Mojo2: Why Progs believe they are entitled to rule US


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Mojo2 Q: "Why do Progressives believe they're entitled to rule US?"

A: Because of our amazing Constitution and our Founding Fathers' far sighted vision and wisdom.

Much of the time recently I've been nagged by an unformed question which finally took shape this morning as I contemplated the explanation by BoSox GM Ben Cherington for his team's 2013 World Series championship win.

In essence, it was that the Red Sox management got rid of the players who didn't want to be in Boston or on the Red Sox team and brought in the players they wanted, players with the talents management thought were needed in order to win, and players who wanted to be there!

That was his formula for success.

Then I began applying that formula to politics and the United States and looking for any possible gold nuggets I might find lying around the mental landscape resulting from this significant revelation.

And this nugget caught my imagination.

What if we were able to remove from the political dialogue those people who didn't want to be Americans? Those who don't like this country, or it's founding principles or it's institutions or our history or our role in the world or what we stand for... What if we could mute their voices or eliminate them peacefully from the national discussion or even facilitate their voluntary and permanent relocation to some other country? Then, what if we were able to pick and choose from around the world, for the purpose of immigrating here, only those who had the skills and education and values that we wanted and needed? Oh, and one more thing...those folks would also have to really want to be here!

And then it appeared to me like a movie depiction of Heaven. Angels, clouds, golden harp glissandos.

We'd have a close approximation of what some of the grey beards around here remember as everyday life in these United States once upon a time not so long ago.

Then I began wondering how we used to view people from the far left back then.

We tolerated them and they, largely, existed on the fringes of society and outside of mainstream thought because their values and attitudes and desired policies and ways of looking at the world and their proposed solutions to problems and their political paradigm were known to be antithetical to how this country was founded, the principles upon which it achieved strength and prosperity and what we knew was vitally important to keeping us strong and prosperous and free.

Who was it that was responsible in that time not so long ago for maintaining this country's health, wealth and freedoms?

It was the Greatest Generation.

The same ones who endured the hardships of the Great Depression of the 1930's. The same ones who rolled up their sleeves at home and abroad to kick the asses of the extremist totalitarians. The same ones who fought to prevent the spread of totalitarian Communist regimes from taking over the world as the Krauts and Japs had tried to do. The same ones who built this country to become the world's first economic and military global Superpower.

These every day citizens who had accomplished the truly remarkable in the 30's, 40's and 50's were once again called upon to demonstrate to the world how liberal Democracy should look in actual practice. This would be Democracy done right!

The time was the 1960's.

It was a time when the leftists gained ground in America and their progress was made possible ONLY because of the accomplishments of the Greatest Generation. The Left came to take for granted the need for a strong military. They came to demonize big business and capitalism. They planted the seeds for an entirely new generation of parasites. Parasites who owed their existence to the prosperity, stability, luxuries and conveniences and most importantly, their very freedom built and defended and protected and produced by those members of the Greatest Generation and previous generations of traditional Americans.

The hippies and radicals freedom to protest and rebel against the institutions and infrastructure and Government of this country was made possible by the sacrifices in blood and treasure and patience of those men and women of the Greatest Generation.

But, how did the men and women who defeated the Nazi and Japanese Empires treat those mostly young Americans on the political left? The radicals and Free thinkers (meaning those who think everything should be free...defined thusly for the sake of this post, anyway...) and revolutionaries who wanted to assail and tear down what others had erected?

They tolerated them! And they trusted the law, enforced and adjudicated by God fearing men and women of the Greatest Generation to keep these malcontents and subversives in line and far away from this country's drivers seat!

Although things weren't always peaches and cream for this country and for the Greatest generation members who were still large and in charge.

The FBI infiltrated extremists groups on the extreme Left AND on the extreme Right. There was, IIRC, some unauthorized Government surveillance. Nixon even kept an enemies list. There were buggings. Break ins of doctors offices to find incriminating evidence about the most influential of the radicals.

And, in retrospect, it's hard to fault the Government's motivation for doing so.

