Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Why do you want to return to the Dark Ages when government and the guild systems wanted to tell everyone how to live their lives and tell everyone what they could and could not do?


Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Somebody doesn't agree with something you said and then you think this means they want to live in the 1700's and own slaves?? were you a difficult child growing up? I'm just trying to figure out the deeper meaning to your OP because it's not making much sense.
I can already tell from this polemic that you're referring to conservatives and Trump supporters. :rolleyes:

As a black conservative and a Trump supporter, I most certainly do not want to return to the good ol' days of the 1700s—the days when my people were enslaved, beaten, sold for profit, raped and murdered when they tried to find safe haven, and when there were no awesome things like technology, cell phones, automobiles, airports and airplanes, computers, and so on. Nor do I oppose workers' rights. Seriously, do you honestly believe that all of us who are conservative support that shit?

If you do, then there is clearly no point in having a debate with you as you are clearly unhinged.:lame2:
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Because starting in the late 19th century - power hungry slime balls started shredding the U.S Constitution.

All you talk about is government "investment" - which is nothing more than your slang for "government throw some money at me". But unlike your greedy ass - real Americans prefer liberty over servitude in exchange for government table scraps.

The federal government isn't empowered to invest. You don't like it? Amend the constitution. Can't? Tough shit. Deal with it. It's the law.
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Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Why do so many people on this board want to return to the 7th century??

So many people on this board buy the Islam religion of peace bullshit. Look at Europe. Pretty soon al of Europe will be Muslim. One has to wonder why looney tunes want the same for America.

You can't cure stupid.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Everyone already had this conversation Matthew, that was in November when you posted the same type of thread, it was ridiculous in November and it's still ridiculous in March.

Why do you wish to live in the 18th and 19th centurys?
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
The 18th Century was the 1700's.

Rifles and pistols were flint-lock back then.

I prefer the repeating rifles and revolvers of the 19th Century which was the 1800's instead.

However the semi auto rifles and pistols of the 20th Century which is the 1900's were even better. And that's what I like.

The 21st Century Glock's and their clones are all a piece of sh!t.
Wowzer... I had no idea where Mews was going with his OP by the title...

I was thinking, you know, he may have a point here...

Why do so many people want to ban internal combustion engines or industry and throw us back into the 18th century over some pseudo-science intended to redistribute wealth?

Or, why do so many people pretend that we live in a time before modern medicine and medical science so they can say a living human organism in the state of being isn't a "person" until it magically pops out of the mother at childbirth?

Why do so many people live with an 18th century mindset about Socialism being the latest greatest thing man has ever thought up when we have the history of 150 million deaths in the 20th century to show for it?

You can imagine my disappointment to find it's just another hysterical rant from Mews.
Everyone already had this conversation Matthew, that was in November when you posted the same type of thread, it was ridiculous in November and it's still ridiculous in March.

Why do you wish to live in the 18th and 19th centurys?
Sadly Matthew has a drinking problem. At night he hits the bottle and gets all angry and frustrated. I sincerely hope hope he receives the help he needs. I can't imagine living with that problem.
Liberalism has done so much in the past 60 years. I mean education, welfare, and anything else it has touched. Just look at Detroit and Chicago.
Everyone already had this conversation Matthew, that was in November when you posted the same type of thread, it was ridiculous in November and it's still ridiculous in March.

Why do you wish to live in the 18th and 19th centurys?
Sadly Matthew has a drinking problem. At night he hits the bottle and gets all angry and frustrated. I sincerely hope hope he receives the help he needs. I can't imagine living with that problem.
So a "mean drunk" rather than a "loving drunk" ?!
Wowzer... I had no idea where Mews was going with his OP by the title...

I was thinking, you know, he may have a point here...

Why do so many people want to ban internal combustion engines or industry and throw us back into the 18th century over some pseudo-science intended to redistribute wealth?

Or, why do so many people pretend that we live in a time before modern medicine and medical science so they can say a living human organism in the state of being isn't a "person" until it magically pops out of the mother at childbirth?

Why do so many people live with an 18th century mindset about Socialism being the latest greatest thing man has ever thought up when we have the history of 150 million deaths in the 20th century to show for it?

You can imagine my disappointment to find it's just another hysterical rant from Mews.
"Socialism" however was born in the 20th Century.

Slight anachronism there, Sport.
I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Here's what people like you don't get... We DO give a shit about things!

The problem is, "WE" are 340,000,000,000 people across millions of square miles and we all "give a shit" about different things to different degrees and according to differing priorities depending on different circumstances. Do you understand this? We can't ALL have everything we idealistically want... it's not possible. Can you comprehend why that is?

Now.... Our framers were geniuses. They created a unique system of self-governing so that The People could have a powerful unionization to handle certain priorities we all benefit from... like a national defense. At the same time... follow me closely here... limited to a specific set of things that are universal to us all... not some...not most... but all. So this doesn't include things like your health care insurance or how much pay you can get. Those are things that vary from person to person.

That doesn't mean we don't care about things, there is still a mechanism for us to address the things that are important to us as individuals. We do these sorts of things through our states, where we live with other people who are likely in our same boat. People in Utah have different ideals and priorities than people in New York. Things that are important to the people in Alabama may be totally unimportant to the people in California. So this system that allows us to have state governments to address lesser universal issues is what the framers established. And within a state, you also have county and municipal governments who can address even more things you "give a shit" about but perhaps your state is less concerned with.

You see... the genius of this system is, MOST people are ensured happiness and individual liberty. It is through this brilliant system our happy and free people built the greatest and most powerful nation that ever existed. Some will inevitably chime in here... oh yeah, what about the SLAVES? Okay... it was our system and our fundamental principles which ultimately prevailed in ending slavery. It took a while, we had to fight a bloody war, but eventually the principles of liberty prevailed.

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