Why Do White Democrats Keep Trying to Tell Blacks About the Republican Party?

If the shoe fits, if you thought on your own you wouldn't blindly follow a political party that thinks you're too stupid to get an id.
If you're talking about that racist glass slipper it fits firmly on your own foot. You just assumed I was on government assistance you clown. The game is up. 😄
White DemoKKKrats know what's best for black people.

Nope, Van Jones
Van Jones led the advocacy group that initially fought for the bill. Cory Booker lead negotiations with Republicans to get Democratic Senstors on board who didn't think it went far enough.
No I just figured you were the way you blindly support a party that thinks so lowly of you.
Again, you're the one who just thought lowly of me. Now you're being a bitch about it. That's all the right has. Cowards and racists. 😄
I want you to be a successful person. But usually when you do and think for yourself. Your party will refer to you as a house ni#$er. How white of them.
Stop trying to cover after you outed yourself. Give me one example of some white Democrat calling a Black republican a house ******. 😄 That typically comes from other Black democrats in which case so what? You going to fucking cry about it?

Me and my family have been successful and yet we still support a strong social safety net and we support reparations for Black Americans despite none of us being eligible for them because it's the right thing to do.
Stop trying to cover after you outed yourself. Give me one example of some white Democrat calling a Black republican a house ******. 😄 That typically comes from other Black democrats in which case so what? You going to fucking cry about it?

Me and my family have been successful and yet we still support a strong social safety net and we support reparations for Black Americans despite none of us being eligible for them because it's the right thing to do.
Clarence Thomas. Nobody deserves shit unless they work for it.
No one hast to tell blacks about the republican party. They know.
For what? There isn't a slave Alive today.
Whether or not there were slaves today doesn't mean their descendants, who were robbed of centuries of inheritance from their hard work aren't here. Then there are the reparations owed from the social and economic injustices of segregation and Jim Crow from which survivors and their direct descendants do exist.

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