Why do liberals hate Christianity ?

they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

Why do Russians continue to post threads claiming that liberals hate Christianity when 60% of liberals ARE CHIRSTIANS. Why do Republicans think that those who believe in a separation of church and state, are opposed to Christians.

Liberals want religion left out of politics, period. We opposed evangelical Christianity and their fundamentalist beliefs, and "prosperity Christians" both of which are a particulary corrupt and American off-shoot of Christianity, being inflicted upon the general population, via the pandering of Republicans to these voters.

Any religion which involves itself in politics, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of the Catholic Church's involvement in European politics, lead to the Reformation.

Why should religion be left out of politics? It should be left out of government by not having a national religion and no taxation on churches...but if someone believes something based on their religious views, they have a 1st amendment Right to advance that through public policy votes.....
Any religion which involves itself in politics, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of the Catholic Church's involvement in European politics, lead to the Reformation.

Apologies to Dragonlady beforehand ...

"Any politics which involves itself in religion, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of European politics' involvement in the Catholic Church, lead to the Reformation."

I just thought it was interesting how reversing Dragonlady's comment sounded just as good ... perhaps better ... and both are at the heart of the establishment clause ...
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

Why do Russians continue to post threads claiming that liberals hate Christianity when 60% of liberals ARE CHIRSTIANS. Why do Republicans think that those who believe in a separation of church and state, are opposed to Christians.

Liberals want religion left out of politics, period. We opposed evangelical Christianity and their fundamentalist beliefs, and "prosperity Christians" both of which are a particulary corrupt and American off-shoot of Christianity, being inflicted upon the general population, via the pandering of Republicans to these voters.

Any religion which involves itself in politics, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of the Catholic Church's involvement European politics, lead to the Reformation.

Why should religion be left out of politics? It should be left out of government by not having a national religion and no taxation on churches...but if someone believes something based on their religious views, they have a 1st amendment Right to advance that through public policy votes.....

How can you be that degree of dense about what Amendment Number One provides? It does ***NOT*** say you can pass any wacko law you want just because your fascist ass wants to --- it says you can express that opinion.

That's where it stops, pal.

Holy shit that may be your stupidest post ever.
ILMAO at the sub-intelligent people who suggest religion leads to war and slaughters. With few exceptions if any, religion is no more than an excuse because war is all about power, money and resources, period.

Course it's primarily progressives who declare religion leads to war. Nobody ever claimed they're clear thinkers, most can't see past what they're told.
Why is Yidnar unable to post without a strawman?

Liberals don't "hate" any religion -- that's why they invented freedom of it in founding this country. It's part of the philosophy that religion has nothing to do with politics.

Why does Yidnar want theocracy?

Same thing....

How dare you credit 'Liberals' with the founding of this Country. The Founders of this Country would round up today's Liberals and hang them for the tyrants they are!
They get confused by the evolution of meanings.

Ask a lefty who thinks that lefties founded our country what the purpose of the Progressive Era was. And then sit back and enjoy.

Who said "lefties" founded this country?

The Progressive era, btw, was a hundred years later....

Gotta wonder about some of y'all...
Can a people have more than one progressive period? Seems we've had more than one.
Why is Yidnar unable to post without a strawman?

Liberals don't "hate" any religion -- that's why they invented freedom of it in founding this country. It's part of the philosophy that religion has nothing to do with politics.

Why does Yidnar want theocracy?

Same thing....

How dare you credit 'Liberals' with the founding of this Country. The Founders of this Country would round up today's Liberals and hang them for the tyrants they are!
They get confused by the evolution of meanings.

Ask a lefty who thinks that lefties founded our country what the purpose of the Progressive Era was. And then sit back and enjoy.

Who said "lefties" founded this country?

The Progressive era, btw, was a hundred years later....

Gotta wonder about some of y'all...
Can a people have more than one progressive period? Seems we've had more than one.

So the armchair pundits free of any actual familiarity with history would have us believe.

Even as we speak the post above yours speaks of "progressives" in the present tense, and then declared these long-dead people are "not clear thinkers". Ironical post is ironical.
Does not believing in God and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, or not believing in Satan and all the Demonic Minions in Hell( and I guess the anti-Saints who went directly to Hell, Hitler, Manson, Jones..... ???), equals hate?
Christinity and The Bible Itself Opposes Globalism and promotes, family, communities, and taking action locally. It's that simple.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

Why do Russians continue to post threads claiming that liberals hate Christianity when 60% of liberals ARE CHIRSTIANS. Why do Republicans think that those who believe in a separation of church and state, are opposed to Christians.

Liberals want religion left out of politics, period. We opposed evangelical Christianity and their fundamentalist beliefs, and "prosperity Christians" both of which are a particulary corrupt and American off-shoot of Christianity, being inflicted upon the general population, via the pandering of Republicans to these voters.

Any religion which involves itself in politics, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of the Catholic Church's involvement in European politics, lead to the Reformation.

