Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

Actually, no. That's what economists say. Bush's Great Recession cost our economy trillions of dollars and roughly 12 million jobs to under/unemployment.

Like I said far left propaganda.

And you're still wrong. Hell, you can do the math yourself (maybe). Calculate the number of unemployed folks according to the U6 rate when Bush's Great Recession began and then subtract that from the number of people unemployed according to the U6 rate when the recession ended.

The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment.

IDIOT! Do you read what you entered??? "11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"
According to
your stupid comment "under/unemployment" CAUSED 11.5 million jobs to be LOST?
I've NEVER seen an "UNEMPLOYMENT" business!! I.e. what kind of industry does "Unemployment" THAT THEY HAVE JOBS THAT CREATE JOB LOSSES???
Do you understand stupid comment???

NOW YES I would totally agree that over the 8 years of :
1) THE RECESSION that started declining in 2000 and was officially started in 3/2001 Contributed to businesses letting people go...i.e. contributed to UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
2) There was a dot.com bubble bust in case YOU don't seem to remember that Officially cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
3) A minor event evidently YOU dummy.. was 9/11! 800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!

SO how many times do I have to beat this into your very very thick skull!

THESE EVENTS caused unemployment idiot! NOT unemployment caused unemployment as you stated:"11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"!!

UNEMPLOYMENT simply put DOES not CAUSE unemployment!!! Losing jobs due to recession, dot.com bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes destroyed businesses which I know this
is complicated but if businesses are destroyed they don't make sales and sales drives wages and without wages people are UNEMPLOYED!!!
Like I said far left propaganda.

And you're still wrong. Hell, you can do the math yourself (maybe). Calculate the number of unemployed folks according to the U6 rate when Bush's Great Recession began and then subtract that from the number of people unemployed according to the U6 rate when the recession ended.

The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment.

IDIOT! Do you read what you entered??? "11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"
According to
your stupid comment "under/unemployment" CAUSED 11.5 million jobs to be LOST?
I've NEVER seen an "UNEMPLOYMENT" business!! I.e. what kind of industry does "Unemployment" THAT THEY HAVE JOBS THAT CREATE JOB LOSSES???
Do you understand stupid comment???

NOW YES I would totally agree that over the 8 years of :
1) THE RECESSION that started declining in 2000 and was officially started in 3/2001 Contributed to businesses letting people go...i.e. contributed to UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
2) There was a dot.com bubble bust in case YOU don't seem to remember that Officially cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
3) A minor event evidently YOU dummy.. was 9/11! 800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!

SO how many times do I have to beat this into your very very thick skull!

THESE EVENTS caused unemployment idiot! NOT unemployment caused unemployment as you stated:"11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"!!

UNEMPLOYMENT simply put DOES not CAUSE unemployment!!! Losing jobs due to recession, dot.com bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes destroyed businesses which I know this
is complicated but if businesses are destroyed they don't make sales and sales drives wages and without wages people are UNEMPLOYED!!!
Holy fuck, are you one retarded rightwinger. I didn't say the jobs were lost due to under/unemployment. :eusa_doh: They were lost to under/unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession.
And you're still wrong. Hell, you can do the math yourself (maybe). Calculate the number of unemployed folks according to the U6 rate when Bush's Great Recession began and then subtract that from the number of people unemployed according to the U6 rate when the recession ended.

The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment.

IDIOT! Do you read what you entered??? "11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"
According to
your stupid comment "under/unemployment" CAUSED 11.5 million jobs to be LOST?
I've NEVER seen an "UNEMPLOYMENT" business!! I.e. what kind of industry does "Unemployment" THAT THEY HAVE JOBS THAT CREATE JOB LOSSES???
Do you understand stupid comment???

NOW YES I would totally agree that over the 8 years of :
1) THE RECESSION that started declining in 2000 and was officially started in 3/2001 Contributed to businesses letting people go...i.e. contributed to UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
2) There was a dot.com bubble bust in case YOU don't seem to remember that Officially cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
3) A minor event evidently YOU dummy.. was 9/11! 800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!

SO how many times do I have to beat this into your very very thick skull!

THESE EVENTS caused unemployment idiot! NOT unemployment caused unemployment as you stated:"11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"!!

UNEMPLOYMENT simply put DOES not CAUSE unemployment!!! Losing jobs due to recession, dot.com bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes destroyed businesses which I know this
is complicated but if businesses are destroyed they don't make sales and sales drives wages and without wages people are UNEMPLOYED!!!
Holy fuck, are you one retarded rightwinger. I didn't say the jobs were lost due to under/unemployment. :eusa_doh: They were lost to under/unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession.

