Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

Every wave of immigrants to this country has been a majority of "illegals".

You think when the Irish had a potato famine they were looking up the immigration law when they flocked here in droves?

You think the Germans were like "Let me get a lawyer on that" when they were fleeing the Nazis?

Conservatives are really something else and completely ignorant of American history.

Let me help you with that:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Wait until one of your precious illegals with Ebola strolls across the border. Oh wait...we deserve it because America is the source of everything evil in the world.

I'm glad that you have come to this realization. Welcome to the good team, fellow lybyryl.
We allow a million LEGAL immigrants in every year. That's not enough for you, Comrade? Why do you find it so disgusting that we ask people to respect our immigration laws?

No humyn being is illegal, conservatard. A mere million simply isn't enough--there are so many more pyyple that want to come live here.

Yes there are illegals, libtard.


Those are the people who cross our borders illegally.

I cross the border into Virginia all the time without going through customs there. Why can't America extend the same courtesy to Mexico and other countries that our own states extend to each other?

And who cares if they want to come here? They can wait in line like all the others.

Why should there be a line? Don't you hate standing in lines? Why would you want to force these Foreigner-Americans to suffer that oppression? Just let them come in, no background checks, no lines, no judgment--only freedom.

Liberals are so immoral.

Conservatards are so judgy.
Every wave of immigrants to this country has been a majority of "illegals".

You think when the Irish had a potato famine they were looking up the immigration law when they flocked here in droves?

You think the Germans were like "Let me get a lawyer on that" when they were fleeing the Nazis?

Conservatives are really something else and completely ignorant of American history.

Let me help you with that:

Wait until one of your precious illegals with Ebola strolls across the border. Oh wait...we deserve it because America is the source of everything evil in the world.

I'm glad that you have come to this realization. Welcome to the good team, fellow lybyryl.

Thanks for admitting that you hate America.
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Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

If French-speaking white people were fleeing Montreal into the U.S. they would be welcomed by these ignorant people with truffles and croissants.
Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

If French-speaking white people were fleeing Montreal into the U.S. they would be welcomed by these ignorant people with truffles and croissants.

But they're not so you, as usual, got nuthin but your race baiting.

Wait until one of your precious illegals with Ebola strolls across the border. Oh wait...we deserve it because America is the source of everything evil in the world.

I'm glad that you have come to this realization. Welcome to the good team, fellow lybyryl.

Thanks for admitting that most liberals hate America.

Looks like you not only drank the Kool Aid but are swimming in it, too.

Were you just as sad to learn in high school history class that white Europeans brought bubonic plague, chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough to the Native Americans?
Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

If French-speaking white people were fleeing Montreal into the U.S. they would be welcomed by these ignorant people with truffles and croissants.

But they're not so you, as usual, got nuthin but your race baiting.


Neg away, Gramps. I could care less, but since you haven't matured much since high school, I know your popularity here is important to you.

Oh, and next time the nightly news shows photos of England's little Prince George being cuddled by the Duchess like he's some kind of rock star here in the U.S., maybe you'll understand my point.
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

Actually we treat it like a misbehaving unmannerly child, that needs a good spanking and some time in the corner.

We'd like America, and Americans, to GTFU and start dealing with reality.
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

Those parents who had those kids should have aborted.

Over 7 million children are in institutional care worldwide

And thank you Grampa for proving once again that to people like you, life is only precious until it is born, then fuck it, it is on its on. As Drago in Rocky said, "if he dies, he dies".
I'm glad that you have come to this realization. Welcome to the good team, fellow lybyryl.

Thanks for admitting that most liberals hate America.

Looks like you not only drank the Kool Aid but are swimming in it, too.

Were you just as sad to learn in high school history class that white Europeans brought bubonic plague, chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough to the Native Americans?

You forgot to add evil, dastardly, scumbag, low life, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging white Europeans there, Comrade. Now tell us your reasons for hating America.
Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

We allow a million LEGAL immigrants in every year. That's not enough for you, Comrade? Why do you find it so disgusting that we ask people to respect our immigration laws?

No humyn being is illegal, conservatard. A mere million simply isn't enough--there are so many more pyyple that want to come live here.

We don't want them here.
Not because of their color but because of our unemployment rate. We don't want to compete with them for jobs.
No more poor people wanted in our country. Send us your rich or stay the fuck home.
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Because liberals hate America and have their heads polluted by Hollywood and liberal college professors. We ARE NOT a nation of immigrants. The English portion of the New World was settled as an obligatory business venture by companies in London. Jamestown and Plymouth were profit driven operations that required a Royal Charter. Late 19th century immigration was because of the demand for a labor force. Again, profit driven. Unfortunately some of those immigrants brought Marxist ideology with them. Today immigration is based solely on politics in order to bring more welfare Democrats into the United States. So long as they are not White. Very racist policy.
No country in the world has an "open door" approach to immigration. I wonder why that is?


Racism and xenophobia.

The European Union has an open borders policy, but only as long as you're European. They purposefully exclude pyyple from non-white nations such as Somalia, Ghana, and Nigeria because they hate anyone who isn't a white Euroscum pig.

Bullshit. There are tons of African and Middle Eastern refugees in Europe.
If French-speaking white people were fleeing Montreal into the U.S. they would be welcomed by these ignorant people with truffles and croissants.

But they're not so you, as usual, got nuthin but your race baiting.


Neg away, Gramps. I could care less, but since you haven't matured much since high school, I know your popularity here is important to you.

Oh, and next time the nightly news shows photos of England's little Prince George being cuddled by the Duchess like he's some kind of rock star here in the U.S., maybe you'll understand my point.

You have no point, but you obviously watch too much tv.

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