Why I *Could* Support Donald Trump If He Gets the GOP Nomination


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
At times--not all the time, but sometimes--I find Donald Trump to be annoying, disappointing, rude, and abrasive. But, here are eight reasons that I could support him if he gets the GOP nomination:

1. Trump is the only Republican candidate who understands that trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc., have been disastrous for our industrial base and for American jobs, and he is the only Republican candidate who is willing to use protective tariffs to protect American jobs and industry and to stop nations like China from fleecing us via currency manipulation and other unfair trade practices. Cruz and Rubio seem to have forgotten that the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln strongly supported protective tariffs and that America flourished for decades behind the high, protective tariff rates that the Republican presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses established.

2. Trump is basically a non-interventionist and would not drag us into unnecessary wars and nation building. Trump opposed the Iraq War long, long before any other Republican leaders began to even hint at doubts about it, and he is one of the few GOP leaders who is willing to admit that the war was a horrible blunder. Trump is also the only GOP candidate who realizes that Vladimir Putin is our natural ally on many issues, especially ISIS. Trump has been strident in his attacks on the Iran nuclear deal, but he would not just "tear it up" as soon as he entered the White House, as Cruz has pledged to do. Trump is also open to maintaining the opening to Cuba without demanding all the conditions that neo-con Republicans have demanded (we would have no diplomatic relations with China, Russia, Pakistan, Thailand, etc., etc., if we adopted the same approach toward them that the neo-cons want us to adopt toward Cuba).

3. I believe Trump would be the toughest on illegal immigration, on securing our Southern border, and on ending the disgrace of sanctuary cities.

4. Since Trump does not want to change or privatize Social Security and Medicare but wants to pay for them with increased economic growth and with cuts in other areas, the Democrats would be unable to use these issues to scare seniors. Trump doesn’t even want to raise the retirement age for Social Security, and many, many Americans agree with that position.

5. Trump’s tax plan would be a huge improvement over what we have now. It’s not as conservative as Cruz’s plan, but it’s also not as easy to demagogue because it would give tax breaks to the middle class and would raise some taxes on the rich (while cutting other taxes on the rich).

6. I believe Trump would be able to get things done because I think he would be able to find middle ground with reasonable Democrats on a number of issues. I think he would have the best chance of ending much of the gridlock that has plagued Congress and the White House for a long time. I think he would govern as a centrist on some issues and as a conservative on other issues.

7. Trump’s position on Planned Parenthood would be the hardest for the Democrats to demagogue, since he has been willing to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood does perform some worthwhile functions. Trump has said he would cut federal funds for PP because of their involvement with abortion, but he would not be hostile toward PP (whereas Ted Cruz has pledged to have the DOJ investigate PP).

8. People who follow politics know that if you want to know how a candidate is going to govern, look at the people with whom he surrounds himself; look at his campaign manger and his other top aides. Trump’s campaign manger is a former state director of Americans for Prosperity and a former campaign manager for former ultra-conservative Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire; his deputy campaign manager was Sarah Palin’s chief of staff; his recruiting staffer worked for ardent conservative Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas; his national field director was a founding member of Americans for Prosperity; and his national spokeswoman was a spokeswoman for the Tea Party Leadership Fund. I might add that Trump’s adult children are conservatives (for example, go to YouTube and watch some of the interviews that Eric Trump has given, and Trump's daughter Ivanka is a practicing Orthodox Jew).
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If we don't bring manufacturing back to America and put a stop to these asshole countries like China and Mexico taking advantage America is doomed. You simply cannot sustain our standard of living via service jobs and borrowing trillions of dollars and never paying back a dime.
No offense, but it disgusting if someone has to think twice about a decision. I mean imagine if we need 8 criteria to have a fuck relationship. You either make a decision or you are a fucking douchebag. And why does the douchebag have an avatar of some fag tea party nerd from hundreds of years ago.
And I'm sure he has some beach front property in Kansas to sell you too.

You don't think, that just maybe, Trump is telling you exactly what you want to hear? It happens evey election cycle. People get told what they want to hear, vote based off of those promisees, and then nothing happens when that person gets into office. The sad thing is people fall for it year after year. And every year you hear the same excuse, "This time, it's different".

It's not different, it never is. Trump isn't an exception. He's blowing smoke up people's asses and they're smiling waiting for more. Just like Obama did with Democrats and his "Hope and Change" bullshit.

