Why does Jerry Brown say water shortage is from global warming??

I find it interesting you want to give credit to Wilson, when it was our current Governor's dad who signed off on this in 1960:

California State Water Project - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Los Vaqueros Reservoir was completed by the Contra Costa Water District(CCWD) in 1998

The 265-foot (81 m) tall dam is composed of rock-fill and was completed in 1989.

The dam was constructed between 1998 and 2003

Seven Oaks Dam, which was completed in 1999.
The Los Vaqueros Reservoir was completed by the
Contra Costa Water District(CCWD) in 1998

The 265-foot (81 m) tall dam is composed of rock-fill and was completed in 1989.

Seven Oaks Dam, which was completed in 1999.

This was from your link and clearly shows when the projects were completed.

And Nixon was president when men landed on the moon. Do you give him the credit, I don't, JFK deserves it.

I give JFK credit as well.
Were the Projects listed started in 1960?

Probably not. Remember, Mercury then Gemini and then the Moon with Apollo. I'm sure the planning, or the talking began by 1960, keep in mind in California Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting.

Can I give JFK credit for the space shuttle?

Nope. Missing the point seems to be your forte.
every time Jerry Brown gets a PMS attack, its global warming.

CrusaderFrank, is this ^^^ your post? God, I hope so, I really do hope the practice of posting idiotic comments isn't contagious. I hope the "idiot-gram" you developed can be contained; as it is, we already have Fox Entertainment and Rush Limbaugh, et al, dumbing down of america.
there is no proof whatsoever yet he proclaims it with great confidence much like other liberals say "hands up don't shoot" and "Romney paid no taxes" with great confidence. The water shortage comes from a 60% increase in population in the last 30 years, no new reservoirs , and
letting 70% of rain water run off into the ocean.

Jerry Brown's lie seems especially egregious since, 1) it is a lie to absolve himself and liberals for responsibility for the shortage, and 2) it is a very dishonest way to promote global warming.

Really, the only response I feel you deserve is: Fuck you!

Governor Brown has been Governor for a little over four years, before he was elected CA had 24 years of Republican Governors and four years and 10 months of a Democratic Governor, since Brown last served as Governor.

George Deukmejian (R) 1983–1991 June 6, 1928
Pete Wilson (R) 1991–1999 August 23, 1933 (age 81)
Gray Davis (D) 1999–2003 December 26, 1942 (age 72)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) 2003–2011 July 30, 1947 (age 67)

All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors beginning with Deuklmejian. Davis inherited 16 years of tax cuts and a push by the minority in the St. Senate and Assembly to fill our prisons, build new prisons and cut the resources geared to divert or rehabilitate offenders from the system.

Today, low level substance abusers and petty criminals are in prison for 25 to life because they committed a violent felony years before, and committed a petty theft, due to the short sighted and very expensive three strikes law.

Probation and Parole had been cut to the bone, though under Gov. Brown and recent law changes, the Republican Minority has been symied in their efforts in the Legislature to prevent practical and cost effective policies. Today more resources have been provided to local law enforces to supervise offenders released early and divert juveniles from kiddie prison (CYA) and provide services to them and their family in the home community.

EB is stupid and ignorant and thus doesn't seem to know it.

All of what I wrote can be verified by a few Google searches, but the willfully and ignorant, and fools like EB, will continue to post lies and idiot-grams.
All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors

all of them?......every single one?.....the Democrats just ate their lunch all that time?....

No Harry, the Democrats attempted to pass legislation on a number of issues and were always thwarted by the minority party. As you know, the people of California got sick of their tactics an revised the CA Constitution to make one man, one vote count as a democratic political system demands. No longer will the ideology of the few limited the progress of the pragmatic, at least in California. In Congress, well we're screwed.

I call BS.
"The state senate currently consists of 26 Democrats and 14 Republicans, and the Assembly consists of 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans. Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor's office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970."

I call ignorance: To pass fiscal bills the law required a 2/3 vote + 1; the people changed that to a simple majority.
there is no proof whatsoever yet he proclaims it with great confidence much like other liberals say "hands up don't shoot" and "Romney paid no taxes" with great confidence. The water shortage comes from a 60% increase in population in the last 30 years, no new reservoirs , and
letting 70% of rain water run off into the ocean.

