Why do libs fear QANON?

Yes it is.
What the senate found was awhole lot of nothing as summed up in this line of the report:

Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration

no one except trump voters though he could win.

according to lib polls before the election trump did not stand a chance

so any russian involvement in the election was to sew discontent towards the first female president.

and what are the russians accused of?

if you believe everything the obama loyalists and liars at the CIA and FBI say what the russians did was expose the truth about hillary

they wanted to weaken her and probably had far more dirt that could be used to blackmail her after taking office
the NBC moderator went out of her way to attack a group that to my knowledge has never harmed anyone

Except for the guy who raided a pizza parlor and started shooting. There was that.
Yes, then we have Jeffery Epstein which served to completely refocus attention upon you perverts and your sexual fixations upon children, which in turn served to open back up the whole sordid topic, elevating it from the kook fringe, to "what the fuck?" We know this, you democrats are sexual deviants first and foremost, its precisely how you all roll........ :banana:

Trump's Buddy?
trump at age 30?

are you aware that there are pictures of the Clinton's with Epstein also?
Pictures? There is a fucking painting of Clinton in a blue dress laying down on a couch. WTF is that? Epstein must have won a bet with him.

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