Why do you care whether I wear a face mask or not?

I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

Because I don’t want you spreading your germs on me
It's your job to take care of you, not anyone else's.
Nonsense. Government has a responsibility to protect the commons - air, water, etc... During a pandemic, your breath is essentially a pollution issue. It's no different than emission controls on cars.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

Because I don’t want you spreading your germs on me
It's your job to take care of you, not anyone else's.
Nonsense. Government has a responsibility to protect the commons - air, water, etc... During a pandemic, your breath is essentially a pollution issue. It's no different than emission controls on cars.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

Because I don’t want you spreading your germs on me
It's your job to take care of you, not anyone else's.
Nonsense. Government has a responsibility to protect the commons - air, water, etc... During a pandemic, your breath is essentially a pollution issue. It's no different than emission controls on cars.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

Because I don’t want you spreading your germs on me
It's your job to take care of you, not anyone else's.
Nonsense. Government has a responsibility to protect the commons - air, water, etc... During a pandemic, your breath is essentially a pollution issue. It's no different than emission controls on cars.
View attachment 376812
I agree.
Nobody questions the individual success of tests, but the bottom line is the success by any bad guys. And they have been effective enough to deter
What? "I" question the success and I still say you don't read a lot. The deterrent is, "I" will NEVER submit myself to the douche baggery. I have been presented with opportunity to go some places I really wanted to go IF I would fly. I didn't go because I refuse to put up with "official" twerps in a gov't jobs program claiming to be protecting me from something that may or may not happen.

Look, bud, just because the godvernment makes claims doesn't make the claims valid. 2 airplanes cannot bring down 3 buildings in near identical fashion- FYI- and rhe weapons of mass destruction lies were lies- the 9/11 commision was as worthless as the Warren Commission with their "official" omitting of ALL evidence so they could "officially" blame someone/something else other than itself.

I hate to inform you, but, the US gov't and the MSM are the lyingest entities in the world. Period. BOTH have an agenda and it is NOT your safety or securing your Liberty. It is to be able to put you in a class of tool or enemy. Period. And use you as intended by controlling everything you do to make themselves feel special. They ain't. They are corrupt to the core and have no qualms about lying- N.O.N.E.
See, you missed the whole fucking point of public health. It's not about you, you fucking dickhead.
No. YOU and the rest of these clowns miss the point. Land of the free- Liberty to be secured by go'vt, not restricted by control freaks.

This is no different from the TSA. They use scanners, body searches, make you take off your shoes, all for the purpose of protecting the OTHER passengers, not YOU.
And the TSA is just a welfare jobs program for retards and sexual deviants; it's security theater, and it has a failure rate of over 95% every time it's audited, not to mention the rampant theft.
Their failure rate is almost as high as the COVID survival rate; this is the best you can come up with?
And TSA actually advertised their job openings on pizza boxes
And given that there were a lot more cases after all the "peaceful protests" that you mysteriously stopped caring about Covid during, your panic now rings really false.
This is where digging into the data proves you're wrong. They looked at where protests happened, and where states reopened, and while it's true that cases went up where there were protests, it also required the states reopening. Where there were protests while a state remained locked down the increase in cases was nil.

This is where analyzing your use of the word "data" proves you're wrong. A post like yours, which is nothing more than "I was told that what I believe was good" without a single shred of supporting evidence is not "data"; it's talking points. How exactly did "they" - whoever the fuck "they" is - determine that Covid-19 is politically woke and chooses only to infect people who aren't protesting and rioting? Especially, how did "they" know it's only going to work that causes spikes in infections when contact tracers were forbidden from asking whether or not people attended protests? How come there were spikes in places that didn't re-open? How come Mayor Garcetti of LA said the exact opposite of what you're saying, with the affirmation of his Director of Public Health?

And no amount of "This is the narrative, so accept it as fact RIGHT NOW!" is going to make you any less wrong.
Supermarket workers have been on the front line since the crisis started.

Stop with the hyperbole. Okay. On the front line? Really? :auiqs.jpg:

They not only remained open, while other businesses were closed, they had to continue at full capacity.

Actually, many supermarkets DIDN'T continue at full capacity. Fry's Supermarkets in my area copied WalMart and had people at the door controlling how many shoppers were in the store at any given moment.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

You are not being forced to wear a mask. What is happening is they are requiring you to wear a mask in order to be allowed in certain public and private locations.

