Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

[/B]14613]I am so fucking tired of idiots like a health myth trying to bring up the CRA as the culprit for the housing mess.

You are so fucking stupid health myth that I won't bother trying to educate you. It has been done before and is obviously a waste of time.

Believe what you wanna believe and disregard the rest. Right health myths. Regardless of the fact of the matter.

Facts mean nothing in the land of make believe on the Internet.

That imbecile has already proven he can't comprehend what he reads. CRA loans were not the problem. CRA loans comprised only about 6% of the toxic loans and while that 6% contributed to the crisis, it wasn't the cause. The cause was a lethal combination of greed and opportunity. Lenders were giving out loans they knew were likely bad because they knew the government would back them. Remove downpayment requirements and drop interest rates to bare minimums; and the line to get a loan wrapped around the provebial block.

The CRA forced lenders to give loans to minorities .... 94% of the toxic loans, which caused the crisis, were not CRA loans and written willingly by greedy creditors. All it takes is a very small percentage of CRA loans to go bad to provide the nutty right the excuse to blame a Democrat for the financial crisis when almost all of the blame lies at the feet of Republicans.

All those greedy bankers were Republicans? Sure they were. LOL!
I didn't say they were. I said they were provided the opportunity thanks to Republican policies and lack of oversight while Republicans were in charge of the Congress.

Greedy bankers come from all walks of life.
Wow guys.

You are both good posters and I've appreciated the information.

Why not just post your facts and let the rest of us decide for ourselves.

A lot of what you post gets lost in the personal attacks and I will say I've learned some really good things here.


Have a Merry Christmas.
George W Bush had the opportunity to be one of our greatest Presidents

After 9-11 the country was in a panic. America demanded that we not let them get away with this. George Bush was given a blank check to do whatever he thought was necessary to fight terrorism. Bush had unprecidented support both at home and around the world

Bush should have built a global coalition to find the terrorists wherever they were hiding and destroy them. Instead, he chose nation building as his weapon of choice. He thought that if he could enforce democracy in the region, the bed of terrorism would disappear. Preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq destroyed our global aliance and credibility. What Bush envisioned as short wars with quick "Mission Accomplished" turned into ten year quagmires

What Bush saw as an opportunity to create one of our great Presidencies turned into one of the worst
You're right that he had the opportunity. What he lacked was the ability. This is really what this entire thread amounts to ... was Bush a "great" president? The answer is a resounding, hell no, and you hit on the reason.

We've had great presidents and what the share in common was what made them great presidents. Many presidents have been forced to face calamities and tribulations. What ditinguishes the great ones from thd rest is how they overcome the adversity and make America a better nation for it. Great presidents who come to mind are ones like Lincoln, who was up against the nation irreparably dividing in two. His efforts kept the country whole and made us a better nation for it. FDR faced the Nazis, Faciasts, & Imperialists. His efforts defeated them and made America a better nation for it.

George Bush possessed neither the potential nor the ability to catapult America to become a better nation in how he faced 9.11. He was a bumbling idiot whose only talent was spouting platitudes, which more often than not, he turned into a malapropism. The goodwill America recieved, he managed to make ill will. Instead of making America better, he left it broken and close to collapsed.

"Great" presidents overcome adversity and make America better. The OP of this thread is using the adversity Bush faced as the excuse for why he failed to make us better.

Forget healthmyths posting bullshit numbers in a failed attempt to fluff Bush; for the reasons above, Bush will never be considered a great president by anyone other than his brain-dead acolytes. And as has been proven here, they have to lie just to make him appear better than he was.

One of Bush's biggest failures was that he recieved piss poor advice. He had a small group of advisors whom he trusted and ignored advice from anyone else. These advisors led him from one poor decision to the next. Bush lacked the critical skills to challenge his advisors and hold them accountable
George W Bush had the opportunity to be one of our greatest Presidents

After 9-11 the country was in a panic. America demanded that we not let them get away with this. George Bush was given a blank check to do whatever he thought was necessary to fight terrorism. Bush had unprecidented support both at home and around the world

Bush should have built a global coalition to find the terrorists wherever they were hiding and destroy them. Instead, he chose nation building as his weapon of choice. He thought that if he could enforce democracy in the region, the bed of terrorism would disappear. Preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq destroyed our global aliance and credibility. What Bush envisioned as short wars with quick "Mission Accomplished" turned into ten year quagmires

What Bush saw as an opportunity to create one of our great Presidencies turned into one of the worst
You're right that he had the opportunity. What he lacked was the ability. This is really what this entire thread amounts to ... was Bush a "great" president? The answer is a resounding, hell no, and you hit on the reason.