YOU WROTE "The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment."
Words have meanings... you meant jobs lost to under/employment" because THAT's what you!

YOU were so picky picky about my "employment numbers"... well PAY BACK IS A BITCH!!!

Besides... again totally IGNORING the facts that EVEN if these 4 great events had occurred under Obama would you then admit they happened?
And if they happened.. the results were $8 trillion hit on the economy.. 2.5 million jobs lost due to these 4 events!
I mean really why is it so hard to admit to REALITY???

Are you that totally stupid to think Bush woke up one day and said:...hmmm let's have a recession and then we'll have dot.com bust and while
we're at it let's have terrorists fly planes into building and then for good measure let's have the 7 worst hurricanes in history... yea that's the ticket!"
I bet you really think that's what caused all those events right?

Well IF Bush was smart enough to cause all those events... idiot... do you think then he would have wanted:
2.5 million people out of work? I know Obama wants that! Do you think if Bush was that smart to plan all those events .. don't you think they would have
turned out for the better??
This is how dumb you sound when you call Bush an idiot. When you blame Bush for events he had NO control over!
But Bush is human unlike your Messiah Obama. Bush did make mistakes. No question.
BUT he didn't plan to destroy buildings, businesses, hurricanes, recessions, THESE HAPPENED and until you admit THEY HAD Consequences on our country's
employment, tax payments and loans that caused deficits then you are a complete idiot!

OH and one more thing... I guess you would be happy to see 28 million people still enslaved and 2 million children starved right so Saddam could build more palaces?
Right.. because THAT's one of Bush's "blunders"... restoring the Garden of Eden.. improving Iraqis per capita GDP by 1,760% over Saddam... but all that
means nothing to heartless no compassion Obama worshippers like you! I suppose you have a brother like Obama's that lives in a $12 hut also because Obama does?
Fucking troll thread . Everybody & their mom knows Bush jr was a Spoiled little frat boy , everything he ever touched went to shit .
IDIOT! Do you read what you entered??? "11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"
According to
your stupid comment "under/unemployment" CAUSED 11.5 million jobs to be LOST?
I've NEVER seen an "UNEMPLOYMENT" business!! I.e. what kind of industry does "Unemployment" THAT THEY HAVE JOBS THAT CREATE JOB LOSSES???
Do you understand stupid comment???

NOW YES I would totally agree that over the 8 years of :
1) THE RECESSION that started declining in 2000 and was officially started in 3/2001 Contributed to businesses letting people go...i.e. contributed to UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
2) There was a dot.com bubble bust in case YOU don't seem to remember that Officially cost $5 trillion in losses.. 300,000 jobs skilled technology workers were out of jobs
3) A minor event evidently YOU dummy.. was 9/11! 800,000 jobs lost directly in travel/transportation businesses due to closures which means UNEMPLOYMENT!!!
4) And of the 10 Costliest Catastrophes..
Kiplinger - Interstitial
10. Hurricane Rita 2005
8. Hurricane Ivan 2004
7. Hurricane Charley 2004
6. Hurricane Wilma 2005
5. Hurricane Ike 2008
3. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
1. Hurricane Katrina 2005...
GEEZ notice something similar??? All during 2001 to 2008!!! GEEZ think that had ANY affect on people losing their jobs???
400,000 jobs lost due to worst hurricane SEASONS 7 of the top 10 hurricanes occurred during 2001 to 2008!

SO how many times do I have to beat this into your very very thick skull!

THESE EVENTS caused unemployment idiot! NOT unemployment caused unemployment as you stated:"11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment"!!

UNEMPLOYMENT simply put DOES not CAUSE unemployment!!! Losing jobs due to recession, dot.com bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes destroyed businesses which I know this
is complicated but if businesses are destroyed they don't make sales and sales drives wages and without wages people are UNEMPLOYED!!!
Holy fuck, are you one retarded rightwinger. I didn't say the jobs were lost due to under/unemployment. :eusa_doh: They were lost to under/unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession.

YOU WROTE "The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment."
Words have meanings... you meant jobs lost to under/employment" because THAT's what you!

YOU were so picky picky about my "employment numbers"... well PAY BACK IS A BITCH!!!

Besides... again totally IGNORING the facts that EVEN if these 4 great events had occurred under Obama would you then admit they happened?
And if they happened.. the results were $8 trillion hit on the economy.. 2.5 million jobs lost due to these 4 events!
I mean really why is it so hard to admit to REALITY???

