Why I don't support another Trump term


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?

I agree, but I'm not sure what any one prez could do. So many firmly entrenched swamp dwellers on both sides. Our government has been of the politicians, for the politicians and by the politicians for so long. And it's like a fungus- left untreated it will grow and grow till the original is virtually smothered and hidden.

What can we do?

I used to say vote. Vote out the bad, vote in the good. I'm not sure that's a viable option now, is it? We've got abuse of the process and so many that vote party over who's best for the country.
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
Correct decision for all the wrong reasons.
President Trump faced a hostile media, a criminal enterprise in federal law enforcement, two impeachments based on fraudulent documents, attempted assassination of every conservative congressmen and a global pandemic that the media blamed on him and you are concerned that he failed to "drain the swamp" in four years? The darling of liberal politics and the top three choice of historians, FDR, presided over a soup line "Great Depression" in his first two terms. Some would say his lack of foresight led the U.S. (and the world) into the worst conflagration in history, WW2. Democrats lied to Americans and ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term.
President Trump faced a hostile media, a criminal enterprise in federal law enforcement, two impeachments based on fraudulent documents, attempted assassination of every conservative congressmen and a global pandemic that the media blamed on him and you are concerned that he failed to "drain the swamp" in four years? The darling of liberal politics and the top three choice of historians, FDR, presided over a soup line "Great Depression" in his first two terms. Some would say his lack of foresight led the U.S. (and the world) into the worst conflagration in history, WW2. Democrats lied to Americans and ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term.
Wow. Practically every sentence in your post is a lie. And you achieved something rare. You mentioned Rump (one of, if not the, worst president in US history) & the great FDR (who not only took us out of the depression but also faced the Nazis & the Japs and hence was one of the greatest presidents in US history) in the same sentence!!!

I could spend all day unpacking all of it but why bother? When someone is this far gone, it is best just to call a paddy wagon and transport them away. Hope you are getting help for your afflictions. Don't forget to take your meds. Good luck. :itsok:
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
He was blocked and harassed at every turn. NO one could have stopped the bastards. He tried and failed.
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
He was blocked and harassed at every turn. NO one could have stopped the bastards. He tried and failed.
He put in subpar talent who knifed him in the back.

He needs to own it.

So the question must be asked, with literally everyone against you, how can any man effect change in such a corrupt system?

I would think you would need a whole army of ready volunteers to replace everyone you can within the Federal system.
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
Correct decision for all the wrong reasons.
People like yourself can't wait till he runs again.

It is literally all the DNC has.

Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th!

Meanwhile, corrupt figures like Cuomo are allowed to stay in power despite members of their own party blushing and begging him to step down because of the corruption and violence against women, but knowing they are asking in vain because they are all so power hungry. You know, the man Xiden said was the gold standard for leadership during the Covid crisis. The man who mixed Covid patients with the elderly, killed them all off, and then tried to hide it.

That guy.

I subscribe to the notion that it takes a village to drain a swamp.

One man, alone, cannot do it.
Yep, and he was working on it...

Appointed a historic number of Federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written.

  • Nominated and confirmed over 230 Federal judges.
  • Confirmed 54 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, making up nearly a third of the entire appellate bench.
  • Filled all Court of Appeals vacancies for the first time in four decades.
  • Flipped the Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits from Democrat-appointed majorities to Republican-appointed majorities. And dramatically reshaped the long-liberal Ninth Circuit.

Appointed three Supreme Court justices, expanding its conservative-appointed majority to 6-3.

  • Appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch to replace Justice Antonin Scalia.
  • Appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy.
  • Appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

  • President Trump’s January 2017 hiring freeze hit large swaths of the executive branch. Trump’s order stated, “No vacant positions existing at noon on January 22, 2017, may be filled, and no new positions may be created, except in limited circumstances,”
  • Ended the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and replaced it with the brand new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
  • Signed an executive order making it government policy to Buy American and Hire American, and took action to stop the outsourcing of jobs overseas.
  • Withdrew from the unfair, one-sided Paris Climate Agreement.
  • For the first time in nearly 70 years, the United States became a net energy exporter.
  • The United States was the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.
  • Reformed permitting rules to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy and speed approval for mines.
  • Prevented Russian energy coercion across Europe through various lines of effort, including the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy Cooperation, civil nuclear deals with Romania and Poland, and opposition to Nord Stream 2 pipeline. (Biden rescinded)
  • Fully enforced the immigration laws of the United States.
  • Unprecedented support for law-enforcement.
He may not have drained it, but he indeed did expose it.

