Why Do People Support Trump?

People who love the country support Trump. I support him mostly because he is the only candidate who isnt bought and paid for. I also support him because almost every politician of both parties who have run up a 20 trillion debt and gotten thousands of american soldiers butchered and maimed for nothing hate him. I support him because he stands strong after more than a billion dollars has been spent against him and 55,000 negative ads run against him.
That is absolutely not an answer or explanation.
Bernie Sanders is not bought and paid for either. In fact his supporters tout that as the reason they support him.

Good for them. I also agree with bernie that its time big money is expunged from politics. I once supported the citizens united decision but i now see it as the billionaires control of politics decision.

I also support Trump because he helps so many people and because illegal trash wave the mexican flag and break laws and beat up people.
Do you support Trump because cooks also sometimes burn the chicken?
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
That is a lie. Conservatives are for open immigration. Trump is no conservative.

That's a tough claim to make without resorting to a "no true scotsman".
The basic principle of conservatism is "free movement of labor and capital." That is simply defnining.

And socialism is democratic control of production.

Conservatism has led to corporatism, corporate welfare, plutocracy and now kleptocracy. Kleptocratic theocracy is the next step.
There is a slight flaw in your premise when you ask, "Why do people support Trump?" People don't support Trump. Republicans support Trump.

Trump is a criminal and Republican voters love criminals.

Yes, I understand that he's the front runner even though he's being investigated by the FBI and may be indicted in the near future. Those Republicans love criminals.

Trump University and the ensuing fraud will nail him and I doubt that too many Republicans will run interference for him.

That's is a civil case, there's no criminal case against Trump you idiot:slap:
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.
T-rump is right. Filthy Mexican govt has been dumping sic and criminals into USA for many years, mixed in with hordes of poor un-educated. Also stop the muzzie obammy dump. We got enough crap to deal with. No one else dare discuss if not for T-rump (thx Tyrone). Simple stuff, common sense NO PC!

Mexico isn't a poor country but they have been allowed to pawn their poorest and least educated people off on us and doing it for profit. They have purposely abused the birthright amendment to squirt out anchor babies that we have to pay for. We have been invaded and the weapon of choice is the uterus. This plays right into the hands of the globalists that want our nationalism and sovereignty destroyed WHILE monetizing the birth certificates of these illegals to borrow against while sending the bill to us. We should be TOTALLY pissed about this. Liberal asswipes see them as another underclass to cater to while screaming "RASCIST" to anyone that dares to speak out against it. Those coming over here now are not vetted like what happened at Ellis Island and thy do not wish to assimilate into our culture nor do they have any loyalty to the country that took them in. We are actually being conditioned to "toady" to them and it makes me sick to my stomach to see how gutless and spineless the people in this country has become. I lose more and more respect for my fellow country men each and every day.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Let's start by unpacking the lies in your post.

1) he is not a "lifelong democrat".
2) He does not favor single payer healthcare.
3) imminent domain has built every road, bridge, railroad, and tunnel in this country.
4) He is pro life. I wouldn't care either way because abortion is not a real issue, it's a distraction so we won't talk about how fucked the economy is.
5) his not holding prior political office is a strength, not a weakness.
6) his foreign policy is America First and non-interventionist. Maybe you enjoy seeing our soldiers come home with missing arms and legs, or in pine boxes? If so, you're the idiot. Stay out of foreign entanglements. We should not be paying to protect wealthy European and Asian nations. Time to put AMERICA FIRST.
7) He will not commit war crimes- that is just a silly lie..
8) He is a man, not a priest. He has excellent relationships with both of his ex-wives and has raised a great family. Hardly a "serial philanderer". That's Bill Clinton's job.
9) He is not a racist and does not play footsies with anyone.

Sorry Rabbi, But the GOP primary race is over- Trump is going to be the GOP nominee. You have a choice. Either get on the Trump train or enjoy 4 years of hiLARy.....

OK you have no unpacked anything; You have lied and obfuscated.
Trump became a Republican in 2009. But prior to that he switched back and forth and gave more money to Dems than the GOP.
Is Donald Trump a Republican?
On single payer:
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
On eminent domain (please at least try to get the term right). I wrote "eminent domain for private gain." That is entirely different from what you are talking about. Trump supports the Kelo decision.
On abortion:
He has held completely opposite positions over the last 7years. There is no telling what he actually believes about it.
Donald Trump took 5 different positions on abortion in 3 days
Not holding prior office/lack of experience is exactly one of the criticicisms conservatives made about Obama. Rightly so, as it's turned out.
His foreign policy consists of trade wars and war crimes. He has made that clear in every pronouncement. "America First" is the Trump version of "Hope and Change." You'd have to have oatmeal for brains to think that's a foreign policy.
He has not only committed adultery, he has boasted about it, often. If that isnt serial philanderer I dont know what is.
Trump says his own personal 'indiscretions' are fair game
He may or may not be a racist. But he certainly plays footsie with them. His son went and did an interview with a notorious white supremacist.
Donald Trump Jr grants radio interview to prominent white supremacist

So you resort to exactly the same argument that Obama knee padders make here: He won, therefore he must be right.
No. He is not right. No, he is not conservative. No, he is nothing more than a white version of Obama, pandering to the rubes like you who suck his withered cock and ignore the obvious problems.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.

