Why don’t republicans seem to understand the consequences of tax cuts?

I don't care what the FY 2009 "budget numbers" were, I'm interested in what the spending was.

So what was the FY 2009 spending?

I made it clear from the outset...you don't know anything more than the slogans you've heard.

Accordingly, it is pointless to engage you.
Grownups can grasp the difference between "revenues that would-have-been without the tax cuts" and "revenues". It's not difficult. A grade-schooler can grasp it, but every conservative on this thread fails at it. This illustrates why no conservative should be allowed near the presidency -- all conservatives fail at basic economics.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has consistently reported that the Bush tax cuts did not pay for themselves and represented a sizable decline in revenue for the Treasury:
  • The CBO estimated in June 2012 that the Bush tax cuts of 2001 (EGTRRA) and 2003 (JGTRRA) added approximately $1.5 trillion total to the debt over the 2002–2011 decade, excluding interest.
  • The CBO estimated in January 2009 that the Bush tax cuts would add approximately $3.0 trillion to the debt over the 2010–2019 decade if fully extended at all income levels, including interest.
  • The CBO estimated in January 2009 that extending the Bush tax cuts at all income levels over the 2011–2019 period would increase the annual deficit by an average of 1.7% GDP, reaching 2.0% GDP in 2018 and 2019.

This is where all conservatives now shriek that facts are a liberal conspiracy. Please, proceed. After all, when the facts contradict you, what else can you do?
So please respond to the below data from the CBO... In case you don't know.. note the source? Also note there is a Democrat! Surprise, surprise!
SOURCE: Congressional Budget Officehttps://www.cbo.gov

CBO is strictly nonpartisan; conducts objective, impartial analysis; and hires its employees solely on the basis of professional competence without regard to ...
10 Things to Know About CBO · ‎Organization and Staffing
Well one reason for sure is this... Inflation average for 2022 was 8.01% meaning every month for 2022 the average rate of cost of living in the USA averaged an increase of 8.01% with the highest of 9.1% in June 2022!
That had a tremendous bearing on money taking out of people's paycheck that AVERAGED under previous Presidents
during the observation period from 1960 to 2021, the average inflation rate was 3.8% per year
The Average inflation rate for 61 years... 3.8% under Democrat/GOP president...and when you eliminate the abnormal years of
higher than 10% i.e. 1974,1979,1980,1981 the average is less than 3.16% per year.
So Biden over the last year of 2022 saw the 6th largest increase since 1975's 9.14%!
All because Biden wants to as he guarantees:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

View attachment 751237
Gas prices went up dramatically after that statement as almost ALL Americans cost of living is affected by gas prices, personally as drivers and as consumers buying groceries, etc. all transported to businesses by fossil fuels!
What a direct cause of raising gas prices as gas companies certainly as would ANY individual start hoarding $$$s by raising prices as the President of the USA "guarantees" to put them out of business!
Get it while you can mentality at work, 6th largest inflation increase in the last 60 years!

meaning every month for 2022 the average rate of cost of living in the USA averaged an increase of 8.01% with the highest of 9.1% in June 2022!
This is nonsense...
Define their “fair share”. Give us the % of the total tax bill the top 1% should pay. Top 10%.
More than 0% for sure.

Why can’t they cut spending?
I literally never said they couldn’t. In fact I made it clear cutting spending was necessary if you cut taxes in my OP. I understand this issue in its entirety. You just listen to anything the GOP tells you.
I literally never said they couldn’t. In fact I made it clear cutting spending was necessary if you cut taxes in my OP. I understand this issue in its entirety. You just listen to anything the GOP tells you.
Why doesn’t congress cut then?
"Hey, Obama and Biden didn't reduce family income enough so lets raise taxes to further reduce spendable income".

"You know, so the government will have more fucking money to spend."

"What do you say, good idea?"

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