Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Just one small problem, Hil can win and DT can't. Pretty easy to make that call...

Keep the 5.3% unemployment rolling...

US Unemployment is holding at roughly 25% and has for some 7 years now.

The Intellectually Less Fortunate are confused by comparisons to the Leftist Depression of the 1930s with this one... and thats because in the 30s there were LONG Bread and Soup Lines and they foolishly look around and feel that there are no lines for people to get fed today and conclude that we can't be in a depression because of that.

When in truth, 50 million US Citizens and those dropping Anchor Babies in the US Illegally, are on Federal and State SUBSIDIES... and THAT IS WHERE THE MODERN FOOD LINES ARE.

We are in a depression today, which makes the 1930s Depression look like a walk int he park... we simply haven't seen the worst of it YET!

What an ignorant post...

The Great Depression was not a "leftist depression"...

And immigrants are not being subsidized.

Most government social programs — food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance and similar public benefits — require a valid Social Security number and aren’t available to people in the U.S. illegally. In fact, many benefits aren’t available even to most legal immigrants until they have been in the country for five years.

That doesn’t mean undocumented residents don’t receive any benefits at taxpayers’ expense. Public education, school lunches, nutrition assistance for mothers and children and some other programs are available regardless of immigration status, and all programs are open to the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants. And, of course, some undocumented residents may successfully receive benefits they aren’t legally entitled to.

But there’s another side to the equation: taxes. Many undocumented immigrants work off the books and don’t pay taxes on their earnings. But many others do pay taxes. One recent report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimated that undocumented workers paid nearly $12 billion in state and local taxes in 2012. They pay billions more in federal income taxes and, critically, in Social Security and Medicare taxes, despite being ineligible for those benefits. A 2013 report from the Social Security Administration estimated that unauthorized immigrants in 2010 paid $12 billion more into the Social Security system than they got out.

Everything* Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan Gets Wrong
The Great Depression was not a "leftist depression"...

False... The Depression formerly known as "The Great Depression" was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Just as the current Great Depression was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Absent those policies, economic corrections come and go within 24 months (For the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that means two years or 2 years...).
False... The Depression formerly known as "The Great Depression" was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Just as the current Great Depression was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Absent those policies, economic corrections come and go within 24 months (For the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that means two years or 2 years...).


What NEVER works is what Herbert Hoover and Andrew Mellon did to bring on the Great Depression...liquidate, and austerity. They listened to the predecessors of the 'Austrian' school.

Unless you also believe Medieval blood letting save lives?

Economic Policy Under Hoover

Contemplating in retrospect the wreck of his country’'s economy and his own presidency, Herbert Hoover wrote bitterly in his memoirs about those who had advised inaction during the downslide:

The ‘leave-it-alone liquidationists’ headed by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon… felt that government must keep its hands off and let the slump liquidate itself. Mr. Mellon had only one formula: ‘Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate’.… He held that even panic was not altogether a bad thing. He said: ‘It will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people’.

The Federal Reserve took almost no steps to halt the slide into the Great Depression over 1929–-33. Instead, the Federal Reserve acted as if appropriate policy was not to try to avoid the oncoming Great Depression, but to allow it to run its course and “liquidate” the unprofitable portions of the private economy.

In adopting such “liquidationist” policies, the Federal Reserve was merely following the recommendations provided by an economic theory of depressions that was in fact common before the Keynesian Revolution and was held by economists like Friedrich Hayek, Lionel Robbins, and Joseph Schumpeter.
False... The Depression formerly known as "The Great Depression" was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Just as the current Great Depression was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Absent those policies, economic corrections come and go within 24 months (For the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that means two years or 2 years...).


What NEVER works is what Herbert Hoover and Andrew Mellon did to bring on the Great Depression...liquidate, and austerity. They listened to the predecessors of the 'Austrian' school.


So you source German Socialist Economic Theory (The Austrian School came to the US in the 1930s as the result of German Economists fleeing Germany, so to avoid the NAZI problem, given that they were, without exception: Jews. It should also be noted that the adherents were, to the individual: SOCIALISTS, and are primarily the cause of the Depression) while simultaneously denying socialist causation?

Essentially, The Austrian School touts what can best be described as "Economic Relativism" eschewing all sense of objective principle and pretty much just making shit up... out of whole cloth, absent any thought given to soundly reasoned, empirical principles of economics. In fact, Roosevelt was largely influenced by the cranks from the Austrian School, who in large measure are directly responsible for the half-witted nonsense, such as the subtracting from the ranks of the unemployed, those individuals who were on the government dole; which is to say 'receiving relief'; which is what is being done BY THE SOCIALISTS PRESENTLY IN OFFICE, WHO HAVE PROLONGED THE CURRENT DEPRESSION BY 6 YEARS.