You totally fucking NAILED it....excellent job. Mind if I do a cut and paste so I can put this on my FB page? This is a must read....
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
That is a lie. Conservatives are for open immigration. Trump is no conservative.
------------------------------------------ f--k immigration of ALL types Rabbi , just a reply to what so called conservative like Rabbi .
Free movement of labor and capital, son. Look it up.
Immigrants built this country. Lazy stupid racist pieces of shit like you just gripe about it.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.

You totally fucking NAILED it....excellent job. Mind if I do a cut and paste so I can put this on my FB page? This is a must read....

Post away.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven

You swallowed the media hype hook, line and sinker

Nope, just my own observation and experiences.
How many conservatives have you ever met? I'll bet none.
How to explain this?
The whole Democratic party "plays footies with racsit
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Let's start by unpacking the lies in your post.

1) he is not a "lifelong democrat".
2) He does not favor single payer healthcare.
3) imminent domain has built every road, bridge, railroad, and tunnel in this country.
4) He is pro life. I wouldn't care either way because abortion is not a real issue, it's a distraction so we won't talk about how fucked the economy is.
5) his not holding prior political office is a strength, not a weakness.
6) his foreign policy is America First and non-interventionist. Maybe you enjoy seeing our soldiers come home with missing arms and legs, or in pine boxes? If so, you're the idiot. Stay out of foreign entanglements. We should not be paying to protect wealthy European and Asian nations. Time to put AMERICA FIRST.
7) He will not commit war crimes- that is just a silly lie..
8) He is a man, not a priest. He has excellent relationships with both of his ex-wives and has raised a great family. Hardly a "serial philanderer". That's Bill Clinton's job.
9) He is not a racist and does not play footsies with anyone.

Sorry Rabbi, But the GOP primary race is over- Trump is going to be the GOP nominee. You have a choice. Either get on the Trump train or enjoy 4 years of hiLARy.....


Some people hate Trump so much, to the point of being irrational. Everyone who would rather have Hillary Clinton as president, truly needs their head examined. I can understand the raving leftist, but supposed conservatives?. I cant understand it[/QUOTE]
What do you think Hillary will actually accomplish that Trump would not do?
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
That is a lie. Conservatives are for open immigration. Trump is no conservative.
------------------------------------------ f--k immigration of ALL types Rabbi , just a reply to what so called conservative like Rabbi .
Free movement of labor and capital, son. Look it up.
Immigrants built this country. Lazy stupid racist pieces of shit like you just gripe about it.
--------------------------------------- my people built this country with their labor and thinking , thoughts , plans , blood , wars , revolution , documents , laws and they laid the foundations and all my people came from a very small area of the globe Rabbi . Sure , we imported labor but the labor was imported and paid to labor . Course the labor i mention could have stayed in their homelands and starved which would have probably been a better outcome for the USA Rabbi .
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.
I agree that the GOP has failed its voters.
I disagree with your racist and bigoted comments about immigrants.
I agree that Trump has understood that anger and has crafted his message to tap into it.
I disagree that anyone who cares anything about principles could possibly support this buffoon.
[ Conservatives are for open immigration.

. Both parties were for open no borders immigration... It's just that they both have different reasons as to why. One wants the open immigration to result in votes and power, while the other wanted cheap labor. Both are guilty of undermining this nations cultural unity and identity, and also weakening the nation through chaos and anarchy to ensue from it all.
That's nice rabbi, we could handle some workers. Not flood non-stop criminals sick and drugs. Time to get controlnif who what where when. Seemsc so simple? Makes me angry. I think I put this tablet down B4 I say bad stuff in rush!
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
That is a lie. Conservatives are for open immigration. Trump is no conservative.
------------------------------------------ f--k immigration of ALL types Rabbi , just a reply to what so called conservative like Rabbi .
Free movement of labor and capital, son. Look it up.
Immigrants built this country. Lazy stupid racist pieces of shit like you just gripe about it.
--------------------------------------- my people built this country with their labor and thinking , thoughts , plans , blood , wars , revolution , documents , laws and they laid the foundations and all my people came from a very small area of the globe Rabbi . Sure , we imported labor but the labor was imported and paid to labor . Course the labor i mention could have stayed in their homelands and starved which would have probably been a better outcome for the USA Rabbi .
------------------------------------------- diversity is not a strength , see the imports rioting because of TRUMPS free speech Rabbi .
[ Conservatives are for open immigration.

. Both parties were for open immigration... It's just that they both have different reasons as to why. One wants the open immigration to result in votes and power, while the other wanted cheap labor. Both are guilty of undermining this nations cultural unity and identity, and also weakening the nation through chaos and anarchy to ensue from it all.
We've had enormous periods of immigration far exceeding what we've seen from the South and the country hardly weakened and fell to anarchy.
That's nice rabbi, we could handle some workers. Not flood non-stop criminals sick and drugs. Time to get controlnif who what where when. Seemsc so simple? Makes me angry. I think I put this tablet down B4 I say bad stuff in rush!
The very fact of your screen name as numb nut precludes me from answering.

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