The same people that President Nixon and his fellow Greatest Generation "Establishment" friends saw as enemies way back in 1969 were the forefathers of today's anti-American mainstream pretenders of today. The Democrat Party. Libs and Progressives. Skin heads. The KKK. The New Black Panthers. And now we also have radical Islamists to contend with.

But, back then it was Abbie Hoffman. Bill Ayers. Angela Davis. Bernadine Dohrn. Huey Newton. The John Birch Society. The American Nazi Party. The KKK. And others.

Some of them from other countries, who soaked up the lessons of third world governments and totalitarians and dictators and radicals and revolutionaries and Islamists and Marxists and Socialists and Communists.

And one of those men who grew up exposed to these influences used our laws and our Constitution to slip into this country's political mainstream at the highest level unchecked. And because of our tradition of trusting the laws to protect us from threats from the radicalism and progressivism, today, instead of a strong President in the White House, now we have a president who is a good but closeted friend of the convicted radical and domestic terrorist Leftist Bill Ayers.

In fact, to show just how whack things have become in America, President Obama announced his 2008 presidential campaign in Ayers' actual Chicago living room.

It is clear that where the Greatest Generation was tolerant and long suffering for the sake of inclusiveness and because of their trust in our giant national melting pot to produce a better, stronger, smarter America, they were guilty of being too naiive.

The American Constitution has served us very well and has remained strong and viable and pertinent for more than two hundred years. We have come to trust it to keep us strong and free and to help us maintain our government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.

Instead of our Greatest Generation turning it's patriotism into a vengeful sword to dispense with it's known cancerous members on the far right or the far left or just the "far out" they let the laws, prevail and provide for our continued health and wealth and freedom. And it has worked out well until recently.

Today's headlines serve as an indictment of our Constitution's shortcomings and a slam on our Founding Fathers' inability to foresee the generation which has morphed into today's average liberal and an acceptance of these Progressive politicians who are dismantling our country from within.

Where our fathers and grandfathers were tolerant of the Left and the political and social degenerates of their time, we see that these 'aliens' who are now in charge in Washington, D.C. are looking for every opportunity to do to the Right what the Greatest Generation was unwilling to do to their radical and parasitic progenitors...eliminate them COMPLETELY.

I mention all of that as exposition and explanation or a snapshot at least, of how things used to be so that I may explain wtf happened for the leftists and Progressives and radicals to believe they have the right to govern this country today.

Because these individuals were allowed to exist, to survive, to thrive unmolested by the government or the opposition party or the mainstream of society, they came to love America's permissiveness but they also saw that it needed to be changed to make it better...for the way THEY perceived the world.

They came to believe that if enough people felt the way they did this was the only aspect of Democracy that mattered. Get enough votes to be granted permission to do anything you want!

And our Founding Fathers and their brilliant Constitution allowed these once fringe players to thrive and believe this political conceit.

But where are the members of our Greatest Generation to save us now?

Sadly, they are passing into history by the thousands every day.

They see the mess that exists but they are no longer able to fight this one more fight for the life of their beloved country.

But surely the Baby Boomer generation will step up and pick up the guideon from our fallen and tired predecessors and lead the fight to restore this country to it's former greatness!


There is still hope that after having seen the error of letting radicals and criminals and mean spirited and hateful miscreants run this country for a while, that wiser heads will conclude that they are not equipped to run or lead this nation except to lead it to ultimate destruction.

By giving them the same freedoms and opportunities to these cretins and wild eyed extremists as Americans with the "Right Stuff" our forefathers and their Constitution allowed cancers to grow among us, unabated.

And because they were left alne to live their lives and think what they want they got the idea they were just as entitled to run this country as anyone else just as long as they got enough votes.

And when sharpies like Obama with his Rules for Radicals comes along, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, and panders to the Y generation and Blacks who have grown up seduced by drugs, sex, rock n roll, Rap culture, free government handouts and subsistence, violent anti establishment video games and films and shortened "little spans of attention" and increased convenience and less inclination to do what's difficult and instead do only enough to skate by and seeking only the approval of those who are as shallow and values challenged as they and who go through life emotionally cocked yet intellectual pussies...they are unable to act to help keep their country strong or healthy or prosperous or free.