Oh well, I guess if all it takes to get elected to office is to lie about what you'll do, then America deserves the fucked up government we have.
At times--not all the time, but sometimes--I find Donald Trump to be annoying, disappointing, rude, and abrasive. But, here are eight reasons that I could support him if he gets the GOP nomination:

1. Trump is the only Republican candidate who understands that trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc., have been disastrous for our industrial base and for American jobs, and he is the only Republican candidate who is willing to use protective tariffs to protect American jobs and industry and to stop nations like China from fleecing us via currency manipulation and other unfair trade practices. Cruz and Rubio seem to have forgotten that the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln strongly supported protective tariffs and that America flourished for decades behind the high, protective tariff rates that the Republican presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses established.

2. Trump is basically a non-interventionist and would not drag us into unnecessary wars and nation building. Trump opposed the Iraq War long, long before any other Republican leaders began to even hint at doubts about it, and he is one of the few GOP leaders who is willing to admit that the war was a horrible blunder. Trump is also the only GOP candidate who realizes that Vladimir Putin is our natural ally on many issues, especially ISIS. Trump has been strident in his attacks on the Iran nuclear deal, but he would not just "tear it up" as soon as he entered the White House, as Cruz has pledged to do. Trump is also open to maintaining the opening to Cuba without demanding all the conditions that neo-con Republicans have demanded (we would have no diplomatic relations with China, Russia, Pakistan, Thailand, etc., etc., if we adopted the same approach toward them that the neo-cons want us to adopt toward Cuba).

3. I believe Trump would be the toughest on illegal immigration, on securing our Southern border, and on ending the disgrace of sanctuary cities.

4. Since Trump does not want to change or privatize Social Security and Medicare but wants to pay for them with increased economic growth and with cuts in other areas, the Democrats would be unable to use these issues to scare seniors. Trump doesn’t even want to raise the retirement age for Social Security, and many, many Americans agree with that position.

5. Trump’s tax plan would be a huge improvement over what we have now. It’s not as conservative as Cruz’s plan, but it’s also not as easy to demagogue because it would give tax breaks to the middle class and would raise some taxes on the rich (while cutting other taxes on the rich).

6. I believe Trump would be able to get things done because I think he would be able to find middle ground with reasonable Democrats on a number of issues. I think he would have the best chance of ending much of the gridlock that has plagued Congress and the White House for a long time. I think he would govern as a centrist on some issues and as a conservative on other issues.

7. Trump’s position on Planned Parenthood would be the hardest for the Democrats to demagogue, since he has been willing to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood does perform some worthwhile functions. Trump has said he would cut federal funds for PP because of their involvement with abortion, but he would not be hostile toward PP (whereas Ted Cruz has pledged to have the DOJ investigate PP).

8. People who follow politics know that if you want to know how a candidate is going to govern, look at the people with whom he surrounds himself; look at his campaign manger and his other top aides. Trump’s campaign manger is a former state director of Americans for Prosperity and a former campaign manager for former ultra-conservative Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire; his deputy campaign manager was Sarah Palin’s chief of staff; his recruiting staffer worked for ardent conservative Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas; his national field director was a founding member of Americans for Prosperity; and his national spokeswoman was a spokeswoman for the Tea Party Leadership Fund. I might add that Trump’s adult children are conservatives (for example, go to YouTube and watch some of the interviews that Eric Trump has given, and Trump's daughter Ivanka is a practicing Orthodox Jew).
Talking yourself into it because thats the best option left for the GOP eh.
1. Agree and I could not be happier some on the right realize this. And yes some on the left don't. This should be a bipartisan issue for everyone.
2.Once again I couldn't be happier some on the right realize this, and yes some on the left don't.
3.I can see Trump being tougher with immigration but nothing like the platitudes he claims will come to pass.
4.Right. Most Americans agree because it is the right position. Like it or not social security is a great program that insures none of our elderly have to struggle in their most vulnerable years.
5.Trumps tax plan will cut taxes for the rich more than anyone else. Fail.
6.This is certainly possible because Trump is not far right like Cruz who's idea of compromise is to shut down the govt.
7.Trump will let PP remain because it is a great resource for young women's health especially.
8.This is true they are establishment people from the enlightened North. Don't be surprised if they have liberal social policies.
The only reason to support Trump is simple, Trump makes his name, a brand known for quality, for luxury, for the better things in life.

Trump will not tarnish the name, Trump.
The only reason to support Trump is simple, Trump makes his name, a brand known for quality, for luxury, for the better things in life.

Trump will not tarnish the name, Trump.
Also lets not forget Trump's legendary salesmanship.