Are you that totally stupid to think Bush woke up one day and said:...hmmm let's have a recession and then we'll have dot.com bust and while
we're at it let's have terrorists fly planes into building and then for good measure let's have the 7 worst hurricanes in history... yea that's the ticket!"
I bet you really think that's what caused all those events right?

Well IF Bush was smart enough to cause all those events... idiot... do you think then he would have wanted:
2.5 million people out of work? I know Obama wants that! Do you think if Bush was that smart to plan all those events .. don't you think they would have
turned out for the better??
This is how dumb you sound when you call Bush an idiot. When you blame Bush for events he had NO control over!
But Bush is human unlike your Messiah Obama. Bush did make mistakes. No question.
BUT he didn't plan to destroy buildings, businesses, hurricanes, recessions, THESE HAPPENED and until you admit THEY HAD Consequences on our country's
employment, tax payments and loans that caused deficits then you are a complete idiot!

OH and one more thing... I guess you would be happy to see 28 million people still enslaved and 2 million children starved right so Saddam could build more palaces?
Right.. because THAT's one of Bush's "blunders"... restoring the Garden of Eden.. improving Iraqis per capita GDP by 1,760% over Saddam... but all that
means nothing to heartless no compassion Obama worshippers like you! I suppose you have a brother like Obama's that lives in a $12 hut also because Obama does?

Moron .... First I said, "Bush's Great Recession cost our economy trillions of dollars and roughly 12 million jobs to under/unemployment."

Then I wrote, "The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment."

Only a complete fucking imbecile would think I wasn't talking about Bush's Great Recession causing the jobs to be lost to under/unemployment.

....... as opposed to being lost to jobs being sent overseas.

Holy fuck, are you one retarded rightwinger. I didn't say the jobs were lost due to under/unemployment. :eusa_doh: They were lost to under/unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession.

YOU WROTE "The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment."
Words have meanings... you meant jobs lost to under/employment" because THAT's what you!

YOU were so picky picky about my "employment numbers"... well PAY BACK IS A BITCH!!!

Besides... again totally IGNORING the facts that EVEN if these 4 great events had occurred under Obama would you then admit they happened?
And if they happened.. the results were $8 trillion hit on the economy.. 2.5 million jobs lost due to these 4 events!
I mean really why is it so hard to admit to REALITY???

Are you that totally stupid to think Bush woke up one day and said:...hmmm let's have a recession and then we'll have dot.com bust and while
we're at it let's have terrorists fly planes into building and then for good measure let's have the 7 worst hurricanes in history... yea that's the ticket!"
I bet you really think that's what caused all those events right?

Well IF Bush was smart enough to cause all those events... idiot... do you think then he would have wanted:
2.5 million people out of work? I know Obama wants that! Do you think if Bush was that smart to plan all those events .. don't you think they would have
turned out for the better??
This is how dumb you sound when you call Bush an idiot. When you blame Bush for events he had NO control over!
But Bush is human unlike your Messiah Obama. Bush did make mistakes. No question.
BUT he didn't plan to destroy buildings, businesses, hurricanes, recessions, THESE HAPPENED and until you admit THEY HAD Consequences on our country's
employment, tax payments and loans that caused deficits then you are a complete idiot!

OH and one more thing... I guess you would be happy to see 28 million people still enslaved and 2 million children starved right so Saddam could build more palaces?
Right.. because THAT's one of Bush's "blunders"... restoring the Garden of Eden.. improving Iraqis per capita GDP by 1,760% over Saddam... but all that
means nothing to heartless no compassion Obama worshippers like you! I suppose you have a brother like Obama's that lives in a $12 hut also because Obama does?

Moron .... First I said, "Bush's Great Recession cost our economy trillions of dollars and roughly 12 million jobs to under/unemployment."

Then I wrote, "The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment."

Only a complete fucking imbecile would think I wasn't talking about Bush's Great Recession causing the jobs to be lost to under/unemployment.

....... as opposed to being lost to jobs being sent overseas.


YOU can not LOSE jobs to "under/unemployment"... IDIOT!!

under /unemployment is a STATE. A condition. NOT A CAUSE!

NO wonder you have a problem in understand that the 4 great disasterous destructive events DESTROYED businesses which couldn't pay employees...
THAT was the cause of the state of "under/unemployment"... Do comprehend that?

