Why does the Rightwing Conservatives Hate Unions?

In the past 30 years, employers have been demanding more and more while workers have made more and more concessions.

Workers are working more hours and receiving fewer benefits. In tough economic times, workers are told to make do with less or risk losing their jobs.
While workers are accepting concessions, they are witnessing their top executives take more compensation.

That is why unions are needed

Huh? What was the minimum wage 30 years ago....?
What was the real income (read: purchasing power) of those on minimum wage compared to today?
Huh? What was the minimum wage 30 years ago....?

30 years ago, a CEO would make about 20 times the average worker in that company. Now they make 300 to 400 times as much. Look at the CEO of Cigna. They produce nothing. They are merely middle men for hospitals, doctors and nurses. The CEO received a paycheck of $120,000,000.00. Is this what you are defending?

Question, how many insurance policies do you have to "skim" to make a single salary of $120,000,000.00? I wonder what the other executives from that company make? Don't you? What about all the other companies?

Oh, here's a link.

CIGNA Denies Cancer Patient Care, CEO Makes $120 Million In Five Years - Not A Coincidence | Crooks and Liars

If you want more, go look them up. Just search CEO makes 120 million.

That is absolute crap.

The AVERAGE CEO in the U.S. earns far less than that. You are citing the compensation of a tiny handful of people who manage enormous global enterprises.

The actual average CEO compensation in the U.S. is less than $300,000 per year.

CEO Salaries - Executive Salaries - Average Salary of a CEO - PayScale

Most CEOs manage small or medium businesses and have very low multiples over their average employee pay.

That's if you take every CEO in the country and average them out. You can have an owner at a "landscaping" firm with 5 Mexicans and a white guy and one of those can be considered a "CEO".

Instead, go here:

100 Highest Paid CEOs

and view the salaries of the top 100. Just the salaries alone account for billions. How much more with bonuses and incentives? The CEO of Cigna received a mere 18 million which swelled to 120 million with bonuses and "extras" and Cigna doesn't even make anything. They skim insurance policies.

Talk about fucking greedy.
I accepted a position as a commissioned estimator for a home improvement company. At the time I doubt I could have driven 5 nails into a board without bending over 2 of them.

Within 3 months I was on salary and was lead estimator, within a year I was the General manager. Making triple what I started out with.

It wasn't a Union holding me back or forcing my promotions and pay raises.

Had it been a Union shop I probably would have left it within 6 months. Because I would have still been the new guy at the bottom. But the owner of the company saw my worth and promoted me because of that.

Are you sure you're not on disability?
30 years ago, a CEO would make about 20 times the average worker in that company. Now they make 300 to 400 times as much. Look at the CEO of Cigna. They produce nothing. They are merely middle men for hospitals, doctors and nurses. The CEO received a paycheck of $120,000,000.00. Is this what you are defending?

Question, how many insurance policies do you have to "skim" to make a single salary of $120,000,000.00? I wonder what the other executives from that company make? Don't you? What about all the other companies?

Oh, here's a link.

CIGNA Denies Cancer Patient Care, CEO Makes $120 Million In Five Years - Not A Coincidence | Crooks and Liars

If you want more, go look them up. Just search CEO makes 120 million.
Dean....you forgot to blame Republicans for this.....go back and right that mistake....

I thought it was understood.
The right wing is bought and paid for by big companies.

:lol:.....i guess the left wing doesnt have any BIG Companies buying them.....see what happens Dean when you are "programed" by one of these political parties.....it becomes ALL the other guy......never my side.....Dean.....put both hands on the surface in front of you.....yank your head back......that sucking noise you will hear is your head coming out of the FAR Lefts collective asses.......you will be finally free Dean.....on your own.....doing your own thinking.....just make sure you wash your head up....

If the left wing does, I don't know which ones they are. The right wing knows it can fool it's base into anything. 6%, 90%.
I accepted a position as a commissioned estimator for a home improvement company. At the time I doubt I could have driven 5 nails into a board without bending over 2 of them.

Within 3 months I was on salary and was lead estimator, within a year I was the General manager. Making triple what I started out with.

It wasn't a Union holding me back or forcing my promotions and pay raises.

Had it been a Union shop I probably would have left it within 6 months. Because I would have still been the new guy at the bottom. But the owner of the company saw my worth and promoted me because of that.

Are you sure you're not on disability?

I have never hid the fact that I had to quit working about 5 years ago. And yes I had to go on disability, You have a problem with that?
I have worked middle management for 20 years and have also had to put up with infuriating union rules. I have also had to deal with upper management and understand how workers would be handled if they were not allowed to collectively bargain

Unions are a pain in the ass...but are a necessary evil
Like I've been saying recently,

conservatives want the gap between rich and poor to be as large as possible. Unions are just one more means to attempt to close that gap.

Conservatives want every working class person to be working for absolutely as little compensation as can be gotten away with. That is the 'market' they worship. Unions try to value work higher,

conservatives want work valued as low as possible.

