Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

It's only ok to Socialist/Progressive wankers. They have a weird obsession with hating Christians. The average Socialist/Progressive wanker on this Board would have no problem defacating on a Bible. But they wouldn't dare desecrate a Quran. And that's because they're very dishonest pussies. American Christians better start standing up to these wankers. They do have a disturbing Anti-Christian agenda. This current President's recent attack on the Church should make that agenda pretty clear to Americans. It's fight or flight time for American Christians.
It's only ok to Socialist/Progressive wankers. They have a weird obsession with hating Christians. The average Socialist/Progressive wanker on this Board would have no problem defacating on a Bible. But they wouldn't dare desecrate a Quran. And that's because they're very dishonest pussies. American Christians better start standing up to these wankers. They do have a disturbing Anti-Christian agenda. This current President's recent attack on the Church should make that agenda pretty clear to Americans. It's fight or flight time for American Christians.

No it's not and it is dishonest for you to say so.

But that is par for your partisan course.
It's only ok to Socialist/Progressive wankers. They have a weird obsession with hating Christians. The average Socialist/Progressive wanker on this Board would have no problem defacating on a Bible. But they wouldn't dare desecrate a Quran. And that's because they're very dishonest pussies. American Christians better start standing up to these wankers. They do have a disturbing Anti-Christian agenda. This current President's recent attack on the Church should make that agenda pretty clear to Americans. It's fight or flight time for American Christians.

No it's not and it is dishonest for you to say so.

But that is par for your partisan course.

The 'War on Christians' was declared a long time ago by Socialist/Progressive wankers. You don't want to see that, than so be it i guess. But it is reality.
Thus Joshua struck all the land, the hill country and the Negev and the lowland and the slopes and all their kings. He left no survivor, but he utterly destroyed all who breathed, just as the LORD, the God of Israel, had commanded. (Joshua 10:40)

Hey....here's a suggestion!
If you're talking to Christians about the Bible, stop talking about all the old stuff and go to the New Testament please. Christians refer to the old testament for more of a "history" lesson. Please refer to the New Testament when you're talking about issues of TODAY, because the old laws were fulfilled when Jesus was born, and Christians do not follow the old laws, they weren't needed any more once Jesus came.

Thanks.....Now carry on. :)

Yeah, stop using an outdated book that's 5,000 years old when the new updated version is only 2,000 years old.

Yup...that's right! :)
The fact is, there are alot of wars and killing that does go on in the OT. WHERE in the NT do you find anything that would tell us to kill someone in the name of ANYONE? But people keep pointing to parts of the OT to prove that Christians are being told to kill for "their" God....get it through your heads and listen for ONCE please!
It's only ok to Socialist/Progressive wankers. They have a weird obsession with hating Christians. The average Socialist/Progressive wanker on this Board would have no problem defacating on a Bible. But they wouldn't dare desecrate a Quran. And that's because they're very dishonest pussies. American Christians better start standing up to these wankers. They do have a disturbing Anti-Christian agenda. This current President's recent attack on the Church should make that agenda pretty clear to Americans. It's fight or flight time for American Christians.

No it's not and it is dishonest for you to say so.

But that is par for your partisan course.

The 'War on Christians' was declared a long time ago by Socialist/Progressive wankers. You don't want to see that, than so be it i guess. But it is reality.

The war on Christians is a joke in this country. As opposed to the War on Christians in Saudi Arabia. That is reality.

Striving to wrestle individual liberties from the clutched of the religionist and anti-liberty folks (like you), yeah I support that.
GWB could not do a dam thing without the approval of congress.
So offer your sarcastic thanks to who deserves it....THEY are the ones who are supposed to keep the executive office in check.
Fine job they did.
They were lied to as were the American people. But yes, Congress shares the blame. The fact remains however, the war against al Qaeda should come before The Hunt For the Man Who Threatened Poppy. AND, Obama's claim he would end the war in Iraq in SIX MONTHS, I hold against him. Of course Rumsfield said it COULDN'T LAST SIX months, but he was just optimistic I guess.

No ma'am. They were not lied to. That was political rhetoric that the likes of Hillary used when she camapigned against the war after voting in favor of it.

The intel was not just US intel. It was intel from many other countries as well claiming that there were WMD's. Bush and Cheney could not fudge the intel from other countries.

Besides, if Bush and Cheney had actually lied, you dont think the democratic party would have had hearings and likely impeachment proceedings? I mean, the president lying to congress and it costing over 4000 American lives?

No. They were not lied to. The intel was not accurate...but all indications were that it was.

I dont hold Obama to blame for it taking more than 6 months to get out. It may seem as easy as that....but it is much more difficult. You cant just get up, turn out the lights, shut the door and leave.
I blame him for SAYING he would when it was clear we will be there for DECADES, in various ways. Iraq has no history of anything BUT dictators & military rule. There is no way to say "LIBERTY IS HERE!" and expect a democratic republic to appear out of nowhere.
We didn't finish the war against radical Islam before turning resources to Iraq; there is no LICENSE to kill, but many remaining religious extremists. Thank GWB for that mistake.

GWB could not do a dam thing without the approval of congress.
So offer your sarcastic thanks to who deserves it....THEY are the ones who are supposed to keep the executive office in check.
Fine job they did.
They were lied to as were the American people. But yes, Congress shares the blame. The fact remains however, the war against al Qaeda should come before The Hunt For the Man Who Threatened Poppy. AND, Obama's claim he would end the war in Iraq in SIX MONTHS, I hold against him. Of course Rumsfield said it COULDN'T LAST SIX months, but he was just optimistic I guess.

Bill Clinton lied to us? Do you have proof?

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