Why do Idiots IGNORE the Experts????


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First this IS NOT about health care so PLEASE Mods... don't move it OK???
It is an example of how mostly IDIOTS that live by hyperbole, hysterical rants DON"T listen to the experts! People that make a living in doing their jobs and if they are good at it they get paid well and long for their EXPERTISE!

SO why didn't Obama listen to experts BEFORE he made this stupid ignorant statement?
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. "

Well IDIOTS here are what ExPERTS say will happen because of Obamacare and AGAIN MODS this is just an example of how idiots DON"T listen to the experts!!!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company

So what this means is the "experts" employers are telling us that they will STOP employer provided health plans... even though "If you like your health-care plan"... by Obama !

A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Take the time like I did download from the Society of Actuaries SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

AGAIN here are EXPERTS who make their living calculating premiums and YET THERE WILL be IDIOTS on this board that will TRY to hyperbolize, subjective observations and
NOT listen to the EXPERTS!!!

Experts are telling us Obamacare is going to COST trillions MORE then anticipated all to at the simple level cover just 8 million people that are truly uninsured but want to be!

8 Million people less the 3% of the population! Costing the rest of the 97% OUR HEALTH CARE all because Obama told us..

"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"
when he said.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." Obama's words exactly!!
He admits he wants 1,300 companies out of business, 400,000 people unemployed and $100 billion a year in LOST TAX REVENUE!!!

Or is he just plain STUPID!
Kinda lost faith in most economist last stock market/housing crash.
What's that you say? You want to buy your health insurance from the High Holy Rollers Christian Health Insurance Fund?

Sorry, they are not on this here list of government-approved health insurance companies from which you must buy your health insurance through a government health insurance exchange. We cannot abide you buying insurance from godly people, sir.

What's that? Well, it's true I have received large amounts of campaign cash from some of the insurance companies on the approved list, yes. And they don't want to see any more competitors allowed on the exchange, that's true.

But I assure you my motives for keeping certain insurance companies off the government list are honorable. (cough-cough)

Don't forget, citizen. You must buy health insurance from an approved health insurance company on the government health insurance exchange or there will be penalt...er...extra taxes levied against you.

You can buy any insurance from any company on the list. This is a free country, after all.

If you cannot afford the insurance, we will take some money from other people and subsidize you. Obama Bless America!!!

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First this IS NOT about health care so PLEASE Mods... don't move it OK???
It is an example of how mostly IDIOTS that live by hyperbole, hysterical rants DON"T listen to the experts! People that make a living in doing their jobs and if they are good at it they get paid well and long for their EXPERTISE!

SO why didn't Obama listen to experts BEFORE he made this stupid ignorant statement?
"If you like your health-care plan, you keep your health-care plan. Nobody is going to force you to leave your health-care plan. "

Well IDIOTS here are what ExPERTS say will happen because of Obamacare and AGAIN MODS this is just an example of how idiots DON"T listen to the experts!!!

"The result ObamaCare which today McKinsey & Company commissioned a survey of 1,329 U.S. private sector employers to measure their attitudes about healthcare reform concluded that 30% of all companies would stop providing health coverage once Obamacare kicked in in 2014.
Not Found | McKinsey & Company

So what this means is the "experts" employers are telling us that they will STOP employer provided health plans... even though "If you like your health-care plan"... by Obama !

A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014
with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017!!!

Take the time like I did download from the Society of Actuaries SOA - Society of Actuaries - Design and Implementation Considerations of ACA Risk Mitigation Programs

AGAIN here are EXPERTS who make their living calculating premiums and YET THERE WILL be IDIOTS on this board that will TRY to hyperbolize, subjective observations and
NOT listen to the EXPERTS!!!

Experts are telling us Obamacare is going to COST trillions MORE then anticipated all to at the simple level cover just 8 million people that are truly uninsured but want to be!

8 Million people less the 3% of the population! Costing the rest of the 97% OUR HEALTH CARE all because Obama told us..

"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"
when he said.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." Obama's words exactly!!
He admits he wants 1,300 companies out of business, 400,000 people unemployed and $100 billion a year in LOST TAX REVENUE!!!