We've had great presidents and what the share in common was what made them great presidents. Many presidents have been forced to face calamities and tribulations. What ditinguishes the great ones from thd rest is how they overcome the adversity and make America a better nation for it. Great presidents who come to mind are ones like Lincoln, who was up against the nation irreparably dividing in two. His efforts kept the country whole and made us a better nation for it. FDR faced the Nazis, Faciasts, & Imperialists. His efforts defeated them and made America a better nation for it.

George Bush possessed neither the potential nor the ability to catapult America to become a better nation in how he faced 9.11. He was a bumbling idiot whose only talent was spouting platitudes, which more often than not, he turned into a malapropism. The goodwill America recieved, he managed to make ill will. Instead of making America better, he left it broken and close to collapsed.

"Great" presidents overcome adversity and make America better. The OP of this thread is using the adversity Bush faced as the excuse for why he failed to make us better.

Forget healthmyths posting bullshit numbers in a failed attempt to fluff Bush; for the reasons above, Bush will never be considered a great president by anyone other than his brain-dead acolytes. And as has been proven here, they have to lie just to make him appear better than he was.

One of Bush's biggest failures was that he recieved piss poor advice. He had a small group of advisors whom he trusted and ignored advice from anyone else. These advisors led him from one poor decision to the next. Bush lacked the critical skills to challenge his advisors and hold them accountable

Bush is one of those fools who makes decisions based on his gut feeling about something. Anyone with half a brain knows that gut feelings are notoriously unreliable. Gut feelings are the bread and butter of con men and attractive gold diggers who want you to trust them because of some feeling you have.

Furthermore, people tend to magnify in their minds the times their gut feeling turns out to be right like it's some kind of moment of divine inspiration, and pretty much forget all the times their gut feeling turned out to be wrong as if it never really happened. That fact of human nature helps to keep palm readers and astrologers in business even when their track record isn't all that good.

Anyway, Bush's gut feeling is one of the reasons he never found any damn oil. But he trusted it on matters of national security with far more at stake than his own financial prospects.

Anyone who offered a story that reinforced Bush's preconceived idea was considered credible. Anyone else was viewed with suspicion.

And of course, Cheney just plain wanted to go to war. Bush's gut feelings were just a way to further that goal because Cheney kept serving up people who reinforced Bush's gut feelings. Cheney simply played Bush for the fool he was and is.
You're right that he had the opportunity. What he lacked was the ability. This is really what this entire thread amounts to ... was Bush a "great" president? The answer is a resounding, hell no, and you hit on the reason.

We've had great presidents and what the share in common was what made them great presidents. Many presidents have been forced to face calamities and tribulations. What ditinguishes the great ones from thd rest is how they overcome the adversity and make America a better nation for it. Great presidents who come to mind are ones like Lincoln, who was up against the nation irreparably dividing in two. His efforts kept the country whole and made us a better nation for it. FDR faced the Nazis, Faciasts, & Imperialists. His efforts defeated them and made America a better nation for it.

George Bush possessed neither the potential nor the ability to catapult America to become a better nation in how he faced 9.11. He was a bumbling idiot whose only talent was spouting platitudes, which more often than not, he turned into a malapropism. The goodwill America recieved, he managed to make ill will. Instead of making America better, he left it broken and close to collapsed.

"Great" presidents overcome adversity and make America better. The OP of this thread is using the adversity Bush faced as the excuse for why he failed to make us better.

Forget healthmyths posting bullshit numbers in a failed attempt to fluff Bush; for the reasons above, Bush will never be considered a great president by anyone other than his brain-dead acolytes. And as has been proven here, they have to lie just to make him appear better than he was.

One of Bush's biggest failures was that he recieved piss poor advice. He had a small group of advisors whom he trusted and ignored advice from anyone else. These advisors led him from one poor decision to the next. Bush lacked the critical skills to challenge his advisors and hold them accountable

Bush is one of those fools who makes decisions based on his gut feeling about something. Anyone with half a brain knows that gut feelings are notoriously unreliable. Gut feelings are the bread and butter of con men and attractive gold diggers who want you to trust them because of some feeling you have.

