Why Do Democrats Feel They Are Above The Law?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, big surprise there. Have fun with it.
As for who thinks they are above the law, the Trump admin, trump and trumpers figure very highly also, as we say from the indictment, convictions a guilty please, of the faithful while he was in office and since he left.
The Republicans should be like the Democrats and investigate everyone associated with Biden.
The Democrats and Republican are both corrupt, but it's like BBs and Beachballs, they are both round.
The Democrats are more corrupt, and they get away with it.
Obama illegally used the DOJ and the FBI as his political weapons against Trump, and he got away with doing it, it was much worse than Watergate.
Ummmmmmmmmmm, democrats refused to even vote for an investigation on weaponizing the federal government for political purposes. What's wrong with an investigation? The investigation could prove that the federal government has not been weaponized. Wouldn't you want that to come out in an investigation?
This just a bunch of partisan BS. As and Indy, I don't care who or what they investigate. It is the new 5 person majority of the house. So today, we hear that Santos cheered when McCarthy cut the nuts off and the budget of the House Ethics Committee. Some are upset that he removed the nutball four from their committees and now they hair on fire left is worried all Dems will be removed from all committees. Ho-hum.

It seems like first week, we're queer for a new agenda, and now it's party time. OK. Fine. I just wonder if they are going to do or at least attempt any meaningful legislation for the benefit of the country or draw their salaries and speaking fees on tour, rabble-rousing. It wouldn't be the first "do nothing" congress in history.
Meet your republican congressional delegation in charge of rooting out "weaponization" of the government.

The Republicans should be like the Democrats and investigate everyone associated with Biden.
The Democrats and Republican are both corrupt, but it's like BBs and Beachballs, they are both round.
The Democrats are more corrupt, and they get away with it.
Obama illegally used the DOJ and the FBI as his political weapons against Trump, and he got away with doing it, it was much worse than Watergate.
Not worse than Watergate, but your point is still taken.
The Republicans should be like the Democrats and investigate everyone associated with Biden.
The Democrats and Republican are both corrupt, but it's like BBs and Beachballs, they are both round.
The Democrats are more corrupt, and they get away with it.
Obama illegally used the DOJ and the FBI as his political weapons against Trump, and he got away with doing it, it was much worse than Watergate.

There will never be any accountability for Barack Hussein, he could walk down Pennsylvania Ave and shoot everyone and wouldn't pay any price.
The Democrats have been very clear on that.
They will burn the entire county down before that happens.
Democrats don't vote for Republican investigations and Republicans don't vote for Democrat investigations. And round and round we go.
My best guess is because they know the aim of the committee is to obstruct the ongoing investigations by the DOJ into all the Trump Administration's efforts to remain in power after losing the EC votes.
Obama illegally used the DOJ and the FBI as his political weapons against Trump, and he got away with doing it, it was much worse than Watergate.
How quickly John Durham and the Obamagate investigation fades from the Goldfishes......um i mean the Neo-GOP's memory, and the old talking point that sparked the Durham investigation returns.
Not one House Democrat voted to investigate the possible weaponization of the federal government.

Weaponization of Democrat Govt Agencies to impose control, deny 1st Amendment Rights, spread disinformation...

Power, Money, and Control - The 3 things Democrats seek most

They are miserable, unhappy beings who are not sayisfied with running their own lives and are driven toco trol.every aspect of everyone else's lives, making everyone else as miserable as they are.

It is a sickness.

In tbe process of doing this they demand to be judged on their INTENTIONS, never on their RESULTS.

The Constitution, the Rule of Law, regulations, guiidelines, directives, morals, ethics, princies, conscience ... these are all to be ignored / bypassed / trampled / broken when they impede carrying out / imposing the liberal agendas and primary goal of obtaining POWER, .MONEY, AND CONTROL.

Everyone, everything that opposes the Democrat Collective's common views, opinions, agendas, vision must be subjugated, re-educated, reprogrammed, or destroyed.

And 'the ends justify the means' is a guiding princle for them.

These truths are proven over and over again, but you have been taught to not believe your lying eyes and ears - only what Democrats and their surrogate fake news media tells you.


Its overreach. Congress does not have any business getting involved in ongoing investigations.
Congress can do absolutely anything they want with a simple vote of 218-217. They are the very top of the food chain and are above the law. Where have you been?
The Republicans should be like the Democrats and investigate everyone associated with Biden.
The Democrats and Republican are both corrupt, but it's like BBs and Beachballs, they are both round.
The Democrats are more corrupt, and they get away with it.
Obama illegally used the DOJ and the FBI as his political weapons against Trump, and he got away with doing it, it was much worse than Watergate.
And, