"Income Inequality: Dems Openly Embrace their Inner Mao


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Any observer of the Democrat Party can chart their leftward trajectory these past few decades. During the 40's more people working at State and in the WH reported to Stalin than to FDR, they helped Mao take over China and Stalin enslave Eastern Europe.

During the 60's there was an "Anti-war" counterculture, that made it cool to take drugs and protest against the "man"

During the 70's and 80's the Communists decide to stop working behind the scenes and start taking control of their party.

During the 90's Clinton homogenized the Party getting them all in line.

With the election of Obama, they finally had total control of the Democrat Party and though they've not yet made the announcement that "yes, Democrats are the Party of Socialism/Communism/Redistribution" Dems were toying with the idea of coming out of the Closet

Now that Obama and Liz Warren have finally openly embraced the war on not just poverty, no sir, but "income inequality" Dems can finally come home to Mao. The War on Poverty has been raging for 50 years and it's created a permanent, underacted, government dependent underclass, just as intended

2013: Dems Openly Embrace Their Inner Mao
What's funny is non-Dems have been telling Dems that their agenda is clear. Democrat party = Marxism.

But dems used to say "no, nuh uh, whatever". Because they know calling it was is would have been the destruction of their party.

But now, they are finally be honest.
At some point, you gotta start wondering when these Left wing idiots are gonna realize enough is enough is enough? Oh wait, they gotta keep promising the mob of Rachel Jeantells ever more bright and shiny and free stuff in order to keep gettin' reelected. Its all about keepin your hands in the cookie jar and for every Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Mitt Romney there's ten thousand illiterate sloths waitin in line for their Obama Bucks but not for a job. Unfortunately some vote. The logical extension of Democratic Politics and policy is the scene from Charles Dicken's "Tale Of Two Cities" with Madame DeFarge sitting there knitting as the tumbrils filled with the rich go by on their way to the guillotines while the mobs are looting their residences trying to figure ways to crack open the house safes or figure out what the passwords are to the former homeowners electronic bank accounts, interestingly, shades of Obama friend, supporter and financier George Soros who started through the Obama Depression with an eleven billion dollar net worth and came out of it with a nineteen billion dollar net worth. "Its not what you know, its who you know" Solyndra. Fisker.....

CBO: Top 40% of U.S. Households Paid 106.2% of Income Taxes, Bottom 40% Paid -9.1%? | Weasel Zippers
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its an "indicator" that this great nation is going in the wrong direction Frank57. Thats what happens when you base a large portion of your GDP on *cough* "financial services" :rolleyes: Its legalized theft/ripping people's faces off (see: 2008) to make a buck :thup: Guess what? With that added influence in the economy, due in no small part to Mittens shutting down factories, those same people own the politicians. Doesn't that just make you feel all warm & fuzzy inside?
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its true -- I just read that while in office Obamo's net worth has increased almost ten times -- while in office.

So the President is movin' on up -- George Jefferson would be proud!
It is inarguable the income gap has been widening in America. To dispute that is to be a willfully blind fool.

Thomas Jefferson himself warned about the dangers of allowing too much wealth to concentrate in too few hands. Disregard his warning at your peril.

There is natural concentration of wealth, and there is unnatural concentration of wealth. Jefferson referred to the unnatural concentration of wealth as violating the state of Nature. It is one of the reasons he propounded a progressive taxation system and why he said the lower incomes should be exempt from taxation.

A natural concentration of wealth happens when someone invents a better mousetrap (or MP3 player). There is nothing wrong with this at all. But an unnatural concentration of wealth occurs when legislators give someone an unfair advantage in the marketplace. And this is where we are today.

To defend the unnatural concentration of wealth is to defend the indefensible, and you will lose the war. This is why the Right keeps getting its ass kicked. It plants its flag on the wrong hill.

What we are seeing today is an unnatural concentration of wealth. But where the Democrats go off the rails is that they want to punish the innocent with the guilty. They want to "tax the rich". They want the guy who lives in a bigger house than them to pay more.

The Democrats have it in their mind that every person's money is ill-gotten gains and therefore it is justifiable to take it from them. That's why you see them always tag unflattering labels on people whose money they want to take by force. They must assuage their guilt for this naked robbery and so have to find a way to paint the victim as deserving to be robbed. That's what every thief does.