It has long been exposed. It's been exposed time after time on these boards and nothing is ever done about it.
Well, let me reword that then.
He woke up a lot of people that were sleeping believing that the government had our best interest in mind.
He put Fauci center stage and all the world wondered after that beast. And now the truth is coming out and he has nowhere to hide.
He riled up America's opposition so much that they have and are stumbling all over themselves to regain control of sleeping minds.
They know they lost control of the control they had over the people.

I don't understand. For years and years the Democrats complained of Big Corporations and Wall Street.
And here comes Trump not only exposing them but trying to make them accountable to the people.
And the Democrats begin defending the very thing they opposed because they were told to hate Trump by the ones they were opposing.

So where do Democrats stand?
Are they for Big Corporations? Are they for more Government control of their daily lives?
Are they for Government interfering in the livingroom, the bedroom, what goes on your dinner plate?
Do they realize that every penny government says they are giving to the people, they are putting thousand of dollars in their own pockets?

I just don't understand the 180 degree turn.

But people woke up and started pushing back. And those in control convinced other people that we were fighting against them instead of with them.
And they created this great divide because the people scared the slave owners who sit in high places.
And we are the slave folks, Democrats and Republican and Independents.
It doesn't matter what letter you vote for. They control both sides.

Trump went after the Republicans just as much as the Democrats.
Because the evil is deep on both sides the aisle.
And until we all come together and take back our right to govern ourselves, and to hold those accountable whom we put in to represent US, it won't change.

That's what I believe Trump's intention was. To wake up all americans and smell the coffee.
President Trump faced a hostile media, a criminal enterprise in federal law enforcement, two impeachments based on fraudulent documents, attempted assassination of every conservative congressmen and a global pandemic that the media blamed on him and you are concerned that he failed to "drain the swamp" in four years? The darling of liberal politics and the top three choice of historians, FDR, presided over a soup line "Great Depression" in his first two terms. Some would say his lack of foresight led the U.S. (and the world) into the worst conflagration in history, WW2. Democrats lied to Americans and ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term.
Wow. Practically every sentence in your post is a lie. And you achieved something rare. You mentioned Rump (one of, if not the, worst president in US history) & the great FDR (who not only took us out of the depression but also faced the Nazis & the Japs and hence was one of the greatest presidents in US history) in the same sentence!!!

I could spend all day unpacking all of it but why bother? When someone is this far gone, it is best just to call a paddy wagon and transport them away. Hope you are getting help for your afflictions. Don't forget to take your meds. Good luck. :itsok:
Other presidents bowed out after two terms. Imagine judging FDR on his first term? Freaking soup line depression, organized crime shooting up the Country, bodies in ditches and people literally starving to death. The Brits were shocked that the U.S. didn't even have an espionage network. Foreign policy was a mess and the FDR administration misjudged the Japanese to the point of criminal negligence.
President Trump faced a hostile media, a criminal enterprise in federal law enforcement, two impeachments based on fraudulent documents, attempted assassination of every conservative congressmen and a global pandemic that the media blamed on him and you are concerned that he failed to "drain the swamp" in four years? The darling of liberal politics and the top three choice of historians, FDR, presided over a soup line "Great Depression" in his first two terms. Some would say his lack of foresight led the U.S. (and the world) into the worst conflagration in history, WW2. Democrats lied to Americans and ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term.
Wow. Practically every sentence in your post is a lie. And you achieved something rare. You mentioned Rump (one of, if not the, worst president in US history) & the great FDR (who not only took us out of the depression but also faced the Nazis & the Japs and hence was one of the greatest presidents in US history) in the same sentence!!!

I could spend all day unpacking all of it but why bother? When someone is this far gone, it is best just to call a paddy wagon and transport them away. Hope you are getting help for your afflictions. Don't forget to take your meds. Good luck. :itsok:
Be totally honest...which category of filth do you fit?
pole puffer / faggot
rug muncher
chick with dick
feminazi SJW
degenerate welfare filth
Because EVERYONE outside of those factions of filth kicked ass on Trumps watch.
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
Correct decision for all the wrong reasons.
People like yourself can't wait till he runs again.

It is literally all the DNC has.

Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th!

Meanwhile, corrupt figures like Cuomo are allowed to stay in power despite members of their own party blushing and begging him to step down because of the corruption and violence against women, but knowing they are asking in vain because they are all so power hungry. You know, the man Xiden said was the gold standard for leadership during the Covid crisis. The man who mixed Covid patients with the elderly, killed them all off, and then tried to hide it.

