Why do politicians attack their opponents?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Seems obvious that the purpose of a politician attacking ideas, actions, or statements made by their opponent is to get the "audience" i.e. voter, to agree with the politician and vote.

I think everyone will agree with that explanation.
It is to convince the "audience" ...voter that the attacking politician should be supported.

So what was the purpose of these politicians in making these statements?

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

What was the purpose for the above statements?

Taking the premise these politicians wanted people oppose the Liberation of Iraq...a position that the terrorists agreed with. These politicians wanted US troops to withdraw. An action the terrorists strongly supported!
So based on the premise the above politicians wanted the USA to lose so did the terrorists.

I want you supporters of the above statements explain how these statements made by the above
politicians did any "good" for the USA. Any person with common sense would have to agree that
when the above politicians made these statements they weren't thinking how much harm the statements could do to our troops but how much GOOD they could do for the terrorists so as the USA would lose.
Democrook political whores don't give a rat's fuck about what's good for the country, it's people or it's troops.

They were pandering to the moonbat fringe by trying to undermine the war effort. They are criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and anyone who votes for them is a blithering idiot.
Democrook political whores don't give a rat's fuck about what's good for the country, it's people or it's troops.

They were pandering to the moonbat fringe by trying to undermine the war effort. They are criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and anyone who votes for them is a blithering idiot.
To the OP. They do it because it works. Much like it works for McDonalds to serve crappy food at rock bottom prices, so politicians have learned that they can get more votes by ginning up fear and hatred of their opponents than they can by calmly discussing the issues and why their ideas will work better than their opponents' will. democrats, especially the Clintons, long ago mastered this tactic while Republicans, trying to act more like a fine dining establishment than fast food, are just now figuring that out. It's easier to play on emotions, getting people angry and fearful about something than it is to get them to think and engage their intellect. It's how mobs work.
Ah bat shit. How many times do we have to go over this. There is no such thing as "terrorists." There is no such thing as a partisan war effort.

The Democrats and Republican war mongers are all owned by the establishment military/banking cabal. It's all bunk to bring the nations into debt. What a garbage thread.

Those opponent's only make such garbage statement b/c they want to get in power. But as we have seen in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, it makes no difference, they will play the same stupid war making games. Fund and arm insurgents and create chaos instability and war.

It's the same script played over and over again. Quite frankly, I am surprise the partisans here haven't figured it out and have refused to stop playing the partisan game.

I guess some folks just aren't that bright.
Ah bat shit. How many times do we have to go over this. There is no such thing as "terrorists." There is no such thing as a partisan war effort.

The Democrats and Republican war mongers are all owned by the establishment military/banking cabal. It's all bunk to bring the nations into debt. What a garbage thread.

Those opponent's only make such garbage statement b/c they want to get in power. But as we have seen in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine, it makes no difference, they will play the same stupid war making games. Fund and arm insurgents and create chaos instability and war.

It's the same script played over and over again. Quite frankly, I am surprise the partisans here haven't figured it out and have refused to stop playing the partisan game.

I guess some folks just aren't that bright.
Yes partisans are the problem.

How do R voters fail to see R politicians are mostly progressives and have no intention of instituting conservative policies? Yet, they see D pols as the progressives they are and consider them harmful to the nation.

Conversely how do D voters fail to see R pols as the progressives they are and think R voters are dumb and evil?

The parties are two sides of the same coin. Some of us see it, and some don't.

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