Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?

Why is it ok to burn the Bible but not the quran?
It's not O.K. to burn any book.

You folks need to start breaking your bad-habits, instead.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFE-8_xsHog&feature=related]"He's Alive. " Twilight Zone (1963). - YouTube[/ame]
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Socialist/Progressive wankers love attacking and insulting Christians. It's an old glorious past-time for them. They would gladly burn a Bible or even defacate on one. But in the end, they're really just big pussies. Lets see them desecrate some Qurans. But guess what? That aint gonna happen. They're far too cowardly to do that. They know the Muslim response would be swift and brutal. American Christians have just become way too soft. They've allowed the Socialists/Progressives to abuse them for many years. And as a result, Socialists/Progressives now feel very comfortable attacking Christians with no thoughts of consequence.

If American Christians want to survive, they better toughen up and start standing up for themselves. Because the Socialists/Progressives do have an aggressive Anti-Christian agenda. It really is a matter of survival for Christians now. How long before they're labelled 'Terrorists' by the Left? And don't laugh either, some Leftist kooks are already labelling them that. I guess we'll have to wait and see if Christians stand up, or just fade away. Only time will tell.

Sure I just love to burn and defacate on Bibles - I live for it!

You are a certifiable whack job!

Yeah, but you certainly wouldn't have a problem with someone else doing it. So you don't fool anyone. You're just too much of a pussy to desecrate a Bible or Quran yourself. You're definitely one of the more cowardly Socialist/Progressive-types. You're one of those pussies who would stand on the sidelines giggling like a little schoolgirl watching one of your idiot buddies desecrating a Bible. So piss off you little Dummy. :)
Dagnamit! I just read a sentence written by Mr. Shaman that I actually agree with!

It's not O.K. to burn any book.

Why do I feel so cotton-picking dirty!?

Socialist/Progressive wankers love attacking and insulting Christians. It's an old glorious past-time for them. They would gladly burn a Bible or even defacate on one. But in the end, they're really just big pussies. Lets see them desecrate some Qurans. But guess what? That aint gonna happen. They're far too cowardly to do that. They know the Muslim response would be swift and brutal. American Christians have just become way too soft. They've allowed the Socialists/Progressives to abuse them for many years. And as a result, Socialists/Progressives now feel very comfortable attacking Christians with no thoughts of consequence.

If American Christians want to survive, they better toughen up and start standing up for themselves. Because the Socialists/Progressives do have an aggressive Anti-Christian agenda. It really is a matter of survival for Christians now. How long before they're labelled 'Terrorists' by the Left? And don't laugh either, some Leftist kooks are already labelling them that. I guess we'll have to wait and see if Christians stand up, or just fade away. Only time will tell.

Sure I just love to burn and defacate on Bibles - I live for it!

You are a certifiable whack job!

Yeah, but you certainly wouldn't have a problem with someone else doing it. So you don't fool anyone. You're just too much of a pussy to desecrate a Bible or Quran yourself. You're definitely one of the more cowardly Socialist/Progressive-types. You're one of those pussies who would stand on the sidelines giggling like a little schoolgirl watching one of your idiot buddies desecrating a Bible. So piss off you little Dummy. :)

That's funny, but I have several Bibles in my own home...and the idea of burning them or defacating on them never crossed my mind. You seem to be the one obssessed with that idea.

And no, I don't really approve of anyone that would burn or defacate on a Bible. I see it as a nasty, disrespectful act and totally uncalled for.

I hate to destroy your paranoid delusions, but most socialist/progressive type have a live and let live attitude towards religious people, not to mention that there are quite a large number of socialist/progressive types that are religious people.

Your paranoia is certainly reminescnt of someone that use amphetimines. If so, please stop using them - for your own sake, And if you not on Amphetimunes - please seek professional help.

Socialist & Progressives are not out to persecute Christians. Sorry to bust your delusional bubble.
In this case, the burning was accidental - it was not done as an intentional act of disrespect. I could see them getting upset if it was intentional, but it wasn't - they have no justification whatsoever.

yeah, because if i'm an afghan, i'm believing everything the occupiers are telling me. :thup:


If the U.S. has the power to occupy your country, then the U.S. has the power to burn as many Korans as they want and there's nothing you could do about it. We don't have to make up lies to appease you. If our intentions were malevolent we could incinerate your country from one end to the other - we do have that power.

