Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ? "

* Professionals And Public Are Ignorant *

There are 8 strains of coronovirus , 4 of which are common , and aside from some designated as S and others as L , there is not a difference between their rna sequences .

The difference between the 8 strains are the proteins on the spikes ( spike protiens ) that allow the virus ( within the shell ) to attach itself and enter cells and begin replication .

The cdc lists only an objective to make the public resistant to the spike protein so that the virus cannot gain access to the body ; however , preventing access to the body is not the same as being resistant to the virus !

Although coronovirus is already present to some degree in the public , mass immunization - such as occurs with influenza virus - means that large number of individuals are susceptible to infection by coronovirus .

Studies from 2002 , when SARS Cov-1 occurred , indicated that the basic methods of injecting the inactivated coronovirus resulted in immunity ; and , those tried and true practices have been applied since the 1890s .

Why do governments not want people resistant to coronovirus ?

With all the secret labs for coronovirus , could it be that governments want a back door to create their own war time pandemic ?
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" Bump Alert "

* Deception In Plain Site *

People are astounded when they understand this , but most only believe the arrogance of the ivory tower , exclusive clubs of intellectually void , insulated politicians and news outlets .
" Medical Professionals Are Parroting "

* Politicians Are Clueless *

This question is completely obvious for anyone with a background in medical sciences and to those to whom it has been presented have asked for references which are provided .

The question is such an affront to the pretentious expertise and authority from above that none are bold enough to present the question publicly and assert its merits .
" Medical Professionals Are Parroting "

* Politicians Are Clueless *

This question is completely obvious for anyone with a background in medical sciences and to those to whom it has been presented have asked for references which are provided .

The question is such an affront to the pretentious expertise and authority from above that none are bold enough to present the question publicly and assert its merits .
I'm only trained as far as EMT-I and know better medicine than the unvarnished bullshit that the agitprop press is dispensing.

They're all experts because they heard what some shrimpy lifer technocrat, or a shill guest on their favorite agitprop source, said.
" Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ? "

* Professionals And Public Are Ignorant *

There are 8 strains of coronovirus , 4 of which are common , and aside from some designated as S and others as L , there is not a difference between their rna sequences .

The difference between the 8 strains are the proteins on the spikes ( spike protiens ) that allow the virus ( within the shell ) to attach itself and enter cells and begin replication .

The cdc lists only an objective to make the public resistant to the spike protein so that the virus cannot gain access to the body ; however , preventing access to the body is not the same as being resistant to the virus !

Although coronovirus is already present to some degree in the public , mass immunization - such as occurs with influenza virus - means that large number of individuals are susceptible to infection by coronovirus .

Studies from 2002 , when SARS Cov-1 occurred , indicated that the basic methods of injecting the inactivated coronovirus resulted in immunity ; and , those tried and true practices have been applied since the 1890s .

Why do governments not want people resistant to coronovirus ?

With all the secret labs for coronovirus , could it be that governments want a back door to create their own war time pandemic ?
People susceptible to the virus have hypertension, diabetes or obesity or smoking. All this is caused by our crappy american diet. Sugar kills the immune system.
If you get enough vitamin D from sun, and vitamin C from avoiding sugar, and eat a plant dominant diet, then you'll be healthy enough to keep the virus from causing damage.
Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.
" Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ? "

* Professionals And Public Are Ignorant *

There are 8 strains of coronovirus , 4 of which are common , and aside from some designated as S and others as L , there is not a difference between their rna sequences .

The difference between the 8 strains are the proteins on the spikes ( spike protiens ) that allow the virus ( within the shell ) to attach itself and enter cells and begin replication .

The cdc lists only an objective to make the public resistant to the spike protein so that the virus cannot gain access to the body ; however , preventing access to the body is not the same as being resistant to the virus !

Although coronovirus is already present to some degree in the public , mass immunization - such as occurs with influenza virus - means that large number of individuals are susceptible to infection by coronovirus .

Studies from 2002 , when SARS Cov-1 occurred , indicated that the basic methods of injecting the inactivated coronovirus resulted in immunity ; and , those tried and true practices have been applied since the 1890s .

Why do governments not want people resistant to coronovirus ?