Furthermore, people tend to magnify in their minds the times their gut feeling turns out to be right like it's some kind of moment of divine inspiration, and pretty much forget all the times their gut feeling turned out to be wrong as if it never really happened. That fact of human nature helps to keep palm readers and astrologers in business even when their track record isn't all that good.

Anyway, Bush's gut feeling is one of the reasons he never found any damn oil. But he trusted it on matters of national security with far more at stake than his own financial prospects.

Anyone who offered a story that reinforced Bush's preconceived idea was considered credible. Anyone else was viewed with suspicion.

And of course, Cheney just plain wanted to go to war. Bush's gut feelings were just a way to further that goal because Cheney kept serving up people who reinforced Bush's gut feelings. Cheney simply played Bush for the fool he was and is.

Intel from a dozen different countries indicated that WMD's existed.

And that is the same as a gut feeling?

Jeez. Me thinks you don't understand the definition of "gut feeling"

As for your childish and irresponsible remark about Dick Cheney......it is an unfounded assumption by you and thus childish and irresponsible
George W Bush had the opportunity to be one of our greatest Presidents

After 9-11 the country was in a panic. America demanded that we not let them get away with this. George Bush was given a blank check to do whatever he thought was necessary to fight terrorism. Bush had unprecidented support both at home and around the world

Bush should have built a global coalition to find the terrorists wherever they were hiding and destroy them. Instead, he chose nation building as his weapon of choice. He thought that if he could enforce democracy in the region, the bed of terrorism would disappear. Preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq destroyed our global aliance and credibility. What Bush envisioned as short wars with quick "Mission Accomplished" turned into ten year quagmires

What Bush saw as an opportunity to create one of our great Presidencies turned into one of the worst
You're right that he had the opportunity. What he lacked was the ability. This is really what this entire thread amounts to ... was Bush a "great" president? The answer is a resounding, hell no, and you hit on the reason.

We've had great presidents and what the share in common was what made them great presidents. Many presidents have been forced to face calamities and tribulations. What ditinguishes the great ones from thd rest is how they overcome the adversity and make America a better nation for it. Great presidents who come to mind are ones like Lincoln, who was up against the nation irreparably dividing in two. His efforts kept the country whole and made us a better nation for it. FDR faced the Nazis, Faciasts, & Imperialists. His efforts defeated them and made America a better nation for it.

George Bush possessed neither the potential nor the ability to catapult America to become a better nation in how he faced 9.11. He was a bumbling idiot whose only talent was spouting platitudes, which more often than not, he turned into a malapropism. The goodwill America recieved, he managed to make ill will. Instead of making America better, he left it broken and close to collapsed.

"Great" presidents overcome adversity and make America better. The OP of this thread is using the adversity Bush faced as the excuse for why he failed to make us better.

Forget healthmyths posting bullshit numbers in a failed attempt to fluff Bush; for the reasons above, Bush will never be considered a great president by anyone other than his brain-dead acolytes. And as has been proven here, they have to lie just to make him appear better than he was.

One of Bush's biggest failures was that he recieved piss poor advice. He had a small group of advisors whom he trusted and ignored advice from anyone else. These advisors led him from one poor decision to the next. Bush lacked the critical skills to challenge his advisors and hold them accountable

A) I generally consider when the little red dotted appears under a word THAT MEANS it is misspelled. I also consider ANYONE an idiot who NOT only
ignores the little red dotted line when spelling received as even grade school kids are taught " 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' "! And then you ignore
the spell check and see "recieved" has a dotted line! Everything else you write is inconsequential!

B) As a result I not only discount your comments as being at the minimum childish but I discount because YOU and the above comments totally ignored
the thread premise..."GWB will be one of the Greatest" because NOT just ONE.. i.e. Ike had Korean war.. Johnson -- Kennedy assassination Nixon,
Vietnam/WaterGate, Carter Iran.. Reagan "misery index/ cold war.. Bush 41 Iraq invasion.. Clinton.. Lewinsky...!
All these Presidents had at least ONE.. maybe two BUT NOT ONE had 4 major literally earthshaking events!
1) 2001 Recession.. Yea we've had worst recessions
2) Dot.com Bust... yea we the misery index..
3) 9/11... NOT ONE event as touching everyone's lives in the above Presidents' terms.. except Bush..
4) 7 of top ten worst hurricanes ... yes each president had at least one BAD hurricane or earthquake... But NOT 7!

