Why hasn't Michael Grimm been arrested for assault?

How else should we treat a government that abuses its power, spies on us, uses its police power to ensure reelection?

Grimm for Speaker!

I can agree that reporter should be able to question Grimm and any other member of the Government (Including the White House Press corps) without silly restrictions and or threats of retribution. If they choose not to answer the question so be it.

He should be censured by the House.
The reporter was there to interview him about the speech. If he wanted to talk about anything else he should have done it at another time. Most reporters are assholes when it comes to these things. Grimm was wrong for saying it, but I could see why he did.

Really now?

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

You have any clue as to what all of that means and why it's part of the foundation of our government and structure of our Democracy?

The government does not and should not decide what questions are "appropriate" from the Press.

An elected official threatened violence to a member of the press.

That's very serious and it should earn him a ticket out of office..at the very least.

Yet Obama does. He even has them investigated when they ask the wrong questions, or simply do their jobs. http://www.infowars.com/liberals-defend-obama-for-spying-on-media/
He hasn't been arrested because there was no assault. How stupid are you exactly?

According to Washington DC law?

There are three forms of misdemeanor assault (that is, simple assault) in Washington, D.C. First, there is “attempted battery assault” which occurs when the defendant injures or attempts to injure another person. The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury. Finally, “non-violent sexual touching assault” is the intentional touching of another person’s body without the other person’s consent. The touching in this third form must be on a part of the other person’s body that “would cause fear, shame, humiliation or mental anguish in a person of reasonable sensibility if done without consent.”
Simple Assault in Washington, DC: Attempted Battery Assault, Intent to Frighten Assault, and Sexual Touching Assault | Koehler Law

Michael Grimm is a criminal.

You're right. He should switch to the democrat party. He'll have a bright future.

George W. Bush had a Criminal Record. In Fact, first President with a Criminal Record. And he's a Republican.

Your boy Darrell Issa? Car Thief, firebug and likes to carry around unregistered guns.

Another Republican.
Being threatened is a badge of honor amongst political reporters, it shows that they are doing their job effectively, he ought to send him a thank you card for furthering his career.

yeah, reward being an ass and a thug...that's why occupiers like you all love Obama so much
If no poster has previously mentioned it, might check Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 of the Constitution.
The reporter was there to interview him about the speech. If he wanted to talk about anything else he should have done it at another time. Most reporters are assholes when it comes to these things. Grimm was wrong for saying it, but I could see why he did.

Good reporters are assholes, softball throwing, pandering reporters go work for the conservative media.

Pandering like this???

"MSM job is to Bash the President"...
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."
But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters
The reporter was there to interview him about the speech. If he wanted to talk about anything else he should have done it at another time. Most reporters are assholes when it comes to these things. Grimm was wrong for saying it, but I could see why he did.

Really now?

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

You have any clue as to what all of that means and why it's part of the foundation of our government and structure of our Democracy?

The government does not and should not decide what questions are "appropriate" from the Press.

An elected official threatened violence to a member of the press.

That's very serious and it should earn him a ticket out of office..at the very least.

Yet Obama does. He even has them investigated when they ask the wrong questions, or simply do their jobs. » Liberals Defend Obama For Spying On Media Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

He threatened violence..when, exactly?
Because who gives a shit? Saying something to a person is not assault.

Yes it is.

I've posted the law several times in this thread.

I will post it again:

There are three forms of misdemeanor assault (that is, simple assault) in Washington, D.C. First, there is “attempted battery assault” which occurs when the defendant injures or attempts to injure another person. The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury. Finally, “non-violent sexual touching assault” is the intentional touching of another person’s body without the other person’s consent. The touching in this third form must be on a part of the other person’s body that “would cause fear, shame, humiliation or mental anguish in a person of reasonable sensibility if done without consent.”
Simple Assault in Washington, DC: Attempted Battery Assault, Intent to Frighten Assault, and Sexual Touching Assault | Koehler Law

It's in English.
Because who gives a shit? Saying something to a person is not assault.

Yes it is.

I've posted the law several times in this thread.

I will post it again:

There are three forms of misdemeanor assault (that is, simple assault) in Washington, D.C. First, there is “attempted battery assault” which occurs when the defendant injures or attempts to injure another person. The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury. Finally, “non-violent sexual touching assault” is the intentional touching of another person’s body without the other person’s consent. The touching in this third form must be on a part of the other person’s body that “would cause fear, shame, humiliation or mental anguish in a person of reasonable sensibility if done without consent.”
Simple Assault in Washington, DC: Attempted Battery Assault, Intent to Frighten Assault, and Sexual Touching Assault | Koehler Law

It's in English.

The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury.

Being threatened to be thrown off a balcony when you are standing on the edge of a balcony seems like reasonable fear of immediate injury
While ya could pursue it criminally, nothing would likely come of it. Civilly's another matter. But best would be via whatever Congressional Code of Ethics would apply. Point presumedly is to get him out of office. A misdemeanor and suspended sentence isn't the best way to do that.
Go sign a complaint on him you're so worried about it

This is a huge problem!!