Reader, you can NOT make this shit up.
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It should be noted that the recession of 1919 was vastly more violent than the 29 crash. In virtually every category of economic consideration the 1919 crash was worse than 29.

The US Federal Government did absolutely NOTHING in response to it and within 24 months the US Economy was engaged in what has long since been known as "The Roaring Twenties".

Had the US Federal Government allowed the financial institutions which had succumbed to the Economic Relativism known as "Fairness in Housing" to crash... those businesses would have been liquidated, their assets bought by new investors for pennies on the dollar, and sold at newly revised values, resetting the market and the US would now be in it's 6th year of recovery, enjoying the customary 4-5 % (true) unemployment; OKA: Full Employment, with average annual increases of 5-7% in Gross Domestic Product, as it historically typical of recovering US Economies.
BEING BORN IN THE US DOES NOT MAKE YOU A US CITIZEN. And I don't give a SINGLE FUCK how many idiots 'feel' otherwise... .


The simple fact is that "ALL" persons born in the US are NOT citizens.

And this without regard to what foolish alterations to the US Constitution say about it.

Being born in the United States DOES make you a US citizen. You simply have NO REGARD for the Constitution.
What are you saying?
The right-wing REVERE the Constitution.....except for...you know...the bits they don't...
BEING BORN IN THE US DOES NOT MAKE YOU A US CITIZEN. And I don't give a SINGLE FUCK how many idiots 'feel' otherwise... .


The simple fact is that "ALL" persons born in the US are NOT citizens.

And this without regard to what foolish alterations to the US Constitution say about it.

Being born in the United States DOES make you a US citizen. You simply have NO REGARD for the Constitution.

Uh... No, it doesn't.

And this without regard to the illicit 'interpretations' of foolish alterations to the US Constitution.
Are you referring to the amendments?
Let's count them...there's the First Amendment, the Second Amendment...I've forgotten the rest...
The point is, you don't agree with any of them...
We should never vote for somebody who got rich in politics and is caught in lie after lie, I knew I would never vote for Hillary a long time ago. I didn't know I would bother voting till Bernie Sanders.

Then again, I don't much care for party lines, I looked to both parties genuinely hoping to see a good candidate. I like rand paul, but he's not loud enough to win the Republican primary. The rest of that line up is so bad I cringed most of the debate.

I don't think Hillary should win the primary, her numbers are just getting worse as well. But I can't imagine the Republican candidate winning an election, whoever it is. I don't think Republicans take into account their numbers are at all time lows nationally. And the crap they spewed pandering to the base in primary debates will haunt them every step of the way in the general election.

The disapproval of Republicans was in the pits before last election, and it was a historical win all across the board.

Polls only tell you so much. Don't rely on any of them. Most Americans don't even know what Congress or the Senate does yet alone be able to rate how good or bad they are doing. America is just unhappy period. Next election, they will be looking for anybody that promises real change.
We should never vote for somebody who got rich in politics and is caught in lie after lie, I knew I would never vote for Hillary a long time ago. I didn't know I would bother voting till Bernie Sanders.

Then again, I don't much care for party lines, I looked to both parties genuinely hoping to see a good candidate. I like rand paul, but he's not loud enough to win the Republican primary. The rest of that line up is so bad I cringed most of the debate.

I don't think Hillary should win the primary, her numbers are just getting worse as well. But I can't imagine the Republican candidate winning an election, whoever it is. I don't think Republicans take into account their numbers are at all time lows nationally. And the crap they spewed pandering to the base in primary debates will haunt them every step of the way in the general election.

The disapproval of Republicans was in the pits before last election, and it was a historical win all across the board.

Polls only tell you so much. Don't rely on any of them. Most Americans don't even know what Congress or the Senate does yet alone be able to rate how good or bad they are doing. America is just unhappy period. Next election, they will be looking for anybody that promises real change.
I agree, polls don't tell everything. Which is one of the reasons I feel Bernie Sanders is being underestimated, alot of people I personally know are registering for the very first time to vote for Bernie Sanders. Donald Trump is going to bring the same sort of energy to the Republican party. Polls generally capture "potential voters" and not the majority of Americans, but many Americans who are not "potential voters" will actually be voting this election.