"under/unemployment" are words that describe people that are not working!
The CAUSES of their not working or REASONS are all the events that I've kept trying to get you to admit HAPPENED but you don't see the relationships do you??
1) Cause: Recession - results :state of unemployment!
2) cause dot.com bust - results: state of unemployment
3) Cause: 9/11 - results unemployment..
4) hurricanes - unemployment!
Now, you are making stuff to argue against.

I screamed about Bush's spending when he was spending it. I screamed about a lot of other things.

Please recall his "privatize Social Security" screw up. He really was in a place to do something about SS and he could have sold it if he had done it right. The American people gave him congress for six years.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

No Child left Behind....how did that respond to 9/11 (didn't Ted Kennedy push this).

Medicare expansion ?

To your last point...If Obama is god...he is the god of the toilet because that is where he has taken us. Don't make this stuff up. You are better than this.

Just so you know...I was against the wars before they ever started.

WHY were you screaming about his spending???
A) YOU didn't want unemployment checks paid to nearly 3.2 million people who lost their jobs due to :
1) Recession..2) Dot.com bust...3) 9/11.... 4) Worst hurricanes ??
B) YOU were against the loans made to NYC, New Orleans, etc. because they had nearly $8 trillion in losses to buildings,businesses, etc.. YOU were screaming against that?
C) You screamed because Bush couldn't get privatize SS passed... guess what YOU ARE RIGHT! And maybe you should remember unlike Obama he's no god and he's imperfect.
D) Medicare expansion??
Boy are you so dumb about that... I bet you think Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 WAS ONLY about drugs!
YOU don't know anything about MMA of 2003 which has SAVED Medicare nearly $4 billion a year in just one of several areas:
YOU NEVER knew before MMA there were nearly 500 distinct contractors that managed to pay the nearly 1 billion claims... (See Medicare processes not ONE Claim..again something
you have NO knowledge about versus me.. I started a business that over 18,000 times A day Medicare providers use) so I know a lot more then you obviously!
MMA reduced the 500 contractors to less then 50! The direct cost savings in dealing with less the 50 contractors versus 500 should be obvious even to YOU!

ALSO again... YOU have no knowledge about Medicare Advantage plans do you? A direct outcome of MMA allows nearly 400 companies to offer a RANGE of services to
Medicare beneficiaries in some cases like ME I have nearly $ 5,000 in savings from THESE FOR Profit Medicare management companies that PAY taxes...
And dumb f..k Obama wants to replace them because THEY MAKE Profits!!!

So again your "screaming" is so dumb regarding Bush spending...
NOW I agree with you about No Child Left Behind... Bush's attempt to "compromise" with the Democrats has created a huge educational mess!

But that is totally lost when you agree.. these events 1) Recession..2) Dot.com bust...3) 9/11.... 4) Worst hurricanes ?? FAR overshadow your screaming about "spending"!

First, I am not screaming. I am simply stating things. You are the one who seems to be all beat up over this (and I've lost more than a little respect for you).

I don't recall saying anything about recession or the dotcom bubble or 9/11 or the federal disaster relief issues.

I do recall saying that I was against the wars and I knew we'd pay a lot more than we wanted for the poor results we achieved. Additionally, the blowout of congress in 2006 was a direct result of the war (and it was only 3 years old at that point).

You also did not address what I raised around Bush's ineptness on the "Privatize Social Security".

As to Medicare Advantage, I don't participate in medicare. I only know what I read and what I read says that it is costly (more costly than it should be) and does not justify the federal governments involvement in any way.

Sorry. If you have better information on anything I am all ears. I used to respect your input when it wasn't looking like that of a deranged left winger.

I might also point out that when Bush selected Dick Cheney as VP nobody was more excited than I was. I have watched him for a long long time and have found him to be one of the brightest and most frank individuals I ever seen in politics. I still like VP Cheney, but I am sometimes at a loss when it comes to some of the silly things his boss did. I would have hoped for better.

"I screamed about Bush's spending when he was spending it. I screamed about a lot of other things."
So you were against freeing 28 million Iraqis?
You wanted to see Saddam continue to add to the 91 palaces built on what would be now if he were still in power the graves of 2 million children starved to death? You ok?
C) Of course I didn't mention Privatize SS.. because you don't know anything about what happened evidently during Bush's 8 years... let me remind:
1) A recession that begin in Clinton..2) dot.com bust that cost $5 trillion..3) remember $2 trillion lost to a little thing 9/11 4) 7 of top ten worst hurricanes and that didn't have an affect?
D) Medicare advantage...WELL I am on it and obviously know a hell of lot more about how valuable it is! Under Medicare NO preventive reminders/phone calls telling to see my doc for
.. NO co--pays as I would with Fee For Service FFS.. NO payments for part B as is with FFS.. NO $50/mo OTC benefits! AND MY advantage plan PAYS TAXES! Employees people
that pay taxes.. federal SS/Medicare taxes... And best of all something YOU obviously haven't considered.. LITTLE OR NO FRAUD! Here's why!
Medicare pays my Advantage plan $800 a month for me! That's it! no more .. NO less! VERSUS FFS.. nearly