We tolerate all kinds of bad behavior by Congressman.

To get in trouble, a Congressman has to sell drugs to an FBI agent on hidden camera. Short of that, they do whatever they want (Dems and Pubs) and no one says a thing…

No one says a thing? we have 3-5 threads on this board on this incident. It's gotten national media attention. We have people from both parties saying he was wrong for letting his anger get the best of him and a public apology from the congressman.

No one says a thing? do you know what that means?
Because who gives a shit? Saying something to a person is not assault.

Yes it is.

I've posted the law several times in this thread.

I will post it again:

There are three forms of misdemeanor assault (that is, simple assault) in Washington, D.C. First, there is “attempted battery assault” which occurs when the defendant injures or attempts to injure another person. The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury. Finally, “non-violent sexual touching assault” is the intentional touching of another person’s body without the other person’s consent. The touching in this third form must be on a part of the other person’s body that “would cause fear, shame, humiliation or mental anguish in a person of reasonable sensibility if done without consent.”
Simple Assault in Washington, DC: Attempted Battery Assault, Intent to Frighten Assault, and Sexual Touching Assault | Koehler Law

It's in English.

And was the reporter in reasonable fear of immediate injury? The reporter doesn't act that way. He wasnt actually thrown over the balcony. I would think if he was really afraid he would press charges, or at least have mentioned it.
Because who gives a shit? Saying something to a person is not assault.

Yes it is.

I've posted the law several times in this thread.

I will post it again:

There are three forms of misdemeanor assault (that is, simple assault) in Washington, D.C. First, there is “attempted battery assault” which occurs when the defendant injures or attempts to injure another person. The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury. Finally, “non-violent sexual touching assault” is the intentional touching of another person’s body without the other person’s consent. The touching in this third form must be on a part of the other person’s body that “would cause fear, shame, humiliation or mental anguish in a person of reasonable sensibility if done without consent.”
Simple Assault in Washington, DC: Attempted Battery Assault, Intent to Frighten Assault, and Sexual Touching Assault | Koehler Law

It's in English.

And was the reporter in reasonable fear of immediate injury? The reporter doesn't act that way. He wasnt actually thrown over the balcony. I would think if he was really afraid he would press charges, or at least have mentioned it.

If you are standing on the edge of a balcony and someone threatens to throw you off that balcony......is that a reasonable fear of immediate injury?
Was Grimm laughing and joking when he said it or was he enraged?

That is reasonable
Last edited:
There are actually people who believe journalists should not ask "gotcha questions" like, 'what magazines do you read'. And, we've seen many Republicans demand to approve of questions beforehand and run from journalists if they could not make sure they would not be asked embarrassing questions about investigations and/or their utter incompetence.

I don't think this will end his career. It certainly should but, he's a bullying thug Republican, so this will likely get him more votes.
Because who gives a shit? Saying something to a person is not assault.

Yes it is.

I've posted the law several times in this thread.

I will post it again:

There are three forms of misdemeanor assault (that is, simple assault) in Washington, D.C. First, there is “attempted battery assault” which occurs when the defendant injures or attempts to injure another person. The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury. Finally, “non-violent sexual touching assault” is the intentional touching of another person’s body without the other person’s consent. The touching in this third form must be on a part of the other person’s body that “would cause fear, shame, humiliation or mental anguish in a person of reasonable sensibility if done without consent.”
Simple Assault in Washington, DC: Attempted Battery Assault, Intent to Frighten Assault, and Sexual Touching Assault | Koehler Law

It's in English.

The second form, “intent-to-frighten” assault, is defined as a threatening act that puts another person in reasonable fear of immediate injury.

Being threatened to be thrown off a balcony when you are standing on the edge of a balcony seems like reasonable fear of immediate injury

That journalist needs to make sure he's not alone where Grimm can get to him.
The reporter was there to interview him about the speech. If he wanted to talk about anything else he should have done it at another time. Most reporters are assholes when it comes to these things. Grimm was wrong for saying it, but I could see why he did.

Except now he's turned his corruption from a local story into a NATIONAL story.

Frankly, I never heard of this guy before yesterday, and unless you live in his district, probably most of you haven't heard of him.

And maybe he really didn't know anything about the shennanigans with his fundraising.

But now EVERYONE will be asking about it.

it's funny because he's up for reelection this year



Michael Grimm said:
I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor.

Grimm has been told privately if he acts like that again, he will get the perp walk in front of the cameras.
Really now?

You have any clue as to what all of that means and why it's part of the foundation of our government and structure of our Democracy?

The government does not and should not decide what questions are "appropriate" from the Press.

An elected official threatened violence to a member of the press.

That's very serious and it should earn him a ticket out of office..at the very least.

Yet Obama does. He even has them investigated when they ask the wrong questions, or simply do their jobs. » Liberals Defend Obama For Spying On Media Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

He threatened violence..when, exactly?

No proof of threats Just proof of illegal search and seizure.

BTW, Obama uses WhiteHouse lawyers and the DoJ to do his threatening for him.

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