With all the secret labs for coronovirus , could it be that governments want a back door to create their own war time pandemic ?
People susceptible to the virus have hypertension, diabetes or obesity or smoking. All this is caused by our crappy american diet. Sugar kills the immune system.
If you get enough vitamin D from sun, and vitamin C from avoiding sugar, and eat a plant dominant diet, then you'll be healthy enough to keep the virus from causing damage.
Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.

There are plenty of fat ass lazy Dimms.

How did the Republicans gut the EPA?

Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.

Your Dem run filth cities in Dem run filth states are the ones polluting the planet. You don't damage the environment you obliterate it with concrete buildings and asphalt roads. You spill hundreds of millions of gallons of toxic untreated sewage into public rivers and oceans. You generate millions of tons of garbage. Now run your big mouth about the environment idiot.
" Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ? "

* Professionals And Public Are Ignorant *

There are 8 strains of coronovirus , 4 of which are common , and aside from some designated as S and others as L , there is not a difference between their rna sequences .

The difference between the 8 strains are the proteins on the spikes ( spike protiens ) that allow the virus ( within the shell ) to attach itself and enter cells and begin replication .

The cdc lists only an objective to make the public resistant to the spike protein so that the virus cannot gain access to the body ; however , preventing access to the body is not the same as being resistant to the virus !

Although coronovirus is already present to some degree in the public , mass immunization - such as occurs with influenza virus - means that large number of individuals are susceptible to infection by coronovirus .

Studies from 2002 , when SARS Cov-1 occurred , indicated that the basic methods of injecting the inactivated coronovirus resulted in immunity ; and , those tried and true practices have been applied since the 1890s .

Why do governments not want people resistant to coronovirus ?

With all the secret labs for coronovirus , could it be that governments want a back door to create their own war time pandemic ?
People susceptible to the virus have hypertension, diabetes or obesity or smoking. All this is caused by our crappy american diet. Sugar kills the immune system.
If you get enough vitamin D from sun, and vitamin C from avoiding sugar, and eat a plant dominant diet, then you'll be healthy enough to keep the virus from causing damage.
Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.

There are plenty of fat ass lazy Dimms.

How did the Republicans gut the EPA?

Most recently Trump permits pollution laws to be broken during pandemic. (enforcement moratorium
At this point in time, we dont have any EPA at all. Just before that, its budget was slashed.

EPA scientists found a toxic chemical damages fetal hearts. The Trump White House rewrote their assessment.

" Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ? "

* Professionals And Public Are Ignorant *

There are 8 strains of coronovirus , 4 of which are common , and aside from some designated as S and others as L , there is not a difference between their rna sequences .

The difference between the 8 strains are the proteins on the spikes ( spike protiens ) that allow the virus ( within the shell ) to attach itself and enter cells and begin replication .

The cdc lists only an objective to make the public resistant to the spike protein so that the virus cannot gain access to the body ; however , preventing access to the body is not the same as being resistant to the virus !

Although coronovirus is already present to some degree in the public , mass immunization - such as occurs with influenza virus - means that large number of individuals are susceptible to infection by coronovirus .

Studies from 2002 , when SARS Cov-1 occurred , indicated that the basic methods of injecting the inactivated coronovirus resulted in immunity ; and , those tried and true practices have been applied since the 1890s .

Why do governments not want people resistant to coronovirus ?

With all the secret labs for coronovirus , could it be that governments want a back door to create their own war time pandemic ?
People susceptible to the virus have hypertension, diabetes or obesity or smoking. All this is caused by our crappy american diet. Sugar kills the immune system.
If you get enough vitamin D from sun, and vitamin C from avoiding sugar, and eat a plant dominant diet, then you'll be healthy enough to keep the virus from causing damage.
Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.

There are plenty of fat ass lazy Dimms.

How did the Republicans gut the EPA?

Most recently Trump permits pollution laws to be broken during pandemic. (enforcement moratorium
At this point in time, we dont have any EPA at all. Just before that, its budget was slashed.

EPA scientists found a toxic chemical damages fetal hearts. The Trump White House rewrote their assessment.


Why lie?

