of yours.

You have a good variety of theories running at once, and have stopped using the tactic of posting the same pictures over and over.

It's a refreshing change from the concrete persona. Keep up the good work.:thup:

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