Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.

Cant help it you are ignorant'''
Today the Navy and Marine Corps are facing a fundamental choice: maintain current levels of forward presence and risk breaking the force or reduce presence and restore readiness through adequate training, maintenance, and time at home. This choice is driven by the supply of ready naval forces being too small to meet the demand from Combatant Commanders, as adjudicated by the Secretary of Defense. To close the gap, the Department of Defense (DoD) will need to grow the fleet and force, base more ships overseas, or pay to maintain a higher operating tempo. Deploying Beyond Their Means: America’s Navy and Marine Corps At a Tipping Point | RealClearDefense
Air Force is short 1000 pilots
Most of Naval Air cant fly due to lack of maintenance

Today, only about 1/3 of our BCTs, 1/4 of our Combat Aviation Brigades and half of our Division Headquarters are ready. Of the BCTs that are ready, only three could be called upon to fight tonight in the event of a crisis. http://docs.house.gov/meetings/AS/AS00/20170207/105530/HHRG-115-AS00-Wstate-AllynD-20170207.pdf
Bullshit thats the point, pressance is what has to go we ar e in 300 to 800 bases outside of our country ,depending how you count bases. The rest of the world 15 or 20. You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. Your source is as idiotic as you can get. Even the military denies most of this bullshit your trying to sell here. From your bullshit source. I'd advise anyone who is interested to look at the first joke page this guy gives as a source. The second is better but leave out the fact that we shouldn't be in 95% of the areas we have combat troops in now and with that taken care of , we are in fantastic shape. That's the whole point we shouldn't be there. It is not protecting this country it is only supporting corporate interest. There is no reason in the world that any Young American dies for any fucking corporate interest......
This response from this nut with the ring in his nose should be looked at for it's insanity, look at what he is trying to sell and look at the facts
Didnt bother to read did ya.......yeah we could spend less in other areas......savings however would not cover this shortage
You don't read what You use for reference. The government study was talking about keeping the same presence. Do you first know what that means. I doubt it. That is the point. the total point, We have 300 to 800 american bases outside of the us. Depending on how you count them. The rest of the world has close to 20 all together. That is what presence means and that is my point, you get rid of that presence around the world and you stick to what the military is suppose to do and that is protect our border and our country. No fucking wars like your trying to sell, trying to protect some corporate interest with the deaths of young Americans. If that is done and we stop with the Empire building , we need a military about half the freakin size it is now. Your the one , along with you hate party ,that want to use the young in our country for cannon fodder for someone's pocket book. Screw it. and screw all the people that thinks that is what our military should do. Sending our young to be slaughtered for some corporations bottom line is what the right wants for this country/
LLMMMaaaooo......deny all you want .......talking point trooper......still just your uninformed opinion
ya you bet , it's your own reference that I'm responding out of. Your just another gun bubba that wants our young killed dead for the bottom line profits of corporation that would eat our children for their bottom line. How stupid do you have to be to sell out the young in this country and the country itself by having them get killed for some company you have invested in. That is the description of the lowest kind of human being.

Idiotic. Nobody dies for anybodies bottom line. Stop insulting and slandering our troops. I doubt you know your own motives let alone anyone else's.
Bullshit thats the point, pressance is what has to go we ar e in 300 to 800 bases outside of our country ,depending how you count bases. The rest of the world 15 or 20. You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. Your source is as idiotic as you can get. Even the military denies most of this bullshit your trying to sell here. From your bullshit source. I'd advise anyone who is interested to look at the first joke page this guy gives as a source. The second is better but leave out the fact that we shouldn't be in 95% of the areas we have combat troops in now and with that taken care of , we are in fantastic shape. That's the whole point we shouldn't be there. It is not protecting this country it is only supporting corporate interest. There is no reason in the world that any Young American dies for any fucking corporate interest......
This response from this nut with the ring in his nose should be looked at for it's insanity, look at what he is trying to sell and look at the facts
Didnt bother to read did ya.......yeah we could spend less in other areas......savings however would not cover this shortage
You don't read what You use for reference. The government study was talking about keeping the same presence. Do you first know what that means. I doubt it. That is the point. the total point, We have 300 to 800 american bases outside of the us. Depending on how you count them. The rest of the world has close to 20 all together. That is what presence means and that is my point, you get rid of that presence around the world and you stick to what the military is suppose to do and that is protect our border and our country. No fucking wars like your trying to sell, trying to protect some corporate interest with the deaths of young Americans. If that is done and we stop with the Empire building , we need a military about half the freakin size it is now. Your the one , along with you hate party ,that want to use the young in our country for cannon fodder for someone's pocket book. Screw it. and screw all the people that thinks that is what our military should do. Sending our young to be slaughtered for some corporations bottom line is what the right wants for this country/
LLMMMaaaooo......deny all you want .......talking point trooper......still just your uninformed opinion
ya you bet , it's your own reference that I'm responding out of. Your just another gun bubba that wants our young killed dead for the bottom line profits of corporation that would eat our children for their bottom line. How stupid do you have to be to sell out the young in this country and the country itself by having them get killed for some company you have invested in. That is the description of the lowest kind of human being.