The reason Obama won the presidency was many first time voters coming out to vote for obama, but those very same voters felt they did enough, and therefore Republicans, the consistent voters, swept the midterm elections. But only 25% of again, "potential voters" is still fairly telling, maybe not for the Presidential election, but certainly control of the house and senate afterwards
Just one small problem, Hil can win and DT can't. Pretty easy to make that call...

Keep the 5.3% unemployment rolling...

US Unemployment is holding at roughly 25% and has for some 7 years now.

The Intellectually Less Fortunate are confused by comparisons to the Leftist Depression of the 1930s with this one... and thats because in the 30s there were LONG Bread and Soup Lines and they foolishly look around and feel that there are no lines for people to get fed today and conclude that we can't be in a depression because of that.

When in truth, 50 million US Citizens and those dropping Anchor Babies in the US Illegally, are on Federal and State SUBSIDIES... and THAT IS WHERE THE MODERN FOOD LINES ARE.

We are in a depression today, which makes the 1930s Depression look like a walk int he park... we simply haven't seen the worst of it YET!
Your favorite thing about numbers is that you can just make them up. :cuckoo:
The Great Depression was not a "leftist depression"...

False... The Depression formerly known as "The Great Depression" was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Just as the current Great Depression was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Absent those policies, economic corrections come and go within 24 months (For the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that means two years or 2 years...).
Like everything else you post, this is completely rooted in delusion and is fucking retarded.

Compared to reality where we went into the Great Depression while the right controlled the Senate, House & executive branch.
It should be noted that the recession of 1919 was vastly more violent than the 29 crash. In virtually every category of economic consideration the 1919 crash was worse than 29.

The US Federal Government did absolutely NOTHING in response to it and within 24 months the US Economy was engaged in what has long since been known as "The Roaring Twenties".

Had the US Federal Government allowed the financial institutions which had succumbed to the Economic Relativism known as "Fairness in Housing" to crash... those businesses would have been liquidated, their assets bought by new investors for pennies on the dollar, and sold at newly revised values, resetting the market and the US would now be in it's 6th year of recovery, enjoying the customary 4-5 % (true) unemployment; OKA: Full Employment, with average annual increases of 5-7% in Gross Domestic Product, as it historically typical of recovering US Economies.

I knew that is what the basis of your ignorance...talk about a perfect right wing parrot...

The true irony is you are parroting the Austrian Myth...The recession of 1920 was an anomalous recession...

The US Recession of 1920–1921: Some Austrian Myths

The US recession of 1920–1921 is endlessly cited by Austrians as proof that Keynesian economic policies are not needed to stimulate an economy out of recession or depression. Unfortunately, Austrians are deeply ignorant about the recession of 1920–1921. This recession was atypical, occurred shortly after the WWI, and recent research shows that the GDP contraction was not especially severe.
It should be noted that the recession of 1919 was vastly more violent than the 29 crash. In virtually every category of economic consideration the 1919 crash was worse than 29.

The US Federal Government did absolutely NOTHING in response to it and within 24 months the US Economy was engaged in what has long since been known as "The Roaring Twenties".

Had the US Federal Government allowed the financial institutions which had succumbed to the Economic Relativism known as "Fairness in Housing" to crash... those businesses would have been liquidated, their assets bought by new investors for pennies on the dollar, and sold at newly revised values, resetting the market and the US would now be in it's 6th year of recovery, enjoying the customary 4-5 % (true) unemployment; OKA: Full Employment, with average annual increases of 5-7% in Gross Domestic Product, as it historically typical of recovering US Economies.

I knew that is what the basis of your ignorance...talk about a perfect right wing parrot...

The true irony is you are parroting the Austrian Myth...The recession of 1920 was an anomalous recession...

The US Recession of 1920–1921: Some Austrian Myths

The US recession of 1920–1921 is endlessly cited by Austrians as proof that Keynesian economic policies are not needed to stimulate an economy out of recession or depression. Unfortunately, Austrians are deeply ignorant about the recession of 1920–1921. This recession was atypical, occurred shortly after the WWI, and recent research shows that the GDP contraction was not especially severe.

Oh Golly... Look! A citation from the internet.


Your concession is: Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.
Reader, the cost of government, is the largest cost to any business... after labor. What happened in the wake of the first depression, was; like today; the socialists came to power and the cost of government EXPLODED... in the midst of a shrinking economy.

There's no mystery here... there's no economic secrets hidden by the haze of complexity relevant to 'economics'... . Socialists simply came in and set policy that made it more difficult to do business... making it more difficult, thus more expensive to trade goods and services, thus less demand due to the limited means of the market, thus less need for labor, thus less labor, thus less means... and the inevitable circular reasoning begat the great vicious economic circle.

