Zone1 Why dont Jews believe Jesus is their messiah?

I have a question that I truly do not mean to be offensive, but rather is puzzling and bewildering to me. In Judaism, if a prophecy is not fulfilled in a certain/reasonable amount of time, it was considered to be a false/mistaken prophecy. The Jewish prophecy of a human, earthly king was made over 2,500 years ago. Daniel's prophecy of this king was 70 weeks, also calculated as 483 or 490 years. Daniel lived about a half-century before our current dating system, a time when Jews were clearly expecting the Messiah. They were even pointing out that Herod's rebuilding of the second temple (making it the third temple) was a sign.

Again, I have no wish to put you (especially)--or anyone of the Jewish faith--on the spot. It's just something I keep wondering about.
I am unaware of time “extensions” on prophecies, although I am aware that there is content in the Book of Daniel that Christians have used as a sign of Jesus to come. (I know this because unrelenting Christians have continued to bring it up to me in a very argumentative way, and I am clearly uncomfortable as they do it, so I appreciate your respectful manner.)

All I can tell you is that Jesus has not met the criteria for Messiah, even after 2,000 years. To say that “well, he will EVENTUALLY” strikes me as weak. I, for example, could say I am the Messiah, and in the year 4045, when nothing has come true, people could say, “well, eventually.”

Also, NO Jew would claim to be the son of Gd. There is no evidence that Jesus made such a claim, other than others misinterpreting his words to ordain him as a deity.
All I can tell you is that Jesus has not met the criteria for Messiah, even after 2,000 years. To say that “well, he will EVENTUALLY” strikes me as weak. I, for example, could say I am the Messiah, and in the year 4045, when nothing has come true, people could say, “well, eventually.”

Also, NO Jew would claim to be the son of Gd. There is no evidence that Jesus made such a claim, other than others misinterpreting his words to ordain him as a deity.
I agree (and Jesus agreed) he was not the Messiah (the anointed one) whom the people expected. He was clear about that. He also said that he was anointed (therefore a messiah) sent by God, for a specific purpose. While no Jew would claim to be God, someone who was God can make that claim. Jesus, in fact, did make that claim.

You will have no interest in the Shroud of Turin, said (and proven to be) dated back to Israel at the time of Christ. It is the image of a man who died of crucifixion, a man who had been crowned with a helmet of thorns, who had been viciously whipped, struck in the face, and whose legs had not been broken as was the usual custom after a crucifixion. How did this image (proven not to have been painted) become imprinted on the outer layers of the shroud, proven to have been woven? Light and radiation are scientists' present theories. Proof of the resurrection account? Proof this crucified man was Jesus? No proof. We have the account of Jesus' crucifixion/resurrection. We have proof of where and when the shroud originated. But there it stops. It cannot be proven this is an image of Jesus; and it cannot be proven it is not. Early Christians insisted and proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God, One with God. This is our faith.

But here is my point: The messiah Jews are on watch for is an earthly ruler, who will rebuild the Temple and people will live in peace. Why does one messiah (anointed one) preclude the coming of another messiah (anointed one)? Each one has a specific task, a different task. That goes back to my question as to why, after all this time, are the Jewish people convinced this is not a false prophecy, that a great human ruler, in the line of David, will return, bring peace, and rebuild the Temple? Is the belief still that all the world will be at peace? Isn't there yet another prophecy, that while all this may be true for a time, isn't it prophesied that in the end, God Himself will have to take over kingship of the world for a lasting world of peace?
I dont have a problem with Jesus as a Rabbi. He has had an immensely positive impact on the world. He was a human being though, he wasn't G-d. I personally never prayed to Jesus per se but did pray to G-d even as a kid. His lessons are generally about mercy and forgiveness, which are truly Jewish concepts a Rabbi would support. There are countless examples of the importance of these concepts in Judaism. From our laws to the way we must fullfill the Mitvot, critical calls to action,.commands to us. I would say there is a reason many Christians are converting to Judaism, in record numbers. It isn't enough to just say "I am Christian" while allowing the abuse of humanity especially by those in authority. History shows where this leads and then Christians say "how"? How is due to a lack of care to ACT and stand up for justice and mercy, not just say it in prayer or thought. I know all too well the actions of men against others in Canada alone, far from Christian I can attest. To.each their own,.I don't try to influence others. I can only express my beliefs and Faith, we all have our own path to follow.
As a Christian I have largely withdrawn from this evil world. "Come out of her my people".
The only one I know of is his “guidance” that all foods are available to Jews.

Of course - just between us girls - it is likely that Jesus did not intend this, but that Paul used the “no more kosher!” bit as a way to attract Jews to the new Christianity. (IOW, make it easier to be a Christian than a Jew.)

