Why does the Rightwing Conservatives Hate Unions?

I find it interesting that "conservatives," who have a long history of organizing themselves to promote their own particular agenda, now seek to deprive those who don't share their political philosophy of the same "right!"

you can say that about Liberals too.....matter of fact anyone pushing an Agenda.....
Any boss who thinks he knows more than the people who are actually performing the job is a pompous fool. Workers understand the job, they understand the public, they understand what goes wrong and why. Smart employers listen to their employees

not in the Post Office......your first Sentence sums up the bosses there....
If you treat your employees well as individuals, they will not need a union. If you don't treat your employees well, then a union or the threat of unionization will force your hand

good point Rw....but how many companies actually treat their Employees well?....most expect you to be loyal to them....but they dont bat an eye when they lay off someone with 25 years in, to keep a new cheaper hire....and they will have you train him...then kick your ass out...
Crappy products, out-of-touch marketing, piss-poor management, and foreign competition is what did in Detroit.

Not the workers.

Sure, the cost for the union members had no effect at all (you're an idiot).....

Well smart ass, if it had a negative affect, prove it.:eusa_whistle:

So the UAW members who sat in the cafeteria twiddling their thumbs because they had to be on site to get their hours, what was so productive about that?
I just don't know why the Libs don't understand....the money is not there to pay these union people.
If I were the Governor of Wisconsin I would say OK folks you win.And as soon as possible Lay as many of as needed.

Then watch the people protest.Then hold a press conference and say I wanted to do this another way but this was the way you wanted it to go down....Good night and the rest of you who still have a job see you at work tomorrow.
Like I've been saying recently,

conservatives want the gap between rich and poor to be as large as possible. Unions are just one more means to attempt to close that gap.

Conservatives want every working class person to be working for absolutely as little compensation as can be gotten away with. That is the 'market' they worship. Unions try to value work higher,

conservatives want work valued as low as possible.

Conservatives hate unions because hating unions is a logical product of the conservative philosophy.
Like I've been saying recently,

conservatives want the gap between rich and poor to be as large as possible. Unions are just one more means to attempt to close that gap.

Conservatives want every working class person to be working for absolutely as little compensation as can be gotten away with. That is the 'market' they worship. Unions try to value work higher,

conservatives want work valued as low as possible.

Conservatives hate unions because hating unions is a logical product of the conservative philosophy.

Just so we get your philosophy straight, if its wrong its OK because they are a union??? :lame2:
Like I've been saying recently,

conservatives want the gap between rich and poor to be as large as possible. Unions are just one more means to attempt to close that gap.

Conservatives want every working class person to be working for absolutely as little compensation as can be gotten away with. That is the 'market' they worship. Unions try to value work higher,

conservatives want work valued as low as possible.

Conservatives hate unions because hating unions is a logical product of the conservative philosophy.

Usually you make a lot more sense than you do in this post.

Most conservatives I know are "working class". In fact, I think all of the ones I know would be considered "working class".

I certainly want everyone to be working for the best wages they can convince their employers to pay.

I do not hate the unions... I hate the people that run the unions because it seems to me that they are just as corrupt as politicians.

I accepted a position as a commissioned estimator for a home improvement company. At the time I doubt I could have driven 5 nails into a board without bending over 2 of them.

Within 3 months I was on salary and was lead estimator, within a year I was the General manager. Making triple what I started out with.

It wasn't a Union holding me back or forcing my promotions and pay raises.

Had it been a Union shop I probably would have left it within 6 months. Because I would have still been the new guy at the bottom. But the owner of the company saw my worth and promoted me because of that.
Syrenn Wrote:
If workers do not like the management they are under they are free to leave and find work elsewhere. If workers do not like the environment they are working in...again they are free to leave and find work elsewhere.

Shouldn't they also be free to say, "Hey...I'm good at my job, I work hard. I've got a few issues with A, B, and C...here are some of the solutions I have come up with to fix that so I can be even better at my job?"

