Why does the left count the ACA as one of Obama's successes?

I never said he was a repub, duped. I said he voted both ways.
FYI....he told his close associates to keep an eye on Jessie Jackson because he didn't trust him.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but, I DID tell the truth and you tried to spin a yarn. :eusa_whistle:

I proved he was non-partisan and hated Goldwater and Reagan and all the GOP stands for since...:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

if the Stimulus worked but "ran out" you the jobs would still exist. Stimulus isnt and was never meant to be one after the other; or endless. what an idiot you are.
When the stimulus was passed, the economic retraction was thought to be 3%- it turned out to be NINE. Let's call it a normal jobs/infrastructure ACT and get out of this Pub mess- BTW, WE are the country to lead the world out of this Pub DEPRESSION, and end the chaos it causes...

ACA ends the biggest cause of of our distress, health care costing twice as much as anywhere else, with obscene results, the Pub way, hater dupes-
Meanwhile, back at the OP, ACA will the most popular social reform ever, now we're past the website fiasco and getting past Pub/insurer bullshytte and obstruction...

Granted the people have a pathetically short memory for Democrats screwing them, but when we get to fall and people are reminded that their rates are doubling and tripling to get crappier insurance, what's your plan to keep them from remembering you did it to them?

ANY example of that, hater dupe? lol:eusa_liar:
Meanwhile, back at the OP, ACA will the most popular social reform ever, now we're past the website fiasco and getting past Pub/insurer bullshytte and obstruction...

Granted the people have a pathetically short memory for Democrats screwing them, but when we get to fall and people are reminded that their rates are doubling and tripling to get crappier insurance, what's your plan to keep them from remembering you did it to them?

ANY example of that, hater dupe? lol:eusa_liar:

Don't get out much, do you Franky? What does MS-NBC talk about all day if they don't cover the news? Are they just too busy telling you what to think to explain to you why you think it?
EXAMPLE of Dems screwing people, AGAIN? Cut the crappe.
BTW- ALL of he Pub Propaganda Machine are the same gd bs, dupe. What DO you listen to? I read papers, watch network news, PBS, Fox,. CNN, Rush a bit.
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Why does the left count the ACA as one of Obama's successes?

Because Obamacare transfers wealth from thos who earn it, to those who don't.

Costs are heavy for all plans, so everybody has to pay a lot. But the "poor" get subsidies, paid for by people who earn more. So basically the program is transferring that subsidy money from the wealthy to the non-wealthy.

Mission accomplished.
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Why does the left count the ACA as one of Obama's successes?

Because the Democrats have been trying for nearly 100 years, to make legalized wealth transfer from wealthy to poor (i.e. theft and distribution of stolen goods) an official part of U.S. domestic policy. With Obamacare, they have achieved more success than any other single Congressional act.Wealth redistribution was the main purpose of Obamacare - "Health care" was just the excuse for putting it in place.

It's part of the campaign to rid the country of the notion of private property. What you earn is no longer "yours", but can be "redistributed" by government to whomever it wants.

Especially if the recipients have more votes than you do.
EXAMPLE of Dems screwing people, AGAIN? Cut the crappe.
BTW- ALL of he Pub Propaganda Machine are the same gd bs, dupe. What DO you listen to? I read papers, watch network news, PBS, Fox,. CNN, Rush a bit.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!1 it's hysterical watching left-wing losers cry!!


love the way they express concern for the People

FACT; there are more people getting poor and poorer on obama's and the Progressive watch

be smug and smarmy as you can moron; delusions and self-deceptions are all you got
Still no answer then- just the usual bs.

Sorry about an intelligent plan, hater dupes...You're already paying for the poor's health care, just in cruelest, most expensive way possible- ER care and bankruptcy. ACA gives preventive care, cost cuts, and they pay what they can...
EXAMPLE of Dems screwing people, AGAIN? Cut the crappe.
BTW- ALL of he Pub Propaganda Machine are the same gd bs, dupe. What DO you listen to? I read papers, watch network news, PBS, Fox,. CNN, Rush a bit.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!1 it's hysterical watching left-wing losers cry!!


love the way they express concern for the People

FACT; there are more people getting poor and poorer on obama's and the Progressive watch

be smug and smarmy as you can moron; delusions and self-deceptions are all you got

That's been going on for 30 years under voodoo tax rates, shytteheads, and won't change until the bloated rich pay their fair share. Considering Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010, this is their economy. At least they can't set up another corrupt bubble...
Because for some reason they consider people losing their insurance and needing to pay super high premiums as a good thing.

I wonder how that pastor feels who signed up for obamacare and found out his chemo wasnt covered because of a preexisting condition.

Despite people losing coverage under it, they find it a success. The question is why do they want more people uninsured burdened with health care problems?
Because for some reason they consider people losing their insurance and needing to pay super high premiums as a good thing.
Not everyone is paying a higher premium.

I wonder how that pastor feels who signed up for obamacare and found out his chemo wasnt covered because of a preexisting condition.

Did he have coverage before Obamacare? No, he was in the same boat....and perhaps if conservatives hadn't turned so many people against Obamacare...more would have signed up by now and this pastor wouldn't have the problem?

Despite people losing coverage under it, they find it a success. The question is why do they want more people uninsured burdened with health care problems?
Show some links where people that had coverage before are now losing it. This is some of the smoke that conservatives keep blowing.....and then they bitch that it isn't working....if you keep telling people that it is broken and doesn't work.....some of them are going to believe you, and you would have the same problem with car insurance....but surely, one day the end is going to come....buy or pay a fine....and then you won't be able to peddle your lies.
Because for nearly a century in this country, US presidents have been trying, with little or no success, to pass a National Healthcare Act.

Obama got it done.

That's why.

In 20 years, this will be seen as close to or equal to Social Security and Medicare. Two programs Republicans are still trying to dismember. Social Security has lifted millions of American elderly out of poverty they would have been in without that program. Republicans think they are "freeing" people by screwing them over when they get old.

the programs you're bragging about have over $100 TRILLION in UNFUNDED MANDATES; and you're just enough of an idiot to think that makes the case for another huge government program that will go to illegals and be rife with waste, fraud and abuse

So you are saying "fuck 'em", let them die? Then why is your kind against euthanasia? Oh, that's right, you want them to "suffer". Got it.
Where did I see that post where someone said, "I never met someone who went bankrupt because of medical bills or died"?
In 20 years, this will be seen as close to or equal to Social Security and Medicare. Two programs Republicans are still trying to dismember. Social Security has lifted millions of American elderly out of poverty they would have been in without that program. Republicans think they are "freeing" people by screwing them over when they get old.

the programs you're bragging about have over $100 TRILLION in UNFUNDED MANDATES; and you're just enough of an idiot to think that makes the case for another huge government program that will go to illegals and be rife with waste, fraud and abuse

So you are saying "fuck 'em", let them die? Then why is your kind against euthanasia? Oh, that's right, you want them to "suffer". Got it.

That's right you piece of shit. We either give you all of our money or we are saying let you suffer and die because there is no way in hell a piece of shit like you could ever be responsible for yourself.
Why does the left count the ACA as one of Obama's successes?


Answer: Since Obumbler hasn't accomplished ANYTHING, they are obligated to pretend that the most massive of his many clusterfuck fails is, instead, a "success."

"one of [his] successes."

One of.


Who writes your material?

I owe you some rep.

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