Why do Republicans admire Putin?

Why does our president polish the Iranian Ayatollah's knob...and then pay him billions. Most expensive blow jobs in our history.
An absolute bargain compared with the war and occupation of Iran republicans have been thirsting over for decades. They will never forgive Obama for robbing them of another patriotic war for freedom, otherwise known as crude oil.

Your are lumping all republicans in with neo-cons.

And ignoring the fact that the non-interventionalist Trump has won the Republican Party.

And save your "blood for oil" conspiracy theories for the Rubber Room.
Non-interventionist? Have been listening to your messiah lately?

Have you?
Yeah, he is now talking about greatly expanding our presence in Iraq, Libya and Syria to fight ISIS as well as somehow launching a massive military build-up. Not the ideas that I would call non-interventionist

Putin loves his country enough to jail/murder everyone who does not fit, this is the true reason republicans love him. Having people shot in the head, now that's some real conservative style freedom.

Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
I always listen, it's how I detect bullshit. This Idea that Putin loves his country is puzzling, No dictator loves his people, they are but pawns and tools for his self aggrandizement.

You are making TWO assumptions.

1. That your premise that a dictator cannot love his country.


2. That republicans AGREE with you.

I see no contradiction between seeking self aggrandizement and loving his country.

Thus, my opinion of Putin is not bullshit.

It MAY be WRONG, but it is sincere.

That bit, where you assume that your premise is true AND that everyone agrees with you?

And then you judge people based on that?

That is you having a closed mind.

And it gave you an excuse to interpret the actions of your enemies in a way to smear them and dismiss anything they have to say.
Why do you feel the need to defend Putin? I understand you like his authoritarian style but there can be no excuse for the things he does to his people.

Why are you ignoring the very good points I made in response to your previous post?

I "defend" Putin as part of my general regard for the Truth.
You made some "very good points"? Where? I condemn Putin because he is a dictator who has crushed democracy, opportunity and free speech in his country. The man and his methods are indefensible.
An absolute bargain compared with the war and occupation of Iran republicans have been thirsting over for decades. They will never forgive Obama for robbing them of another patriotic war for freedom, otherwise known as crude oil.

Your are lumping all republicans in with neo-cons.

And ignoring the fact that the non-interventionalist Trump has won the Republican Party.

And save your "blood for oil" conspiracy theories for the Rubber Room.
Non-interventionist? Have been listening to your messiah lately?

Have you?
Yeah, he is now talking about greatly expanding our presence in Iraq, Libya and Syria to fight ISIS as well as somehow launching a massive military build-up. Not the ideas that I would call non-interventionist

You gotta be shitting me. Asking for a link to what has been the the big Trump news all week? Pay more attention to your messiah when he makes major policy announcements.
It may be hard for some to comprehend, but if Putin lays down a "Red Line", most take it seriously. When Obama does so, the only reaction you get is giggling.
And yet we could still ruin him if he ever directly threatens our nation, he knows this very well even if you don't. He will find out soon enough that getting embroiled in Mideast wars is a shit move for a man trying to distract his subjects from their economic misery.
So, you want to live in a country like Russia then? If Putin is a great leader, then living in Russia must be way better than the United States.

Do you believe that Patriotism is stupid? Or nationalism is inherently connected to fascism?

I think the US is better than Russia any day of the week.

Ultranationalism is a disease. Ask Germany.

Why did you answer questions I did not ask?

They are not trick questions.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

AND he has not personally insulted or smeared us the way libs like Obama has, over and over and over again.

I hope that clears things up for you.

You asked about patriotism, I gave you a direct example of my beliefs.

You then asked the same question and replaced patriotism with nationalism. I felt I already answered it so I chose to give you more information about my views on ultranationalism. Berating immigrants and other minorities is not something I'm into or generally consider a quality trait for any country to have. Whether it's the citizens or leadership.

Putin is not now and never has looked after Americans, he simply doesn't care about you. Acually, Putin would like to see America's influence and power reduced so that Russia will benefit. Putin is allies with Iran and Syria, two countries that also do not have our best interests at heart.

Believe it or not, Putin isn't exaclty doing a lot for Russia either. Their economy is in the gutter, they are stuck on fossil fuels, Putin has murdered and intimidated journalists relieving Russia's citizens form the burden of a free press. Russia's elections truly are suspect, Putin foreign affairs have done little to help their economy as they keep getting hit with sanctions.

But yeah, I don't think Putin ever personally insulted you the same way imaginary Obama did.

