Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump


The return of two $30 pairs of gloves will not impress Linda Bean or move the needle at L.L. Bean, but it makes a big difference to me.

Dear L.L. Bean,

When I lost my favorite pair of L.L. Bean rag wool gloves last week, I immediately purchased a replacement pair online. Chronically prone to losing my gloves, I even bought an extra pair.

I’d like to explain why I canceled that order.

I’ve been a customer of Bean’s for nearly 40 years—since the days when the clothes in your catalog were modeled by staff members in the office parking lot in Freeport, Maine.

I even worked as a technology consultant to L.L. Bean in the 1990s when the catalog was integrating its first workflow software. I was told all about “Beanness”—the company’s expression of its unique culture and its guiding philosophy—and was taken on a tour of your fulfillment center. I still have the Swiss Army knife I purchased from the outlet store afterward.

I’ve played chamber music at summer festivals hosted by the University of Maine at Orono and by the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, where I fell in love with the state’s rocky coastline; since then, I’ve always been happy to support Maine-based businesses. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on Bean merchandise over the years.

And I’ve always been willing to look the other way when Bean family members spouted lies, supported right-wing candidates whose beliefs were antithetical to my own, and endorsed right-wing causes that directly threatened me, my family, and my friends.

But this time things have gone too far.

More: Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump

You should read the rest of the OP link. It is delicious. Thank you Andrew Miller. I usually spend a few hundred with L.L. Bean each year - but no more.
I didn't know Bean sold lace panties....I hope you washed them before returning them.....yo.
Left wing logic: punish the hard working employees of LL Bean because you don't approve of the company's politics. No wonder the Country is so screwed up under Obama. Next thing you know liberals will want to punish an entire state because they refuse to allow men to powder their noses in the ladies room....wait a minute that already happened didn't it.
Left wing logic: punish the hard working employees of LL Bean because you don't approve of the company's politics. No wonder the Country is so screwed up under Obama. Next thing you know liberals will want to punish an entire state because they refuse to allow men to powder their noses in the ladies room....wait a minute that already happened didn't it.
dont forget, if the left boycotts, and a companies profits drop causing them to lay off workers, or hold of on pay raises, the left will then come out and point at the company as evil because it only cut back on expenses due to corporate greed.
Its pretty much why nobody with an education greater that the 10th grade usually listens to the left.

The return of two $30 pairs of gloves will not impress Linda Bean or move the needle at L.L. Bean, but it makes a big difference to me.

Dear L.L. Bean,

When I lost my favorite pair of L.L. Bean rag wool gloves last week, I immediately purchased a replacement pair online. Chronically prone to losing my gloves, I even bought an extra pair.

I’d like to explain why I canceled that order.

I’ve been a customer of Bean’s for nearly 40 years—since the days when the clothes in your catalog were modeled by staff members in the office parking lot in Freeport, Maine.

I even worked as a technology consultant to L.L. Bean in the 1990s when the catalog was integrating its first workflow software. I was told all about “Beanness”—the company’s expression of its unique culture and its guiding philosophy—and was taken on a tour of your fulfillment center. I still have the Swiss Army knife I purchased from the outlet store afterward.

I’ve played chamber music at summer festivals hosted by the University of Maine at Orono and by the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, where I fell in love with the state’s rocky coastline; since then, I’ve always been happy to support Maine-based businesses. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on Bean merchandise over the years.

And I’ve always been willing to look the other way when Bean family members spouted lies, supported right-wing candidates whose beliefs were antithetical to my own, and endorsed right-wing causes that directly threatened me, my family, and my friends.

But this time things have gone too far.

More: Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump

You should read the rest of the OP link. It is delicious. Thank you Andrew Miller. I usually spend a few hundred with L.L. Bean each year - but no more.

Fortunately for them, income from the rest of us buying from LLBean to offset the snowflake boycott are exceeding the snowflakes. Probably because we have more money since we work harder. I just placed my first order with them in years

The return of two $30 pairs of gloves will not impress Linda Bean or move the needle at L.L. Bean, but it makes a big difference to me.

Dear L.L. Bean,

When I lost my favorite pair of L.L. Bean rag wool gloves last week, I immediately purchased a replacement pair online. Chronically prone to losing my gloves, I even bought an extra pair.

I’d like to explain why I canceled that order.

I’ve been a customer of Bean’s for nearly 40 years—since the days when the clothes in your catalog were modeled by staff members in the office parking lot in Freeport, Maine.

I even worked as a technology consultant to L.L. Bean in the 1990s when the catalog was integrating its first workflow software. I was told all about “Beanness”—the company’s expression of its unique culture and its guiding philosophy—and was taken on a tour of your fulfillment center. I still have the Swiss Army knife I purchased from the outlet store afterward.

I’ve played chamber music at summer festivals hosted by the University of Maine at Orono and by the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, where I fell in love with the state’s rocky coastline; since then, I’ve always been happy to support Maine-based businesses. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on Bean merchandise over the years.

And I’ve always been willing to look the other way when Bean family members spouted lies, supported right-wing candidates whose beliefs were antithetical to my own, and endorsed right-wing causes that directly threatened me, my family, and my friends.

But this time things have gone too far.

More: Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump

You should read the rest of the OP link. It is delicious. Thank you Andrew Miller. I usually spend a few hundred with L.L. Bean each year - but no more.

It won't impress anyone. It will make you look foolish. Even you admit your action only satisfied you. L L Bean will go on without whining bitches like you.
That is really too much ado about a pair gloves.

Lets keep politics to the voting booth...and USMB of course.

She probably ordered the gloves just to cancel them and probably had never ordered anything from the company before. That is if she even ever ordered them

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