We allowed the 60's radicals to do as they pleased.

We allowed the Y gens to do as they were inclined and seduced to do.

And now the predators have come along and have assumed control of this great nation.

And things are so far gone in this country that some of these anti-Americans have the nerve to call the Tea Party patriots, "anti-American" and "extremists!"

We have reached the point of being a bizzarro world where White is Black. Up is down. Bad is good.

And as Paul Simon asked, Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio? Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you. What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson? "Joltin Joe" has left and gone away.

We no longer have a majority in D.C who care enough about our nation to do what is right for US. We no longer have a clear majority of citizens who even know what is best for us.

Technology has dumbed us down. Made us only as smart as our voters' weakest links.

And sadly, the Constitution wasn't crafted well enough to protect us from ourselves.

Our founding fathers were too trusting in the wisdom of today's generation to provide a remedy for our malaise.

I leave you with a story attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

The story goes that as Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a woman asked him, “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”.

Mr. Franklin replied, “A republic, madam – if you can keep it.”

Now, for the counterpoint to my rather dour assessment, here's something, published today, which is much more optimistic.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in looking over the events of the past few months, I would submit to you that Mr. Franklin’s Republic is still intact.

Yes, she’s taken a beating over time, but in the end, the framework that was so brilliantly devised by those wise men over 200 years ago still stands as a testament to the spirit of freedom that all men and women hold dear to their hearts.

The elections that were held yesterday (as well as those held over the past few months) have shown us that Americans STILL believe in the principles upon which this country was founded.

We don’t want government to tell us what we can and cannot do, and if the people who have been elected to represent our voices in the highest governmental bodies in the land don’t do that the way that we think they should, we have a Constitutional right to invite them to spend more time with their families while someone else gets a chance to represent the will of the people.

Whether career politicians like it or not, a political office is still very much a free market commodity, and in this country, people still have the right to pick and choose who they want to represent them. There are no guarantees that a person will be re-elected, and the past couple of years we have seen some big names – on both sides of the aisle – go down.

That is truly the beauty of this wild and woolly system – the people know that they have a recourse, and if they feel strongly enough about something, they will take steps to effect change.

And it is all done without a single shot being fired.

Fifty-five unassuming men drafted a document that forged a truly great nation.

It’s pretty remarkable, when you take the time to think about it. We have a system in place whereby any legal adult citizen of this country is eligible to vote (obviously, there are a few caveats in extreme cases). As long as you are registered to vote, you can go to the polls on election day and cast a ballot for the candidate(s) of your choice to represent your voice in the government, be it local, state, and/or national.

The votes are then tallied, a winner is declared, and power (sometimes) changes hands, according to the will of the people. Sometimes, “our guy” doesn’t win, but that’s OK, because we know that if things don’t work out, we will have a chance to elect somebody new the next time around. Every eligible person in this great nation has that same right – to have their voice heard – and each vote carries the same weight.

It is a right, sadly, that a lot of people take for granted these days – far too many people don’t go and vote on election day, but being Americans, that, too, is their RIGHT.

Still a beacon of hope to all people who yearn to live free.

Anyone who doesn’t think that the system “works” – well, they simply haven’t been paying much attention these past few months. Because boy, howdy, is the system “working” like gangbusters!

Things are about to get really exciting, politically speaking, and it is interesting to watch as events are unfolding. We are seeing the system in action, and it is a glorious thing to behold.

Our Republic still stands.

THAT is what gives me “Hope”.
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And as Paul Simon asked, Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio? Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you. What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson? "Joltin Joe" has left and gone away.

They buried him in a Mr. Coffee urn.
If you can't the irony of the above post, I really don't know what to say.

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If you can't the idiocy of your post, I know exactly what to say.

You know, you'd have thought I'd have learned by now not to expect much.

You really don't see the irony of starting a thread about how "progs" are trying to control you, and declaring in the OP your plan to kick people you don't agree with out of the country?

Unless you were referring to yourself when you said "progs".

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If you can't the irony of the above post, I really don't know what to say.

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If you can't the idiocy of your post, I know exactly what to say.