In 2011, the FBI estimated the cost of Medicare and Medicaid fraud at $60 billion to $200 billion a year.
PLEASE CHECK THIS LINK OUT!!! Health care fraud / Bleeding the system - pressofAtlanticCity.com: Editorials

NOW do you comprehend that WHEN my advantage plan BID competitively with Medicare their bid to be paid by Medicare $800/month for me and all others THATS IT!
If there is no fraud, waste or misuse, to Medicare as they know one thing... They simply write a check for $800/month for me ! THAT's IT!
And so the next year my Advantage plan says we can't do it for $800/month we need $850... Medicare rejects their bid... again lowest bidder that meets the minimum requirements!
Over 400 companies manage 1 of 4 Medicare patients and do it more efficiently, with less waste AND BELIEVE ME far more services... I even get free health club membership!

DO YOU understand the simplicity reduces the fraud! The WASTE..

AND these idiots in charge of Obamacare BLAME Advantage Plans for Making too much money!!!
READ the information before you shoot off your mouth about something YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE!
Again, Bush's Great Recession caused far more damage to our economy than all those events you listed, combined.

I am not a fan of GWB, but it wasn't his great depression. And the Obama non-recovery (unless, of course you work the auto unions) has been pretty lame.
Bush had a lot to do with it, it's his Recession.

Nope, primarily Clinton's! The economy was on the slide when Bush took office. Clinton and Bwarney Fwank's decisions on housing loans in 1997 were big factors, and his setting up the 9-11 tragedy was Clinton's fiasco due to his incompetence in the nineties!
And you're still wrong. Hell, you can do the math yourself (maybe). Calculate the number of unemployed folks according to the U6 rate when Bush's Great Recession began and then subtract that from the number of people unemployed according to the U6 rate when the recession ended.

The number is something like 11.5 million jobs lost to under/unemployment.

And if you count the number employed from when W became President to when he left, the number still went up. Not so for our dear leader. And Obama had a huge advantage that we were in a deep recession when he started.

Yes, the number is up for Obama, even though we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month when Bush handed Obama the keys to the economy.

Wow, I checked and for like six months now if you count government employees and full time who are now part time then it has finally gone up. Only took Obama 4 1/2 years to grow employment from the bottom of a recession, not 5 as I thought.

So the civilian workforce (who actually create the economy) is down, the participation rate in the workforce is still down (because of population growth) and the full time workforce is down (people moved from full to part time). But the size of the workforce counting government employees as workers has grown, so you were right on that point.
I am not a fan of GWB, but it wasn't his great depression. And the Obama non-recovery (unless, of course you work the auto unions) has been pretty lame.
Bush had a lot to do with it, it's his Recession.

Nope, primarily Clinton's! The economy was on the slide when Bush took office. Clinton and Bwarney Fwank's decisions on housing loans in 1997 were big factors, and his setting up the 9-11 tragedy was Clinton's fiasco due to his incompetence in the nineties!

What a bunch of hypocritical horse shit.

To continue with the horse shit you like to spread, I expect the next thing you will write is that Bush left Obama a thriving economy. And that is why all you lying rethugs blame Obama for the current economic situation. Right? Cause you all know that the economy was in GREAT shape when Bush left office. Right. Isn't that what you think?

Funny how it is ok to say that a Dem President left a mess to a Rethug President. But say the same thing in reverse and somehow it is not true. What horse shit.
Bush had a lot to do with it, it's his Recession.

Nope, primarily Clinton's! The economy was on the slide when Bush took office. Clinton and Bwarney Fwank's decisions on housing loans in 1997 were big factors, and his setting up the 9-11 tragedy was Clinton's fiasco due to his incompetence in the nineties!

What a bunch of hypocritical horse shit.

To continue with the horse shit you like to spread, I expect the next thing you will write is that Bush left Obama a thriving economy. And that is why all you lying rethugs blame Obama for the current economic situation. Right? Cause you all know that the economy was in GREAT shape when Bush left office. Right. Isn't that what you think?