For example, they want a person who is voluntarily uninsured to start buying insurance at a rate that far exceeds their risk liability. The Left wants that person's money so they can redistribute it. So they call that person a "freeloader", never noticing the irony the money they are stealing is going to people who did not earn the money. One third of the REAL freeloaders whose insurance is going to paid for by other people dropped out of high school. They are the ones being carried on our backs, but the Left calls the people who are paying for them "freeloaders". Does it get more insane than that?

But perhaps the greatest redistribution scheme in history is that of the common man's pocket being robbed to fill the coffers of Wall Street.

This is where there biggest unnatural concentration of wealth is occurring. Your 401k, your city treasury, your insurance company, your college endowment fund, your public employee pension fund are ALL being robbed by the openly fraudulent actions of broker-dealers. This is why your insurance goes up, your taxes go up, your tuition goes up.

I could lay down pages and pages and pages of the varieties of robberies which are stealing from you right under your nose. And it is being done with police protection.

It is as if a thief is coming into your home and helping himself to your stuff while a cop acts as a lookout. And on the off chance you catch the thief in the act, the judge fines him for less than the value of your belongings, and he gets to keep your stuff!

All of this is being accomplished with a great deal of assistance from a legislative tilting of the field in the thieves favor.

But because that is far too complex for the average person to be bothered with understanding, the Left just solves it all with "tax the rich more".

That won't solve anything. It punishes the innocent with the guilty, and the guilty will just increase their thievery to make up the difference.

The real battles are being fought in the halls of Congress. Wall Street has done a bang-up job of making Dodd-Frank completely toothless.

Stop looking for simplistic solutions to the complex problems. Start reading the legislation which is giving a license to steal from your wallet. Start paying attention to what the LIBOR and IDXfix scams were all about and start demanding your legislators do something about it. Look at who the biggest donors are to your legislators. R and D are owned by Wall Street.

Start digging. You will be shocked and amazed and very angry about what is going on once you look.

Along with the outright crimes, there are other ways you are being robbed. TARP, QE, ZIRP. These things are robbing you blind. Raising taxes will solve NONE of this.
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It is inarguable the income gap has been widening in America. To dispute that is to be a willfully blind fool.

Thomas Jefferson himself warned about the dangers of allowing too much wealth to concentrate in too few hands. Disregard his warning at your peril.

There is natural concentration of wealth, and there is unnatural concentration of wealth. Jefferson referred to the unnatural concentration of wealth as violating the state of Naure.

A natural concentration of wealth happens when someone invents a better mousetrap (or MP3 player). There is nothing wrong with this at all. But an unnatural concentration of wealth occurs when legislators give someone an unfair advantage in the marketplace. And this is where we are today.

To defend the unnatural concentration of wealth is to defend the indefensible, and you will lose the war. This is why the Right keeps getting its ass kicked. It plants its flag on the wrong hill.

What we are seeing today is an unnatural concentration of wealth. But where the Democrats go off the rails is that they want to punish the innocent with the guilty. They want to "tax the rich". They want the guy who lives in a bigger house than them to pay more.

The Democrats have it in their mind that every person's money is ill-gotten gains and therefore it is justifiable to take it from them. That's why you see them always tag unflattering labels on people whose money they want to take by force. They must assuage their guilt for this naked robbery and so have to find a way to paint the victim as deserving to be robbed. That's what every thief does.

For example, they want a person who is voluntarily uninsured to start buying insurance at a rate that far exceeds their risk liability. The Left wants that person's money so they can redistribute it. So they call that person a "freeloader", never noticing the irony the money they are stealing is going to people who did not earn the money. One third of the REAL freeloaders whose insurance is going to paid for by other people dropped out of high school. They are the ones being carried on our backs, but the Left calls the people who are paying for them "freeloaders". Does it get more insane than that?

But perhaps the greatest redistribution scheme in history is that of the common man's pocket being robbed to fill the coffers of Wall Street.

This is where there biggest unnatural concentration of wealth is occurring. Your 401k, your city treasury, your insurance company, your college endowment fund, your public employee pension fund are ALL being robbed by the openly fraudulent actions of broker-dealers.

I could lay down pages and pages and pages of the varieties of robberies which are stealing from you right under your nose. And it is being done with police protection.

It is as if a thief is coming into your home and helping himself to your stuff while a cop acts as a lookout. And on the off chance you catch the thief in the act, the judge fines him for less than the value of your belongings, and he gets to keep your stuff!

All of this is being accomplished with a great deal of assistance from a legislative tilting of the field in the thieves favor.

But because that is far too complex for the average person to be bothered with understanding, the Left just solves it all with "tax the rich more".

