CDZ Why I support Universal healthcare, and why I don't.

Universal coverage can also include public/private partnerships, such as our current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage program, which could be tweaked to work for all Americans. It would also be individual and portable, include dynamic choice, free market competition and innovation, and take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers.

Right now, we have SIX (6) different healthcare delivery/payment systems, none of which communicates directly with the others:
  1. Medicare
  2. Medicaid
  3. VA
  4. Group
  5. Individual
  6. Indigent
I wonder how many people really think that's a smart "system".
Smart systems and government are mutually exclusive. Just about all Federal expansion that has happened over the last 100 years has resulted in massive inefficiencies and fraud which of course tax payers pay for. And of course the tax code itself continues to grow despite the tepid calls for "simplification".
Due to corrupt gerrymandering on both sides, as well as both sides together with the media work VERY hard to constantly keep the population divided - there is no accountability in both houses. No matter what they do, no matter how bad public opinion is of them - they get re-elected over and over and over. So there is absolutely no incentive to change, thus the corruption will continue.
Universal coverage can also include public/private partnerships, such as our current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage program, which could be tweaked to work for all Americans. It would also be individual and portable, include dynamic choice, free market competition and innovation, and take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers.

Right now, we have SIX (6) different healthcare delivery/payment systems, none of which communicates directly with the others:
  1. Medicare
  2. Medicaid
  3. VA
  4. Group
  5. Individual
  6. Indigent
I wonder how many people really think that's a smart "system".
Smart systems and government are mutually exclusive. Just about all Federal expansion that has happened over the last 100 years has resulted in massive inefficiencies and fraud which of course tax payers pay for. And of course the tax code itself continues to grow despite the tepid calls for "simplification".
Due to corrupt gerrymandering on both sides, as well as both sides together with the media work VERY hard to constantly keep the population divided - there is no accountability in both houses. No matter what they do, no matter how bad public opinion is of them - they get re-elected over and over and over. So there is absolutely no incentive to change, thus the corruption will continue.
That is the sad reality. Just look at what sits at the top of both political parties. And think about how many decades they have been serving themselves while claiming to be "Public Servants".
My wife and I spend about 5-6% of our income on health care. That is not much of a burden.

The reason why health care is so expensive for a lot of people is because of all the government regulations and control and the refusal of the filthy government to allow free market competetion plus sapping money out of it for welfare.

A few years ago my wife had a fracture in her arm and we took her to the emergency room. She spent a couple of hours waiting to be seen and she was given aspirin, a sling and told to go see an orthopedic specialist. Our insurance company was billed over $6,000.

We were way over charged for the services rendered because we were paying for the filthy ass welfare queens and illegals that didn't pay.

Our insurance premiums reflect that welfare component and it is despicable.

How about I pay my health care bills and you pay yours and the goddamn government stay out of trying to control our lives?

Having lived in a family with both MD’s and DVM’s, I understand one is truely a market based medical system and one is not. DVM’s (the suppliers) often face the economic consideration of demand curves where if the price is too high the consumer will opt to kill the animal.

I have had to console my crying DVM wife who had to kill a young animal she easily could have saved over dollars. The MD’s in the family have never had such issues. The closest they come is insurance denying unproven care. No one in human medicine ever hears that proven treatment “X” is too expensive.

“Market based” healthcare in the face of vertical demand curves is a fools errand. Given a vertical demand curve suppliers will do what they have always done, seek to obtain a sole source position and then raise prices. That sole source in medicine is achieved by manipulating the patent system, or buying up competitive hospitals.

It has already been proven the best model in these situations is a government regulated utility. Water being a perfect example. Water has a vertical demand curve as well. Government insures all residents, via regulated utilities, have access to water. Well run countries not controlled by lobbyists have figured this out in healthcare as well. Meanwhile in the US we spend 2X per capita on healthcare.
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I run a small company with 8 employees. I make enough money to support Bonzi and I comfortably. I haven't worried about paying bills for decades. If I/we want something enough, we buy it. Our retirement is secure because I made it that way. Bonzi doesn't need to work for financial reasons... she only needs to work so we have healthcare insurance. For 2 people in their 50s... decent healthcare insurance is astronomical. Thank you Obamacare for raising insurance costs to the moon for those needing ACTUAL insurance and not just a plastic card that pretends to be insurance so you can donate money to the government.