1. It was a simple yes or no question. Your response was evasive. Considering the US better than ONE nation, that you have a negative opinion of does not answer the question.

2. I asked you a simple yes or no question about NATIONALISM. You responded that ULTRA NATIONALISM is a disease. THat is an evasive answer that gives you wiggle room no matter how I interpret it.

Conservatives tends to be Patriots and Nationalists.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

3. It is not PUtin's job to look out for Americans. That you even state that shows that you have NO IDEA where I am coming from and are not listening.

4. You miss my point. Again. YOu lefties have spent decades using the most divisive political tactics and strategies. You have succeeded in dividing us from you.repeatedly demonstrated that you have nothing but contempt for US. Obama has personally insulted me. Your airy dismissal of differing points of view is just evidence of your normal completely closed liberal mind.

I more than answered your stupid question.
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You confused him with Hillary, who murdered Seth Rich.
I know exactly who he is, what he does and why you love him. You can't help it. Conservatives are hard-wired to respond favorably to iron fist authoritarians.
Seek help,then find a real conservative,get him/her what is going on
WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Seriously? I can remember when conservatives used to be halfway reasonable people, not these hateful, rage-filled yokels constantly bitching about shit.

Apparently real conservatives are Republicans who quietly sat on their hands as their party was actively recruiting the people who make up the Republican party today. And not until now, when it is obvious they've lost their party are they pointing at this politically perverse bunch and claiming to be the real conservatives.

The GOP has two types of conservatives. The fucknuts you see on this board who praise Putin and the whimps who gave them their party.

Maybe next time try posting a pic that has something to do with my post.
It’s clearly pointless to try to explain to conservatives why they are in fact wrong to defend and support the likes of Putin.
Have you ever considered for a single second listening to the answers republicans give when people ask them questions?
I always listen, it's how I detect bullshit. This Idea that Putin loves his country is puzzling, No dictator loves his people, they are but pawns and tools for his self aggrandizement.

You are making TWO assumptions.

1. That your premise that a dictator cannot love his country.


2. That republicans AGREE with you.

I see no contradiction between seeking self aggrandizement and loving his country.

Thus, my opinion of Putin is not bullshit.

It MAY be WRONG, but it is sincere.

That bit, where you assume that your premise is true AND that everyone agrees with you?

And then you judge people based on that?

That is you having a closed mind.

And it gave you an excuse to interpret the actions of your enemies in a way to smear them and dismiss anything they have to say.
Why do you feel the need to defend Putin? I understand you like his authoritarian style but there can be no excuse for the things he does to his people.

Why are you ignoring the very good points I made in response to your previous post?

I "defend" Putin as part of my general regard for the Truth.
You made some "very good points"? Where? I condemn Putin because he is a dictator who has crushed democracy, opportunity and free speech in his country. The man and his methods are indefensible.

You are making TWO assumptions.

1. That your premise that a dictator cannot love his country.


2. That republicans AGREE with you.

I see no contradiction between seeking self aggrandizement and loving his country.

Thus, my opinion of Putin is not bullshit.

It MAY be WRONG, but it is sincere.

That bit, where you assume that your premise is true AND that everyone agrees with you?

And then you judge people based on that?

That is you having a closed mind.

And it gave you an excuse to interpret the actions of your enemies in a way to smear them and dismiss anything they have to say.
Do you believe that Patriotism is stupid? Or nationalism is inherently connected to fascism?

I think the US is better than Russia any day of the week.

Ultranationalism is a disease. Ask Germany.

Why did you answer questions I did not ask?

They are not trick questions.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

AND he has not personally insulted or smeared us the way libs like Obama has, over and over and over again.

I hope that clears things up for you.

You asked about patriotism, I gave you a direct example of my beliefs.

You then asked the same question and replaced patriotism with nationalism. I felt I already answered it so I chose to give you more information about my views on ultranationalism. Berating immigrants and other minorities is not something I'm into or generally consider a quality trait for any country to have. Whether it's the citizens or leadership.

Putin is not now and never has looked after Americans, he simply doesn't care about you. Acually, Putin would like to see America's influence and power reduced so that Russia will benefit. Putin is allies with Iran and Syria, two countries that also do not have our best interests at heart.

Believe it or not, Putin isn't exaclty doing a lot for Russia either. Their economy is in the gutter, they are stuck on fossil fuels, Putin has murdered and intimidated journalists relieving Russia's citizens form the burden of a free press. Russia's elections truly are suspect, Putin foreign affairs have done little to help their economy as they keep getting hit with sanctions.