I'm going to make America great, believe me. It's going to be tremendous. My friend called me up the other day and said, Donald I can't believe how amazing it is what you are doing. It's tremendous. People come up to me and tell me Donald you are great. And I am, believe it.
Also lets not forget Trump's legendary salesmanship.

I'm going to make America great, believe me. It's going to be tremendous. My friend called me up the other day and said, Donald I can't believe how amazing it is what you are doing. It's tremendous. People come up to me and tell me Donald you are great. And I am, believe it.
so, you are stating you will oppose and fight against Trump making America great?
Also lets not forget Trump's legendary salesmanship.

I'm going to make America great, believe me. It's going to be tremendous. My friend called me up the other day and said, Donald I can't believe how amazing it is what you are doing. It's tremendous. People come up to me and tell me Donald you are great. And I am, believe it.
so, you are stating you will oppose and fight against Trump making America great?
No I am stating Trump supporters are weak minded people that are easy marks for a good salesman.
At times--not all the time, but sometimes--I find Donald Trump to be annoying, disappointing, rude, and abrasive. But, here are eight reasons that I could support him if he gets the GOP nomination:

1. Trump is the only Republican candidate who understands that trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc., have been disastrous for our industrial base and for American jobs, and he is the only Republican candidate who is willing to use protective tariffs to protect American jobs and industry and to stop nations like China from fleecing us via currency manipulation and other unfair trade practices. Cruz and Rubio seem to have forgotten that the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln strongly supported protective tariffs and that America flourished for decades behind the high, protective tariff rates that the Republican presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses established.

2. Trump is basically a non-interventionist and would not drag us into unnecessary wars and nation building. Trump opposed the Iraq War long, long before any other Republican leaders began to even hint at doubts about it, and he is one of the few GOP leaders who is willing to admit that the war was a horrible blunder. Trump is also the only GOP candidate who realizes that Vladimir Putin is our natural ally on many issues, especially ISIS. Trump has been strident in his attacks on the Iran nuclear deal, but he would not just "tear it up" as soon as he entered the White House, as Cruz has pledged to do. Trump is also open to maintaining the opening to Cuba without demanding all the conditions that neo-con Republicans have demanded (we would have no diplomatic relations with China, Russia, Pakistan, Thailand, etc., etc., if we adopted the same approach toward them that the neo-cons want us to adopt toward Cuba).

3. I believe Trump would be the toughest on illegal immigration, on securing our Southern border, and on ending the disgrace of sanctuary cities.

4. Since Trump does not want to change or privatize Social Security and Medicare but wants to pay for them with increased economic growth and with cuts in other areas, the Democrats would be unable to use these issues to scare seniors. Trump doesn’t even want to raise the retirement age for Social Security, and many, many Americans agree with that position.

5. Trump’s tax plan would be a huge improvement over what we have now. It’s not as conservative as Cruz’s plan, but it’s also not as easy to demagogue because it would give tax breaks to the middle class and would raise some taxes on the rich (while cutting other taxes on the rich).

6. I believe Trump would be able to get things done because I think he would be able to find middle ground with reasonable Democrats on a number of issues. I think he would have the best chance of ending much of the gridlock that has plagued Congress and the White House for a long time. I think he would govern as a centrist on some issues and as a conservative on other issues.

7. Trump’s position on Planned Parenthood would be the hardest for the Democrats to demagogue, since he has been willing to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood does perform some worthwhile functions. Trump has said he would cut federal funds for PP because of their involvement with abortion, but he would not be hostile toward PP (whereas Ted Cruz has pledged to have the DOJ investigate PP).

8. People who follow politics know that if you want to know how a candidate is going to govern, look at the people with whom he surrounds himself; look at his campaign manger and his other top aides. Trump’s campaign manger is a former state director of Americans for Prosperity and a former campaign manager for former ultra-conservative Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire; his deputy campaign manager was Sarah Palin’s chief of staff; his recruiting staffer worked for ardent conservative Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas; his national field director was a founding member of Americans for Prosperity; and his national spokeswoman was a spokeswoman for the Tea Party Leadership Fund. I might add that Trump’s adult children are conservatives (for example, go to YouTube and watch some of the interviews that Eric Trump has given, and Trump's daughter Ivanka is a practicing Orthodox Jew).

I can support Trump if he is the nominee, because a President is only as good as the people he surrounds himself with. He has consistently surrounded himself with intelligent, successful people, and not political hacks. This is proven out by the ascension of Ben Carson into his campaign, and probably would end up with him being in the cabinet.