ACTUAL health insurance that doesn't have ENORMOUS out-of-pocket costs, so high in fact... it is highly unlikely you will ever get a single penny of benefits.
REAL insurance with REAL coverage would cost us about $1600 a month. (I define REAL as one with less than $2000 deductible, otherwise you have something pretending to be healthcare coverage, when in reality it is catastrophic care only - another gift from Obamacare)
Through Bonzi's job it costs us a little over $500/mo. for the premium care that has a deductible of $2500.

So for those reasons I wish we had Universal Care... so we could have coverage without having to have a full time job to get it. Especially when we get to age 60 or so... at that point we have enough liquid assets to quit full time jobs and work when we want. But cannot do so, because health insurance is prohibitively expensive.

Why I DON'T SUPPORT UHC.... because it is the federal government.
And the American federal government is wholly corrupt, inept, wasteful and the needs of the population are a very-very distant 2nd to special interest, globalism and corporatism. As we saw with Obamacare... the government, even when liberals are the ones that did it, gave more thought to protecting Pharma, insurance conglomerates and the $40 Billion medical device industry so so so much more than what people needed.
I simply do not believe the American corrupt system can do the job without fucking us over and over while gifting corporations and special interest.

Sometimes I really do think about becoming an ex-Pat.
What if someone, who is 18 and doesnt want health insurance, be forced to buy something they "fee" they dont want? Yes, auto insurance is mandated because of the risk of driving a car, but some people who are very healthy dont wish to pay for insurance. Of course actions like this, can have repercussions because if you dont buy the health insurance, you should have to pay out of pocket for any services if you get injured. But alas, the stupid progs, dont see this, but must cover all even if it bankrupts this country.

When the US starts looking like Venezuela, you can be the progs will be out their fire bombing the government....

if that same 18 year old gets in an auto accident with no insurance are you willing to let hospitals turn him away and let him die?

That option is truly market based medicine.
Universal coverage can also include public/private partnerships, such as our current Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage program, which could be tweaked to work for all Americans. It would also be individual and portable, include dynamic choice, free market competition and innovation, and take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers.

Right now, we have SIX (6) different healthcare delivery/payment systems, none of which communicates directly with the others:
  1. Medicare
  2. Medicaid
  3. VA
  4. Group
  5. Individual
  6. Indigent
I wonder how many people really think that's a smart "system".
Medicare is God awful.
When my father passed away with brain cancer 3 years ago this month.... I truly got a glimpse at just how bad medicare is.
At one point, and more than once... he was lying in the emergency room in extreme pain but not getting medication because of Medicare's archaic and unmerciful policies between Medicare and Hospice care. It is a fucking, vile evil set up.
I hope you and yours do not have to experience it.
And then after my father passed away, it left his wife... my mother... buried in red tape that you need a lawyer to figure out.
It is impersonal, uncaring and without care about what people are going through.
It shouldn't be called Medicare... it should be called Medifuckyou if you get terminally ill

What was Medicare's archaic and unmerciful policies that prevented him from receiving meds for pain?
Cheapness. We went through it with my mom. Is it worse when the person is put into hospice? It shouldn’t be. If you have to give up Medicare to get hospice, that shouldn’t be a downgrade it should be an upgrade. And give them enough morphine that it will kill them. Stop the needless suffering