That guy.

Did you even read your own posts? Here is the key sentence you wrote about Cuomo: "Meanwhile, corrupt figures like Cuomo are allowed to stay in power despite members of their own party blushing and begging him to step down because of the corruption and violence against women"

So you acknowledge that even the Dems want Cuomo to step down. Now compare that to the blind allegiance to you guys have to Trump.

Trump, who is an equally corrupt, sexual pervert. And yet, you guys can't wait for him
President Trump faced a hostile media, a criminal enterprise in federal law enforcement, two impeachments based on fraudulent documents, attempted assassination of every conservative congressmen and a global pandemic that the media blamed on him and you are concerned that he failed to "drain the swamp" in four years? The darling of liberal politics and the top three choice of historians, FDR, presided over a soup line "Great Depression" in his first two terms. Some would say his lack of foresight led the U.S. (and the world) into the worst conflagration in history, WW2. Democrats lied to Americans and ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term.
Wow. Practically every sentence in your post is a lie. And you achieved something rare. You mentioned Rump (one of, if not the, worst president in US history) & the great FDR (who not only took us out of the depression but also faced the Nazis & the Japs and hence was one of the greatest presidents in US history) in the same sentence!!!

I could spend all day unpacking all of it but why bother? When someone is this far gone, it is best just to call a paddy wagon and transport them away. Hope you are getting help for your afflictions. Don't forget to take your meds. Good luck. :itsok:
Be totally honest...which category of filth do you fit?
pole puffer / faggot
rug muncher
chick with dick
feminazi SJW
degenerate welfare filth
Thanks for putting up a list of words. Not sure what you expect...a pat on the head? Sure, here ya go... :itsok:
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
Trump exposed just how deep the corruption is in Washington.

That's a start,
Pure and simple, he promised to drain the swamp.

If so, who did he drain? He did nothing but appoint mostly deep state props that chewed him up and spat him out on January 6th.

All it did was buy the US a few more years and energize the Left wing lunatics.

And as I sit and watch virtually nothing done about election integrity being addressed, that is adequately, why repeat the same scenario?
Correct decision for all the wrong reasons.
People like yourself can't wait till he runs again.

It is literally all the DNC has.

Orange man bad.

Besides, January 6th!

Meanwhile, corrupt figures like Cuomo are allowed to stay in power despite members of their own party blushing and begging him to step down because of the corruption and violence against women, but knowing they are asking in vain because they are all so power hungry. You know, the man Xiden said was the gold standard for leadership during the Covid crisis. The man who mixed Covid patients with the elderly, killed them all off, and then tried to hide it.

That guy.

Did you even read your own posts? Here is the key sentence you wrote about Cuomo: "Meanwhile, corrupt figures like Cuomo are allowed to stay in power despite members of their own party blushing and begging him to step down because of the corruption and violence against women"

So you acknowledge that even the Dems want Cuomo to step down. Now compare that to the blind allegiance to you guys have to Trump.

Trump, who is an equally corrupt, sexual pervert. And yet, you guys can't wait for him
President Trump faced a hostile media, a criminal enterprise in federal law enforcement, two impeachments based on fraudulent documents, attempted assassination of every conservative congressmen and a global pandemic that the media blamed on him and you are concerned that he failed to "drain the swamp" in four years? The darling of liberal politics and the top three choice of historians, FDR, presided over a soup line "Great Depression" in his first two terms. Some would say his lack of foresight led the U.S. (and the world) into the worst conflagration in history, WW2. Democrats lied to Americans and ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term.
Wow. Practically every sentence in your post is a lie. And you achieved something rare. You mentioned Rump (one of, if not the, worst president in US history) & the great FDR (who not only took us out of the depression but also faced the Nazis & the Japs and hence was one of the greatest presidents in US history) in the same sentence!!!

I could spend all day unpacking all of it but why bother? When someone is this far gone, it is best just to call a paddy wagon and transport them away. Hope you are getting help for your afflictions. Don't forget to take your meds. Good luck. :itsok:
Be totally honest...which category of filth do you fit?
pole puffer / faggot
rug muncher
chick with dick
feminazi SJW
degenerate welfare filth
Thanks for putting up a list of words. Not sure what you expect...a pat on the head? Sure, here ya go... :itsok:
Don’t be scared to be honest...We know for absolute fact that you fit within one of the aforementioned factions of filth...Which is it?

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