Next time think twice before you allow an organization of mass murders to use your country as their base - and then to protect those same mass murders from justice.

apparently, you're as stupid as your avatar looks.

yeah, because if i'm an afghan, i'm believing everything the occupiers are telling me. :thup:


If the U.S. has the power to occupy your country, then the U.S. has the power to burn as many Korans as they want and there's nothing you could do about it. We don't have to make up lies to appease you. If our intentions were malevolent we could incinerate your country from one end to the other - we do have that power.

Next time think twice before you allow an organization of mass murders to use your country as their base - and then to protect those same mass murders from justice.

apparently, you're as stupid as your avatar looks.


Good come back - NOT!

So you think that we should appease the people who harbored Al Queda and who are now murdering people becuase a book got burned?

Holy Geez - and you call me stupid!
If the U.S. has the power to occupy your country, then the U.S. has the power to burn as many Korans as they want and there's nothing you could do about it. We don't have to make up lies to appease you. If our intentions were malevolent we could incinerate your country from one end to the other - we do have that power.

Next time think twice before you allow an organization of mass murders to use your country as their base - and then to protect those same mass murders from justice.

apparently, you're as stupid as your avatar looks.


Good come back - NOT!

So you think that we should appease the people who harbored Al Queda and who are now murdering people becuase a book got burned?

Holy Geez - and you call me stupid!

i think your inability to see it from their pov indicates a lack of native intellect, and your chest thumping just highlights it.

yes, you're stupid.
apparently, you're as stupid as your avatar looks.


Good come back - NOT!

So you think that we should appease the people who harbored Al Queda and who are now murdering people becuase a book got burned?

Holy Geez - and you call me stupid!

i think your inability to see it from their pov indicates a lack of native intellect, and your chest thumping just highlights it.

yes, you're stupid.

So you think that being upset with people who harbour mass murderers and who murder people for burning books is 'chest thumping'?

Got news for you - I do see their point of view - which is exactly why I have no tolerance for them. There is no justification for their actions.

Oh and BTW - only an idiot would call me stupid. Somehow as an electrical and computer engineer, most people seem to think that I'm extrodinarily smart. But I suppose you know more than all those I.Q. tests.

You seem to use that word alot...'stupid'...perhaps it's a word that you've heard quite a lot in your life.
Anyone have a clue?

Well ONE difference is where is the burning taking place. Obviously this is in reference to what our soldiers did in Afghanistan and that is wrong, regardless of what someone in this country might do.

If some guy say in Texas wants to burn a pile of Korans, or Bibles, tough shit to those who would complain. Freedom rules baby.

But if one wishes to express their 1st Amendment rights in Florida, and burn a couple of books they find objectionable, they'd better not. Then the piggies all start squealing.

Florida Minister Cancels Quran Burning Protest | News | English
yeah, because if i'm an afghan, i'm believing everything the occupiers are telling me. :thup:


If the U.S. has the power to occupy your country, then the U.S. has the power to burn as many Korans as they want and there's nothing you could do about it. We don't have to make up lies to appease you. If our intentions were malevolent we could incinerate your country from one end to the other - we do have that power.

Next time think twice before you allow an organization of mass murders to use your country as their base - and then to protect those same mass murders from justice.

apparently, you're as stupid as your avatar looks.


His avatar always makes me think of Adam Sandler and the wedding singer.
It's more a question of why do people do things to deliberately piss off religious fanatics. Christians will kill in the name of God also, it just takes different circumstances.

It would be better if we knelt quietly while they lopped off our infidel heads, then? When's the last time you read reports about Christians burning, looting, and murdering because someone offended them?
I listening to the news and because the U.S. Military is Afghanistan burnt some Quran obama has apologized for that, and 12 people have been killed over it.

Funny about that, the Chicken-Shit-In-Chief has failed to demand even a feeble apology from the murderers. He just keeps belly-crawling around the ankles of animals that view him as a weakling and a coward.
Show weakness in the face of bullies and you will get beaten even harder and more often.
Christians won't murder people over it....we wouldn't like it, but it doesn't make us go crazy! I wonder if Obama would apologize to the Christians like he did the Muslims? Ha....doubt it!

Seriously, obama completely ignores the slaughter of Christians all over Northern Africa and the Middle East. Not a peep of outrage, not a shred of decency from the vermin infesting our White House...
By the way why is staring at women's cleavage wrong?
Wait ... what? Since when?

I guess I missed that meeting.


Just pointing out that what's right or wrong is often trumped by common sense and the desire to not get slapped, or JIHADed in this case.

When's the last time some woman pulled a gun on you for staring at her cleavage. I want to avoid that bar! (Or was it a church?)

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