What ended the first depression?

The Great Shrinking of Government, thus the great reduction the in cost to sustain that government, thus the increase in means to do business, creating more means, created more demand, investment and as nature requires, sustainable economic growth.
Oh Golly... Look! A citation from the internet.


Your concession is: Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.

Translation....Keys' puppet masters won't allow him to read any facts that would disturb his dogma...

Some more FACTS Keys is forbidden from reading...

(1) while the Great Depression, with its severe contraction in world trade, was virtually a worldwide phenomenon and certainly almost universal throughout the developed world, in 1920–1921 a number of nations escaped the recession: e.g., a number of European nations such as Germany, Netherlands, and Belgium and other Western offshoots such as Australia (as found in the real GDP data in Maddison 2003).

Importantly, Germany, the largest economy in Europe, was in the midst of an inflationary boom (Temin 1989: 61; Orde 2002: 146). Therefore in 1920–1921 the US was not subject to the type of shocks from collapse of world trade as in 1929–1933.

“The decline that started in 1929 was due to a failure of aggregate demand … .

The depression of 1920–21, by contrast, was due largely to a shift of demand. The war had ended, and demobilization resulted in a massive transfer of demand among industries and firms. In the United States, government expenditures contracted sharply in 1920, reducing demand and releasing workers. But the war had suppressed private demand and increased private wealth. The United States had borrowed from its citizens and loaned to allied governments, making a rapid transition from international borrower to international lender. As a result private demand rose to take the place of war expenditures. This wealth effect made for a short depression after the war.
Wilson's ass was bounced in the '20 election... Harding replaced him and with him came sound economic principle... with sound economic principle came sound economies.

Nothing complex about any of this... .
The Great Depression was not a "leftist depression"...

False... The Depression formerly known as "The Great Depression" was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Just as the current Great Depression was created ENTIRELY, WHOLLY, SOLELY, COMPLETELY through the failure of Leftist policy.

Absent those policies, economic corrections come and go within 24 months (For the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that means two years or 2 years...).
Like everything else you post, this is completely rooted in delusion and is fucking retarded.

Compared to reality where we went into the Great Depression while the right controlled the Senate, House & executive branch.

Yes, yes... LOL! A market correction, which are natural, good and necessary functions of a healthy economy, was converted into a decade long DEPRESSION by the Socialist policies of The Steadfast Right-wingers of the FDR Cult... .


And aren't they: BRILLIANT!
Wilson's ass was bounced in the '20 election... Harding replaced him and with him came sound economic principle... with sound economic principle came sound economies.

Nothing complex about any of this... .

Wilson was not "bounced"...he served 2 terms...

Harding served 2 YEARS...

You are dismissed...
Yes, yes... LOL! A market correction, which are natural, good and necessary functions of a healthy economy, was converted into a decade long DEPRESSION by the Socialist policies of The Steadfast Right-wingers of the FDR Cult... .


And aren't they: BRILLIANT!

WOW...The FDR was REALLY powerful!!! He fucked up the whole fucking WORLD!

Nation | Real GDP loss | Years of Contraction
(1) Canada | -29.59% | 1929–1933
(2) US | -28.52% | 1929–1933
(3) Austria | -22.45% | 1929–1933
(4) Poland | -20.70% | 1930–1933
(5) Czechoslovakia | -18.19% | 1930–1935
(6) Germany | -16.11% | 1929–1932
(7) France | -14.65% | 1930–1932
(8) New Zealand | -14.63% | 1930–1932
(9) Yugoslavia | -13.69% | 1930–1932
(10) Bulgaria | -12.72% | 1934–1935
(11) Netherlands | -9.46% | 1930–1934
(12) Hungary | -9.36% | 1930–1932
(13) Switzerland | -8.02% | 1930–1932
(14) Belgium | -7.89% | 1929–1932
(15) Norway | -7.75% | 1931
(16) Sweden | -6.20% | 1931–1932
(17) UK | -5.80% | 1930–1931
(18) Australia | -5.78% | 1929–1930
(19) Romania | -5.57% | 1932
(20) Italy | -5.47% | 1930–1931
(21) Romania | -4.57% | 1929
(22) Finland | -3.97% | 1930–1932
(23) US | -3.97% | 1938
(24) Denmark | -2.62% | 1932
(25) Australia | -2.57% | 1932
(26) Bulgaria | -1.91% | 1929

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