Jerry Brown's lie seems especially egregious since, 1) it is a lie to absolve himself and liberals for responsibility for the shortage, and 2) it is a very dishonest way to promote global warming.

Really, the only response I feel you deserve is: Fuck you!

Governor Brown has been Governor for a little over four years, before he was elected CA had 24 years of Republican Governors and four years and 10 months of a Democratic Governor, since Brown last served as Governor.

George Deukmejian (R) 1983–1991 June 6, 1928
Pete Wilson (R) 1991–1999 August 23, 1933 (age 81)
Gray Davis (D) 1999–2003 December 26, 1942 (age 72)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) 2003–2011 July 30, 1947 (age 67)

All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors beginning with Deuklmejian. Davis inherited 16 years of tax cuts and a push by the minority in the St. Senate and Assembly to fill our prisons, build new prisons and cut the resources geared to divert or rehabilitate offenders from the system.

Today, low level substance abusers and petty criminals are in prison for 25 to life because they committed a violent felony years before, and committed a petty theft, due to the short sighted and very expensive three strikes law.

Probation and Parole had been cut to the bone, though under Gov. Brown and recent law changes, the Republican Minority has been symied in their efforts in the Legislature to prevent practical and cost effective policies. Today more resources have been provided to local law enforces to supervise offenders released early and divert juveniles from kiddie prison (CYA) and provide services to them and their family in the home community.

EB is stupid and ignorant and thus doesn't seem to know it.

All of what I wrote can be verified by a few Google searches, but the willfully and ignorant, and fools like EB, will continue to post lies and idiot-grams.
All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors

all of them?......every single one?.....the Democrats just ate their lunch all that time?....

No Harry, the Democrats attempted to pass legislation on a number of issues and were always thwarted by the minority party. As you know, the people of California got sick of their tactics an revised the CA Constitution to make one man, one vote count as a democratic political system demands. No longer will the ideology of the few limited the progress of the pragmatic, at least in California. In Congress, well we're screwed.

I call BS.
"The state senate currently consists of 26 Democrats and 14 Republicans, and the Assembly consists of 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans. Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor's office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970."
this is what Wry doesnt want to admit.....that the legislature runs this state not the gov.,he is their spokeshole....this state has earned a reputation as being an ungovernable state...the republicans are not responsible for many of this states social problems.....
Stealing? Taxation is stealing?

dear when they take 15% of your life time income and give you back 5% thats stealing. Capitalism makes all Americans rich but then the liberals steal most of the money.

It doesn't work out that way for everyone. It's like an insurance policy. Some collect longer in their time of need, some die before they collect anything. Even Paul Ryan used social security as a youngster. Now he hates it of course because he's a republican.

If Soc Sec was like an insurance policy the insurance company would not be able to raise the rates without losing customers.

Yet SS is not like an insurance company - it is non profit. And yet, those of us who contributed to our retirement system experienced a rise in our monthly contribution over the years.

You forgot to say MANDATORY increases in our monthly contributions.
Stealing? Taxation is stealing?

dear when they take 15% of your life time income and give you back 5% thats stealing. Capitalism makes all Americans rich but then the liberals steal most of the money.

It doesn't work out that way for everyone. It's like an insurance policy. Some collect longer in their time of need, some die before they collect anything. Even Paul Ryan used social security as a youngster. Now he hates it of course because he's a republican.

If Soc Sec was like an insurance policy the insurance company would not be able to raise the rates without losing customers.

Yet SS is not like an insurance company - it is non profit. And yet, those of us who contributed to our retirement system experienced a rise in our monthly contribution over the years.

OMG!! they take 15% of your life time income give you back 3% with a raise to 3.5% and a liberal will think its a good deal. Its pure ignorance times 10!
The Los Vaqueros Reservoir was completed by the Contra Costa Water District(CCWD) in 1998

The 265-foot (81 m) tall dam is composed of rock-fill and was completed in 1989.

The dam was constructed between 1998 and 2003

Seven Oaks Dam, which was completed in 1999.
The Los Vaqueros Reservoir was completed by the
Contra Costa Water District(CCWD) in 1998

The 265-foot (81 m) tall dam is composed of rock-fill and was completed in 1989.