Idiotic. Nobody dies for anybodies bottom line. Stop insulting and slandering our troops. I doubt you know your own motives let alone anyone else's.

The troops enlist to defend our country. They trust their lives to the decisions being made by our President and Congress

Too often in the past, those lives have been sacrificed for spurious reasons not related to the defense of our country. The conflicts we have chosen to engage in have had more to do with politics and economics than defending our freedom
Well said

Let's protect our children. Use our resources to combat gang violence , fight domestic abuse, expand children's healthcare

Makes more sense than extending our military might on the other side of the globe
The military is for corporate interest as far as 90% of the right wing is concerned. If they don't realize that it is a fact then they are dumb. Thats their only excuse. You want to lead the world as far as corporate profits is concerned , pay for better education all free through college and beyond. We will lead the world economically for ever and will gain way more then the wasting of money on wars that are 100% lies , Like the Bush disaster.

You are a prime example of how a college education would be wasted on someone like you. You are dumber than a post and lie so often that you cannot string a fact together if your life depended on it.
Our military does not defend our borders. We could defend our borders with ten percent of our existing military

Our military defends our global interests. Those interests are determined by corporate entities determined to protect their cash flow

We have a Border Patrol.
And they haven't seen an enemy invasion in 200 years

An invasion is currently continuing across our Southern border.
Our military defends and asserts our national interests which is what it exists for. If our national interests don't coincide with yours it is you that are wrong. whining about it is good for a laugh but doesn't help anything.
The military is for corporate interest as far as 90% of the right wing is concerned. If they don't realize that it is a fact then they are dumb. Thats their only excuse. You want to lead the world as far as corporate profits is concerned , pay for better education all free through college and beyond. We will lead the world economically for ever and will gain way more then the wasting of money on wars that are 100% lies , Like the Bush disaster.

You are a prime example of how a college education would be wasted on someone like you. You are dumber than a post and lie so often that you cannot string a fact together if your life depended on it.
Our military does not defend our borders. We could defend our borders with ten percent of our existing military

Our military defends our global interests. Those interests are determined by corporate entities determined to protect their cash flow

We have a Border Patrol.
And they haven't seen an enemy invasion in 200 years

An invasion is currently continuing across our Southern border.
Our military defends and asserts our national interests which is what it exists for. If our national interests don't coincide with yours it is you that are wrong. whining about it is good for a laugh but doesn't help anything.

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

No, that is not how our nation works. My country right or wrong is the least patriotic thing you can say

It is a citizens responsibility to challenge national interests that unnecessarily jeopardize the lives of our troops
So where is all the violence the Trump Supporting sites had warned about?


Our military does not defend our borders. We could defend our borders with ten percent of our existing military

Our military defends our global interests. Those interests are determined by corporate entities determined to protect their cash flow

Obama and Co. outlawed defending our borders; it was upsetting the illegal aliens.
His IQ has literally dropped 10 points after every time he responds here.

There is actually a name for why our military is so large and why we are in more countries than any other country in the world combined...

It's called the Truman Doctrine. Look it up.

Civil War, WWI, and WWII.
Now if this is a list of wars we should have fought , you have to throw in the war of 1812. If you mean countries that invaded us it only wwII and the War of 1812. pretty much all the rest where degrees of murder and nonsense.

Bullshit. Your arbitrary judgement of what wars we "should have" fought is just silly. Wars in which we (including troops and diplomatic missions or nations we are allied with) are attacked certainly should be fought. And that includes most every war you've left out.
“Why do you think this country needs more invested in the Military.”

I don’t.

‘The military’ is one enormous boondoggle, a waste of taxpayers’ money, and for the most part a pointless anachronism.

Much of ‘the military’ is configured to fight needless, often illegal, wars having nothing to do with ‘defending’ the country.

