Why is Housing so Cheap in the South?

Mr Natural

Platinum Member
Aug 23, 2009
Mrs. Clean had HGTV on yesterday and they were showing properties in parts of the South and Texas that were selling for a fraction of what they would sell for in the Northeast or West Coast.

Why is that?
You could use Economics 101 and Micro Economics to answer this question.

There are a lot of people out of work today and the percentage is shocking.
Prices are based on supply and demand. The more demand, the higher the price. If people are out of work, supply of available houses goes up and prices go down. If I place an ad in the paper, someone from the city is going to answer (usually) before those outside of the city because cities have higher populations, money, the skills you want, etc., etc., etc.

It could be a number of things. West coast or East coast is closer to a number of markets so it is cheaper to ship from port cities than transport goods from inside of the U.S.
Prices are based on population, standard of living, number of jobs, health of cities.

You can also blame free trade. Our products are sold at tariff in other countries and Wallmart dumps cheap products on our market tariff free which essentially puts a segment of the American people out of business because they can't compete. If you don't want to dirty the water and if you want regulation, it is going to cost you more to build anything here so the rich are going to invest in shops overseas where there is no regulation and little safety protection for workers and they pay no tax because there free trade means tariff free. It means they aren't paying anything to put you in debt (trade deficit).
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Mrs. Clean had HGTV on yesterday and they were showing properties in parts of the South and Texas that were selling for a fraction of what they would sell for in the Northeast or West Coast.

Why is that?

They blow away in the wind. Deadly snakes. Neighbors shoot cans and small animals from their porch. There's no there, there. People talk funny. The food is too salty and too sugary. Speed traps. Waffle House is five star dinning.
Mrs. Clean had HGTV on yesterday and they were showing properties in parts of the South and Texas that were selling for a fraction of what they would sell for in the Northeast or West Coast.

Why is that?

Housing is cheap in the South because you have to live in the South.
Mrs. Clean had HGTV on yesterday and they were showing properties in parts of the South and Texas that were selling for a fraction of what they would sell for in the Northeast or West Coast.

Why is that?

Lower cost of living in the South
I have noticed this too.
Last summer I was considering a career move to San Antonio. One of the first things I did was look at housing...and I could not believe how cheap houses are. I don't know of anywhere I have ever seen in a medium sized city like San Antonio where you can get a modern, 2 story plus finished basement, 2 car garage on a nice lot in a good neighborhood for $200k????
I live in unremarkable Southern Indiana where like houses are higher than San Antonio??
Taxes are much lower, along with other living expenses and purchasing power is higher.

If taxes and living expenses are lower, wouldn't make the region more desirable and drive up real estate values?

The region is more desirable. People have been fleeing the northeast and midwest for the last couple of decades and heading south and southwest. The entire southern U.S. coast to coast has experienced a boom in building and jobs.
Taxes are much lower, along with other living expenses and purchasing power is higher.

If taxes and living expenses are lower, wouldn't make the region more desirable and drive up real estate values?

The region is more desirable. People have been fleeing the northeast and midwest for the last couple of decades and heading south and southwest. The entire southern U.S. coast to coast has experienced a boom in building and jobs.

And with very little or no state income taxation, along with business overhead lowered significantly (that includes housing construction), along with state regulatory agencies, homes are much cheaper to build.

Demand is high there too, or the prices would be even lower.
Lower Taxes is the biggest reason. Please do not come, stay up in yankee land or left coast fruit land where you belong.
Lower Taxes is the biggest reason. Please do not come, stay up in yankee land or left coast fruit land where you belong.

Sory, but this yankee is already working out the details for a move to Texas. Don't worry though, I most certainly have no desires to pollute the good thing going there with LOLberal voting/ideas.
If taxes and living expenses are lower, wouldn't make the region more desirable and drive up real estate values?

The region is more desirable. People have been fleeing the northeast and midwest for the last couple of decades and heading south and southwest. The entire southern U.S. coast to coast has experienced a boom in building and jobs.

And with very little or no state income taxation, along with business overhead lowered significantly (that includes housing construction), along with state regulatory agencies, homes are much cheaper to build.

Demand is high there too, or the prices would be even lower.

Do you think it's a good idea to buy a home built without regulatory oversight? Maybe that's why so many homes in Tornado Alley simply disappear each year. I wouldn't raise my family in a home where (seemingly) every year tornado's strike and there is no safe room or cellar for protection. Listening to those who survived by lying on top of their kids in a bathtub would give anyone pause when considering a purchase of a home where tornadoes are common.
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Mrs. Clean had HGTV on yesterday and they were showing properties in parts of the South and Texas that were selling for a fraction of what they would sell for in the Northeast or West Coast.

Why is that?

Because you have sold the southland as nothing but a racist hell hole, so all those wonderful desirable yankees (NOT) don't move here. If they did we would be charging them triple, maybe even quadruple. We like it this way. Stay where you are!
The region is more desirable. People have been fleeing the northeast and midwest for the last couple of decades and heading south and southwest. The entire southern U.S. coast to coast has experienced a boom in building and jobs.

And with very little or no state income taxation, along with business overhead lowered significantly (that includes housing construction), along with state regulatory agencies, homes are much cheaper to build.

Demand is high there too, or the prices would be even lower.

Do you think it's a good idea to buy a home built without regulatory oversight? Maybe that's why so many homes in Tornado Alley simply disappear each year. I wouldn't raise my family in a home where (seemingly) every year tornado's strike and there is no safe room or cellar for protection. Listening to those who survived by lying on top of their kids I a bathtub would give anyone pause when considering a purchase of a home where tornadoes are common.

Yes, I do. Homes were built long before a "regulatory agency" was around to syphon funds and generally make compliance costly at the expense of infrastructure.

The homes you're referring to are modular or mobile. it's no ones fault but the purchaser in tornado alley that they bought a stick hut that's stapled together knowing there can be feirce storms.
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Lower Taxes is the biggest reason. Please do not come, stay up in yankee land or left coast fruit land where you belong.

Sory, but this yankee is already working out the details for a move to Texas. Don't worry though, I most certainly have no desires to pollute the good thing going there with LOLberal voting/ideas.

And of course you making such a move will raise the avg. IQ in both regions.
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I've built homes that were non regulated and those that were, not much difference if your a good home builder.
If you move down south we here fry everything, food, animals, clothing, pens, pencils.
Lower Taxes is the biggest reason. Please do not come, stay up in yankee land or left coast fruit land where you belong.

Sory, but this yankee is already working out the details for a move to Texas. Don't worry though, I most certainly have no desires to pollute the good thing going there with LOLberal voting/ideas.

And of course you making such a move will raise the avg. IQ in both regions.

That's very witty, Wry. Did you think that up all by yourself?


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