So if you can not see how these 4 monumental events hit the USA first in 2001 recession, then 2nd blow dot.com, then almost knockout 9/11.. and
there after year after year monumental hurricanes hitting the USA.. well you tell me WHAT magnificent changes you would have done?

PLUS all you idiots keep forgetting Iraq! You are blaming BUSH for keeping the 1991 Cease Fire" that Iraq was constantly ignoring!
And all the while you idiots thought oh sanctions are making Iraq abide..BULLSHIT!! 2 million kids would have starved by now if Saddam wasn't dead!
28 million people enjoying a 1,760% INCREASE in their per capita GDP growth from shit under Saddam and you are against freeing these people??

GWB when you idiots are no longer being totally brainwashed by the MSM that constantly tried to tear down the economy, berate our troops in Iraq like Obama did when he called our military for 'air raiding villages killing civilians"... AND YOU GUYS totally discount those encouraging words to the terrorists!

So those of you idiots that ONLY mouth what you've heard from the MSM that told us "their job is to BASH Bush" but when it comes to Obama.. "he's like a god"...I am totally confident I am right! Simply because you idiots attacking me personally while ignoring the realities are really grabbing at straws!

The rest of the readers are coming to the conclusions that GWB IN spite of 4 major events that NOT one President ever experienced realize that
GWB was a simple man... obviously not the "smartness of the 'corpse-man,gaffe prone' Messiah.. who couldn't even get a simple web site built!
It's amazing how many liberals around here have the power to read minds, and somehow manage to convince themselves that they are superior to people who accomplished more than these arrogant wannabes ever will if they live to be 200.
That imbecile has already proven he can't comprehend what he reads. CRA loans were not the problem. CRA loans comprised only about 6% of the toxic loans and while that 6% contributed to the crisis, it wasn't the cause. The cause was a lethal combination of greed and opportunity. Lenders were giving out loans they knew were likely bad because they knew the government would back them. Remove downpayment requirements and drop interest rates to bare minimums; and the line to get a loan wrapped around the provebial block.

The CRA forced lenders to give loans to minorities .... 94% of the toxic loans, which caused the crisis, were not CRA loans and written willingly by greedy creditors. All it takes is a very small percentage of CRA loans to go bad to provide the nutty right the excuse to blame a Democrat for the financial crisis when almost all of the blame lies at the feet of Republicans.

All those greedy bankers were Republicans? Sure they were. LOL!
I didn't say they were. I said they were provided the opportunity thanks to Republican policies and lack of oversight while Republicans were in charge of the Congress.

Greedy bankers come from all walks of life.

Lack of oversight?
One of Bush's biggest failures was that he recieved piss poor advice. He had a small group of advisors whom he trusted and ignored advice from anyone else. These advisors led him from one poor decision to the next. Bush lacked the critical skills to challenge his advisors and hold them accountable

Bush is one of those fools who makes decisions based on his gut feeling about something. Anyone with half a brain knows that gut feelings are notoriously unreliable. Gut feelings are the bread and butter of con men and attractive gold diggers who want you to trust them because of some feeling you have.

Furthermore, people tend to magnify in their minds the times their gut feeling turns out to be right like it's some kind of moment of divine inspiration, and pretty much forget all the times their gut feeling turned out to be wrong as if it never really happened. That fact of human nature helps to keep palm readers and astrologers in business even when their track record isn't all that good.

Anyway, Bush's gut feeling is one of the reasons he never found any damn oil. But he trusted it on matters of national security with far more at stake than his own financial prospects.

Anyone who offered a story that reinforced Bush's preconceived idea was considered credible. Anyone else was viewed with suspicion.

And of course, Cheney just plain wanted to go to war. Bush's gut feelings were just a way to further that goal because Cheney kept serving up people who reinforced Bush's gut feelings. Cheney simply played Bush for the fool he was and is.

Intel from a dozen different countries indicated that WMD's existed.

And that is the same as a gut feeling?

Jeez. Me thinks you don't understand the definition of "gut feeling"

As for your childish and irresponsible remark about Dick Cheney......it is an unfounded assumption by you and thus childish and irresponsible

No, the intel did not indicate that WMDs existed because they didn't exist. What the intel seemed to indicate is that based on Saddam's past track record, he was motivated to pursue WMDs and conceal them. And without certitude one way or the other, the intel communities were inclined to believe that he probably had some WMDs of one kind or another. That's very much the same reasoning that the police use when they're pursuing a felon who may have dropped his gun at a crime scene. They'll tell the general public that he's believed to be armed and dangerous just because of his criminal background even though they have no knowledge of any other weapons.

