Why Do Liberals Want More Gun Laws? They Don't Enforce The Ones We Have..and Break Them...

according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

With the above, you've sustained my own assertion....Thanks....LOL
/----/ You never justify your attack on the messenger the Daily Caller. All you do is repeat their name as if that has some implied meaning. Well I can play that game, Spanky.

The New York Times ???? NBC??? CNN??? ABC??? NPR???
Now refute the message.

There is NO legitimate message.....Just a slanted hit-piece by Tucker Carlson

But when The Daily Caller has reached for the big scoop, the results have been less impressive. Headline-grabbing exclusives—mostly intercepted e-mails and tweets and attacks on media rivals—have exploded across the web before fizzling under scrutiny. Sexed-up headlines burned above stories too twisted or bland to support them. Quotes were ripped out of context, corrections buried, and important disclosures dismissed. It’s a picture that sits uncomfortably alongside the vision laid out by Carlson at CPAC, one that has drummed up clicks but little respect.

The Great Right Hype
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

No . But we do license drivers , regulate cars, register cars , transfer titles to cars .

How about we do that with guns too?

You don't have a constitutional right to a car.

Love it when you guys bring up the car analogy and then when we remind you about all the regulations about cars you whimper.......you don't have a constitutional right to a car

I didn't bring up the car analogy. Liberal Timmy used it as a comparison and I merely pointed out the apple and orange difference between the second amendment right to a gun and no right to a car. You guys need to find a valid analogy that will stand up to the constitutional test. Cars ain't it.
according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation.

With the above, you've sustained my own assertion....Thanks....LOL
/----/ You never justify your attack on the messenger the Daily Caller. All you do is repeat their name as if that has some implied meaning. Well I can play that game, Spanky.

The New York Times ???? NBC??? CNN??? ABC??? NPR???
Now refute the message.

There is NO legitimate message.....Just a slanted hit-piece by Tucker Carlson

But when The Daily Caller has reached for the big scoop, the results have been less impressive. Headline-grabbing exclusives—mostly intercepted e-mails and tweets and attacks on media rivals—have exploded across the web before fizzling under scrutiny. Sexed-up headlines burned above stories too twisted or bland to support them. Quotes were ripped out of context, corrections buried, and important disclosures dismissed. It’s a picture that sits uncomfortably alongside the vision laid out by Carlson at CPAC, one that has drummed up clicks but little respect.

The Great Right Hype
/----/ What makes Carlson's opinion slated vs and lib commentator you may refer to?
Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

No . But we do license drivers , regulate cars, register cars , transfer titles to cars .

How about we do that with guns too?

You don't have a constitutional right to a car.

Well now you are making a completely different argument . What happened ?

Oh, you have a right to vote . But still have to register and ID and all that . And we know how righties LOVE ID laws !
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

No . But we do license drivers , regulate cars, register cars , transfer titles to cars .

How about we do that with guns too?

You don't have a constitutional right to a car.

Well now you are making a completely different argument . What happened ?

Oh, you have a right to vote . But still have to register and ID and all that . And we know how righties LOVE ID laws !

And we know how lefties love people with NO ID, NO SKILLS, and NO EDUCATION.
Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

No . But we do license drivers , regulate cars, register cars , transfer titles to cars .

How about we do that with guns too?

You don't have a constitutional right to a car.

Well now you are making a completely different argument . What happened ?

Oh, you have a right to vote . But still have to register and ID and all that . And we know how righties LOVE ID laws !

And we know how lefties love people with NO ID, NO SKILLS, and NO EDUCATION.

I thought trump “loves the uneducated “?
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

No . But we do license drivers , regulate cars, register cars , transfer titles to cars .

How about we do that with guns too?

You don't have a constitutional right to a car.

Well now you are making a completely different argument . What happened ?

Oh, you have a right to vote . But still have to register and ID and all that . And we know how righties LOVE ID laws !

And we know how lefties love people with NO ID, NO SKILLS, and NO EDUCATION.

I thought trump “loves the uneducated “?

Not quite as much as liberals do.
It's a feather in their cap and nothing more. It's as transparent and useless as they are. They call Trump a dictator but yet they want guns confiscated....weird.
Not just that, but they want police to have the guns while protesting the police for abuses. Talk about whack out libs..

Please . If it was up to the cons you wouldn’t even have these checks! Those 100,000 felons would be able to have their guns .

Nice of you to admit gun laws do work .

They don't work......criminals get guns using straw buyers......you have no idea what you are talking about.....
Not just that, but they want police to have the guns while protesting the police for abuses. Talk about whack out libs..

Please . If it was up to the cons you wouldn’t even have these checks! Those 100,000 felons would be able to have their guns .

Nice of you to admit gun laws do work .
If it was up to me, there wouldn't be felons any more.