‘Defense’ spending needs to be drastically cut; that money can be better spent on education, training, and addressing infrastructure needs.
Didnt bother to read did ya.......yeah we could spend less in other areas......savings however would not cover this shortage
You don't read what You use for reference. The government study was talking about keeping the same presence. Do you first know what that means. I doubt it. That is the point. the total point, We have 300 to 800 american bases outside of the us. Depending on how you count them. The rest of the world has close to 20 all together. That is what presence means and that is my point, you get rid of that presence around the world and you stick to what the military is suppose to do and that is protect our border and our country. No fucking wars like your trying to sell, trying to protect some corporate interest with the deaths of young Americans. If that is done and we stop with the Empire building , we need a military about half the freakin size it is now. Your the one , along with you hate party ,that want to use the young in our country for cannon fodder for someone's pocket book. Screw it. and screw all the people that thinks that is what our military should do. Sending our young to be slaughtered for some corporations bottom line is what the right wants for this country/
LLMMMaaaooo......deny all you want .......talking point trooper......still just your uninformed opinion
ya you bet , it's your own reference that I'm responding out of. Your just another gun bubba that wants our young killed dead for the bottom line profits of corporation that would eat our children for their bottom line. How stupid do you have to be to sell out the young in this country and the country itself by having them get killed for some company you have invested in. That is the description of the lowest kind of human being.

Idiotic. Nobody dies for anybodies bottom line. Stop insulting and slandering our troops. I doubt you know your own motives let alone anyone else's.

The troops enlist to defend our country. They trust their lives to the decisions being made by our President and Congress

Too often in the past, those lives have been sacrificed for spurious reasons not related to the defense of our country. The conflicts we have chosen to engage in have had more to do with politics and economics than defending our freedom
We’re currently involved in a pointless conflict we have chosen to engage in having solely to do with politics and economics, and nothing to do with defending our freedom.
Obama and Co. outlawed defending our borders; it was upsetting the illegal aliens.
His IQ has literally dropped 10 points after every time he responds here.

There is actually a name for why our military is so large and why we are in more countries than any other country in the world combined...

It's called the Truman Doctrine. Look it up.

Civil War, WWI, and WWII.
Now if this is a list of wars we should have fought , you have to throw in the war of 1812. If you mean countries that invaded us it only wwII and the War of 1812. pretty much all the rest where degrees of murder and nonsense.

Bullshit. Your arbitrary judgement of what wars we "should have" fought is just silly. Wars in which we (including troops and diplomatic missions or nations we are allied with) are attacked certainly should be fought. And that includes most every war you've left out.

War is not the proper solution for every military contact.

The Civil War was unavoidable
Spanish American War was a bogus ruse for US imperialism
WWI was a massacre caused by long held European alliances and gripes
WWII was justified to fight tyranny
Korea was a Cold War excursion
Vietnam was another exercise in a useless Cold War
Desert Storm was justified
Afghanistan was justified but poorly executed
Iraq was an unjustified disaster
You are a prime example of how a college education would be wasted on someone like you. You are dumber than a post and lie so often that you cannot string a fact together if your life depended on it.
Our military does not defend our borders. We could defend our borders with ten percent of our existing military

Our military defends our global interests. Those interests are determined by corporate entities determined to protect their cash flow

We have a Border Patrol.
And they haven't seen an enemy invasion in 200 years

An invasion is currently continuing across our Southern border.
Our military defends and asserts our national interests which is what it exists for. If our national interests don't coincide with yours it is you that are wrong. whining about it is good for a laugh but doesn't help anything.

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

"Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?"

"No, that is not how our nation works. My country right or wrong is the least patriotic thing you can say"
Bullshit. Your opinion may very well be wrong. If not it remains your country and it is your responsibility to change what is wrong; not the other way around. Ridiculous to think a majority of citizens are going to change their opinion just because you whine real loud.
Our military does not defend our borders. We could defend our borders with ten percent of our existing military

Our military defends our global interests. Those interests are determined by corporate entities determined to protect their cash flow

We have a Border Patrol.
And they haven't seen an enemy invasion in 200 years

An invasion is currently continuing across our Southern border.
Our military defends and asserts our national interests which is what it exists for. If our national interests don't coincide with yours it is you that are wrong. whining about it is good for a laugh but doesn't help anything.

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?

"Yea.....how often do invaders work for you at slave wages?"