Most of the time a person who is admitted to hospice you have to give up all other meds except for pain relief. His post wasn't clear he mentioned ER and hospice. So ER denied relief or hospice? IV morphine is not that expensive but then again Medicare approved cost is much lower than what a hospital or hospice would charge. Was it a hospice facility or hospice in home?
Hospice in home.
You are correct, when you sign on to receive hospice care, which is wonderful, you are prohibited to receive any sort of life sustaining care. Which on the surface sounds okay. But in many cases, "comfort care" and sustaining care cross paths. Like I said, he would get dehydrated which can and does cause all manner of painful and uncomfortable symptoms. It is absurd that they won't even allow simple IV meds, that are not expensive and work very quickly.
He got sick in late October, and died in January. But got bad-bad in December.
My father died eventually of starvation. Which is what kills a great many people in hospice care. Dad lost the ability to swallow, but was still fairly conscious and aware. I want everyone to think about that. He knew what was going on. He knew he was wasting away. He knew he was going to die, not from the illness, but from the inability to simply receive intravenous vitamins/glucose etc. so he could at least die peacefully.
So we had to choose to kill him.
The day before we put him in the nursing home, he was sitting up and interacting with us. He could sort of speak, not because of mental decline, but because of his brain tumor. He was aware, smiled at us...and could kind of laugh at something what physical capacity he could still laugh. HE WAS CONCIOUS.
But he could not stay in the hospital. Because medicare won't pay for it.
So we sent him to a nursing home. They basically gave him enough morphine to shut everything down. He never regained consciousness and died in just over 24 hours. Where 24 hours before he was a living, conscious human being. Aware and interacting with his family. But medicare will not pay fot that. But they will gladly pay for the morphine to kill you.

First I am sorry for your loss.

Second, what you are describing is some market based medicine at work. You had to choose to to put down a sickly old man. I see the same choices with young healthy animals all the time. If we had real market based medicine you would see the same choices being made with young healthy humans and not just sickly old men. That allocation is what supply and demand curves do.

Sadly in our country too many resources go into the elderly and not enough resources go into the young.
Healthcare in the US sounds like an enormous burden on the individual.Its expensive and complicated and that is a recipe for disaster. No country anywhere in the world would adopt your system.
Their life expectancy is in the sewer Tommy, and so is their infant mortality rate completely over the top for a modern democratic country. However, both could be influenced negatively by gun violence as well as a healthcare system that belongs in the 19th. century!

Ive seen stats that explain the US pays double for healthcare than other countries. Thats great but there is very little difference in the outcomes.
It suggests that there are several parties to the transactions who have a vested interest in preserving the current set up. Probably through buying politicians.
You guys just love to repeat bad information don't you? And it doesn't matter how many times you are corrected, with proof, you just keep parroting the same narrative. Over and over.
Tommy raised another good point when he mentioned medical outcome. The US experience is worse than all the leading democracies with universal health care. Why do so many Americans defend a system that the hate so much and which makes them so angry?
Sadly in our country too many resources go into the elderly and not enough resources go into the young.
thats disgusting,,,

I’m not advocating market based medicine. I am just describing what a real market based medical system would look like as I see it everyday in Veterinary Medicine. A “market” based healthcare system is an option but if people understood it, it’s not very pretty.
Ive seen stats that explain the US pays double for healthcare than other countries. Thats great but there is very little difference in the outcomes.
It suggests that there are several parties to the transactions who have a vested interest in preserving the current set up. Probably through buying politicians.
You guys just love to repeat bad information don't you? And it doesn't matter how many times you are corrected, with proof, you just keep parroting the same narrative. Over and over.
Tommy raised another good point when he mentioned medical outcome. The US experience is worse than all the leading democracies with universal health care. Why do so many Americans defend a system that the hate so much and which makes them so angry?

because we are poorly educated and easily mislead by propaganda news sources :dunno:
Sadly in our country too many resources go into the elderly and not enough resources go into the young.
thats disgusting,,,

I’m not advocating market based medicine. I am just describing what a real market based medical system would look like as I see it everyday in Veterinary Medicine. A “market” based healthcare system is an option but if people understood it, it’s not very pretty.
to look at it anyway other than a healthcare system is diluting what its intended for,,
Sadly in our country too many resources go into the elderly and not enough resources go into the young.
thats disgusting,,,

I’m not advocating market based medicine. I am just describing what a real market based medical system would look like as I see it everyday in Veterinary Medicine. A “market” based healthcare system is an option but if people understood it, it’s not very pretty.
to look at it anyway other than a healthcare system is diluting what its intended for,,

Plenty on here have advocated for a “market” based healthcare system. I maintain they have no idea what they are really advocating. That being said resources are not endless and any system, be it government regulated/provided or market based has to decide how much and how to allocate resources.

surely you don’t believe in unlimited resources??
Sadly in our country too many resources go into the elderly and not enough resources go into the young.
thats disgusting,,,