To believe for an instant that Presidents are these brilliant people on all issues is a fallacy. A President is to set the direction, and his advisors are the ones who tell him how to get there, and draw him/her a political, navigational path, to the goals set.

If there is one candidate running today that would be willing to use the very best ideas from both right and left, it would be Trump. His supporters from both sides of the aisle care less who's ideas he uses to achieve the goals set............right or left.........they just want success. Besides his stance on illegal immigration, most of his policy would be considered moderate.
No I am stating Trump supporters are weak minded people that are easy marks for a good salesman.
So, you are stating that Trump is a good salesman, a good salesman can sell Freedom and Justice to the World, a good Salesman is what our businesses and industry needs? Yes? Or do you believe that hard working salesman are worthless?

A good salesman sells a good product.
At times--not all the time, but sometimes--I find Donald Trump to be annoying, disappointing, rude, and abrasive. But, here are eight reasons that I could support him if he gets the GOP nomination:

1. Trump is the only Republican candidate who understands that trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc., have been disastrous for our industrial base and for American jobs, and he is the only Republican candidate who is willing to use protective tariffs to protect American jobs and industry and to stop nations like China from fleecing us via currency manipulation and other unfair trade practices. Cruz and Rubio seem to have forgotten that the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln strongly supported protective tariffs and that America flourished for decades behind the high, protective tariff rates that the Republican presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses established.

2. Trump is basically a non-interventionist and would not drag us into unnecessary wars and nation building. Trump opposed the Iraq War long, long before any other Republican leaders began to even hint at doubts about it, and he is one of the few GOP leaders who is willing to admit that the war was a horrible blunder. Trump is also the only GOP candidate who realizes that Vladimir Putin is our natural ally on many issues, especially ISIS. Trump has been strident in his attacks on the Iran nuclear deal, but he would not just "tear it up" as soon as he entered the White House, as Cruz has pledged to do. Trump is also open to maintaining the opening to Cuba without demanding all the conditions that neo-con Republicans have demanded (we would have no diplomatic relations with China, Russia, Pakistan, Thailand, etc., etc., if we adopted the same approach toward them that the neo-cons want us to adopt toward Cuba).

3. I believe Trump would be the toughest on illegal immigration, on securing our Southern border, and on ending the disgrace of sanctuary cities.

4. Since Trump does not want to change or privatize Social Security and Medicare but wants to pay for them with increased economic growth and with cuts in other areas, the Democrats would be unable to use these issues to scare seniors. Trump doesn’t even want to raise the retirement age for Social Security, and many, many Americans agree with that position.

5. Trump’s tax plan would be a huge improvement over what we have now. It’s not as conservative as Cruz’s plan, but it’s also not as easy to demagogue because it would give tax breaks to the middle class and would raise some taxes on the rich (while cutting other taxes on the rich).

6. I believe Trump would be able to get things done because I think he would be able to find middle ground with reasonable Democrats on a number of issues. I think he would have the best chance of ending much of the gridlock that has plagued Congress and the White House for a long time. I think he would govern as a centrist on some issues and as a conservative on other issues.

7. Trump’s position on Planned Parenthood would be the hardest for the Democrats to demagogue, since he has been willing to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood does perform some worthwhile functions. Trump has said he would cut federal funds for PP because of their involvement with abortion, but he would not be hostile toward PP (whereas Ted Cruz has pledged to have the DOJ investigate PP).

8. People who follow politics know that if you want to know how a candidate is going to govern, look at the people with whom he surrounds himself; look at his campaign manger and his other top aides. Trump’s campaign manger is a former state director of Americans for Prosperity and a former campaign manager for former ultra-conservative Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire; his deputy campaign manager was Sarah Palin’s chief of staff; his recruiting staffer worked for ardent conservative Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas; his national field director was a founding member of Americans for Prosperity; and his national spokeswoman was a spokeswoman for the Tea Party Leadership Fund. I might add that Trump’s adult children are conservatives (for example, go to YouTube and watch some of the interviews that Eric Trump has given, and Trump's daughter Ivanka is a practicing Orthodox Jew).

So you could support him because he's the candidate most similar to Bernie Sanders. lol
No I am stating Trump supporters are weak minded people that are easy marks for a good salesman.
So, you are stating that Trump is a good salesman, a good salesman can sell Freedom and Justice to the World, a good Salesman is what our businesses and industry needs? Yes? Or do you believe that hard working salesman are worthless?

A good salesman sells a good product.
A good salesman sells first and everything else second. I'd rather not deal with the fallout when the sale turns out to be made of BS.
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