I understand completely that people who are unhappy in their jobs are free to leave it...what I have NEVER understood is why so many people are so quick to tell teachers - if you don't like your job, then quit!

I love my job. I love teaching. I'm damn good at it. But I don't love everything about the state of public education today. Why would you rather I quit than try to change things for the better?

No, please do not quit. Just please be realistic about what the public purse can afford.
Like I've been saying recently,

conservatives want the gap between rich and poor to be as large as possible. Unions are just one more means to attempt to close that gap.

Conservatives want every working class person to be working for absolutely as little compensation as can be gotten away with. That is the 'market' they worship. Unions try to value work higher,

conservatives want work valued as low as possible.

Conservatives hate unions because hating unions is a logical product of the conservative philosophy.

You're leaking what little intelligence you had....

Seek help....
What they don't have the right to do is to force others into such as association against their wills.

Like how my neighbors force me to pay taxes and respect their 'laws'?

I never agreed to make it illegal for me to rape you and steal your car :evil:

Libertarianism: justifying gang activity with every idiotic word
The animosity is chilling, but never the less consistent and irritating. Maybe we could actually have a discussion without the name calling, and find out exactly what is the right cons problem with Unions.

It seems to me Unions are a role model for what Capitalism stands for. To exploit the corporation for fair living wages & benefits, in exchange for an honest days work. And to get a fair working package a negotiation takes place and a contract written explaining what each side expects from the other side (labor vs. business). Nothing is hidden.

Capitalism allows workers to negotiate their own wage & benefits as individuals or as a collective, with the idea of extracting the maximum from the employer for each hour of work performed. The employer hires as many people as he wishes, from those that will work for him, and exploits workers for the lowest wages & benefit packages he can get for his hour of labor.

So the Union member or private sector worker gives an honest days work, and the employer gives an honest days wages & benefits.

So why do rightys hate Unions? They support America and prefer capitalism?

I think when Unions first started they had a point. People had no protections and corporations needed people to work. Since most people were poor, they could get people to work themselves to death for practically no money. Although the market would have eventually corrected most of this, it might not have been moral to wait for the market to burn through all of the people who would have died or been maimed in the mean time. Thus, unions performed a valuable service in creating protections and increasing wages.

In the current day, they have out-lived their usefulness to society. Since they exist and unionized workers must pay dues to the organization, they feel obligated to do something for the money they get. Thus, even if you get a fair wage. They want more. Even if you have good benefits, they ask for more. Even if you get a decent vacation, they want more. Enough is never enough.

When those unions represent public sector employees, the "more" comes out our "our" pockets. The way the parties have broken out, the Dems are the party of "Unions" so unionized workers, knowing where their bread is buttered, try like hell to get Dems in office. Dems, knowing where their bread is buttered, try like hell to get a better deal for unions.

Again, when it comes to the public sector, that means the unions are on one side of the table and the people they put in office are on the other side. This arrangement amounts to self dealing or "pay to play" Chicago-style politics.

I think that private sector unions are responsible, in part, for ensuring that jobs left this country and making American labor unprofitable in a global market.

It is up to the workers to decide whether they need a union or not. If they are happy with their employment conditions, then no...they don't need one
I would vote against unionization at my work today

But I would grab a union gun and kill if need be to protect the right to unionize
Effective capitalism requires a careful balance between labor and management. There needs to be room for profit and there has to be the capability to make a living off the wage you are paid. If either side gets too much power then the country as a whole suffers

In good economic times, labor has the upper hand. In a poor economy, management holds all the cards. Unions have done a lot of good for the country...they have also held back a lot of progress. They are still a necessary evil. Collective bargaining keeps management from picking off workers. The whole is stronger than the sum of the parts.

Companies need to make a profit. Killing a company does neither side any good. But if a worker cannot earn enough to feed and house his family, you destroy the consumers in our economy
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