You should move to the Mid East then.
I lived there for 5 1/2 years, and crime there was almost non existent. There were a few stupid liberals(redundant statement again), but they either lost their hand or head, depending on the crime....

Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.

That is exactly what you want to do...
If it was up to me, there wouldn't be felons any more.


You should move to the Mid East then.
I lived there for 5 1/2 years, and crime there was almost non existent. There were a few stupid liberals(redundant statement again), but they either lost their hand or head, depending on the crime....

Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .

Nope.......criminals who use guns for crime have long histories of crime and violence long before they get to using a gun.....long before the Texas shooter was stopped by the NRA instructor with his personal AR-15 civilian rifle, the shooter had a long history of crime and violence to the point he could not legally buy a gun.......and still got one when the government clerk failed to do their job...
I lived there for 5 1/2 years, and crime there was almost non existent. There were a few stupid liberals(redundant statement again), but they either lost their hand or head, depending on the crime....

Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

Here we go again with literally the dumbest argument someone can make against sensible gun laws.

Yeah.....how about you list those sensible gun laws......you guys always use that term then never state what you want....mainly because you know that the "sensible gun laws" you want don't stop criminals or mass shooters...but they do go after law abiding people who want guns for self defense.....
I lived there for 5 1/2 years, and crime there was almost non existent. There were a few stupid liberals(redundant statement again), but they either lost their hand or head, depending on the crime....

Great . Except they trade freedom for that “safety”.
I wouldn't need any guns if the bad guys were executed. Isnt that a fair trade?

Good guys wh guns become bad guys with guns as soon as the gun is used for bad .
Bad guys with cars run over people on a NYC bridge...Shall all cars be banned?

No . But we do license drivers , regulate cars, register cars , transfer titles to cars .

How about we do that with guns too?

That would be unconstitutional....the democrats tried to do that when they used Poll Taxes and Literacy tests to keep blacks from voting.....voting is a Right....owning and carrying a gun is a Right...
Let's enforce background checks...100%

Translation: Let's get rid of incompetent and corrupt people in government. The problems with enforcement are the flaws of the government (not gun ownership by law-abiding people, btw.)
The flaws are too many loopholes demanded by the NRA

what loopholes....? The mass shooters who had guns passed you federally mandated background check.....they didn't need any loophole....they just submitted the paperwork and your govenment clerks screwed up...
Gun laws we need enforced and to close loopholes

1. Background checks on EVERY transaction. Gun shops, gun shows and personal transactions

2. Mandatory sharing of information on convicted felons and mental patients restricted from having guns. A single nationwide database that is continually updated

1) Mass shooters can pass any background check......and the ones who can't steal their guns.
Criminals use straw buyers, people who can pass current federally mandated background checks which means these same straw buyers will pass any background check for every transaction.....

The only reason you guys want background checks on private sales is to get gun registration...so that later, when you have power and can start banning guns, you know who has them....

2) We already have information sharing......the clerks and government bureaucrats aren't doing it.....and they are already required by law to do it.....do you want a new law that says they really, really, really, need to share the information?
Gun laws we need enforced and to close loopholes

1. Background checks on EVERY transaction. Gun shops, gun shows and personal transactions

2. Mandatory sharing of information on convicted felons and mental patients restricted from having guns. A single nationwide database that is continually updated
/----/ All to make it easier to confiscate the guns.
View attachment 160983

300 million guns out there....doesn't look like they are doing much confiscating

There are closer to 600 million guns....and the rulings by obama appointed judges are already in place...they just need the Supreme Court to finalize the 4th Circuit court ruling.....
Let's enforce background checks...100%

Translation: Let's get rid of incompetent and corrupt people in government. The problems with enforcement are the flaws of the government (not gun ownership by law-abiding people, btw.)
The flaws are too many loopholes demanded by the NRA

B'loney. The NRA didn't demand that the DOD not provide data on service members who should be ineligible to own a gun.

I agree

But the NRA has made it harder to share information. There should be a single database for those restricted from having guns. It should include those on the terrorist watch list

No, the NRA hasn't done anything to do anything....we already have the data base, moron.....it is the National Instant Check System...the problem is your government clerks aren't inputting the information.......
Translation: Let's get rid of incompetent and corrupt people in government. The problems with enforcement are the flaws of the government (not gun ownership by law-abiding people, btw.)
The flaws are too many loopholes demanded by the NRA

B'loney. The NRA didn't demand that the DOD not provide data on service members who should be ineligible to own a gun.

I agree

But the NRA has made it harder to share information. There should be a single database for those restricted from having guns. It should include those on the terrorist watch list

That is an absolute crock.

It was the NRA who blocked banning terrorists from the no buy list

No...it was the ACLU......and everyone else who doesn't want people put on secret lists for no reason...

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