The Death of the Democrat Party

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Today Rush revealed just how much the Demonrat Party has been decimated since Hussein Obama became the leader of that Party.

We have lived a mirage. We've been living as the objects of delusion for the last eight years. The depth of this defeat, five states with Democrat governor and Democrat state legislatures. Do you realize the meaning of that? Do you realize the power that has been lost, has been rejected by voters all over this country? Five states -- and it's actually four, if you throw out Connecticut because it only wins because of a tie in the senate with tiebreaker. But it's just incredible. In 2010 we saw it.

Nine hundred seats in the 2010 election, 700 more seats in the 2014 election....
Trump got 54% of the male vote, an increase of 5% over Mitt Romney. Trump got 42% of the female vote. That is minus 1% from 2012. That's nothing. Trump was not supposed to get over 20% of the female vote. That's what polling told us. That's what the experts and the analysts told us. But Trump got 42% of the female vote. Race. Trump got 1% additional white vote over 2012, but in the black vote Trump added 7% more black support this year than in 2012.

Trump plus-8 Hispanic votes this year versus 2012. So white, black, Hispanic, Trump increased Republican votes by 7 to 8%. Not supposed to happen. Age: 18 to 29, Millennials, were supposed to come out in droves for Hillary. They were just gonna bury Trump. Trump got 5% more votes in 2016 than Romney got in 2012 in the 18-to-29 demographic. Income...
The Depth of Democrat Defeat in 2016: Liberalism Was Rejected and Repudiated - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Barry was the greatest gift the Republican Party ever received. He save the Republican Party and destroyed the Democratic Party almost all by himself.
If Trump continues to abandon the far right and begins reaching seriously to the center, the Dem Party and the Pub Party will both have to re-invent themselves.
and notice how there arent any young dems waiting in the wings? by 2020, we will have 7 or 8,,75-80 year old men/dumb bitches running for prez
If Trump continues to abandon the far right and begins reaching seriously to the center, the Dem Party and the Pub Party will both have to re-invent themselves.


If the Republicans are going more to the center that means the Democrats can pick up some of the far, far right. Seems appropriate that the far, far left and far, far right meet since they could get so much done together. Like tear apart a few more cities, threaten to assassinate political figures, murder a few more police, etc,..... That is... Since they're so accepting of diversity and would work so well together.


If Trump continues to abandon the far right and begins reaching seriously to the center, the Dem Party and the Pub Party will both have to re-invent themselves.
The establishment Republican Party is Left of Center. You believe the middle is somewhere between left of center and Communism (where today's Democrats reside).

Hopefully, after another election cycle, even the 70 year old liberal dinosaurs will become extinct. The Kennedy Dynasty is gone, and now the Clintons are no more.
If Trump continues to abandon the far right and begins reaching seriously to the center, the Dem Party and the Pub Party will both have to re-invent themselves.

Trump is not not an ideologue. He is simply a pragmatic businessman. He will not define Conservatism. Hopefully he will make the country great again by fixing the things that Obama screwed up.

The Republicans will have to jump on his bandwagon or risk being obstructionist.

The filthy ass Moon Bat Democrats will probably go farther Left aliening themselves even further from mainstream America. They are pretty much out of touch with heartland America.
If Trump continues to abandon the far right and begins reaching seriously to the center, the Dem Party and the Pub Party will both have to re-invent themselves.

Trump is not not an ideologue. He is simply a pragmatic businessman. He will not define Conservatism. Hopefully he will make the country great again by fixing the things that Obama screwed up.

The Republicans will have to jump on his bandwagon or risk being obstructionist.

The filthy ass Moon Bat Democrats will probably go farther Left aliening themselves even further from mainstream America. They are pretty much out of touch with heartland America.
You have the GOP figured out, but I think you miss on the bulk of the Dems.
[]You have the GOP figured out, but I think you miss on the bulk of the Dems.

Just look at the Moon Bat shitheads rioting and acting like typical Left Wing assholes like we see all over the world. That is the heart and soul of the Democrat Party now.
[]You have the GOP figured out, but I think you miss on the bulk of the Dems.

Just look at the Moon Bat shitheads rioting and acting like typical Left Wing assholes like we see all over the world. That is the heart and soul of the Democrat Party now.
iyo, yes. I think you are wrong. I think they are the left's equivalent of the alt right, the conservative's criminal element.
iyo, yes. I think you are wrong. I think they are the left's equivalent of the alt right, the conservative's criminal element.

The Alt Right is not out rioting, looting and beating up Crooked Hillary voters, are they?

The Libtards are the assholes doing things like that, aren't they?

The dumb mutherfuckers are aliening themselves from the rest of America and they are too dumb to know or too radical to care. Typical Left Wingers. We see this all over the world and it never has a good ending.

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