Or is he just plain STUPID!

McKinsey and Company is an advice and counseling service for global corporations. Do you really think they'd tell their clients something they don't want to hear?

Always consider the source and what axe they may have to grind.

Also, recall that the "experts" told Columbus he'd fall off the end of the world; that Fred Smith would go broke with his silly idea which became FedEx; that eggs are bad for you...no, wait...good for you..no, wait...bad for you; that Redux was the greatest diet pill ever.

In the end, an "expert" is just somebody from out of town.:D
No one told Columbus he would fall off the world.

Kiss more of your freedoms goodbye.

A complete government takeover of healthcare means you can only buy insurance from companies the bought off politicians say you can buy insurance from. And you must buy it, you have no choice.

The government gets to pick the winners and losers in the healthcare industry. Whoever can pony up the most cash for their campaign coffers wins.

This is the Democratic dream.

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Liberals are all about fucking things up then blaming others.

They had this "grand idea" of the Community Reinvestment Act forcing banks to give home loans to poor people, especially minorities to so-called stimulate growth in the ghetto.

It later blew up decades after being in place in Bush's face....and of course liberals blamed Bush, not themselves.

They will destroy our economy with Obamacare, then they will insanely blame Bush but then realize they need another GOP target to not get laughed off the stage.
Why do people listen to a few bought off Pub "experts"?

Did I make the FACTS UP???
NO.. YOU can go to the links I provided that's all.

But see that's why people like you are IDIOTS!

YOU don't know the difference because YOU are too dumb!!!

i thought the issue was idiots disagreeing with experts?

Your LINK DATED January 19, 2009!!!

Here is more current data from the experts OK??? And sorry but Al-million-degrees-Gore is among them!

Breaking: A peer reviewed admission that “global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008″ – Dr David Whitehouse on the PNAS paper Kaufmann et al. (2011)
Posted on July 4, 2011 by Anthony Watts
Breaking: A peer reviewed admission that “global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008″ – Dr David Whitehouse on the PNAS paper Kaufmann et al. (2011) | Watts Up With That?
Why do people listen to a few bought off Pub "experts"?

Did I make the FACTS UP???
NO.. YOU can go to the links I provided that's all.

But see that's why people like you are IDIOTS!

YOU don't know the difference because YOU are too dumb!!!

They're not facts, they're MORE BS fear mongering from greedy a-holes that make billions off today's Pub scam of a system- that Masscare and every other modern country prove are WRONG.

Sorry about your free toothpaste from bloated Medicare Plus, but the good of the country is more important. Your fears will NOT be realized. Pelosi was right, you'll get it 2014...
Nice attempt at deflecting from the issue. :clap2::clap2:

i thought the issue was idiots disagreeing with experts?

Your LINK DATED January 19, 2009!!!

Here is more current data from the experts OK??? And sorry but Al-million-degrees-Gore is among them!

Breaking: A peer reviewed admission that “global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008″ – Dr David Whitehouse on the PNAS paper Kaufmann et al. (2011)
Posted on July 4, 2011 by Anthony Watts
Breaking: A peer reviewed admission that “global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008″ – Dr David Whitehouse on the PNAS paper Kaufmann et al. (2011) | Watts Up With That?

i didn't post a link, dipshit.

and wipe up all that froth while you're at it. :lmao:
Nice attempt at deflecting from the issue. :clap2::clap2:

i thought the issue was idiots disagreeing with experts?

Your LINK DATED January 19, 2009!!!

Here is more current data from the experts OK??? And sorry but Al-million-degrees-Gore is among them!

Breaking: A peer reviewed admission that “global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008″ – Dr David Whitehouse on the PNAS paper Kaufmann et al. (2011)
Posted on July 4, 2011 by Anthony Watts
Breaking: A peer reviewed admission that “global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008″ – Dr David Whitehouse on the PNAS paper Kaufmann et al. (2011) | Watts Up With That?

So it's 95% instead of 97% now?

Well played. :clap2:

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