EPA budget

Fiscal YearEnacted BudgetWorkforce
FY 2019$8,849,488,00014,172
FY 2018$8,824,488,00014,172
FY 2017$8,058,488,00015,408
FY 2016$8,139,887,00014,779
FY 2015$8,139,887,00014,725
FY 2014$8,200,000,00015,408
FY 2013$7,901,104,00015,913
FY 2012$8,449,385,00017,106
FY 2011$8,682,117,00017,359
FY 2010$10,297,864,00017,278
FY 2009$7,643,674,00017,049
FY 2008$7,472,324,00016,916
FY 2007$7,725,130,00017,072
FY 2006$7,617,416,00017,355
FY 2005$8,023,483,00017,495
FY 2004$8,365,420,00017,611
FY 2003$8,078,703,00017,741
FY 2002$8,078,813,00017,590
FY 2001$7,832,211,00017,558
FY 2000$7,562,811,00017,726
FY 1999$7,590,352,00018,110
FY 1998$7,363,046,00017,739
FY 1997$6,799,393,00017,152
FY 1996$6,522,953,00017,082
FY 1995$7,240,887,00017,508
FY 1994$6,658,927,00017,106
FY 1993$6,892,424,00017,280
FY 1992$6,668,853,00017,010
FY 1991$6,094,287,00016,415
FY 1990$5,461,808,00016,318
FY 1989$5,155,125,00014,370
FY 1988$5,027,442,00014,442
FY 1987$5,364,092,00013,442
FY 1986$3,663,841,00012,892
FY 1985$4,353,655,00012,410
FY 1984$4,067,000,00011,420
FY 1983$3,688,688,00010,832
FY 1982$3,676,013,00011,402
FY 1981$3,030,669,00012,667
FY 1980$4,669,415,00013,078
FY 1979$5,402,561,00012,160
FY 1978$5,498,635,00011,986
FY 1977$2,763,745,00011,315
FY 1976$771,695,0009,481
FY 1975$698,835,00010,438
FY 1974$518,348,0009,743
FY 1973$2,377,226,0009,077
FY 1972$2,447,565,0008,358
FY 1971$1,288,784,0005,744
FY 1970$1,003,984,0004,084
" Appreciated Then Directed To Objective "

* Valid Concern Risk Categories *

People susceptible to the virus have hypertension, diabetes or obesity or smoking. All this is caused by our crappy american diet. Sugar kills the immune system.
If you get enough vitamin D from sun, and vitamin C from avoiding sugar, and eat a plant dominant diet, then you'll be healthy enough to keep the virus from causing damage.
Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.
It is very reasonable to qualify and quantify risk factors to categorize target groups ; and , though demographic studies can be interesting , an over guiding necessity is to make the public at large resistant to coronovirus .

As such , it is necessary to address government support for a program to make the public immune to a spike protein of a coronovirus , rather than making the public immune to the coronovirus proper .

SARS Cov-1 and SARS Cov-2 are names of viruses , and SARS Cov-1 outbreak took place in 2002 , while Covid-19 is a title given to the disease caused by SARS Cov-2 .

The SARS Cov-1 trials demonstrated that issuing elevated levels of inactive coronovirus did not produce adverse effects on the health of test subjects while minute amounts of inactive coronovirus provided immunity to the live coronovirus .

What is the aversion by the cdc to give the body an inactive copy of the virus , so that the body is made aware of the actual virus , so that the public at large could be readily made to be immune ?

Clearly government can determine whether antibodies against the coronovirus proper and yet the cdc is going after spike protein .

Does the perspective for governance by the cdc to tackle immunity to the spike protein of SARS Cov-2 over tackling immunity to the coronovirus itself make any sense ?
" Inside Outside Clarity "

* Naked Emperors *

I'm only trained as far as EMT-I and know better medicine than the unvarnished bullshit that the agitprop press is dispensing.
They're all experts because they heard what some shrimpy lifer technocrat, or a shill guest on their favorite agitprop source, said.
A lack of lines of communication are nearly always a problem where arrogance or allegiance guide allowable attention allocated to acquaintances .
People are astounded when they understand this , but most only believe the arrogance of the ivory tower , exclusive clubs of intellectually void , insulated politicians and news outlets .
People (especially liberals) don't realize or won't admit the best way to go is herd immunity.
" Why Do Governments Not Want People Resistant To Coronovirus ? "

* Professionals And Public Are Ignorant *

There are 8 strains of coronovirus , 4 of which are common , and aside from some designated as S and others as L , there is not a difference between their rna sequences .

The difference between the 8 strains are the proteins on the spikes ( spike protiens ) that allow the virus ( within the shell ) to attach itself and enter cells and begin replication .