Why should religion be left out of politics? It should be left out of government by not having a national religion and no taxation on churches...but if someone believes something based on their religious views, they have a 1st amendment Right to advance that through public policy votes.....

Yes, they have the right to advance it in public policy votes. My issue is religious leaders telling their parishioners which party to vote for, providing their "endorsements" from the pulpit.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

Why do Russians continue to post threads claiming that liberals hate Christianity when 60% of liberals ARE CHIRSTIANS. Why do Republicans think that those who believe in a separation of church and state, are opposed to Christians.

Liberals want religion left out of politics, period. We opposed evangelical Christianity and their fundamentalist beliefs, and "prosperity Christians" both of which are a particulary corrupt and American off-shoot of Christianity, being inflicted upon the general population, via the pandering of Republicans to these voters.

Any religion which involves itself in politics, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of the Catholic Church's involvement in European politics, lead to the Reformation.

Why should religion be left out of politics? It should be left out of government by not having a national religion and no taxation on churches...but if someone believes something based on their religious views, they have a 1st amendment Right to advance that through public policy votes.....

Yes, they have the right to advance it in public policy votes. My issue is religious leaders telling their parishioners which party to vote for, providing their "endorsements" from the pulpit.

Why...they have 1st amendment Rights too.....and they are the ones leading those communities......
Yes, they have the right to advance it in public policy votes. My issue is religious leaders telling their parishioners which party to vote for, providing their "endorsements" from the pulpit.
Why...they have 1st amendment Rights too.....and they are the ones leading those communities......

[nitpick] ... Religious leaders have an individual 1st Amendment Right to speak out on public policy ... however, most churches are 501(c)(3) non-profits where the church gives up Free Speech Rights in return for not being taxed ... by-and-large they cannot advocate public policy or voting recommendations from the pulpit ... not unless they want to pay their fair share of the tax load ... [/nitpick]
[nitpick] ... Religious leaders have an individual 1st Amendment Right to speak out on public policy ... however, most churches are 501(c)(3) non-profits where the church gives up Free Speech Rights in return for not being taxed ... by-and-large they cannot advocate public policy or voting recommendations from the pulpit ... not unless they want to pay their fair share of the tax load ... [/nitpick]

And somehow people accept this as reasonable, that an organization, in order to be allowed one right explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment, is compelled to give up another explicit First-Amendment right.

There is avery good reason why churches are not subject to taxation. With taxation comes government interference. Churches are exempt from taxes, because that's the only way to protect them from government interference. Yet in order to gain that exemption, they are compelled to submit to government interference, in the form of being dictated what political positions they may or may not express.

This is the sort of crap that George Orwell came up with in his writings.
[nitpick] ... Religious leaders have an individual 1st Amendment Right to speak out on public policy ... however, most churches are 501(c)(3) non-profits where the church gives up Free Speech Rights in return for not being taxed ... by-and-large they cannot advocate public policy or voting recommendations from the pulpit ... not unless they want to pay their fair share of the tax load ... [/nitpick]

And somehow people accept this as reasonable, that an organization, in order to be allowed one right explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment, is compelled to give up another explicit First-Amendment right.

There is avery good reason why churches are not subject to taxation. With taxation comes government interference. Churches are exempt from taxes, because that's the only way to protect them from government interference. Yet in order to gain that exemption, they are compelled to submit to government interference, in the form of being dictated what political positions they may or may not express.

This is the sort of crap that George Orwell came up with in his writings.

Right of the top you make a false assumption about churches and taxes. Churches were absolved of paying taxes because of the charitiable works they do in providing for the poor, and the needy before there were such things as welfare or public assistance. Churches built schools, hospitals and orphanages, as well as manning soup kitchens, food banks and day care centres today. Those works continue in all Christian churches to this day.

Conservatives are obsessed with the idea that the government is trying to "control" people. Nothing is more "controlling" of people than Republican policies. Keeping the working poor dependent on food stamps and earned income credits is the epitome of government control, and yet it is the conservatives who favour this system. By raising the minimum wage, this would eliminate the need for food stamps or earned income credits, and return control of their income to the people.

Similarly, universal healthcare takes control of the healthcare system away from the big insurance companies and big pharma, and returns control to individual patients. If I'm sick, I call my doctor and make an appointment. His office is in the local hospital so even if he is booked solid, he can work me in if it's urgent. My health is within MY CONTROL, because I control my care, which is decided between me and my doctors.

The control you're defending, is the control of those who have a vested interest of high prices and higher profits, not those of 80% of everyday American citizens who don't own a single share of stock issued by Wall Street brokers.
[nitpick] ... Religious leaders have an individual 1st Amendment Right to speak out on public policy ... however, most churches are 501(c)(3) non-profits where the church gives up Free Speech Rights in return for not being taxed ... by-and-large they cannot advocate public policy or voting recommendations from the pulpit ... not unless they want to pay their fair share of the tax load ... [/nitpick]

And somehow people accept this as reasonable, that an organization, in order to be allowed one right explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment, is compelled to give up another explicit First-Amendment right.