I’m not advocating market based medicine. I am just describing what a real market based medical system would look like as I see it everyday in Veterinary Medicine. A “market” based healthcare system is an option but if people understood it, it’s not very pretty.
to look at it anyway other than a healthcare system is diluting what its intended for,,

Plenty on here have advocated for a “market” based healthcare system. I maintain they have no idea what they are really advocating. That being said resources are not endless and any system, be it government regulated/provided or market based has to decide how much and how to allocate resources.

surely you don’t believe in unlimited resources??
so far our resources are unlimited,,, the only real problem we have is the government restricting them like they did with hospitals in the medicaid act,,
Actually, they thought nothing of the sort.

In 2008, Mitt Romney was a major contender for president and in 2012 he got the nomination. The idea that you guys were totally against it is kind of silly.

Heck, let's not forget, the original idea for expanding private insurance came from the Heritage Foundation as a counter-proposal to HillaryCare.
Have you read the Heritage idea?
Romney was NEVER a popular candidate with anyone except media whores. Neither was Bush, (any of them) or McLame. These turds were chosen to lose to the media's democrook choice. Bush 41 only won on Reagan's coat tails and his opponent was as much of a buffoon as Biden. He lost in 92 to a cult of personality. Then Dull Bob Dole was picked to lose. In 2000 we could have had the first REAL black president had Alan Keyes been coached by Trump and talked just enough shit to rile up the bed wetters and get the attention he should have gotten. I will never forget the debate I watched with Keyes, Bush43 and McLame. It was a total shit show with Larry King ignoring Keyes, and all of the issues that actually mattered in order to focus on insipid shit between the RINOs.

Then we had the ridiculous Kerry campaign. I still can't believe the media ran a cartoon character but it was obvious the GOP wanted to lose in 2008 no matter what. Fred Thompson would have turned the nation around, but we ended up with the media's beloved McLame who did exactly what he was told and deliberately lost.

So we got a meat puppet faggot, who was probably still better than hitlary but only because he was an incompetent stuttering dipshit. Hitlary would have been worse than obozo, that sociopath K-Hunt would have finished the UN Agenda, obozo was just concerned about aggrandizing himself and his wookie fudge packer. The media of course destroyed every candidate that opposed the meat puppet faggot in 2012 especially Herman Cain, who also could have saved this country. The media destroyed every republicrat candidate as they rose to, the top of the pile one by one until no one was left besides that pathetic piece of shit Romney.

The entire point of the leftist media's duty was to get a leftist government in place that would take over or otherwise destroy one of the largest global industries in the effort to control the population. They got that with the meat puppet faggot, McLame did his duty as a treasonous piece of globalist shit to prevent the reversal and I hope his death was painful and that stalin is skull fucking him in hell.

I'm pretty sure we are, I made the assertion, you endorsed it and confirmed it. In an actual debate of the issue you would have taken the opposite position and given reasons to support MORE government involvement in the industry. You're not very good at this are you?

We are, but don't you think it's rather silly to suggest that we have to disagree on everything in a debate?

If you're going to trivialize the conversation with inane complaints about how I word things when you've already had spelling errors, don't waste my time. You obviously understood the point that I made. The cost of HC in the US would be a fraction of what it is if not for the volumes of regulations and constant changes being made by bureaucrats and the massive legal costs paid by the industry to keep lawyers on retainer that review these regulations. On top of that the tort laws nearly paralyze HC providers because of the potential lawsuits that arise from the most casual errors.
I understand what you meant a little better now, but I can't say I agree with all you've mentioned. In any case, I have little interest in searching out all the answers and debating them with you. Can I just say that your healthcare system is rotten to the core because of lobbying of politicians to keep them from serving the people's needs by fixing it? That sort of covers everything.

Bringing up the appalling circumstances that exist in Cuba also marginalizes your "opposing" position in support of leftwing causes. You did not think this through did you?