The cdc lists only an objective to make the public resistant to the spike protein so that the virus cannot gain access to the body ; however , preventing access to the body is not the same as being resistant to the virus !

Although coronovirus is already present to some degree in the public , mass immunization - such as occurs with influenza virus - means that large number of individuals are susceptible to infection by coronovirus .

Studies from 2002 , when SARS Cov-1 occurred , indicated that the basic methods of injecting the inactivated coronovirus resulted in immunity ; and , those tried and true practices have been applied since the 1890s .

Why do governments not want people resistant to coronovirus ?

With all the secret labs for coronovirus , could it be that governments want a back door to create their own war time pandemic ?
People susceptible to the virus have hypertension, diabetes or obesity or smoking. All this is caused by our crappy american diet. Sugar kills the immune system.
If you get enough vitamin D from sun, and vitamin C from avoiding sugar, and eat a plant dominant diet, then you'll be healthy enough to keep the virus from causing damage.
Air pollution causes higher death rates from the virus: thank republicans for gutting the EPA.

There are plenty of fat ass lazy Dimms.

How did the Republicans gut the EPA?

Most recently Trump permits pollution laws to be broken during pandemic. (enforcement moratorium
At this point in time, we dont have any EPA at all. Just before that, its budget was slashed.

EPA scientists found a toxic chemical damages fetal hearts. The Trump White House rewrote their assessment.


Why lie?

EPA budget

Fiscal YearEnacted BudgetWorkforce
FY 2019$8,849,488,00014,172
FY 2018$8,824,488,00014,172
FY 2017$8,058,488,00015,408
FY 2016$8,139,887,00014,779
FY 2015$8,139,887,00014,725
FY 2014$8,200,000,00015,408
FY 2013$7,901,104,00015,913
FY 2012$8,449,385,00017,106
FY 2011$8,682,117,00017,359
FY 2010$10,297,864,00017,278
FY 2009$7,643,674,00017,049
FY 2008$7,472,324,00016,916
FY 2007$7,725,130,00017,072
FY 2006$7,617,416,00017,355
FY 2005$8,023,483,00017,495
FY 2004$8,365,420,00017,611
FY 2003$8,078,703,00017,741
FY 2002$8,078,813,00017,590
FY 2001$7,832,211,00017,558
FY 2000$7,562,811,00017,726
FY 1999$7,590,352,00018,110
FY 1998$7,363,046,00017,739
FY 1997$6,799,393,00017,152
FY 1996$6,522,953,00017,082
FY 1995$7,240,887,00017,508
FY 1994$6,658,927,00017,106
FY 1993$6,892,424,00017,280
FY 1992$6,668,853,00017,010
FY 1991$6,094,287,00016,415
FY 1990$5,461,808,00016,318
FY 1989$5,155,125,00014,370
FY 1988$5,027,442,00014,442
FY 1987$5,364,092,00013,442
FY 1986$3,663,841,00012,892
FY 1985$4,353,655,00012,410
FY 1984$4,067,000,00011,420
FY 1983$3,688,688,00010,832
FY 1982$3,676,013,00011,402
FY 1981$3,030,669,00012,667
FY 1980$4,669,415,00013,078
FY 1979$5,402,561,00012,160
FY 1978$5,498,635,00011,986
FY 1977$2,763,745,00011,315
FY 1976$771,695,0009,481
FY 1975$698,835,00010,438
FY 1974$518,348,0009,743
FY 1973$2,377,226,0009,077
FY 1972$2,447,565,0008,358
FY 1971$1,288,784,0005,744
FY 1970$1,003,984,0004,084
EPA budget cuts occurred this year. They dont show in fy2019.
Its true now that the EPA is gutted.
" Knocking On Doors "

* Not Understanding The Response *

People (especially liberals) don't realize or won't admit the best way to go is herd immunity.
So far there has not been a reasonable analysis of address as to why the only studies listed on the cdc website and repeated as the direction for a vaccine is to create immunity for a spike protein that does not make one immune to the actual corona virus .
The LOCKDOWN was to flatten the curve, not stop everyone in the nation from getting it.
The lock down was originally scheduled for only 2 weeks to slow the curve so that hospitals would not be overrun. We see how well that went, Some how the lock down was explained as being used to slow the spread of the virus and extended almost indefinitely in some states

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