Why don't we see political leaders outraged about drug cartels and smugglers?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
They don't care because it fits into their plans.
The dealio is....they want America to go to Hell in a Handbasket so they can institute Socialism.
The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
The politicians who don't rage about the cartels and smugglers more than likely are profiting from drugs and smuggled humans. Those who do, have their hands tied by the ones who have goods on them.

From BillO'Reilly.com:

"Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has a new book out that hammers Donald Trump. In America, that's an industry, is it not?

Esper was fortunate enough to land an interview on "60 Minutes" where he told Norah O'Donnell that Trump wanted to attack the Mexican drug cartels with missiles. Ms. O'Donnell did not challenge the statement.

Esper was misleading Norah, and the "60 Minutes" producers let her down by not researching effectively. President Trump did, indeed, consider using drone strikes against the Cartels, which are killing thousands of human beings, but only after designating the criminals "terror groups."

That official action allows the United States to take military action, as I chronicle in my book "Killing the Killers," which, unlike Esper's work, is actually honest.

I know this story because I discussed the scenario with Mr. Trump in private and initially reported it two years ago. The subject also came up last December during the Trump "History" shows. The former president explained in detail why he did not slap the terror label on the cartels as Mexican President Obrador finally agreed to help the USA control the border.

Enter Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan who embraces and embellishes Esper's phony reporting by alleging Trump "wanted to attack Mexican drug cartels ... then deny the missiles came from us."

Although that is clearly preposterous and unnecessary with the terror designation, Ms. Noonan parrots it, apparently without doing any research whatsoever.

Deeply embedded in the Washington establishment, Peggy Noonan is a "never-Trumper" and has promoted the cancel culture witch hunt as well. The theme of her column involving Esper is that both political parties are now riddled with fear.

"The Republicans are afraid of the Trumpers. The Democrats are afraid of the progressives. Both parties fear large parts of their base. So they lie to them ..."

There is truth to that statement. If Donald Trump runs for president again, no high-profile Republican will primary him and risk alienating his supporters.

On the other team, President Biden fears the far-left so much that he has embraced many of their insane policies, thereby causing grave damage to individual Americans.

It would be wrong to designate the progressive left as a "terror group," but come on, the destruction of the U.S. economy speaks for itself.

Ms. Noonan's column then rambles along and suddenly veers into the twilight zone as she calls for rational political debate: "I have never met a human being yet who was completely impervious - completely - to a sincere, respectful appeal to reason."

Ahem. I assume that Peggy has never "met" Vladimir Putin, the Iranian Mullahs, the race-baiters on MSNBC, and thousands of other destructive fanatics who cause pain on this planet every day.

Ms. Noonan should open a theme park called "Peggy's World." Disney would likely help her with it. Fantasyland could use an expansion."

Biden is giving the people the paraphernalia to do drugs.. Biden is directly aiding in it. He is also directly aiding the cartels in human trafficking and dropping them off to their cartel handlers in the US.. These people are pure evil and TRAITORS.
What better way to control the population.....by murdering roughly 100,000 of them per year, and getting them hooked on drugs.
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The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
You are correct, they don;t care. Unless a p[otential voter shows concern at a town hall. Then they will claim to care. Even then, they will ask a pollster later if enough people are concerned, and if the pollster says not w to worry about it, then millions could die and it wouldn't matter.
The politicians who don't rage about the cartels and smugglers more than likely are profiting from drugs and smuggled humans. Those who do, have their hands tied by the ones who have goods on them.
I agree Hoss, but they are very clever in hiding their connections. I also believe that is what keeps the inner cities perpetual hell holes.
To them Americans are just a number or a demographic on a stat sheet. They put on a face and an act when they are in front of a TV camera. Not all for sure, but many influential politicians just dont care about peoples lives. They sure dont care about the lives of immigrants such as minors trafficked across the border.... though they pretend to care about "dreamers"
Cartels cost many lives in the U.S. one way or another, yet we are told its white supremests who are the big threat.
We spend billions annually for drug interdiction and eradication, so, your premise is a lie when you claim they don't care. If you think they don't buy a bunch of street drugs and resell them in the open.
To them Americans are just a number or a demographic on a stat sheet. They put on a face and an act when they are in front of a TV camera. Not all for sure, but many influential politicians just dont care about peoples lives. They sure dont care about the lives of immigrants such as minors trafficked across the border.... though they pretend to care about "dreamers"
Cartels cost many lives in the U.S. one way or another, yet we are told its white supremests who are the big threat.
Yes, white separatists do sell and use drugz-duh.
We spend billions annually for drug interdiction and eradication, so, your premise is a lie when you claim they don't care. If you think they don't buy a bunch of street drugs and resell them in the open.

Yeah, out in the open you'd get arrested by local cops. If the Dems at the top levels really cared about people, then you wouldn't have your Occasio coretzes calling for the elimination of I.C.E.
Yes, white separatists do sell and use drugz-duh.
and where do you think most of the Fentanyl is coming from? Not all white separatists are cooking it up in their Winnebagos, they buy it from the cartels as well

Why don't we see political leaders outraged about drug cartels and smugglers?​

Where do you think they make their money from to earn several million a year when their congressional salary is only $175,000? Why do you think they wanted Trump out so bad? Trump isn't on the take because unlike them, Trump already made his money (billions) honestly in the real estate market doing real business.
The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
$$$$$, power, control, reelection.
The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
Perhaps they are getting kickbacks from those dealers and smugglers.

The follow article is 11 years old but I doubt things have chnaged much.


Why don't we see political leaders outraged about drug cartels and smugglers?​

Because they ARE the biggest cartel

The political whores who have been crowing at the cameras about White Supremacists today never seem to mind that the drug cartels and their army of dealers and smugglers kill 100,000 Americans every year. Or that they are the suppliers of the drugs that flood the inner cities that keep those communities a perpetual war zone with dozens of shootings and murders every day. Nope, that doesn't bother them one little bit. But for the handful of Black people killed by cops or the random deranged person that kills several Black people, they can't run to the cameras fast enough to vent their "rage". Why is that? Could it be that they really don't care and it is more about advancing themselves and their Party? I think so, what do you think?
Two thoughts.

We need a breakdown of the 100,000 overdose "victims". How many unknowing took the lethal dose hoping to get high. We don't grieve for them. Most of these deaths are actually 'unintentional suicide' by drug users and addicts. By the time they finally succumb to their habit they've made a mess of their lives and have negatively affected a dozen others. Everyone is better off for their passing.

And, the reason politicians seem to ignore the problem is that they understand that the real solution-dealing with the users- would be damaging to their careers.

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