This is something on which I can disagree. I've been to Cuba many times and I've been to poor countries throughout the world and so I can compare Cuba's poverty with that of others. High quality healthcare in Cuba that is rated one place down from America's, puts a different light on poverty altogether. It's what places America's poor into the bottom of the barrel for modern industrialized countries. And I would suggest that it puts Cuba in the same barrel. I fully understand how Americans hate Cuba and the Cuban people and we all understand the reason why being the ousted US supported Batista regime. It's going to be very hard to find any common ground there, but we should try. It's important to talk about how China has moved into Cuba and could have very definite plans to make it one of their major military bases in the world, at the invitation of Cuba. We could discuss the pros and cons of that happening.

At this point you've just gotten childish

I'm sorry you feel I'm being childish but it really was just my request to make your points clear. And you've done that for me so we don't need to pursue that any further.

I did not insult you at any point once I accepted your challenge to debate me, which you totally failed to do.[/quote]

Does that, in your opinion give you license to insult others and use excessive profanity?

In fact all you did was support my position that collectivism is not working for people. If a few bad words create moisture in your diaper it might be time to man the fuck up, get off your high horse and stand up for whatever it is you believe in. Secondly, if you're another one of these euroweenie turds inserting yourself into conversations about US politics I have to wonder why you can't concentrate on fixing your own shit hole country.

And there you go again with your insults, profanity, and rage!

I'm not really sure what countries you consider sh-tholes but the ones that come to mind are the European countries that are considered the top nine in the world for quality of life. Canada, my country, is #1, while the US is #15. People who live in glass houses (shitholes) shouldn't throw stones.

I see little chance of a rational debate with you until you bring your rage under control. That's not my fault. And in fairness, it's likely not your fault either. I'm open to hearing why you're so angry, or other items for discussion as you see fit.

My priority to begin would be more discussion on Cuba or China and how China may have found the ideal form of government that can function the best in the 21st. century for large populations. My thoughts on that pertain to your country and it's current problems. That which I believe also pertains to your rage.
It's pretty safe to say that America's troubles aren't going to go away with Trump's rout out of the WH.
America's problems continue to exist and health care is just one of them.

It's all about greedy and unfettered capitalism gone wrong!

It might be helpful for Americans if they compare China's system as the other extreme. On first glance it may appear to be the exact opposite of what Americans want for a government, but stop there and look closer!

In this 21st. century, all countries are going to be forced into adopting a system in which the resources of the country, the world, are shared around in an equitable manner. Is not America's biggest problem right now not it's failure to do that for it's 330,000,000 people?

China doing just that is what has allowed China to rise up so quickly and to raise their hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty.

Does America have to turn to the same solution that China has found in communism? Or is there a halfway solution somewhere between America's greedy and failing capitalism and communism?

The world's countries that provide the highest quality of life for their people have found that medium, but in fairness and honesty, none of them are burdened with a huge population to care for. Yet still, they all have large populations compared to their land mass.

For China, there is really no compromise from communism, that can be imagined, that will keep the billion and a half people content. Hording wealth in the hands of the very wealthy few could never work in China.

And finally, Canada my country, has found the best balance so far, but is always in danger of moving toward copying the American way of greedy capitalism and impending revolution. We Canadians must continue to be vigilant on protecting that which we cherish.

What will America do in the future? Which way will America turn to bring itself out of the horrible deteriorating situation that has been brought on the country in the last ten years or so?

Thoughts and comments?

Keeping in mind that the inadequate health care system is just one symptom of the entire problem.
I run a small company with 8 employees. I make enough money to support Bonzi and I comfortably. I haven't worried about paying bills for decades. If I/we want something enough, we buy it. Our retirement is secure because I made it that way. Bonzi doesn't need to work for financial reasons... she only needs to work so we have healthcare insurance. For 2 people in their 50s... decent healthcare insurance is astronomical. Thank you Obamacare for raising insurance costs to the moon for those needing ACTUAL insurance and not just a plastic card that pretends to be insurance so you can donate money to the government.

ACTUAL health insurance that doesn't have ENORMOUS out-of-pocket costs, so high in fact... it is highly unlikely you will ever get a single penny of benefits.
REAL insurance with REAL coverage would cost us about $1600 a month. (I define REAL as one with less than $2000 deductible, otherwise you have something pretending to be healthcare coverage, when in reality it is catastrophic care only - another gift from Obamacare)
Through Bonzi's job it costs us a little over $500/mo. for the premium care that has a deductible of $2500.