Funny how it is ok to say that a Dem President left a mess to a Rethug President. But say the same thing in reverse and somehow it is not true. What horse shit.

Funny how easy it is to write crap thinking NO one uses the internet to check up but here are the facts using the internet!!

For example you never mentioned the Community Reinvestment Act that was the out come of a court action led by Obama's law firm's settlement with CitiBank in 1995!
"1991 court case forced CitiBank to make unqualified loans with Obama representing ACORN in the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit."
Obama was one of the lawyers?
The parties voluntarily dismissed the case on May 12, 1998, pursuant to a settlement agreement.
Plaintiff’s Lawyers Alexis, Hilary I. (Illinois) Miner, Judson Hirsch (Illinois) FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-9000 Obama, Barack H. (Illinois)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Plaintiffs alleged that the Defendant-bank rejected loan applications of minority applicants while approving loan applications filed by white applicants with similar financial characteristics and credit histories.
CitiBank considered where these people lived as part of an area that would be prone to higher insurance premiums and that higher premiums may create financial problems for borrowers so they couldn't pay premiums and or payments! Why is that not a legitimate reason for NOT making the loan?
UPDATED: Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans*|*Media Circus
" We find that adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks: in the six quarters surrounding the CRA exams lending is elevated on average by about 5 percent every quarter and loans in these quarters default by about 15 percent more often.
These patterns are accentuated in CRA-eligible census tracts and are concentrated among large banks."
New study concludes that the Community Reinvestment Act ?clearly? did lead to risky lending | AEIdeas

1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand?
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart's Fannie, Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

Now Bush wanted the DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVES to take ACTION action FANNIE/FREDDIE and unlike the current Prez.. didn't go around Congress!

GWB's administration was LAUGHED AT BY Democrats Frank and Dodd after 17 times trying to get Fannie/Freddie fixed!
"Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.
President Bush publicly called for GSE reform at least 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.
Setting the Record Straight: The Three Most Egregious Claims In The New York Times Article On The Housing Crisis

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
* House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized
the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis .The more people exaggerate these problems,
the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

* Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," New York Times, 8/11/07)

Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie Muddle - Sam Dealey (usnews.com)

So over the years these subprime loans came to a head on 9/18/2008 again NOT mentioned widely by the biased MSM and I'm sure YOU've NEVER heard about this!

September 18, 2008: Edge of Collapse
"The collapse revelation came a few days ago from Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-Pennsylvania) when he was interviewed on C-Span.
On Thursday [the 18th], at about 11 o’clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to a tune of $550 billion being drawn out in a matter of an hour or two.

The Treasury opened up its window to help.
They pumped $105 billion into the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks.

They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts, and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic and there.
And that’s what actually happened.

If they had not done that their estimation was that by two o’clock that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
September 18, 2008: Edge of Collapse

But of course YOUR opinion BASED ON NO information takes precedence!
I am so fucking tired of idiots like a health myth trying to bring up the CRA as the culprit for the housing mess.

You are so fucking stupid health myth that I won't bother trying to educate you. It has been done before and is obviously a waste of time.

Believe what you wanna believe and disregard the rest. Right health myths. Regardless of the fact of the matter.

Facts mean nothing in the land of make believe on the Internet.
Nope, primarily Clinton's! The economy was on the slide when Bush took office. Clinton and Bwarney Fwank's decisions on housing loans in 1997 were big factors, and his setting up the 9-11 tragedy was Clinton's fiasco due to his incompetence in the nineties!

What a bunch of hypocritical horse shit.

To continue with the horse shit you like to spread, I expect the next thing you will write is that Bush left Obama a thriving economy. And that is why all you lying rethugs blame Obama for the current economic situation. Right? Cause you all know that the economy was in GREAT shape when Bush left office. Right. Isn't that what you think?

Funny how it is ok to say that a Dem President left a mess to a Rethug President. But say the same thing in reverse and somehow it is not true. What horse shit.

Funny how easy it is to write crap thinking NO one uses the internet to check up but here are the facts using the internet!!