There is avery good reason why churches are not subject to taxation. With taxation comes government interference. Churches are exempt from taxes, because that's the only way to protect them from government interference. Yet in order to gain that exemption, they are compelled to submit to government interference, in the form of being dictated what political positions they may or may not express.

This is the sort of crap that George Orwell came up with in his writings.

Very odd ... you should read Section 501 of the US Tax Code and see how the various subsections are explained ... churches are not exempt from taxes, or every big corporation would claim to be a church ... that's their 1st Amendment Right ... I'm a church, you're a church, everybody is a church so no one pays taxes ...

The stupid part of your argument is that individuals still retain Free Speech rights ... there's nothing about being a Methodist that stops folks from advocating against the war in Afghanistan ... "I, John Smith, think we should pull our troops out" ... there's nothing about John Smith paying taxes that would stop him from saying this ... nor speaking at political rallies and donating to his favorite candidate ... John Smith can even accept payment for giving political speeches, and absolutely nothing about having to report that as income to the IRS stops him from saying almost whatever he wants to ...

Now that you've finished Section 501, you should see that this is voluntary ... the Church of the Modern Profit Prophet doesn't have to register under that section and they're still an honest to God church ... they can accept payment for political speeches without any gubbermint interference ... but that's corporate revenue and the "for-profit" church has to report that as revenue and pay corporate taxes ...

You seem hellbent to keep gubbermint out of church affairs ... but the real danger is church interfering with gubbermint ... like in the American Colonies before the revolution ...
Right of the top you make a false assumption about churches and taxes. Churches were absolved of paying taxes because of the charitiable [sic] works they do in providing for the poor, and the needy before there were such things as welfare or public assistance. Churches built schools, hospitals and orphanages, as well as manning soup kitchens, food banks and day care centres today. Those works continue in all Christian churches to this day.

Conservatives are obsessed with the idea that the government is trying to "control" people. Nothing is more "controlling" of people than Republican policies. Keeping the working poor dependent on food stamps and earned income credits is the epitome of government control, and yet it is the conservatives who favour this system. By raising the minimum wage, this would eliminate the need for food stamps or earned income credits, and return control of their income to the people.

Similarly, universal healthcare takes control of the healthcare system away from the big insurance companies and big pharma, and returns control to individual patients. If I'm sick, I call my doctor and make an appointment. His office is in the local hospital so even if he is booked solid, he can work me in if it's urgent. My health is within MY CONTROL, because I control my care, which is decided between me and my doctors.

The control you're defending, is the control of those who have a vested interest of high prices and higher profits, not those of 80% of everyday American citizens who don't own a single share of stock issued by Wall Street brokers.

they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

Why do Russians continue to post threads claiming that liberals hate Christianity when 60% of liberals ARE CHIRSTIANS. Why do Republicans think that those who believe in a separation of church and state, are opposed to Christians.

Liberals want religion left out of politics, period. We opposed evangelical Christianity and their fundamentalist beliefs, and "prosperity Christians" both of which are a particulary corrupt and American off-shoot of Christianity, being inflicted upon the general population, via the pandering of Republicans to these voters.

Any religion which involves itself in politics, is corrupt, by definition. The corruption of the Catholic Church's involvement in European politics, lead to the Reformation.

Why should religion be left out of politics? It should be left out of government by not having a national religion and no taxation on churches...but if someone believes something based on their religious views, they have a 1st amendment Right to advance that through public policy votes.....

See Roman Catholic Church in Europe prior to the reformation. The Reformation was very much on the minds of Founders when they wrote the Constitution. Religionious differences are at the root of many wars. By keeping religion out of politics, the Founders felt this would reduce the chances of America being drawn into religious based wars, or sectarian violence like the Catholics/Protestants in Northern Ireland.

The original Pilgrim settlers were religious refugees of the Reformation. That's why religious freedoms are built into your Constitution.
ILMAO at the sub-intelligent people who suggest religion leads to war and slaughters. With few exceptions if any, religion is no more than an excuse because war is all about power, money and resources, period.

Course it's primarily progressives who declare religion leads to war. Nobody ever claimed they're clear thinkers, most can't see past what they're told.
Great, we don't need to hear any more blaming of Islam for terrorism and the wars in the ME then.
ILMAO at the sub-intelligent people who suggest religion leads to war and slaughters. With few exceptions if any, religion is no more than an excuse because war is all about power, money and resources, period.

Course it's primarily progressives who declare religion leads to war. Nobody ever claimed they're clear thinkers, most can't see past what they're told.
Great, we don't need to hear any more blaming of Islam for terrorism and the wars in the ME then.

That's right, now you're getting it. Blame the terrorists instead.
ILMAO at the sub-intelligent people who suggest religion leads to war and slaughters. With few exceptions if any, religion is no more than an excuse because war is all about power, money and resources, period.

Course it's primarily progressives who declare religion leads to war. Nobody ever claimed they're clear thinkers, most can't see past what they're told.
Great, we don't need to hear any more blaming of Islam for terrorism and the wars in the ME then.


nice one!

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