So for those reasons I wish we had Universal Care... so we could have coverage without having to have a full time job to get it. Especially when we get to age 60 or so... at that point we have enough liquid assets to quit full time jobs and work when we want. But cannot do so, because health insurance is prohibitively expensive.

Why I DON'T SUPPORT UHC.... because it is the federal government.
And the American federal government is wholly corrupt, inept, wasteful and the needs of the population are a very-very distant 2nd to special interest, globalism and corporatism. As we saw with Obamacare... the government, even when liberals are the ones that did it, gave more thought to protecting Pharma, insurance conglomerates and the $40 Billion medical device industry so so so much more than what people needed.
I simply do not believe the American corrupt system can do the job without fucking us over and over while gifting corporations and special interest.

Sometimes I really do think about becoming an ex-Pat.

The reasons you are right is that private, for profit, health insurance can't work.
It not only is prepaid, but is third party, so prevents the customer/victim from having any say in costs or quality. It also is a tax scam loophole, that the poor do not get, so actually are forced to subsidize the wealthy.

But when you say universal health care means larger federal bureaucracy, that is nonsense.
There is no reason universal health can can not and should not be locally administered. Just because it may be financed through federal income taxes, and have some federal guidelines, does not mean the hospitals, doctors, and other providers would not be hired, regulated, or paid locally.

In effect, all we have to do is end the 1957 IRS regulation that allowed employer benefits like health insurance to be tax exempt. That was what started the whole problem in the first place.
It's pretty safe to say that America's troubles aren't going to go away with Trump's rout out of the WH.
America's problems continue to exist and health care is just one of them.

It's all about greedy and unfettered capitalism gone wrong!

It might be helpful for Americans if they compare China's system as the other extreme. On first glance it may appear to be the exact opposite of what Americans want for a government, but stop there and look closer!

In this 21st. century, all countries are going to be forced into adopting a system in which the resources of the country, the world, are shared around in an equitable manner. Is not America's biggest problem right now not it's failure to do that for it's 330,000,000 people?

China doing just that is what has allowed China to rise up so quickly and to raise their hundreds of millions of people up out of poverty.

Does America have to turn to the same solution that China has found in communism? Or is there a halfway solution somewhere between America's greedy and failing capitalism and communism?

The world's countries that provide the highest quality of life for their people have found that medium, but in fairness and honesty, none of them are burdened with a huge population to care for. Yet still, they all have large populations compared to their land mass.

For China, there is really no compromise from communism, that can be imagined, that will keep the billion and a half people content. Hording wealth in the hands of the very wealthy few could never work in China.

And finally, Canada my country, has found the best balance so far, but is always in danger of moving toward copying the American way of greedy capitalism and impending revolution. We Canadians must continue to be vigilant on protecting that which we cherish.

What will America do in the future? Which way will America turn to bring itself out of the horrible deteriorating situation that has been brought on the country in the last ten years or so?

Thoughts and comments?

Keeping in mind that the inadequate health care system is just one symptom of the entire problem.

Not bad, but I think you are still swirling around in the fake propaganda.
For example, China is not at all communal, but instead extremely centralize and capitalistic.
And I do not mean just the industrialization push of the last 30 years.
I mean from day one, Stalin was a for profit capitalist bank robber who murdered all the actual communists, and Mao was his capitalist conspirator.
The biggest mistake people make is thinking communal means centralized.
It does not at all.
Centralized is always to prevent local public input, which is always what a bunch of distant, wealthy, elite, capitalists want.
Communal means for the local people who need the service, so then requires local control completely.
Communism never means centralization of a large, distant, and selfish capitalist elite.
Anything centralized can't be communist at all.
...Sadly in our country too many resources go into the elderly and not enough resources go into the young.
Good Lord is it possible you could be any more wrong?? Or anyone be anymore wrong??
I will let you ruminate on that one a bit more and give you a second chance to think that one through.
Holy cow.
Actually, they thought nothing of the sort.

In 2008, Mitt Romney was a major contender for president and in 2012 he got the nomination. The idea that you guys were totally against it is kind of silly.