Seven Oaks Dam, which was completed in 1999.

This was from your link and clearly shows when the projects were completed.

And Nixon was president when men landed on the moon. Do you give him the credit, I don't, JFK deserves it.

I give JFK credit as well.
Were the Projects listed started in 1960?

Probably not. Remember, Mercury then Gemini and then the Moon with Apollo. I'm sure the planning, or the talking began by 1960, keep in mind in California Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting.

Can I give JFK credit for the space shuttle?

Nope. Missing the point seems to be your forte.

Why not give JFK credit? You want to give an agency created in 1960 for dams and reservoirs built 30 years later.
there is no proof whatsoever yet he proclaims it with great confidence much like other liberals say "hands up don't shoot" and "Romney paid no taxes" with great confidence. The water shortage comes from a 60% increase in population in the last 30 years, no new reservoirs , and
letting 70% of rain water run off into the ocean.

Jerry Brown's lie seems especially egregious since, 1) it is a lie to absolve himself and liberals for responsibility for the shortage, and 2) it is a very dishonest way to promote global warming.

Really, the only response I feel you deserve is: Fuck you!

Governor Brown has been Governor for a little over four years, before he was elected CA had 24 years of Republican Governors and four years and 10 months of a Democratic Governor, since Brown last served as Governor.

George Deukmejian (R) 1983–1991 June 6, 1928
Pete Wilson (R) 1991–1999 August 23, 1933 (age 81)
Gray Davis (D) 1999–2003 December 26, 1942 (age 72)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) 2003–2011 July 30, 1947 (age 67)

All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors beginning with Deuklmejian. Davis inherited 16 years of tax cuts and a push by the minority in the St. Senate and Assembly to fill our prisons, build new prisons and cut the resources geared to divert or rehabilitate offenders from the system.

Today, low level substance abusers and petty criminals are in prison for 25 to life because they committed a violent felony years before, and committed a petty theft, due to the short sighted and very expensive three strikes law.

Probation and Parole had been cut to the bone, though under Gov. Brown and recent law changes, the Republican Minority has been symied in their efforts in the Legislature to prevent practical and cost effective policies. Today more resources have been provided to local law enforces to supervise offenders released early and divert juveniles from kiddie prison (CYA) and provide services to them and their family in the home community.

EB is stupid and ignorant and thus doesn't seem to know it.

All of what I wrote can be verified by a few Google searches, but the willfully and ignorant, and fools like EB, will continue to post lies and idiot-grams.
All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors

all of them?......every single one?.....the Democrats just ate their lunch all that time?....

No Harry, the Democrats attempted to pass legislation on a number of issues and were always thwarted by the minority party. As you know, the people of California got sick of their tactics an revised the CA Constitution to make one man, one vote count as a democratic political system demands. No longer will the ideology of the few limited the progress of the pragmatic, at least in California. In Congress, well we're screwed.

I call BS.
"The state senate currently consists of 26 Democrats and 14 Republicans, and the Assembly consists of 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans. Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor's office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970."
this is what Wry doesnt want to admit.....that the legislature runs this state not the gov.,he is their spokeshole....this state has earned a reputation as being an ungovernable state...the republicans are not responsible for many of this states social problems.....

The evidence is beyond clear and convincing, the Republican ideology which spread from Prop. 13 until the election of Gov. Brown - and now controls the Congress and the White House - was one which benefited the very rich and not the many.

We could debate the issue, but the facts are clear. Austerity benefits the 1% and totally screws over the middle class, the working poor and the rest. Thus, those of us who worked the streets, know very well that the social problems impacting California and the rest of the States is a direct result of Republican (lack of) governance, Republican Dogma and a callous disregard for the hoi polloi.

If Harry was honest, he would acknowledged the truth of this assertion, as well as the FACT that the budget could not be passed because the minority in the State Assembly voted in lock-step; they wanted to cut taxes - for example auto registration, demagoguery in action - cut education, cut revenue to local community criminal justice resources and voted to pack our prisons to protect the NRA use a gun, go to prison, as an effort to prevent gun control.
Really, the only response I feel you deserve is: Fuck you!

Governor Brown has been Governor for a little over four years, before he was elected CA had 24 years of Republican Governors and four years and 10 months of a Democratic Governor, since Brown last served as Governor.