"No, that is not how our nation works. My country right or wrong is the least patriotic thing you can say"
Bullshit. Your opinion may very well be wrong. If not it remains your country and it is your responsibility to change what is wrong; not the other way around. Ridiculous to think a majority of citizens are going to change their opinion just because you whine real loud.
Now you are getting the idea

Our government does not work in a vacuum. They are answerable to We the People......especially when they wrongly commit us to war
You don't read what You use for reference. The government study was talking about keeping the same presence. Do you first know what that means. I doubt it. That is the point. the total point, We have 300 to 800 american bases outside of the us. Depending on how you count them. The rest of the world has close to 20 all together. That is what presence means and that is my point, you get rid of that presence around the world and you stick to what the military is suppose to do and that is protect our border and our country. No fucking wars like your trying to sell, trying to protect some corporate interest with the deaths of young Americans. If that is done and we stop with the Empire building , we need a military about half the freakin size it is now. Your the one , along with you hate party ,that want to use the young in our country for cannon fodder for someone's pocket book. Screw it. and screw all the people that thinks that is what our military should do. Sending our young to be slaughtered for some corporations bottom line is what the right wants for this country/
LLMMMaaaooo......deny all you want .......talking point trooper......still just your uninformed opinion
ya you bet , it's your own reference that I'm responding out of. Your just another gun bubba that wants our young killed dead for the bottom line profits of corporation that would eat our children for their bottom line. How stupid do you have to be to sell out the young in this country and the country itself by having them get killed for some company you have invested in. That is the description of the lowest kind of human being.

Idiotic. Nobody dies for anybodies bottom line. Stop insulting and slandering our troops. I doubt you know your own motives let alone anyone else's.

The troops enlist to defend our country. They trust their lives to the decisions being made by our President and Congress

Too often in the past, those lives have been sacrificed for spurious reasons not related to the defense of our country. The conflicts we have chosen to engage in have had more to do with politics and economics than defending our freedom
We’re currently involved in a pointless conflict we have chosen to engage in having solely to do with politics and economics, and nothing to do with defending our freedom.

Totally untrue. We continue to have an enemy that has killed or maimed many of our citizen with numerous terror attacks and has shown no sign of quitting. Stopping our war on terror while that enemy still exists is nothing short of idiotic and suicidal.
Our military does what they are asked to do
Provide a global presence to extend our power and influence

We currently spend 46 cents of every military dollar in the world

There is no need for it. The threat is not there

Time to push the burden on to EU, Japan and S Korea
"There is no need for it. The threat is not there"

Yeah? Tell that to the folks at the WTC or the Boston marathon,
Denial won't make the threat go away.
"There is no need for it. The threat is not there"

Yeah? Tell that to the folks at the WTC or the Boston marathon,
Denial won't make the threat go away.

Good point

We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and we can't stop a couple guys with box cutters or a pressure cooker bomb

Throwing more money into an additional carrier task force will not make us safer
"There is no need for it. The threat is not there"

Yeah? Tell that to the folks at the WTC or the Boston marathon,
Denial won't make the threat go away.

Good point

We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and we can't stop a couple guys with box cutters or a pressure cooker bomb

Throwing more money into an additional carrier task force will not make us safer

Certainly will if it kills them before they fly planes into our buildings planting explosive charges or tossing ICBMs with WMD our way. No terrorists=no terror.
"There is no need for it. The threat is not there"

Yeah? Tell that to the folks at the WTC or the Boston marathon,
Denial won't make the threat go away.

Good point

We have the most powerful military in the history of mankind and we can't stop a couple guys with box cutters or a pressure cooker bomb

Throwing more money into an additional carrier task force will not make us safer

Certainly will if it kills them before they fly planes into our buildings planting explosive charges or tossing ICBMs with WMD our way. No terrorists=no terror.
Such a dream world

How do you stop a crazed moron like shot up that church in Texas today?

Stealth bombers or an aircraft carrier
Our military does what they are asked to do
Provide a global presence to extend our power and influence

We currently spend 46 cents of every military dollar in the world

There is no need for it. The threat is not there

Time to push the burden on to EU, Japan and S Korea

Our military does what they are asked to do
Provide a global presence to extend our power and influence

We currently spend 46 cents of every military dollar in the world

There is no need for it. The threat is not there

Time to push the burden on to EU, Japan and S Korea


We are not in any part of the world to be nice. We are there to protect and advance our own national interests. Threats take more forms than the likes of you can comprehend.
Our military does what they are asked to do
Provide a global presence to extend our power and influence

We currently spend 46 cents of every military dollar in the world

There is no need for it. The threat is not there

Time to push the burden on to EU, Japan and S Korea


We are not in any part of the world to be nice. We are there to protect and advance our own national interests. Threats take more forms than the likes of you can comprehend.
Still wrong

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