Diamond Member
First, assume Trump is indefensible. From the standpoints of qualification, philosophy and competence, assume he will be a bad president.
Makes no difference.
Assume is a moral reprobate, stupid, and uninformed.
Makes no difference.
Assume he is not healthy and will die in office.
Makes no difference.
Many people are looking at this election as though it is simply a matter of one major political philosophy fighting the other major political philosophy. Abortion, gay marriage, global warming, gun rights, the economy…and on and on and on…the two sides differ, and SO WHAT if the Lefties win one more presidential election. The right can come back in four years and nominate someone better, and deny HRC another term in office. Right?
Wrong! This is utter foolishness, and it ignores the OTHER great issue in this election. This second and more important issue has to do with HOW the Left seeks to implement its agenda (and it has implemented its agenda up until now).
Consider the issue of Gay Marriage for a moment. Forget your personal position on the issue, and just look at how the public debate unfolded. One side wanted to create gay marriage as a “normal” public institution, and one side did not. The Right side of the political spectrum tried to implement its agenda through various constitutional means. They got state constitutional amendments passed. They passed laws. They won referenda – even in such Leftist bastions as California. These are all legitimate ways of making public policy through “democratic” means. But what happened? How did they lose this battle?
The Leftists took selected legal cases to a small group of Leftist Federal District Court judges, knowing that they were on the same “team,” and those judges would find SOMETHING in the Constitution that would win their case for them. Ultimately, these Federal judges used the non-existent “right of privacy” and blatantly ignored 200+ years of precedent to find that there is something in the Constitution that guarantees people the “right” to marry people of the same gender.
So all of the legitimate efforts to stop this Gay Marriage tidal wave came to exactly NOTHING. The will of the American people and the intentions of the State legislatures were totally defeated by a few Leftist Federal judges.
This is just one issue, but it is the pattern for how the Left implements its agenda, AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They use the Federal Courts, the Federal bureaucracy (regulations), and Executive Orders to implement their initiatives IN SPITE OF A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS BEING OPPOSED!
Look at “global warming.” The issue was TAKEN OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and most people are not even aware that it happened. The Obama EPA classified CARBON DIOXIDE as a “harmful pollutant,” (and Congress let them do it) thus giving that agency the regulatory right to control every thing or creature that emits carbon dioxide.
In fact, every time you exhale, you are subject to EPA regulations limiting “carbon emissions.”
Did you vote on this? Did Congress vote on this? Was there a referendum? NO. Barry and the Progressives JUST DID IT!
Did you vote to cripple the American coal industry? Did you vote to put a Prius in every driveway? Did you vote to make nuclear power so costly that the most fabulous no-emissions power source in the world is now operating under a death sentence in the U.S.?
If elected, HRC (or her successor, if she is incapacitated) will be nominating a MINIMUM of three Supreme Court justices, and scores of Federal district and circuit court judges. She will have FOUR YEARS to issue Executive Orders, and to have her minions in the various departments and agencies carrying out her evil will. And the changes she and her charges make WILL BE IRREVERSIBLE!
By the end of HRC’s first term,
--> There will be no individual, Constitutional right to own a firearm, or ammunition;
--> States will be prohibited from regulating any abortion, from conception to the moment of live birth;
--> Most religious institutions will have lost their tax exempt status if they refuse to perform or accept gay marriages, perform abortions, or discriminate in any way (refuse to ordain them as ministers) against GLBTQ(etc) people,
--> Every American business will have to quantitatively justify any discrepancy in pay, not only between genders, but also between different ethnic groups, and between people of different sexual orientations or identifications. Imagine the administrative burden on all of the United States private sector.
And all of this can be done without you or any legislator having any say whatsoever.
I HOPE that Donald Trump is not as much of an idiot as he seems to be, and that he will at least hire/appoint competent people to advise him and to implement rational policies of governance. But even if he is a baaaaaaaaad President, he is not out to destroy the U.S. Constitution, so even Trump at his worst would be less bad for this country than HRC.