But Saddam also had a motive to lie about whether or not he possessed WMD in order to keep his neighbors and his fellow countrymen cowed. He would have figured that he was less likely to face an uprising or an attack if people believed he could turn WMDs on them.

But you know what? Our intel guys understood he played that game just like an American homeowners might want you to think they're armed even if they're not. But I don't recall ever once hearin that said in any gov't statement probably because they wanted everyone to believe that Saddam was a threat. Well, Saddam may have been a threat to his own people and to his immediate neighbors, and maybe even a mild threat to Israel, but Saddam Hussein was no threat to America or the American military like we were constantly told he was.
Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...
Doubling the national debt, adding more than all presidents before him added together, over $6 trillion, with a stupid war that we lost, and giving $3 trillion in welfare to the rich, and destroying the economy.
That's what this moron calls a great president. He should love the hell out of Obama.

Ah.. NOW that makes sense! "hangover"!!!
YOU were drunk probably from high school in 1998 and all through the 2008... what a f...king idiot!
Let me educate you meaning TELL YOU WHAT REALLY happen you dumb f...K... over the those years you were "hung over" NOT hung I'm sure
because idiots like you can do ONLY one thing open a bottle.. :

Did you know that
1) A RECESSION that started declining in 2000 and was officially started in 3/2001 Contributed to businesses letting people go...i.e. contributed to UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
2) There was a dot.com bubble bust in case YOU don't seem to remember that Officially cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
3) A minor event evidently YOU dummy.. was 9/11! 800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!

But being the town drunk as you were NONE of these events occurred did they???
Healthmyths is a robot thqt has the life like feature of being able to suck a President's cock. He is to George what Monica Lewinsky is to Clinton.
He has been running this same cut and paste thread since he joined he board

Nobody bought it then, nobody buys it now
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He has been running this same cut and paste thread sice he joined he board

Nobody bought it then, nobody buys it now

Actually I will repeat these events until IDIOTS like you admit they occurred.
Then ONCE you admit they occurred.. maybe you will understand and see what the rest of America sees without the MSM telling them as it has you that
these events didn't have ANY affect on the economy... on jobs... on TAX revenues!

Don't you guys think for one minute when Bush took office WHY tax cuts were immediately in the offering? They knew a recession was coming!
Recessions means reduced business revenue.. means reduced tax revenue... SO if businesses need help in making it through recession.. tax cuts!

But you guys also never seem to take in account the Recession was worsened by that so called Dot.com BUBBLE that burst! $5 trillion lost.. over 2.5 million jobs
lost due to recession/dot com bust...
"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million jobs in the 18 months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, said John A. Challenger, CEO of Chicago-based
Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said.
The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

Then 9/11 occurred! $2 trillion in losses.. airlines closed 3 days wall street closed 10 days AND YOU IDIOTS think that didn't have any affect on the economy???

Finally you idiots obviously NEVER heard that from 2003 to 2008 the 7 worst hurricanes in history occurred... and dumb f..ks like you don't think that had any

So when idiots like YOU finally get it through your extremely thick neanderthal heads... THESE EVENTS were the WORST that ever occurred in ONE presidency!
Yes Presidents had hurricanes... but not 7 of the worst!
Yes Presidents had attacks.. Pearl harbor was thousands of miles away and NOT on TV when planes hit...dumb f...ks you don't think that had an affect!
Finally Presidents have had recessions... BUT NONE that involved $5 trillion alone in market losses... 2.5 million jobs!

But YOU idiots totally ignore them! Well historians don't ignore FACTS!
And over time... you will see I've been correct because FACTS will prove that Bush had the most difficult events to contend with of any president in history!
George Bush has to convince a lot more people than health myths that his presidency was not the worst in modern times

9-11, Iraq, torture, WMDs, Gitmo, Katrina and the economic collapse of 2008 took care of that
Jon Stewart: "Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME..."

[audience: laughter followed by hiccups]

JS: "Yeah, I know. That's the sad thing about it all.
George Bush has to convince a lot more people than health myths that his presidency was not the worst in modern times

9-11, Iraq, torture, WMDs, Gitmo, Katrina and the economic collapse of 2008 took care of that

Policies continued by Obama

- "torture"
- Gitmo


- Sure, W is responsible for weather

The economic collapse of 2008

- OK, so we have a range. Obama is not responsible for economic events 5 years after he took office, W actually is responsible for events 7 years after he took office. So you've established the range, Obama will become responsible for the economy in the next two years.