Heck, let's not forget, the original idea for expanding private insurance came from the Heritage Foundation as a counter-proposal to HillaryCare.
Have you read the Heritage idea?
Romney was NEVER a popular candidate with anyone except media whores. Neither was Bush, (any of them) or McLame. These turds were chosen to lose to the media's democrook choice. Bush 41 only won on Reagan's coat tails and his opponent was as much of a buffoon as Biden. He lost in 92 to a cult of personality. Then Dull Bob Dole was picked to lose. In 2000 we could have had the first REAL black president had Alan Keyes been coached by Trump and talked just enough shit to rile up the bed wetters and get the attention he should have gotten. I will never forget the debate I watched with Keyes, Bush43 and McLame. It was a total shit show with Larry King ignoring Keyes, and all of the issues that actually mattered in order to focus on insipid shit between the RINOs.

Then we had the ridiculous Kerry campaign. I still can't believe the media ran a cartoon character but it was obvious the GOP wanted to lose in 2008 no matter what. Fred Thompson would have turned the nation around, but we ended up with the media's beloved McLame who did exactly what he was told and deliberately lost.

So we got a meat puppet faggot, who was probably still better than hitlary but only because he was an incompetent stuttering dipshit. Hitlary would have been worse than obozo, that sociopath K-Hunt would have finished the UN Agenda, obozo was just concerned about aggrandizing himself and his wookie fudge packer. The media of course destroyed every candidate that opposed the meat puppet faggot in 2012 especially Herman Cain, who also could have saved this country. The media destroyed every republicrat candidate as they rose to, the top of the pile one by one until no one was left besides that pathetic piece of shit Romney.

The entire point of the leftist media's duty was to get a leftist government in place that would take over or otherwise destroy one of the largest global industries in the effort to control the population. They got that with the meat puppet faggot, McLame did his duty as a treasonous piece of globalist shit to prevent the reversal and I hope his death was painful and that stalin is skull fucking him in hell.

I can't say I would put things the way you do... but for sure there is a good deal of truth in your post here.
Perot killed Bush Sr. 2nd run though. We may never had the Clinton 8 years if Perot wouldn't have ran. And I liked Perot to an extent... he did at least tell the truth most of the time.
Obama was a Manchurian candidate. He was the product of Ted Kennedy. Without him, we would have never heard of him. Ted could never run for President due to basically murdering someone in his past, along with alcoholism and a plethora of other skeletons. His idea was to place a puppet in the White House so he and fellow Democrats could do what they willed. Problem was.... he died. And then came Pelosi. And that changed everything. She had/has half the intelligence as Kennedy and is whacked.
The Republican Party was broken and bruised post Bush II. So there was no one to run against Obama.
Not bad, but I think you are still swirling around in the fake propaganda.

How so?

For example, China is not at all communal, but instead extremely centralize and capitalistic.
And I do not mean just the industrialization push of the last 30 years.

I'm not talking about the 'communal' living aspect of communism, I'm talking about their communist system as it is opposed to other countries in which greedy capitalism is enabled to horde the country's wealth, at the expense of the country's large population. That is the aspect of their communist system that applies to this discussion. And so that's not in disagreement with what you have said.

I mean from day one, Stalin was a for profit capitalist bank robber who murdered all the actual communists, and Mao was his capitalist conspirator.

That being completely true or not, it has nothing to do with what I've suggested in my previous post.

The biggest mistake people make is thinking communal means centralized.
It does not at all.

I find no interest in agreeing or disagreeing with you on that. It's not the question or the issue, but please do attempt to tie it in with the issue if you feel it's important.

Centralized is always to prevent local public input, which is always what a bunch of distant, wealthy, elite, capitalists want.

Same answer, but I'm not attempting to ignore your comments. I just don't yet see how it applies here.
Communal means for the local people who need the service, so then requires local control completely.
Communism never means centralization of a large, distant, and selfish capitalist elite.
Anything centralized can't be communist at all.

You may want to invent a term for China's system that we can use here.

The point I'm making is that it differs from greedy capitalism because it won't allow individuals to horde huge amounts of wealth. And I'm making the comparison to the US system because huge income inequality is the main concern of the political left in America.

And fair to say that the political right is in total disagreement with that being the problem.

America has the greatest wealth of any country in the world and so there's no valid reason why it should be suffering the present turmoil.

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