Makes no difference.
Assume is a moral reprobate, stupid, and uninformed.
Makes no difference.
Assume he is not healthy and will die in office.
Makes no difference.
Many people are looking at this election as though it is simply a matter of one major political philosophy fighting the other major political philosophy. Abortion, gay marriage, global warming, gun rights, the economy…and on and on and on…the two sides differ, and SO WHAT if the Lefties win one more presidential election. The right can come back in four years and nominate someone better, and deny HRC another term in office. Right?
Wrong! This is utter foolishness, and it ignores the OTHER great issue in this election. This second and more important issue has to do with HOW the Left seeks to implement its agenda (and it has implemented its agenda up until now).
Consider the issue of Gay Marriage for a moment. Forget your personal position on the issue, and just look at how the public debate unfolded. One side wanted to create gay marriage as a “normal” public institution, and one side did not. The Right side of the political spectrum tried to implement its agenda through various constitutional means. They got state constitutional amendments passed. They passed laws. They won referenda – even in such Leftist bastions as California. These are all legitimate ways of making public policy through “democratic” means. But what happened? How did they lose this battle?
The Leftists took selected legal cases to a small group of Leftist Federal District Court judges, knowing that they were on the same “team,” and those judges would find SOMETHING in the Constitution that would win their case for them. Ultimately, these Federal judges used the non-existent “right of privacy” and blatantly ignored 200+ years of precedent to find that there is something in the Constitution that guarantees people the “right” to marry people of the same gender.
So all of the legitimate efforts to stop this Gay Marriage tidal wave came to exactly NOTHING. The will of the American people and the intentions of the State legislatures were totally defeated by a few Leftist Federal judges.
This is just one issue, but it is the pattern for how the Left implements its agenda, AGAINST THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. They use the Federal Courts, the Federal bureaucracy (regulations), and Executive Orders to implement their initiatives IN SPITE OF A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS BEING OPPOSED!
Look at “global warming.” The issue was TAKEN OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and most people are not even aware that it happened. The Obama EPA classified CARBON DIOXIDE as a “harmful pollutant,” (and Congress let them do it) thus giving that agency the regulatory right to control every thing or creature that emits carbon dioxide.
In fact, every time you exhale, you are subject to EPA regulations limiting “carbon emissions.”
Did you vote on this? Did Congress vote on this? Was there a referendum? NO. Barry and the Progressives JUST DID IT!
Did you vote to cripple the American coal industry? Did you vote to put a Prius in every driveway? Did you vote to make nuclear power so costly that the most fabulous no-emissions power source in the world is now operating under a death sentence in the U.S.?
If elected, HRC (or her successor, if she is incapacitated) will be nominating a MINIMUM of three Supreme Court justices, and scores of Federal district and circuit court judges. She will have FOUR YEARS to issue Executive Orders, and to have her minions in the various departments and agencies carrying out her evil will. And the changes she and her charges make WILL BE IRREVERSIBLE!
By the end of HRC’s first term,
--> There will be no individual, Constitutional right to own a firearm, or ammunition;
--> States will be prohibited from regulating any abortion, from conception to the moment of live birth;
--> Most religious institutions will have lost their tax exempt status if they refuse to perform or accept gay marriages, perform abortions, or discriminate in any way (refuse to ordain them as ministers) against GLBTQ(etc) people,
--> Every American business will have to quantitatively justify any discrepancy in pay, not only between genders, but also between different ethnic groups, and between people of different sexual orientations or identifications. Imagine the administrative burden on all of the United States private sector.
And all of this can be done without you or any legislator having any say whatsoever.
I HOPE that Donald Trump is not as much of an idiot as he seems to be, and that he will at least hire/appoint competent people to advise him and to implement rational policies of governance. But even if he is a baaaaaaaaad President, he is not out to destroy the U.S. Constitution, so even Trump at his worst would be less bad for this country than HRC.