But yeah, I don't think Putin ever personally insulted you the same way imaginary Obama did.

1. It was a simple yes or no question. Your response was evasive. Considering the US better than ONE nation, that you have a negative opinion of does not answer the question.

2. I asked you a simple yes or no question about NATIONALISM. You responded that ULTRA NATIONALISM is a disease. THat is an evasive answer that gives you wiggle room no matter how I interpret it.

Conservatives tends to be Patriots and Nationalists.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

3. It is not PUtin's job to look out for Americans. That you even state that shows that you have NO IDEA where I am coming from and are not listening.

4. You miss my point. Again. YOu lefties have spent decades using the most divisive political tactics and strategies. You have succeeded in dividing us from you.repeatedly demonstrated that you have nothing but contempt for US. Obama has personally insulted me. Your airy dismissal of differing points of view is just evidence of your normal completely closed liberal mind.

I more than answered your stupid question.

It was not a stupid question.

This thread is all about republicans and something we supposedly do.

My question was part of my explanation.

It is odd behavior to ask a question and then not listen to the answer.
It is easy to assume something and formulate what you consider an acceptable answer. Liberal news media trash do it all the time, like the question asked Trump by chris matthews about punishment for abortion. Asking a leading, or choose one of two bad answers question is a typical liberal lying shit ploy. So the answer to the question I Republicans RESPECT PUTIN'S TENACIOUS PROTECTION of his homeland and all of it's actions UNAPOLOGETICALLY, That is something that our leadership team for the last 7 and 10 has failed abysmally to do. I am a REAL Democrat, and I also think Vladimir Putin is a many times more effective leader than the entire group of Washington dimocrats from the secretaries in the offices to the man wearing the suit of the president.
I have no intention of defending Putin

You say that....

, but I am not enough of a hack to pretend he is not an effective leader.

...but then you defend Putin. :clap2:

Or is he just telling the truth about what he sees?

Your inability to even comprehend that you might recognize the strengths of someone WITHOUT being "on their side" shows that you have ZERO intellectual honesty, and can't even comprehend the idea of honesty, let alone be trusted to practice it.

Let me try to explain it with an example.

I think HIllary Clinton is an intelligent woman.

Query: Do you think I was "Defending" HIllary?
I have no intention of defending Putin

You say that....

, but I am not enough of a hack to pretend he is not an effective leader.

...but then you defend Putin. :clap2:

Or is he just telling the truth about what he sees?

Your inability to even comprehend that you might recognize the strengths of someone WITHOUT being "on their side" shows that you have ZERO intellectual honesty, and can't even comprehend the idea of honesty, let alone be trusted to practice it.

Let me try to explain it with an example.

I think HIllary Clinton is an intelligent woman.

Query: Do you think I was "Defending" HIllary?

Bullshit, you fellas want to talk smack about Obama and if it means talking up two bit authoritarian oligarchs, so be it.

Hitler was effective leader of sorts SO FUCKING WHAT? For some reason you don't feel like recognizing his strengths.
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I think the US is better than Russia any day of the week.

Ultranationalism is a disease. Ask Germany.

Why did you answer questions I did not ask?

They are not trick questions.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

AND he has not personally insulted or smeared us the way libs like Obama has, over and over and over again.

I hope that clears things up for you.

You asked about patriotism, I gave you a direct example of my beliefs.

You then asked the same question and replaced patriotism with nationalism. I felt I already answered it so I chose to give you more information about my views on ultranationalism. Berating immigrants and other minorities is not something I'm into or generally consider a quality trait for any country to have. Whether it's the citizens or leadership.

Putin is not now and never has looked after Americans, he simply doesn't care about you. Acually, Putin would like to see America's influence and power reduced so that Russia will benefit. Putin is allies with Iran and Syria, two countries that also do not have our best interests at heart.

Believe it or not, Putin isn't exaclty doing a lot for Russia either. Their economy is in the gutter, they are stuck on fossil fuels, Putin has murdered and intimidated journalists relieving Russia's citizens form the burden of a free press. Russia's elections truly are suspect, Putin foreign affairs have done little to help their economy as they keep getting hit with sanctions.

But yeah, I don't think Putin ever personally insulted you the same way imaginary Obama did.

1. It was a simple yes or no question. Your response was evasive. Considering the US better than ONE nation, that you have a negative opinion of does not answer the question.

