Why Do White Democrats Keep Trying to Tell Blacks About the Republican Party?

because it's a fact. Chicago, Detroit, LA, Baltimore Ferguson........ voting for the same demofks over and over and experience the same neglect is the definition of insanity.
And there you go. Conservatives couldn’t control their desire to call blacks people dumb.
I called it.
How many other nations foster 40-50 million desperate, illiterate, needy, taxpayer dependent thirdworlders and millions of their spawn?
How many other nations offer the freedom and liberties that America does?
With total freedom comes a responsibility to make good decisions and accountability for bad decisions. You needy spoon-fed Father Government loving statists won’t understand.
Dragonlady, I can tell you Canada does not.
why do they vote Democrat?
And Democrats never said blacks are too dumb for ID.

BTW, there are many sites if you need to see more let me know.
You are spreading the fake Nazi/Ukraine news that Putin had to drop as an excuse for war because nobody bought it.
No just last month the liberal media took photos of some Nazis in front of a DeSantis banner. Hoping they could make it look like they supported DeSantis. But thank God, Elon made twitter free speech and showed the interview of the nazis. When asked who they support, they said Biden. Because he is fighting for our brothers in Ukraine. Maybe that's why the Biden administration is going after Elon.
Trump did plenty. Got rid of the laws that Clinton and Biden signed. That imprisoned hundreds of thousands of blacks.
With the help of Democrats like Corey Booker in congress.
Highest unemployment rate for blacks.
I don't give Presidents credit because a black person went out and got a job. What kind of ignorant shit is that?Likewise Black people were the hardest hit economically when covid hit under Trump as we are during every economic downturn. Should I blame Trump for that as well?
Gave millions in scholarships for blacks. Just a few things off the top of my head.
As do all Presidents. He also threatened to cut funding to schools and HBCUs that teach CRT which is the work of black scholars and the exact type of work HBCUs were founded to teach.
With the help of Democrats like Corey Booker in congress.

I don't give Presidents credit because a black person went out and got a job. What kind of ignorant shit is that?Likewise Black people were the hardest hit economically when covid hit under Trump as we are during every economic downturn. Should I blame Trump for that as well?

As do all Presidents. He also threatened to cut funding to schools and HBCUs that teach CRT which is the work of black scholars and the exact type of work HBCUs were founded to teach.
Thanks you proved my point. Obama also ended school vouchers for minorities in D.C. Then had to turn around and renstate them because of the outrage. Blacks were doing great under Trump, liberals couldn't have that.
Thanks you proved my point. Obama also ended school vouchers for minorities in D.C. Then had to turn around and renstate them because of the outrage. Blacks were doing great under Trump, liberals couldn't have that.
Blacks chose to vote against Trump by 90%. Republicans can't accept that.
But now they are coming around and are supporting Trump. Democrats can't accept that.
Because until you have an election to prove it its just wishful thinking. And even in your most wildest dreams the most Trump is getting us 20%. That's still 80% of black voters who recognize who the racists are.

Why Do White Democrats Keep Trying to Tell Blacks About the Republican Party?​

The Republican Party was a liberal party when it was founded. All of your fake historians have no clue. The Southern Democrats of the KKK were far right Christian terrorists.

The KKK was, is, and always will be a far right Christian terrorist organization. That's why they back Trump.

Today, black people can see plainly that the Republican Party HATES them. You aren't fooling anyone except yourself.

The Republican Party goes out of its way to gerrymander blacks into under-representation.

Count how many black Democrats are in Congress. Then count how many black Republicans are in Congress.

That will tell you all you need to know.

Because until you have an election to prove it its just wishful thinking. And even in your most wildest dreams the most Trump is getting us 20%. That's still 80% of black voters who recognize who the racists are.
Yep and keep getting used, you do know these illegals invading our border are taking over your benefits. That the democrat party bought you with?
Yep and keep getting used, you do know these illegals invading our border are taking over your benefits. That the democrat party bought you with?
No. That's just you being a racist. I've never been on government benefits and I'm not afraid of black and brown people coming here to better themselves and their families.

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