Conservatives hate unions because hating unions is a logical product of the conservative philosophy.

hey Carb....Dean is looking for someone to anchor the tent he throws over EVERY Conservative.....you look like a good Candidate....
30 years ago, a CEO would make about 20 times the average worker in that company. Now they make 300 to 400 times as much. Look at the CEO of Cigna. They produce nothing. They are merely middle men for hospitals, doctors and nurses. The CEO received a paycheck of $120,000,000.00. Is this what you are defending?

Question, how many insurance policies do you have to "skim" to make a single salary of $120,000,000.00? I wonder what the other executives from that company make? Don't you? What about all the other companies?

Oh, here's a link.

CIGNA Denies Cancer Patient Care, CEO Makes $120 Million In Five Years - Not A Coincidence | Crooks and Liars

If you want more, go look them up. Just search CEO makes 120 million.
Dean....you forgot to blame Republicans for this.....go back and right that mistake....

I thought it was understood.
thats what you get for thinking.....
The right wing is bought and paid for by big companies.

:lol:.....i guess the left wing doesnt have any BIG Companies buying them.....see what happens Dean when you are "programed" by one of these political parties.....it becomes ALL the other guy......never my side.....Dean.....put both hands on the surface in front of you.....yank your head back......that sucking noise you will hear is your head coming out of the FAR Lefts collective asses.......you will be finally free Dean.....on your own.....doing your own thinking.....just make sure you wash your head up....

If the left wing does, I don't know which ones they are. The right wing knows it can fool it's base into anything. 6%, 90%.

why dont you know?.....apparently the Left Wing knows that they can do this type of thing without their base giving a flying fuck.....i wonder why its ok for them to do it,but not the Right?........care to answer that Dean?.....OR are you going to now tell us that the Democrats are not owned by big money.....
The governor of Wisconsin doesn't want to negotiate cuts with the union. He wants to destroy the union.


In 1954, 36% of the workers in the U.S were unionized. Today that number is 11.9%. Of that 11.9% most are government workers. So what little strength the unions have left is in the government workers. But here is the nut. The Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court allows corporations and unions unlimited spending on political campaigns. Of the ten biggest spenders in the 2010 campaign, 7 were right wing corporate groups and 3 were unions. If the Republicans can bust the government unions, they will control our elections forever.

That is why they are fighting so hard to bust the unions. They want nothing less than absolute control over our electoral process.
The governor of Wisconsin doesn't want to negotiate cuts with the union. He wants to destroy the union.


In 1954, 36% of the workers in the U.S were unionized. Today that number is 11.9%. Of that 11.9% most are government workers. So what little strength the unions have left is in the government workers. But here is the nut. The Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court allows corporations and unions unlimited spending on political campaigns. Of the ten biggest spenders in the 2010 campaign, 7 were right wing corporate groups and 3 were unions. If the Republicans can bust the government unions, they will control our elections forever.

That is why they are fighting so hard to bust the unions. They want nothing less than absolute control over our electoral process.

Rove said this exact thing.:eusa_shhh:
The governor of Wisconsin doesn't want to negotiate cuts with the union. He wants to destroy the union.


In 1954, 36% of the workers in the U.S were unionized. Today that number is 11.9%. Of that 11.9% most are government workers. So what little strength the unions have left is in the government workers. But here is the nut. The Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court allows corporations and unions unlimited spending on political campaigns. Of the ten biggest spenders in the 2010 campaign, 7 were right wing corporate groups and 3 were unions. If the Republicans can bust the government unions, they will control our elections forever.

That is why they are fighting so hard to bust the unions. They want nothing less than absolute control over our electoral process.

Rove said this exact thing.:eusa_shhh:

Also making good on the bust the budget to starve the beast.
Effective capitalism requires a careful balance between labor and management. There needs to be room for profit and there has to be the capability to make a living off the wage you are paid. If either side gets too much power then the country as a whole suffers

In good economic times, labor has the upper hand. In a poor economy, management holds all the cards. Unions have done a lot of good for the country...they have also held back a lot of progress. They are still a necessary evil. Collective bargaining keeps management from picking off workers. The whole is stronger than the sum of the parts.

Companies need to make a profit. Killing a company does neither side any good. But if a worker cannot earn enough to feed and house his family, you destroy the consumers in our economy

I can actually agree with most of this statement RW.... for the most part, ya nailed it.

Unions were a very good thing at one time, I just think they are killing the goose that lays golden eggs.
One of the ironies of all this is that union pension funds lost heavily when the theives on Wall Street stole all our money. Now the states are going bust trying to pay back that money, and they want to bust the unions because of it. So the workers got robbed by the Republicans on Wall Street, and the Republicans in the statehouse are using that deficit which their buddies on Wall Street created as an excuse to bust the unions.

Meanwhile Wall Street got all their money back from the U.S. taxpayer, and the corporate media(FoxLies) and the Republicans are saying that the teachers(the teachers!) are our enemy.

Is this a great country or what?
I have worked middle management for 20 years and have also had to put up with infuriating union rules. I have also had to deal with upper management and understand how workers would be handled if they were not allowed to collectively bargain

Unions are a pain in the ass...but are a necessary evil


a necessary evil that is getting out of hand.

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