That won't solve anything. It punishes the innocent with the guilty, and the guilty will just increase their thievery to make up the difference.

The real battles are being fought in the halls of Congress. Wall Street has done a bang-up job of making Dodd-Frank completely toothless.

Stop looking for simplistic solutions to the complex problems. Start reading the legislation which is giving a license to steal from your wallet. Start paying attention to what the LIBOR and IDXfix scams were all about and start demanding your legislators do something about it. Look at who the biggest donors are to your legislators. R and D are owned by Wall Street.

Start digging. You will be shocked and amazed and very angry about what is going on once you look.

Along with the outright crimes, there are other ways you are being robbed. TARP, QE, ZIRP. These things are robbing you blind. Raising taxes will solve NONE of this.

Dodd Frank needs to be repealed along with the FDIC
G5000 is right Frank.

come to the light Frank. You're better than this man!!! Put down Atlas Farted novel and use your brain!!!

Dodd Frank needs to be repealed along with the FDIC

Dodd-Frank needs to be repealed and Glass-Steagall reinstated.

Dodd-Frank is over 2300 pages long and is full of holes. Glass-Steagall is 37 pages and did a bang up job of protecting our economy for three quarters of a century.

I have no idea why you would want to eliminate the FDIC unless you think depositors losing their life savings when a bank fails is a good thing. We really don't want to return to the days of people stuffing their money in their mattresses.

I do believe that when a financial institution fails, they should be deconstructed much the same way LTCM was. The management should not be allowed to survive. The institution should be bailed out in a fashion that protects the clients, and then broken up and the pieces sold off to people who have a superior business model.

Allowing the big five broker dealers to survive intact was a huge mistake. The government chose the winners and losers and that is not the government's role. They actually put up a protective ring around them. Even worse, they then allowed these chosen few to cut the throats of their competitors in broad daylight.

The day Washington Mutual was murdered is the day we became an oligarchy.
It is inarguable the income gap has been widening in America. To dispute that is to be a willfully blind fool.

Thomas Jefferson himself warned about the dangers of allowing too much wealth to concentrate in too few hands. Disregard his warning at your peril.

There is natural concentration of wealth, and there is unnatural concentration of wealth. Jefferson referred to the unnatural concentration of wealth as violating the state of Nature. It is one of the reasons he propounded a progressive taxation system and why he said the lower incomes should be exempt from taxation.

A natural concentration of wealth happens when someone invents a better mousetrap (or MP3 player). There is nothing wrong with this at all. But an unnatural concentration of wealth occurs when legislators give someone an unfair advantage in the marketplace. And this is where we are today.

To defend the unnatural concentration of wealth is to defend the indefensible, and you will lose the war. This is why the Right keeps getting its ass kicked. It plants its flag on the wrong hill.

What we are seeing today is an unnatural concentration of wealth. But where the Democrats go off the rails is that they want to punish the innocent with the guilty. They want to "tax the rich". They want the guy who lives in a bigger house than them to pay more.

The Democrats have it in their mind that every person's money is ill-gotten gains and therefore it is justifiable to take it from them. That's why you see them always tag unflattering labels on people whose money they want to take by force. They must assuage their guilt for this naked robbery and so have to find a way to paint the victim as deserving to be robbed. That's what every thief does.

For example, they want a person who is voluntarily uninsured to start buying insurance at a rate that far exceeds their risk liability. The Left wants that person's money so they can redistribute it. So they call that person a "freeloader", never noticing the irony the money they are stealing is going to people who did not earn the money. One third of the REAL freeloaders whose insurance is going to paid for by other people dropped out of high school. They are the ones being carried on our backs, but the Left calls the people who are paying for them "freeloaders". Does it get more insane than that?

But perhaps the greatest redistribution scheme in history is that of the common man's pocket being robbed to fill the coffers of Wall Street.

This is where there biggest unnatural concentration of wealth is occurring. Your 401k, your city treasury, your insurance company, your college endowment fund, your public employee pension fund are ALL being robbed by the openly fraudulent actions of broker-dealers. This is why your insurance goes up, your taxes go up, your tuition goes up.

I could lay down pages and pages and pages of the varieties of robberies which are stealing from you right under your nose. And it is being done with police protection.

It is as if a thief is coming into your home and helping himself to your stuff while a cop acts as a lookout. And on the off chance you catch the thief in the act, the judge fines him for less than the value of your belongings, and he gets to keep your stuff!