George Deukmejian (R) 1983–1991 June 6, 1928
Pete Wilson (R) 1991–1999 August 23, 1933 (age 81)
Gray Davis (D) 1999–2003 December 26, 1942 (age 72)
Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) 2003–2011 July 30, 1947 (age 67)

All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors beginning with Deuklmejian. Davis inherited 16 years of tax cuts and a push by the minority in the St. Senate and Assembly to fill our prisons, build new prisons and cut the resources geared to divert or rehabilitate offenders from the system.

Today, low level substance abusers and petty criminals are in prison for 25 to life because they committed a violent felony years before, and committed a petty theft, due to the short sighted and very expensive three strikes law.

Probation and Parole had been cut to the bone, though under Gov. Brown and recent law changes, the Republican Minority has been symied in their efforts in the Legislature to prevent practical and cost effective policies. Today more resources have been provided to local law enforces to supervise offenders released early and divert juveniles from kiddie prison (CYA) and provide services to them and their family in the home community.

EB is stupid and ignorant and thus doesn't seem to know it.

All of what I wrote can be verified by a few Google searches, but the willfully and ignorant, and fools like EB, will continue to post lies and idiot-grams.
All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors

all of them?......every single one?.....the Democrats just ate their lunch all that time?....

No Harry, the Democrats attempted to pass legislation on a number of issues and were always thwarted by the minority party. As you know, the people of California got sick of their tactics an revised the CA Constitution to make one man, one vote count as a democratic political system demands. No longer will the ideology of the few limited the progress of the pragmatic, at least in California. In Congress, well we're screwed.

I call BS.
"The state senate currently consists of 26 Democrats and 14 Republicans, and the Assembly consists of 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans. Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor's office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970."
this is what Wry doesnt want to admit.....that the legislature runs this state not the gov.,he is their spokeshole....this state has earned a reputation as being an ungovernable state...the republicans are not responsible for many of this states social problems.....

The evidence is beyond clear and convincing, the Republican ideology which spread from Prop. 13 until the election of Gov. Brown - and now controls the Congress and the White House - was one which benefited the very rich and not the many.

We could debate the issue, but the facts are clear. Austerity benefits the 1% and totally screws over the middle class, the working poor and the rest. Thus, those of us who worked the streets, know very well that the social problems impacting California and the rest of the States is a direct result of Republican (lack of) governance, Republican Dogma and a callous disregard for the hoi polloi.

If Harry was honest, he would acknowledged the truth of this assertion, as well as the FACT that the budget could not be passed because the minority in the State Assembly voted in lock-step; they wanted to cut taxes - for example auto registration, demagoguery in action - cut education, cut revenue to local community criminal justice resources and voted to pack our prisons to protect the NRA use a gun, go to prison, as an effort to prevent gun control.
i said social problems here Wry,many of these "good hearted" programs are out of control because of Democrat lack of governance.....and that mean old nasty prop 13 saved a lot of people back then from losing their homes.....if its terms needs to be tweaked than it should be tweaked...but for you to blame this States problems just on the Republicans tells me that you must live in Deans world,he see's the same shit.....every negative thing that happens,must be because of the Republicans,what else can it be?......
I just posted this in a new thread. sums it up pretty well.


Leftist statists that run California refuse to prepare for drought conditions, and environmentalists block all efforts to create more reservoirs
California Drought: All About Control
By Douglas V. Gibbs -- Bio and Archives April 13, 2015
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If Barack Obama can bypass his legislature, and seize executive control like a dictator at the national level, California Governor Jerry Brown has determined he can do the same at the state level. The liberal left blames Pat Brown, the California governor that was Jerry Brown’s father, for the water crisis California faces by determining it was Pat Brown’s decision to bring water to Southern California which encouraged millions upon millions to come to Southern California, which in turn created a population so big that there isn’t enough water to quench the thirst of all of them.

The truth is, the fault does not lie in Pat Brown’s “water evangelism,” as much as the largely liberal left leadership of California’s past and present did not, and refuses to, prepare for the consequences of Pat Brown’s incredible water projects that, yes, attracted millions of new people to California.