For example you never mentioned the Community Reinvestment Act that was the out come of a court action led by Obama's law firm's settlement with CitiBank in 1995!
"1991 court case forced CitiBank to make unqualified loans with Obama representing ACORN in the Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Fed. Sav. Bank, 1994 suit."
Obama was one of the lawyers?
The parties voluntarily dismissed the case on May 12, 1998, pursuant to a settlement agreement.
Plaintiff’s Lawyers Alexis, Hilary I. (Illinois) Miner, Judson Hirsch (Illinois) FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-9000 Obama, Barack H. (Illinois)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000
Plaintiffs alleged that the Defendant-bank rejected loan applications of minority applicants while approving loan applications filed by white applicants with similar financial characteristics and credit histories.
CitiBank considered where these people lived as part of an area that would be prone to higher insurance premiums and that higher premiums may create financial problems for borrowers so they couldn't pay premiums and or payments! Why is that not a legitimate reason for NOT making the loan?
UPDATED: Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans*|*Media Circus
" We find that adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks: in the six quarters surrounding the CRA exams lending is elevated on average by about 5 percent every quarter and loans in these quarters default by about 15 percent more often.
These patterns are accentuated in CRA-eligible census tracts and are concentrated among large banks."
New study concludes that the Community Reinvestment Act ?clearly? did lead to risky lending | AEIdeas

1) Community Re-Investment-Act encourage higher risk loans! Understand?
2) Most of the CRA loans were backed by Fannie/Freddie? Proof?
Banks re-packaged and sold with Fannie/Freddie Using CDswaps banks could unload the sub-prime loans by having Fannie/Freddie securitizing them as explained in this statement:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an "effective'' federal guarantee, not the "full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart's Fannie, Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

Now Bush wanted the DEMOCRAT REPRESENTATIVES to take ACTION action FANNIE/FREDDIE and unlike the current Prez.. didn't go around Congress!

GWB's administration was LAUGHED AT BY Democrats Frank and Dodd after 17 times trying to get Fannie/Freddie fixed!
"Over the past six years, the President and his Administration have not only warned of the systemic consequences of failure to reform GSEs but also put forward thoughtful plans to reduce the risk that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac would encounter such difficulties.
President Bush publicly called for GSE reform at least 17 times in 2008 alone before Congress acted.
Unfortunately, these warnings went unheeded, as the President's repeated attempts to reform the supervision of these entities were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering of those who emphatically denied there were problems.
Setting the Record Straight: The Three Most Egregious Claims In The New York Times Article On The Housing Crisis

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
* House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized
the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis .The more people exaggerate these problems,
the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

* Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. (Eric Dash, "Fannie Mae's Offer To Help Ease Credit Squeeze Is Rejected, As Critics Complain Of Opportunism," New York Times, 8/11/07)

Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie Muddle - Sam Dealey (usnews.com)

So over the years these subprime loans came to a head on 9/18/2008 again NOT mentioned widely by the biased MSM and I'm sure YOU've NEVER heard about this!

September 18, 2008: Edge of Collapse
"The collapse revelation came a few days ago from Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D-Pennsylvania) when he was interviewed on C-Span.
On Thursday [the 18th], at about 11 o’clock in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to a tune of $550 billion being drawn out in a matter of an hour or two.

The Treasury opened up its window to help.
They pumped $105 billion into the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks.

They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts, and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic and there.
And that’s what actually happened.

If they had not done that their estimation was that by two o’clock that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
September 18, 2008: Edge of Collapse

But of course YOUR opinion BASED ON NO information takes precedence!

And then to make matters worse (something big government is very skilled at), these two fools...Barney and Dodd, who bare much responsibility for the housing crash of '08, manage to pass the Dodd Frank Act. Yet another huge law with regulations up the yin yang, that only made the big banks bigger...which of course, was the intention of the law so that government and politicians could extract more bootie from them.

And after all this amazing level of corruption by government and politicians, some Americans have faith in big government.
George W Bush had the opportunity to be one of our greatest Presidents

After 9-11 the country was in a panic. America demanded that we not let them get away with this. George Bush was given a blank check to do whatever he thought was necessary to fight terrorism. Bush had unprecidented support both at home and around the world

Bush should have built a global coalition to find the terrorists wherever they were hiding and destroy them. Instead, he chose nation building as his weapon of choice. He thought that if he could enforce democracy in the region, the bed of terrorism would disappear. Preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq destroyed our global aliance and credibility. What Bush envisioned as short wars with quick "Mission Accomplished" turned into ten year quagmires

What Bush saw as an opportunity to create one of our great Presidencies turned into one of the worst
I am so fucking tired of idiots like a health myth trying to bring up the CRA as the culprit for the housing mess.

You are so fucking stupid health myth that I won't bother trying to educate you. It has been done before and is obviously a waste of time.

Believe what you wanna believe and disregard the rest. Right health myths. Regardless of the fact of the matter.

Facts mean nothing in the land of make believe on the Internet.