All of this is being accomplished with a great deal of assistance from a legislative tilting of the field in the thieves favor.

But because that is far too complex for the average person to be bothered with understanding, the Left just solves it all with "tax the rich more".

That won't solve anything. It punishes the innocent with the guilty, and the guilty will just increase their thievery to make up the difference.

The real battles are being fought in the halls of Congress. Wall Street has done a bang-up job of making Dodd-Frank completely toothless.

Stop looking for simplistic solutions to the complex problems. Start reading the legislation which is giving a license to steal from your wallet. Start paying attention to what the LIBOR and IDXfix scams were all about and start demanding your legislators do something about it. Look at who the biggest donors are to your legislators. R and D are owned by Wall Street.

Start digging. You will be shocked and amazed and very angry about what is going on once you look.

Along with the outright crimes, there are other ways you are being robbed. TARP, QE, ZIRP. These things are robbing you blind. Raising taxes will solve NONE of this.

So the rich white far left elite are exempt right?
Democrats believe in a uniform wage whether the person works or not. Working should be a personal choice, not something you have to do to live. Having to work to sustain yourself is a form of slavery to the democrat. True freedom is making the decision to work when you don't have to. Like rich people do.
So the rich white far left elite are exempt right?

Jon Corzine is a Democrat, dummy. And he's one of the guiltiest of the guilty.

Here's a hint: http://www.mfglobal.com/

ETA: Quite a few people on Wall Street are Democrats. And have you ever bothered to look at who Senator Schumer's biggest donors are? Do you even know who he is?

Look him up, and then recall what I said about legislative capture. You are stuck in an idiotic partisan paradigm.
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What's funny is non-Dems have been telling Dems that their agenda is clear. Democrat party = Marxism.

But dems used to say "no, nuh uh, whatever". Because they know calling it was is would have been the destruction of their party.

But now, they are finally be honest.

well, they could not admit it 50 years ago, because being Marxist and commie was clearly AGAINST the common person.

Now, after 50 years of ruining of the education and leftward brainwashing of the youth in higher education they seem to achieve the breaking point - even this board can be a witness to numerous dumb as a bone leftard idiots of the younger generation which have ZERO knowledge of what marxism/lenininsm/stalinism/maoism IS, but display their perfectly empty skulls with parrotting the talking points of the extreme left constantly.

So the left hopes that those brainless mouthpieces will be their base for the forward movement onto the total grip of the redistribution of wealth.

There is one brick on the road, though. It is called obamacare.

There is nothing more educational to the stupid leftadly brainwashed youth than the hit on a pocket. Well, except the hit of the bullet in your occipital bone - but there is still a chance it can be avoided.
They are not THERE yet.
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Credit default swaps where the buyer does not have an insurable interest should be banned. Dodd-Frank did nothing about them, even though they were a leading factor in the global economic collapse.

All derivatives should be sold on a public exchange. Dodd-Frank is making this happen, but guess who gets to run the exchange? The very consortium which destroyed our economy in 2008! How about them apples?

Dodd-Frank requires derivatives sellers to put up an insurance premium for each derivative sold. A great idea. However, there are amendments which shoot this full of holes. Also, the federal body which is writing the regulations for the exchanges has been captured by those same players. For example, an "end user" is allowed to pay a lower premium that what you and I would consider to be a speculator. So you could save a lot of money if you got a federal agency to knight you as an end user, right? The federal body has to define what an "end user" is and who isn't an end user. Well, it is so shot full of holes that EVERYONE will be an end user. Even a fraudster sitting at a Goldman Sachs trading desk who will never even see the commodity he is buying and selling, much less use it, is going to considered an end user when all is said and done. That fuckhead will be given the same status as an airline which uses commodities futures to manage the price of the oil they use.

Your Congress is captured. Your federal regulatory agencies are captured. This is how the legislative field is tilted in the favor of few and causing the unnatural concentration of wealth. Money from your pockets to theirs.

Your Senators and Congressmen put federal pre-emptions in the legislation which pre-empts laws your state level representatives enacted to protect you from thieves like this. Those pre-emptions concentrate all the regulatory power at the federal level.

It is easier for the thieves to capture a single federal agency than it is to capture all 50 state agencies. See how that works?

Do you think your Senator would put a pre-emption like that in a law if he was appointed by state legislators who would kick his ass for doing something like that?

Neither do I.

Do you believe taxing a business owner more is going to fix that problem?

Neither do I.
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