Trump Why Every Republican or Conservative MUST Vote for DJT


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
First, assume Trump is indefensible. From the standpoints of qualification, philosophy and competence, assume he will be a bad president.

Makes no difference.

Assume is a moral reprobate, stupid, and uninformed.

Makes no difference.

Assume he is not healthy and will die in office.

Makes no difference.

Many people are looking at this election as though it is simply a matter of one major political philosophy fighting the other major political philosophy. Abortion, gay marriage, global warming, gun rights, the economy…and on and on and on…the two sides differ, and SO WHAT if the Lefties win one more presidential election. The right can come back in four years and nominate someone better, and deny HRC another term in office. Right?

Wrong! This is utter foolishness, and it ignores the OTHER great issue in this election. This second and more important issue has to do with HOW the Left seeks to implement its agenda (and it has implemented its agenda up until now).

Consider the issue of Gay Marriage for a moment. Forget your personal position on the issue, and just look at how the public debate unfolded. One side wanted to create gay marriage as a “normal” public institution, and one side did not. The Right side of the political spectrum tried to implement its agenda through various constitutional means. They got state constitutional amendments passed. They passed laws. They won referenda – even in such Leftist bastions as California. These are all legitimate ways of making public policy through “democratic” means. But what happened? How did they lose this battle?

The Leftists took selected legal cases to a small group of Leftist Federal District Court judges, knowing that they were on the same “team,” and those judges would find SOMETHING in the Constitution that would win their case for them. Ultimately, these Federal judges used the non-existent “right of privacy” and blatantly ignored 200+ years of precedent to find that there is something in the Constitution that guarantees people the “right” to marry people of the same gender.

So all of the legitimate efforts to stop this Gay Marriage tidal wave came to exactly NOTHING. The will of the American people and the intentions of the State legislatures were totally defeated by a few Leftist Federal judges.

This is just one issue, but it is the pattern for how the Left implements its agenda, AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They use the Federal Courts, the Federal bureaucracy (regulations), and Executive Orders to implement their initiatives IN SPITE OF A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS BEING OPPOSED!

Look at “global warming.” The issue was TAKEN OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and most people are not even aware that it happened. The Obama EPA classified CARBON DIOXIDE as a “harmful pollutant,” (and Congress let them do it) thus giving that agency the regulatory right to control every thing or creature that emits carbon dioxide.

In fact, every time you exhale, you are subject to EPA regulations limiting “carbon emissions.”

Did you vote on this? Did Congress vote on this? Was there a referendum? NO. Barry and the Progressives JUST DID IT!

Did you vote to cripple the American coal industry? Did you vote to put a Prius in every driveway? Did you vote to make nuclear power so costly that the most fabulous no-emissions power source in the world is now operating under a death sentence in the U.S.?

If elected, HRC (or her successor, if she is incapacitated) will be nominating a MINIMUM of three Supreme Court justices, and scores of Federal district and circuit court judges. She will have FOUR YEARS to issue Executive Orders, and to have her minions in the various departments and agencies carrying out her evil will. And the changes she and her charges make WILL BE IRREVERSIBLE!

By the end of HRC’s first term,
--> There will be no individual, Constitutional right to own a firearm, or ammunition;

--> States will be prohibited from regulating any abortion, from conception to the moment of live birth;

--> Most religious institutions will have lost their tax exempt status if they refuse to perform or accept gay marriages, perform abortions, or discriminate in any way (refuse to ordain them as ministers) against GLBTQ(etc) people,

--> Every American business will have to quantitatively justify any discrepancy in pay, not only between genders, but also between different ethnic groups, and between people of different sexual orientations or identifications. Imagine the administrative burden on all of the United States private sector.

And all of this can be done without you or any legislator having any say whatsoever.

I HOPE that Donald Trump is not as much of an idiot as he seems to be, and that he will at least hire/appoint competent people to advise him and to implement rational policies of governance. But even if he is a baaaaaaaaad President, he is not out to destroy the U.S. Constitution, so even Trump at his worst would be less bad for this country than HRC.
thats vote for him.....ill do like i have 4 other times this century.....Rufus T. Firefly....if your for it he is against it....

