Why do you wish to live in the 18th and 19th centurys?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

We dont, the global warming nuts do. I like tech and electricity.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

Yes Little butt hurt Liberal, the sky is falling. It's all over. It's all doom and gloom. LOL!!
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.
You whined you wanted Infrastructure and science improved and Trump has said that is a number one priority while Hillary was all about making whites feel like shit. Remind us why you are upset now?
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.
What the fuck are you yammering about now?
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

Every era had it's positives and negatives. No era (including the current one) was great in every possible way. Let me give you an example:

When I was a kid back in the 60's, everybody knew each other. Many didn't have air conditioning, so during the summer, people spent much time outside. At night time, all the neighbors were out on their porches. The kids would be playing baseball on the street. People walked everywhere and went places.

Today, outside in the summer means you went from your car to your house. Many don't even know their next door neighbor yet alone anybody else on the street. People barricade themselves in their home because entertainment and technology is all within their four walls. If you wish to speak with somebody, you text them or send them an IM.

I love my technology. I love my cable and my 80" HD television. I love my internet and cell phone. I live my remote starter on my car. I love my satellite radio. But these advancements robbed us of other things that are invaluable. Were all things perfect when I was a kid back then? Of course not, but there were things that were much better.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.

Speaking of heinous, how are things in black inner city neighborhoods under Democratic party rule? How many died last weekend? OH SNAP!! :laugh:
Get rid of the fed regulations in industry, particularly food and energy, and we will go back to coal oil and steam power. Inevitable. Unregulated Big Business will break the economy and the corridors and avenues of energy transmission.
Men beat women today. More men beat more women today because in the 18th and 19th century men were raised with honor and integrity. A man in the 17th,century or 18th century would likely be called out by another man as a coward and thrashed for beating a woman.

Children work today the same as they did then. Today they are robbing convenience stores and selling drugs to class mates, some up it a notch by being whores.

The children today that work because they must, those children who have lives with a toe still on the ranch or farm work too hard to sell dope. By they time they cleaned the barn and fed the pigs they are too tired to rob a 7-Eleven.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.
No, it's the democrats that want to bring over hundreds of thousands of refugees that believe women are inferior to men.
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

Every era had it's positives and negatives. No era (including the current one) was great in every possible way. Let me give you an example:

When I was a kid back in the 60's, everybody knew each other. Many didn't have air conditioning, so during the summer, people spent much time outside. At night time, all the neighbors were out on their porches. The kids would be playing baseball on the street. People walked everywhere and went places.

Today, outside in the summer means you went from your car to your house. Many don't even know their next door neighbor yet alone anybody else on the street. People barricade themselves in their home because entertainment and technology is all within their four walls. If you wish to speak with somebody, you text them or send them an IM.

I love my technology. I love my cable and my 80" HD television. I love my internet and cell phone. I live my remote starter on my car. I love my satellite radio. But these advancements robbed us of other things that are invaluable. Were all things perfect when I was a kid back then? Of course not, but there were things that were much better.

Are you saying that 'pimple balls' and broom 'bats' are makin' a comeback?
Why do you wish to take us back to the 19th century? Life was much harder, people had lower quality of life and America was no where near the power we're currently...Without government regs, laws and investment this is exactly where we're going.

They like it better when men could beat women and children could be forced to work 12 hours a day. Among a hundred other heinous things.

Speaking of heinous, how are things in black inner city neighborhoods under Democratic party rule? How many died last weekend? OH SNAP!! :laugh:
Or the white swamp rat families throughout the Southeast. Or the ravaged white coal towns in Appalachia.

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