Why do Dems have so many dumb people

What? I didn't spell check the stupid ladies, stupid name? Well that changes everything about what a retard she is and how horrible she looks.
One of the two failures in your "theory" is that I'm rich and prosperous as well, and am not envious at all. The other is you belief that all rich and prosperous people are smart.

Oh no, you mean that dumb people can be rich, my, my. And as far as you being rich I am sure you are, we all are, or we could not afford to idly post and do nothing productive.

Well, I'm rich in that I don't want for much and even though I fall short of Obama's target of $250K I'm not in the least envious of other's money.

As far as you determining IQ and material possession of one is a fallacy as you would know if you are a fan of logic.

I am a fan of logic, and I also am able to observe and put two and two together. I'm also a fan of grammar and sentence structure.

Using the reverse calculation of the statement would prove truth, but yours statements do not mirror the same truth with the equation.

Really? Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Apparently you don't. You want to try that statement again, and maybe even include this elusive "equasion" you're babbling about?

If you have had a logic class in college you would know.
It just like any mathmatical problem which can be solved to be true by reversing the equation.(It was spelled wrong at first and then I edited it
The use of mathmatics in logic is to prove a statement true.
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The median income of a Medicare recipient is 23,000. Paul Ryan wants to add 6,000 to the cost of that person's healthcare,

while lowering Romney's effective tax rate to 1%.

If you support that, I don't think you're the smart one in the smart/dumb equation.

You really should read up on this kinda stupid shit before you post it, because it is 100% wrong and you look pretty ridiculous.

OK. You present yap-yap. Show where Ryan's proposals will not do this.

Here's how it works, show where it will, other than the old "because I say so" routine... prove your claim.
Many reasons, among them:

1. They are in control of public education, which is failing our children on purpose.
2. They cater to the basest of emotions and being emotional is easier than thinking.
3. The ignorant and stupid require someone to take care of them, and the DNC promises to do that.
4. Stupid and ignorant people elect stupid and ignorant politicians.

Irony coming from you.

Thanks for posting and showing how correct the OP is.

Lol cater to base emotions...oh you mean like when a muslim wanted to build something in new york and the collective right threwa hissy fit...or use their base emotion.

That's not even getting into the daily thread here about how obama is destroying the nation....

No but you are totally right in your assessment of what the left does. You know if you where not so motherfucking stupid that is.
Paul Ryan's plan to reshape Medicare - Los Angeles Times

Medicare is a mainstay for seniors who, on average, have incomes of $20,000 a year, according to AARP.

The concern that seniors could lose Medicare's guaranteed health coverage -- or be forced to shell out more money -- has been backed up by certain nonpartisan analysts.

The Congressional Budget Office said that the federal government's per capita healthcare spending for Medicare beneficiaries was $5,500 in 2011. That federal outlay is projected to rise to between $8,600 and $9,600 by 2030. Under Ryan’s plan, spending is projected to be $7,400 per senior, meaning that unless costs grow much more slowly than expected, seniors would be picking up at least an additional $1,200 a year in costs.

By 2050, the difference between the approaches could be more stark. Medicare spending under Ryan would cap at $11,100, (in 2011 dollars), compared with as much at least $17,000 under existing government scenarios -- a difference of nearly $6,000 that would have to be paid by seniors unless the plan succeeds in greatly reducing the growth in health care costs.
Before any of this plan is implemented I would like to know what tax deductions are going to be closed on the middle class. That is of 1st priority. Romney would be smart to tell the public long before the election.
The median income of a Medicare recipient is 23,000. Paul Ryan wants to add 6,000 to the cost of that person's healthcare,

while lowering Romney's effective tax rate to 1%.

If you support that, I don't think you're the smart one in the smart/dumb equation.

Your facts are incorrect, dumb fuck.

