Why I no longer support the death penalty.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I think differently at 74 than I did at 24. Consequently, I no longer agree with the death penalty. I have been thinking about it lately because of attempts to reinstate it for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the brothers convicted for the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. There is no question that there are bad people in this world that do awful things but there is no evidence that capital punishment dissuades them from committing terrible acts. In addition, some of the most dangerous and destructive people in this world never face the death penalty or even prison. Anthony Fauci had a hand in more deaths and suffering than some of the worst mass murdering dictators in human history, yet he faces no firing squad like Private Eddie Slovik that paid a price as an example to save the country from military deserters at the end of World War Two.

Did capital punishment stop spying and treason like that of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? A plume of blue smoke rose from Ethel’s head as her eyeballs exploded in the electric chair in 1953, but people are still spying and giving away state secrets to this day. Hopeless life sentences for the dangerous in society are preferable to my thinking these days. I live in New Hampshire and recall the Pamela Smart case where she recruited young killers with low IQs to murder her husband. She keeps begging for parole but unless society goes completely out of its head, she will never get it. Leslie Van Houten, one of the infamous Manson murderers, is in a similar dilemma. She is stuck in lifetime punishment and while she continues to breath; she will never see freedom.

The death penalty in America today has propensity to use the state to kill the stupid and poor more than the evil. For that reason, I see capital punishment as a Eugenic tool to wipe out the weak-minded, economically indigent, and poorly represented. Prison is no picnic, and it is a good place for those that attack society’s innocence. Death? Well, that is an escape; it is a short-term feel-good solution that does nothing to solve anything.

Th death penalty does have purpose though; it is used by the real evil in society to silence those who are caught and might implicate others as stool pigeons. The FBI had to off Whitey Bulger for what he knew about the bureau and of course the perversions of highly placed political actors could not be allowed to become exposed when Jeffrey Epstein began to sing.

Therefore, I no longer support capital punishment.
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I think differently at 74 than I did at 24. Consequently, I no longer agree with the death penalty. I have been thinking about it lately because of attempts to reinstate it for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the brothers convicted for the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. There is no question that there are bad people in this world that do awful things but there is no evidence that capital punishment dissuades them from committing terrible acts. In addition, some of the most dangerous and destructive people in this world never face the death penalty or even prison. Anthony Fauci had a hand in more deaths and suffering than some of the worst mass murdering dictators in human history, yet he faces no firing squad like Private Eddie Slovik that paid a price as an example to save the country from military deserters at the end of World War Two.

Did capital punishment stop spying and treason like that of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg? A plume of blue smoke rose from Ethel’s head as her eyeballs exploded in the electric chair in 1953, but people are still spying and giving away state secrets to this day. Hopeless life sentences for the dangerous in society are preferable to my thinking these days. I live in New Hampshire and recall the Pamela Smart case where she recruited young killers with low IQs to murder her husband. She keeps begging for parole but unless society goes completely out of its head, she will never get it. Leslie Van Houten, one of the infamous Manson murderers, is in a similar dilemma. She is stuck in lifetime punishment and while she continues to breath; she will never see freedom.

The death penalty in America today has propensity to use the state to kill the stupid and poor more than the evil. For that reason, I see capital punishment as a Eugenic tool to wipe out the weak-minded, economically indigent, and poorly represented. Prison is no picnic, and it is a good place for those that attack society’s innocence. Death? Well, that is an escape; it is a short-term feel-good solution that does nothing to solve anything.

Th death penalty does have purpose though; it is used by the real evil in society to silence those who are caught and might implicate others as stool pigeons. The FBI had to off Whitey Bulger for what he knew about the bureau and of course the perversions of highly placed political actors could not be allowed to become exposed when Jeffrey Epstein began to sing.

Therefore, I no longer support capital punishment.
No evidence? When the death penalty has been used, I have never seen that felon come back and kill another singe person. It is not to teach a lesson in society. It is because some commit crimes so horrible, their life is forfeit by their deeds and deserve to be removed from the herd, permanently.
No evidence? When the death penalty has been used, I have never seen that felon come back and kill another singe person. It is not to teach a lesson in society. It is because some commit crimes so horrible, their life is forfeit by their deeds and deserve to be removed from the herd, permanently.

Manson initially got the death penalty. It was rescinded and despite that he never killed another person. Same goes for the rest of the family.
Manson initially got the death penalty. It was rescinded and despite that he never killed another person. Same goes for the rest of the family.
Most of them do not deserve the continued expense of their incarceration, in my opinion.
The problem with the death penalty is it is barbaric

Civilized societies should not say killing is bad so we will kill you if you do it
The problem with the death penalty is it is barbaric

Civilized societies should not say killing is bad so we will kill you if you do it

It's also very biased. How many innocent people have we killed in Afghanistan? Who is ever held responsible for that?

We call it murder when we want to sentence someone to death but when those who sentence people to death want to do it they call it "freedom fighting".
The problem with the death penalty is it is barbaric

Civilized societies should not say killing is bad so we will kill you if you do it

Fine. Replace the death penalty with hard labor, and I mean hard labor. Rock breaking, digging, etc.

3 hots and a cot for most of these guys isn't a punishment.
Sure, you put money over lives. Quite common.
Sanctity of human life does not trump all ills. Human lives are sanctified by their deeds or sometime prove beyond worthiness to be counted among humans, at all.
Nice attempt at a false equivalency.

When was George Bush convicted of murder?

Thanks. That's my point.

Kill the guy at the 7-11 and it's murder. Lie us into a war and kill thousands of innocent people and you get to retire to the ranch.
Kill the guy at the 7-11 and it's murder. Lie us into a war and kill thousands of innocent people and you get to retire to the ranch.
If anyone lied it was the Deep State feeding intelligence to bush

The same gang of liars and criminals that libs worship today
It's also very biased. How many innocent people have we killed in Afghanistan? Who is ever held responsible for that?

We call it murder when we want to sentence someone to death but when those who sentence people to death want to do it they call it "freedom fighting".
It has always amounted to how good your legal team is
I do not support the death penalty because it is not cost effective. Reducing the burden on society should be a prime mover. However, the cost, after endless appeals, and years jamming up the courts far exceeds that of a prisoner sentenced to life.

The system requires reform. One appeal, and then off to the fire pit.

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