[MENTION=20452]theDoctorisIn[/MENTION] and I don't usually agree.

I'm a Libertarian, which means that you and I probably think alike.

But seriously, I have no idea what you're saying in this thread.
The secret progressive plan to rule the nation is ... convince more people to vote for our candidates.

I know, it's kind of shocking to some people, the whole democratic republic thing. They only seem to like democracy when they're winning.
what we knew was vitally important to keeping us strong and prosperous and free.

defeating the Indians, developing wild lands(or untamed wilderness), Monroe Doctrine, buying raw land called Sewerd's Folly, Defeating weak countries, intervention of financial and political intrigue of third world nations. Child labor, low wages and early death, suppression of women, killing off species of animals for sport, slavery, deforestation of the land to the point of severe dust storms and climate change by humans, uncontrolled pollution, killing of Mormons and Mormons killing non-Mormons. gee their is just so much more of Americas greatness to describe but I'll finish here.
The secret progressive plan to rule the nation is ... convince more people to vote for our candidates.

I know, it's kind of shocking to some people, the whole democratic republic thing. They only seem to like democracy when they're winning.

shhh, no telling of secrets of our society.
I have question:

What are you trying to say?

We abdicated responsibility for maintaining our country's health to the Constitution.

And we shouldn't be surprised that these liberal and progressive idiots who have no appreciation of, nor love for this country, it's founding principles or what costs have been paid by American patriots over the years to get us this far, are taking advantage of our weakest links (the low info citizens) to run this country into the ground.

They have turned things upside down and call the Tea Party, "extremists and anti American," when in reality it is the left and the Obama 'deadenders' who are the cancerous members of our society bent on leading us to our doom.

We no longer have the Greatest Generation to save our hides.

We must do it ourselves even as almost 50% of our population is afflicted with the same infection as the outright zombied Libs and Obamabots.

The Constitution is great and our FF's were geniuses. But they couldn't have foreseen we'd get so far down the path to self destruction that we could no longer depend on the strengths of their creation to save us from ourselves.

And why didn't I just say that instead of what I did in the OP?

I had to say that to say this, I guess.

Thanks for asking me to provide a summary.

I hope it is as informative.

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What kind of thread is this?

As far as I can tell, "progs" are trying to control you, so they should all be kicked out of the country so we can return to a delusional utopian version of the 50s.

But maybe I got it wrong.

ETA: and, apparently, the Constitution is bad.

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What kind of thread is this?

As far as I can tell, "progs" are trying to control you, so they should all be kicked out of the country so we can return to a delusional utopian version of the 50s.

But maybe I got it wrong.

ETA: and, apparently, the Constitution is bad.

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I'm trying to decide whether this is the moment for a tinfoil hat or an image June Cleaver with her pearls smiling. Or maybe Twilight Zone.

The Progs sound like aliens.

The Utopia sounds kind of like a sci fi version of hell.

Maybe the OP is all metaphorical?
American hating progressive running America and hating America at the same time. Who are these people, names? Positions?

( I bet Oblama is #1 on the list)
If you can't the irony of the above post, I really don't know what to say.

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If you can't the idiocy of your post, I know exactly what to say.

You know, you'd have thought I'd have learned by now not to expect much.

You really don't see the irony of starting a thread about how "progs" are trying to control you, and declaring in the OP your plan to kick people you don't agree with out of the country?

Unless you were referring to yourself when you said "progs".

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Obama and the Dems have nothing less on their agenda than the total elimination of all opposition from the right. That means the GOP and the Tea Party and anyone else.

They learned from Obama that this time, instead of playing by the rules and cooperating with the opposition, it's better for them to act on the basis that it's US vs THEM.

They have in mind and on paper, I'd guess, plans to wipe us out as a viable political entity.

And roughly half of this country likes the game they are playing and how they are playing it.

Our Greatest Generation were principled, compassionate and tolerant folks and were willing to do what was best for America even if it required great sacrifice.

The current gaggle of Progressive/Leftist and Liberal maroons want to take advantage of that gentleness of spirit and nobility of purpose to create a Hell of Obama's Father's dreams.
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