More than half of a century ago, California Pat Brown went on a crusade, to bring water to Southern California, at any price. Pat Brown was governor of California from 1959 to 1967, and during his reign, he launched the California Water Project, a $1.8 billion initiative that turned California into an oasis. The San Joaquin Valley in Central California was lush with farms, and became the Salad Bowl of the World. Today’s farmland, minus the sacrificial lamb of the Central Valley, of which has been made into a dust bowl in the name of a little fish called a delta smelt, still covers 750,000 acres of irrigated farmland.

all of it here:
California Drought All About Control
All of CA troubles can be laid at the feet of the Republican Party and GOP Governors

all of them?......every single one?.....the Democrats just ate their lunch all that time?....

No Harry, the Democrats attempted to pass legislation on a number of issues and were always thwarted by the minority party. As you know, the people of California got sick of their tactics an revised the CA Constitution to make one man, one vote count as a democratic political system demands. No longer will the ideology of the few limited the progress of the pragmatic, at least in California. In Congress, well we're screwed.

I call BS.
"The state senate currently consists of 26 Democrats and 14 Republicans, and the Assembly consists of 52 Democrats and 28 Republicans. Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor's office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970."
this is what Wry doesnt want to admit.....that the legislature runs this state not the gov.,he is their spokeshole....this state has earned a reputation as being an ungovernable state...the republicans are not responsible for many of this states social problems.....

The evidence is beyond clear and convincing, the Republican ideology which spread from Prop. 13 until the election of Gov. Brown - and now controls the Congress and the White House - was one which benefited the very rich and not the many.

We could debate the issue, but the facts are clear. Austerity benefits the 1% and totally screws over the middle class, the working poor and the rest. Thus, those of us who worked the streets, know very well that the social problems impacting California and the rest of the States is a direct result of Republican (lack of) governance, Republican Dogma and a callous disregard for the hoi polloi.

If Harry was honest, he would acknowledged the truth of this assertion, as well as the FACT that the budget could not be passed because the minority in the State Assembly voted in lock-step; they wanted to cut taxes - for example auto registration, demagoguery in action - cut education, cut revenue to local community criminal justice resources and voted to pack our prisons to protect the NRA use a gun, go to prison, as an effort to prevent gun control.
i said social problems here Wry,many of these "good hearted" programs are out of control because of Democrat lack of governance.....and that mean old nasty prop 13 saved a lot of people back then from losing their homes.....if its terms needs to be tweaked than it should be tweaked...but for you to blame this States problems just on the Republicans tells me that you must live in Deans world,he see's the same shit.....every negative thing that happens,must be because of the Republicans,what else can it be?......

Which "good hearted programs are out of control"? Not since the Clinton Administration has welfare been out of control. Then AFDC was replaced by TANF and General Assistance is now solely funded by each individual county.

I suggest you review social service web sites - local, state and federal - and review the "good hearted" programs and consider them, times have changed and the welfare queen no longer has a free ride for a lifetime.

LE has established strong ties with other agencies and works with CPS and APS to protect vulnerable citizens, collect child support when ordered and deny scofflaws a CDL or the ability to register a car if they fall behind in payments.

Gov. Brown is a fiscally responsible individual and along with the good sense of the voters (for a change) has been able to bring sanity to Sacramento. That many on the right and left feel he is too conservative or too liberal suggests to me he is the right man for the job and an archetype for the future.

Read up on realignment ( Local Assistance Estimates for the 2015-16 Governor s Budget ), it might cause you pause and a greater understanding of the needs of our State and the remedy's under his leadership.
Which "good hearted programs are out of control"? .

Essentially all of them which is why govt now collects 70% or $8 trillion of our income from us to do wonderful and good things and a greater number of us than ever feel we are a declining civilization. Health care is a great example. Its infected from top to bottom with soviet interference and so prices are 5 times higher than what Republican free market prices would be and our life expectancy is 10-20 years less than it should be.
Which "good hearted programs are out of control"? .

Essentially all of them which is why govt now collects 70% or $8 trillion of our income from us to do wonderful and good things and a greater number of us than ever feel we are a declining civilization. Health care is a great example. Its infected from top to bottom with soviet interference and so prices are 5 times higher than what Republican free market prices would be and our life expectancy is 10-20 years less than it should be.

Sorry Moron, we were discussing the situation in California.

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