Such as, if you want to enter a hospital, you have to wear a mask. You aren't being forced. If you don't want to wear a mask, you will not be allowed entry into a hospital.

I don't know where you live, but where I live, they're requiring - aka forcing - us to wear masks in EVERY public location. In other places, they're trying to require - aka force - people to wear masks outside with no one anywhere near them.

By the way, replacing the word "force" with the word "require" doesn't change the fact that it's force.

To what purpose, precisely? The supermarket doesn't have any choice but to comply if they want to keep their business license, and making their already difficult lives more difficult by making a scene isn't going to accomplish a damned thing for anyone.
I disagree.
Don't make excuses for people's cowardice.

Disagree all you like. You don't get a vote in how I choose to live my life, and now that you've attempted to vote anyway, it's been summarily ignored.
I've asked that question several times and have yet to see an intellectual answer.

I asked that same question days ago of a neighbor who is a politically naive person ( in other words, she is a leftist- Orange Man Bad ) and her answer was, " You have to wear one to protect yourself" to which I responded, "that is MY job whether to protect myself, not the governments. If you wear a mask and you run into me at the store and I am without one and I sneeze while standing close to you, YOU are protected if you are wearing a mask ( supposedly ) so why should I give up MY freedom to choose since it isn't hurting anybody who is supposedly helping themselves? She had no answer.

I do distancing and wear a plastic face SHIELD if I am going to a store that has this policy in place. I've done this since January when we were just starting to learn about the Wuhan virus.

Folks, most of you realize this next election is all about socialism vs. FREEDOM.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

You are not being forced to wear a mask. What is happening is they are requiring you to wear a mask in order to be allowed in certain public and private locations.

Such as, if you want to enter a hospital, you have to wear a mask. You aren't being forced. If you don't want to wear a mask, you will not be allowed entry into a hospital.

I don't know where you live, but where I live, they're requiring - aka forcing - us to wear masks in EVERY public location. In other places, they're trying to require - aka force - people to wear masks outside with no one anywhere near them.

By the way, replacing the word "force" with the word "require" doesn't change the fact that it's force.

To what purpose, precisely? The supermarket doesn't have any choice but to comply if they want to keep their business license, and making their already difficult lives more difficult by making a scene isn't going to accomplish a damned thing for anyone.
I disagree.
Don't make excuses for people's cowardice.

Disagree all you like. You don't get a vote in how I choose to live my life, and now that you've attempted to vote anyway, it's been summarily ignored.
Fine by me.

But I disagree that refusing to comply is the same as making a scene; I simply ignore them, and go about my business. If they are persistent, I ask them if I am being asked to leave; if they don't ask me to leave, I just keep on keeping on...... and I am unfailingly polite and civil throughout.
I bear no responsibility for the store staff being in that position, their bosses put them there by refusing to have the balls to tell the state, "No. Now fuck off." when all these restrictions were handed down from their imaginary place of authority on high.

Acquiescence to tyranny is always the wrong answer.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

Because it's possible you have COVID and might be breathing it on the rest of us. It isn't complicated.

That said, there's not much point mandating masks if people are too stupid to realize why they're a good idea. Which is clearly where we're at.
I had covid in march, they are taking plasma from people like me so for a small fee I will blow on you
From the link;
"On tyranny

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
~ C.S. Lewis

I see little difference between "Omnipotent moral busybodies" and "moral busybodies with the Mandate of Heaven", or to quote another noted philosopher:

"There's nothing worse than a monster who thinks he's right with God."
~ Malcolm Reynolds

According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, only about 17% of adult children in the United States care for their elderly parents "at some point during their lives".

Think about that: of every 100 people you meet at the restaurant, the grocery store, or the park, 17 of them are taking care of, will take care of, or have taken care of, their elderly parents.

The other 83% of the people you meet at the hardware store, the church, or the beach are letting Grandma be taken care of by home health aides, independent living facilities, assisted living facilities, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, or hospitals.

For the elderly living at their own homes, and being taken care of by home health aides -- if they aren't self-isolating and protecting themselves ... that's on them, not me.

For those elderly in some kind of facility -- the government is mandating some kind of protection for these folks ... again, that's on someone else, not me.