- You're going to have to explain that one a bit more. The hijackers were in the US before W took office training for the mission they carried out. How is that W exactly? You want to pin that one on a President, it's slick willy, slick.
George Bush has to convince a lot more people than health myths that his presidency was not the worst in modern times

9-11, Iraq, torture, WMDs, Gitmo, Katrina and the economic collapse of 2008 took care of that

Policies continued by Obama

- "torture"
- Gitmo


- Sure, W is responsible for weather

The economic collapse of 2008

- OK, so we have a range. Obama is not responsible for economic events 5 years after he took office, W actually is responsible for events 7 years after he took office. So you've established the range, Obama will become responsible for the economy in the next two years.


- You're going to have to explain that one a bit more. The hijackers were in the US before W took office training for the mission they carried out. How is that W exactly? You want to pin that one on a President, it's slick willy, slick.

And because Slick Willie didn't want the CIA to share with FBI how missile secrets SOLD to Chinese in exchange for political donations to his campaign he
created the "Gorelick Memo" -- the wall that prevented the CIA from sharing with the FBI the existence of the bombers in the USA!

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
Breitbart News: Big Government

But of course these Obama lickers won't accept that!
He has been running this same cut and paste thread sice he joined he board

Nobody bought it then, nobody buys it now

Actually I will repeat these events until IDIOTS like you admit they occurred.
Then ONCE you admit they occurred.. maybe you will understand and see what the rest of America sees without the MSM telling them as it has you that
these events didn't have ANY affect on the economy... on jobs... on TAX revenues!

Don't you guys think for one minute when Bush took office WHY tax cuts were immediately in the offering? They knew a recession was coming!
Recessions means reduced business revenue.. means reduced tax revenue... SO if businesses need help in making it through recession.. tax cuts!

But you guys also never seem to take in account the Recession was worsened by that so called Dot.com BUBBLE that burst! $5 trillion lost.. over 2.5 million jobs
lost due to recession/dot com bust...
"Ongoing uncertainty about the war on terror has contributed to the loss of more than 2.5 million jobs in the 18 months following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, said John A. Challenger, CEO of Chicago-based
Challenger, Gray & Christmas.
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said.
The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.
But he noted that since the attacks people have been flying less, which has reduced the number of face-to-face meetings, which he said are vital for creating new partnerships between companies, new ideas and new entrepreneurial opportunities.
Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million - Computerworld

Then 9/11 occurred! $2 trillion in losses.. airlines closed 3 days wall street closed 10 days AND YOU IDIOTS think that didn't have any affect on the economy???

Finally you idiots obviously NEVER heard that from 2003 to 2008 the 7 worst hurricanes in history occurred... and dumb f..ks like you don't think that had any

So when idiots like YOU finally get it through your extremely thick neanderthal heads... THESE EVENTS were the WORST that ever occurred in ONE presidency!
Yes Presidents had hurricanes... but not 7 of the worst!
Yes Presidents had attacks.. Pearl harbor was thousands of miles away and NOT on TV when planes hit...dumb f...ks you don't think that had an affect!
Oy, here we go again ...

... kindly prove the numbers I highlighted above ...


Finally Presidents have had recessions... BUT NONE that involved $5 trillion alone in market losses... 2.5 million jobs!

But YOU idiots totally ignore them! Well historians don't ignore FACTS!
And over time... you will see I've been correct because FACTS will prove that Bush had the most difficult events to contend with of any president in history!
As to the part I highlighted here ... if you think that recession was bad (and that's accepting the numbers you post at face value, which is quite generous on my part given how many times you've been caught inflating numbers to benefit Bush) , then the numbers from Bush's Great Recession will knock you unconscious.

I hope you're sitting down ....

stock market loses ... as much as $11 trillion ...

Dow hits record, erasing Great Recession losses

total cost to the economy ...... as much as $30 trillion ...

How much did the Great Financial Crisis cost America? Nearly $30 trillion

loss of GDP ...... 4.3%

Current-dollar and "real" GDP (Excel)

number of jobs lost to unemployment (12/2007-12/2009) ... 8 million

BLS: Unemployed

number of jobs lost to under/unemployment (12/2007-12/2009) ... 13 million

BLS: Labor Force
BLS: U6 Unemployment Rate
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