You are not giving Trump enough credit. He dispatched 16 seasoned politicians in the primaries like they were the rookies. He is locked in a virtual tie with a Political dynasty, her media, and most of the GOP. If it weren't for Kazhir Khan, the whiny beauty queen and the media she would be significantly behind.

But yes, absolutely everyone that has an issue with government intrusion into our lives and wallets MUST vote for Trump. Statist control is not jackbooted thugs showing up on your doorstep. It is a creeping vine that has already been planted, taken root and spreading.
Trump won the primaries because (a) even a moron who has 25% of the electorate locked up can defeat 12 competent people in a cattle-call primary, and (b) the wins in New York, PA, and New Jersey convinced a gullible Republican electorate that there was a "landslide" of support for Trump, when up to that point he had not receive even 50% of the votes in any primary or caucus, and (c) John Kasich refused to bow out at the end, thus giving Trump an excuse not to debate Ted Cruz, one-on-one, which would have exposed him as a true dilettante.

But that's all history. He is my nominee and I will vote for him, early and often.
'Consider the issue of Gay Marriage for a moment. Forget your personal position on the issue, and just look at how the public debate unfolded. One side wanted to create gay marriage as a “normal” public institution, and one side did not. The Right side of the political spectrum tried to implement its agenda through various constitutional means. They got state constitutional amendments passed. They passed laws. They won referenda – even in such Leftist bastions as California. These are all legitimate ways of making public policy through “democratic” means. But what happened? How did they lose this battle?'

Those hostile to gay Americans lost because as a fact of Constitutional law they were wrong.

They lost because they perceived the issue as a ‘battle,’ which it was not.

They lost because they sought to disadvantage gay Americans for no other reason than being gay.

And they lost as a consequence of their ignorance – ignorant of the fact that the United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where citizens are subject to the rule of law, not men.

Citizens’ rights are not subject to ‘majority rule,’ one does not forfeit his civil rights merely as a consequence of his state of residence, and the states have no authority whatsoever to determine who will – or will not – have his civil rights.

State measures which sought to violate the equal protection rights of gay Americans by denying them access to marriage law where invalidated by the courts consistent with settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence: that the states may not make a class of persons a stranger to its laws.

This is one of many reasons why the likes of Trump has no business being president: he represents all that’s wrong with conservatism, the right’s hostility to the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
Yes, the Jones person. I have noted and commented on your idiocy in the past.

(1) Where in the Constitution is a right to marry someone of the same gender?

(2) Are you actually proposing that 225 years of Supreme Court justices and the Founders who wrote the Constitution didn't understand it?

You are too stupid and clueless to waste much time on. Surely, you are a troll.
Somebody I know answered a question "Why will you vote for Trump":

Donald Trump was not my first choice for president, in fact he was not my second, third or fourth. He is a dumpster fire that’s some fear will set everything else a blaze. This country is ass-backwards and I believe it’s going to take something or someone extraordinary to right it. I would rather share a cell with Charley Manson than vote for Hillary Clinton. The only thing that will change if she wins is an increase in her speaking fees. Here are a few things that Hillary will not fix and only make worse.

1. Political Correctness. You can’t say Merry Christmas, white lives matter, Obama’s wrong or express a political opinion that is not supported by the left. Freedom of speech is an endangered concept in this country. It will only get worse under Hillary.
2. Everything white (white privilege) is bad in some circles because some minorities have not been able to compete. They don’t mention that many whites cannot compete either. This is not a matter of color it is a matter of ambition and a wiliness to take responsibility for oneself. This will not change under Hillary because she loves VICTIMS, they vote for her.
3. Government knows best. Us common folk need government to tell us how to live ours lives and how the government should spread the wealth around (our money). Who knows better than Hillary, just ask the guys in Benghazi, silly rabbits wanted more security.
4. It takes a village to raise a child. Sure if you want a really screwed up kid that doesn’t know which bathroom to use.
5. A Supreme Court appointed by Clinton will rubber stamp her every move. From everything to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees (check out Germany right now) to blaming the police for every social ill created by her leftist’s government. Police Officers will have hell to pay under a Clinton Kingdom.

I could go on but most of you are tired of me already. I’m voting for Trump because Hillary is not an option and it will take someone bold (and maybe a little crazy) to get things back on track. And if you believe that two people (Clintons) working in government their whole lives can earn 150 million dollars without being crooks then you’re too stupid to vote.

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