I think it's interesting that you're the second person who brought that up. You might've missed it, but I replied to that point here in post #75. There are other ways to know that Jesus did not throw out the dietary laws, but if anyone is interested I'll have to come back later, because I gotta go somewhere soon.
It is your belief, to each their own. Jesus was a gentle human being and a great presenter of many of the tenets of the Torah, but he waivered from the original text. Now, interpretations of the bible are presented all the time, be it by Rabbi or Priests, so that isn't a disqualifier in my opinion, but to suggest one is the Messiah without all of the required preconditions being met, it just doesnt pass the smell test. Christianity is a great religion, like most when practiced correctly. Today few people of Faith are loyal to their teachings though, and thus we are lacking our humanity be it Jews, Muslim or Christian, it's a sad time. Or, some of us turned the other cheek and suffered endlessly. G-d commands and we pretend that we are free to pick and choose, disregarding how critical it is to bring peace and light into the world among each other, not hate. How important it is to demand the same.of others in their treatment of each other AND ourselves too!
What test does he not meet?
I am very familiar with the NT----in fact I read it long before I read the OT----I grew up in a very christian town---old ladies HANDED out little pocket sized copies of the NT and I was an AVID reader without much to read. You are not quite as familiar as am I. Jesus was a guest in the home of another jew when he refused to wash his hands. -----I do not remember his followers being with him like a MASS PROTEST. ----to make it short----I do not believe that idiot story at all. NOT WASHING HANDS in the home of a host would be the HEIGHT of rude and uncivilized behavior-----even today.----but there is history-----the incessant HAND WASHING with which jews interrupted ROMAN bacchanals did annoy Romans.----<<< historic fact---and later on "HANDWASHING" was considered a CLUE that fake converts to christianity were JUDAIZING.----as noted by the authorities of the Catholic Church. Jesus never mentioned eating pork----that came from the HELLENIZER, PAUL----that convert to Judaism who never met Jesus. Sometimes I have guests from Israel including teens who are not into religion at all-----but they are mostly of the MIZRACHI group---like my hubby----they are SO TRAINED from infancy to WASH THEIR HANDS-----that I make sure to have lots of little towels around----it's CULTURAL. -----and then there was the NICEAN COUNCIL
^^ someone is triggered.

Paul must really upset you, a Jew that persecuted Christians then converted and became the Bible’s most prolific writer and concerted so many “gentiles”.
There's a difference between simple and simplistic.
The most obvious explanation to why Jews don’t believe in Christ is because they’re not Christians

Muslims could be having this same exact conversation about why Christian’s don’t accept the prophet Muhammad.

Christians often view Jews as people of the book who “stopped” before the New Testament

In the exact same way, Muslims could- and probably do- view Christians as people who simply “stopped” before the Quran

Torah—> Bible—> Quran

It’s all one continuum of the larger abrahamic religion family.

But Christian’s don’t like to hear that
try again----I noted the HISTORICAL REALITY of that which christianity has WRECKED upon the world-----not only UPON
jews. The pope felt a need to apologize for the filth of the
catholic church in North America-----REMEMBER?
Christianity gave us Western civilization as we know it. Something you enjoy very much. It turned backward, barbaric cultures into civilized ones.

Meanwhile, what did “Judaism” do in the last 2000 years? Besides persecute Christians? Did they do anything for the world?
The only one I know of is his “guidance” that all foods are available to Jews.

Of course - just between us girls - it is likely that Jesus did not intend this, but that Paul used the “no more kosher!” bit as a way to attract Jews to the new Christianity. (IOW, make it easier to be a Christian than a Jew.)
The CATHOLIC CHURCH did that. The real church has never eaten unclean.
In fact, the leaders of the first century church were vegan
OK….. I will try, but just watch the antisemitic Christians come after me with insults and disdain.

Jews do not believe Jesus was the Messiah because he did not fulfill the prophesies - that he would be a human being, that there would be no more wars, that he would be the leader of a kingdom, that the Temple would be rebuilt, etc.

You have never chastised me for having different beliefs. You have been respectful. You seem ok with disagreeing. I am too. There are some here I can't say the same for. Sadly, conflict and drama seem to be a sign of the times and a norm.
The Messianic age never came.
Christians like to say that he will do it in his return, but the messiah is supposed to human. Humans dont die, come back to life then ascend into the sky. Nor do they descend from the sky thousands of years later.
The tanach teaches that all prophecies must be filled before one is the messiah. Such as being in the tribe of judah. Jesus didnt have a human father, so how could that work? No temple. No worldwide peace. No universal knowledge of god.
Jesus supposedly did miraculous things according to the bible, but not one thing he did is recognized by the NoI for being the messiah.
So how was he the messiah? Did the jews get their own prophecies wrong?
He didn't get the operation.
For the Jewish people, this guy was a seriously sick and evil con artist guilty of attempted mass murder by starvation.

- when did they let you out ... do you have your papers.

jesus was a small time penniless itinerant with a flair for justice and freedom and heavenly perceptions - is why like you the jews hated him.
Yet, sadly and tragically, Christians have used the SUPPOSED actions of perhaps 0.001% of Jews at the time to condemn ALL Jews,

the underlying reasons for the events conclusion is considerably more important than the tragic ending of jesus's life - the corruptions throughout judaism and those later of christianity is the true cause when concluded that will bring the heavens back to earth.

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