2. I asked you a simple yes or no question about NATIONALISM. You responded that ULTRA NATIONALISM is a disease. THat is an evasive answer that gives you wiggle room no matter how I interpret it.

Conservatives tends to be Patriots and Nationalists.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

3. It is not PUtin's job to look out for Americans. That you even state that shows that you have NO IDEA where I am coming from and are not listening.

4. You miss my point. Again. YOu lefties have spent decades using the most divisive political tactics and strategies. You have succeeded in dividing us from you.repeatedly demonstrated that you have nothing but contempt for US. Obama has personally insulted me. Your airy dismissal of differing points of view is just evidence of your normal completely closed liberal mind.

I more than answered your stupid question.

It was not a stupid question.

This thread is all about republicans and something we supposedly do.

My question was part of my explanation.

It is odd behavior to ask a question and then not listen to the answer.

Then listen to my answer to your question.
I have no intention of defending Putin

You say that....

, but I am not enough of a hack to pretend he is not an effective leader.

...but then you defend Putin. :clap2:

Or is he just telling the truth about what he sees?

Your inability to even comprehend that you might recognize the strengths of someone WITHOUT being "on their side" shows that you have ZERO intellectual honesty, and can't even comprehend the idea of honesty, let alone be trusted to practice it.

Let me try to explain it with an example.

I think HIllary Clinton is an intelligent woman.

Query: Do you think I was "Defending" HIllary?

Bullshit, you fellas want to talk smack about Obama and if it means talking up two bit authoritarian oligarchs, so be it.

Hitler was effective leader of sorts SO FUCKING WHAT? For some reason you don't feel like recognizing his strengths.

You just stated that you believe that Hitler was an effective leader and had multiple strengths.

Note how I am NOT accusing you of being a Hitler supporter or lover.

Why did you answer questions I did not ask?

They are not trick questions.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

AND he has not personally insulted or smeared us the way libs like Obama has, over and over and over again.

I hope that clears things up for you.

You asked about patriotism, I gave you a direct example of my beliefs.

You then asked the same question and replaced patriotism with nationalism. I felt I already answered it so I chose to give you more information about my views on ultranationalism. Berating immigrants and other minorities is not something I'm into or generally consider a quality trait for any country to have. Whether it's the citizens or leadership.

Putin is not now and never has looked after Americans, he simply doesn't care about you. Acually, Putin would like to see America's influence and power reduced so that Russia will benefit. Putin is allies with Iran and Syria, two countries that also do not have our best interests at heart.

Believe it or not, Putin isn't exaclty doing a lot for Russia either. Their economy is in the gutter, they are stuck on fossil fuels, Putin has murdered and intimidated journalists relieving Russia's citizens form the burden of a free press. Russia's elections truly are suspect, Putin foreign affairs have done little to help their economy as they keep getting hit with sanctions.

But yeah, I don't think Putin ever personally insulted you the same way imaginary Obama did.

1. It was a simple yes or no question. Your response was evasive. Considering the US better than ONE nation, that you have a negative opinion of does not answer the question.

2. I asked you a simple yes or no question about NATIONALISM. You responded that ULTRA NATIONALISM is a disease. THat is an evasive answer that gives you wiggle room no matter how I interpret it.

Conservatives tends to be Patriots and Nationalists.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

3. It is not PUtin's job to look out for Americans. That you even state that shows that you have NO IDEA where I am coming from and are not listening.

4. You miss my point. Again. YOu lefties have spent decades using the most divisive political tactics and strategies. You have succeeded in dividing us from you.repeatedly demonstrated that you have nothing but contempt for US. Obama has personally insulted me. Your airy dismissal of differing points of view is just evidence of your normal completely closed liberal mind.

I more than answered your stupid question.

It was not a stupid question.

This thread is all about republicans and something we supposedly do.

My question was part of my explanation.

It is odd behavior to ask a question and then not listen to the answer.

Then listen to my answer to your question.

I did.

I pointed out that you were being evasive AND THEN I MADE MY POINT, which you have still not addressed and which I will now REPOST below.

Conservatives tends to be Patriots and Nationalists.

I, and all the other conservatives have had to deal with liberals who have ridiculed the very idea of nationalism and/or patriotism.

As we ARE nationalists and patriots, we find that disagreeable.

Putin is a Russian nationalist and patriot. He is pursuing the interests of his nation as he sees them.

That is why some conservatives have some respect for the guy.

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