To stand in a parking lot, a beach, a boat-ramp, or a restaurant and scream that a random stranger whom you've never met and will likely not ever meet again is endangering your grandmother by not wearing a mask is not only a lie, rude, and a misdemeanor Breach of the Peace, but it is also tyranny.

If you're one of the 17 who are taking care of your elderly patient (we'll ignore the part of that 17% who "will take care of in the future" and the part that "took care of in the past" and just assume that all 17 have an elderly parent at home), gods bless you, and if you're that worried -- stay home.

If you're one of the 83 that are relying on Decubitus Acres Nursing Home, or God's Waiting Room Assisted Living Centre to took care of Grandma -- the State government has rules to protect them.

It is tyranny to demand that I change my ways and habits to provide "protection" to independent people who should be taking care of that themselves, or to provide "protection" to people whom the government is already going overboard to protect.

And if you want to scream at me, and spit, you're about to have a quick lesson in the reality of droplet protection provided by your floral silk mask using OC droplets for the demonstration.

Given that OC droplets are considerably bigger than the droplets your mask is allegedly protecting your from, you're liable to be somewhat disappointed in your mask.

Matter-of-fact, it should even be a lesson to learn from.

Just saying.

Do not bloody shriek at me.

After the election the Mail in virus will go away and this BS will end.

Problem is the virus is peaking too soon for the wankers of the left...........they need it to drag on and on and on.........

The herd is getting immunity..........deaths are going down.........and not because of masks...........poor things......have to try and cheat at everything to win.........and will destroy anything or anybody for power.

The DNC is quite Frankly..........PATHETIC.
Nobody questions the individual success of tests, but the bottom line is the success by any bad guys. And they have been effective enough to deter
What? "I" question the success and I still say you don't read a lot. The deterrent is, "I" will NEVER submit myself to the douche baggery. I have been presented with opportunity to go some places I really wanted to go IF I would fly. I didn't go because I refuse to put up with "official" twerps in a gov't jobs program claiming to be protecting me from something that may or may not happen.

Look, bud, just because the godvernment makes claims doesn't make the claims valid. 2 airplanes cannot bring down 3 buildings in near identical fashion- FYI- and rhe weapons of mass destruction lies were lies- the 9/11 commision was as worthless as the Warren Commission with their "official" omitting of ALL evidence so they could "officially" blame someone/something else other than itself.

I hate to inform you, but, the US gov't and the MSM are the lyingest entities in the world. Period. BOTH have an agenda and it is NOT your safety or securing your Liberty. It is to be able to put you in a class of tool or enemy. Period. And use you as intended by controlling everything you do to make themselves feel special. They ain't. They are corrupt to the core and have no qualms about lying- N.O.N.E.

After the election the Mail in virus will go away and this BS will end.

Problem is the virus is peaking too soon for the wankers of the left...........they need it to drag on and on and on.........

The herd is getting immunity..........deaths are going down.........and not because of masks...........poor things......have to try and cheat at everything to win.........and will destroy anything or anybody for power.

The DNC is quite Frankly..........PATHETIC.

Just another QBALL
After the election the Mail in virus will go away and this BS will end.

Problem is the virus is peaking too soon for the wankers of the left...........they need it to drag on and on and on.........

The herd is getting immunity..........deaths are going down.........and not because of masks...........poor things......have to try and cheat at everything to win.........and will destroy anything or anybody for power.

The DNC is quite Frankly..........PATHETIC.

Just another QBALL

Your Mail in virus is losing its luster before the elections..............oops.
I don't care whether you wear a face mask or not, so why do you want to force me to wear one?

Because it's possible you have COVID and might be breathing it on the rest of us. It isn't complicated.

That said, there's not much point mandating masks if people are too stupid to realize why they're a good idea. Which is clearly where we're at.
Till this day not one congressional majority member has brought up a bill requiring protesters to wear masks and stay 10 feet away social distance from the police they are all in their face with.
Today the footage of Miami showed protesters in the front line without masks slobbering on the Police's face shields. But CNN is silent about that while they lie to their viewers by claiming no masks or social distance was at the Trump Ohio rally.
That was not true, there were social distance between friends families employees groups from other unrelated groups, those people who already live work or play with family friends and
co-workers without masks might have been without masks and grouped, but others in the crowd wore masks and distanced from other groups. CNN selectively shows such groups together, then creates it's narrative while ignoring the protesters they need support from.

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