Sorry, Folks, The CRA Really Did Require Crap Lending Standards - Business Insider
Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...
Doubling the national debt, adding more than all presidents before him added together, over $6 trillion, with a stupid war that we lost, and giving $3 trillion in welfare to the rich, and destroying the economy.
That's what this moron calls a great president. He should love the hell out of Obama.
[/B]14613]I am so fucking tired of idiots like a health myth trying to bring up the CRA as the culprit for the housing mess.

You are so fucking stupid health myth that I won't bother trying to educate you. It has been done before and is obviously a waste of time.

Believe what you wanna believe and disregard the rest. Right health myths. Regardless of the fact of the matter.

Facts mean nothing in the land of make believe on the Internet.

That imbecile has already proven he can't comprehend what he reads. CRA loans were not the problem. CRA loans comprised only about 6% of the toxic loans and while that 6% contributed to the crisis, it wasn't the cause. The cause was a lethal combination of greed and opportunity. Lenders were giving out loans they knew were likely bad because they knew the government would back them. Remove downpayment requirements and drop interest rates to bare minimums; and the line to get a loan wrapped around the provebial block.

The CRA forced lenders to give loans to minorities .... 94% of the toxic loans, which caused the crisis, were not CRA loans and written willingly by greedy creditors. All it takes is a very small percentage of CRA loans to go bad to provide the nutty right the excuse to blame a Democrat for the financial crisis when almost all of the blame lies at the feet of Republicans.
[/B]14613]I am so fucking tired of idiots like a health myth trying to bring up the CRA as the culprit for the housing mess.

You are so fucking stupid health myth that I won't bother trying to educate you. It has been done before and is obviously a waste of time.

Believe what you wanna believe and disregard the rest. Right health myths. Regardless of the fact of the matter.

Facts mean nothing in the land of make believe on the Internet.

That imbecile has already proven he can't comprehend what he reads. CRA loans were not the problem. CRA loans comprised only about 6% of the toxic loans and while that 6% contributed to the crisis, it wasn't the cause. The cause was a lethal combination of greed and opportunity. Lenders were giving out loans they knew were likely bad because they knew the government would back them. Remove downpayment requirements and drop interest rates to bare minimums; and the line to get a loan wrapped around the provebial block.

The CRA forced lenders to give loans to minorities .... 94% of the toxic loans, which caused the crisis, were not CRA loans and written willingly by greedy creditors. All it takes is a very small percentage of CRA loans to go bad to provide the nutty right the excuse to blame a Democrat for the financial crisis when almost all of the blame lies at the feet of Republicans.

All those greedy bankers were Republicans? Sure they were. LOL!
George W Bush had the opportunity to be one of our greatest Presidents

After 9-11 the country was in a panic. America demanded that we not let them get away with this. George Bush was given a blank check to do whatever he thought was necessary to fight terrorism. Bush had unprecidented support both at home and around the world

Bush should have built a global coalition to find the terrorists wherever they were hiding and destroy them. Instead, he chose nation building as his weapon of choice. He thought that if he could enforce democracy in the region, the bed of terrorism would disappear. Preemptive attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq destroyed our global aliance and credibility. What Bush envisioned as short wars with quick "Mission Accomplished" turned into ten year quagmires

What Bush saw as an opportunity to create one of our great Presidencies turned into one of the worst
You're right that he had the opportunity. What he lacked was the ability. This is really what this entire thread amounts to ... was Bush a "great" president? The answer is a resounding, hell no, and you hit on the reason.

We've had great presidents and what the share in common was what made them great presidents. Many presidents have been forced to face calamities and tribulations. What ditinguishes the great ones from thd rest is how they overcome the adversity and make America a better nation for it. Great presidents who come to mind are ones like Lincoln, who was up against the nation irreparably dividing in two. His efforts kept the country whole and made us a better nation for it. FDR faced the Nazis, Faciasts, & Imperialists. His efforts defeated them and made America a better nation for it.

George Bush possessed neither the potential nor the ability to catapult America to become a better nation in how he faced 9.11. He was a bumbling idiot whose only talent was spouting platitudes, which more often than not, he turned into a malapropism. The goodwill America recieved, he managed to make ill will. Instead of making America better, he left it broken and close to collapsed.

"Great" presidents overcome adversity and make America better. The OP of this thread is using the adversity Bush faced as the excuse for why he failed to make us better.

Forget healthmyths posting bullshit numbers in a failed attempt to fluff Bush; for the reasons above, Bush will never be considered a great president by anyone other than his brain-dead acolytes. And as has been proven here, they have to lie just to make him appear better than he was.

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