Key Elements of Mitt’s Plan

•Nothing changes for current seniors or those nearing retirement
•Medicare is reformed as a premium support system, meaning that existing spending is repackaged as a fixed-amount benefit to each senior that he or she can use to purchase an insurance plan
•All insurance plans must offer coverage at least comparable to what Medicare provides today
•If seniors choose more expensive plans, they will have to pay the difference between the support amount and the premium price; if they choose less expensive plans, they can use any leftover support to pay other medical expenses like co-pays and deductibles
•“Traditional” fee-for-service Medicare will be offered by the government as an insurance plan, meaning that seniors can purchase that form of coverage if they prefer it; however, if it costs the government more to provide that service than it costs private plans to offer their versions, then the premiums charged by the government will have to be higher and seniors will have to pay the difference to enroll in the traditional Medicare option
•Lower income seniors will receive more generous support to ensure that they can afford coverage; wealthier seniors will receive less support
•Competition among plans to provide high quality service while charging low premiums will hold costs down while also improving the quality of coverage enjoyed by seniors

That's fascinating, but since I was talking about Paul Ryan and not Mitt Romney,

Many reasons, among them:

1. They are in control of public education, which is failing our children on purpose.
2. They cater to the basest of emotions and being emotional is easier than thinking.
3. The ignorant and stupid require someone to take care of them, and the DNC promises to do that.
4. Stupid and ignorant people elect stupid and ignorant politicians.

How are democrats only in control of education in the USA?

It would seem predfan forgets how there was a big deal over Texas and what they wanted to put in the books and how most states buy those books from there.
Those under 55 will have the option of continuing in the present SS system or opting out for the remainder of their working years and investing their own money into whatever they want. They will still be entitled to SS out of whatever they have already paid in, exactly as if they stopped working.

You obviously think that the American Citizen is so stupid as not to see that would destroy the SS system. That is the goal of those following the philosophy of Rand.

Of course giving people an option would destroy the system eventually as more people take advantage of their options, see that they have a greater advantage than those relying on stipend entitlements. obama's plan is to remove as many options as possible and keep the decision making out of the hands of the individual.
Oh no, you mean that dumb people can be rich, my, my. And as far as you being rich I am sure you are, we all are, or we could not afford to idly post and do nothing productive.

Well, I'm rich in that I don't want for much and even though I fall short of Obama's target of $250K I'm not in the least envious of other's money.

I am a fan of logic, and I also am able to observe and put two and two together. I'm also a fan of grammar and sentence structure.

Using the reverse calculation of the statement would prove truth, but yours statements do not mirror the same truth with the equation.

Really? Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Apparently you don't. You want to try that statement again, and maybe even include this elusive "equasion" you're babbling about?

If you have had a logic class in college you would know.
It just like any mathmatical problem which can be solved to be true by reversing the equation.(It was spelled wrong at first and then I edited it
The use of mathmatics in logic is to prove a statement true.

You DO realize that you said nothing at all like that right? Where are you getting this? Whoever is telling you to say this is playing a joke on you. If you are copying it from somewhere, you shouldn't do that if you don't understand what it says.
Irony coming from you.

Thanks for posting and showing how correct the OP is.

Lol cater to base emotions...oh you mean like when a muslim wanted to build something in new york and the collective right threwa hissy fit...or use their base emotion.

That's not even getting into the daily thread here about how obama is destroying the nation....

No but you are totally right in your assessment of what the left does. You know if you where not so motherfucking stupid that is.

As per usual, you come in with complete bull shit and think that adding an insult at the end makes it right. Your modis operandi, and a repeated fail.
Many reasons, among them:

1. They are in control of public education, which is failing our children on purpose.
2. They cater to the basest of emotions and being emotional is easier than thinking.
3. The ignorant and stupid require someone to take care of them, and the DNC promises to do that.
4. Stupid and ignorant people elect stupid and ignorant politicians.

How are democrats only in control of education in the USA?

It would seem predfan forgets how there was a big deal over Texas and what they wanted to put in the books and how most states buy those books from there.

No, I'm well aware of it, as it has been discussed here in these forums already and been debunked as complete bull shit.

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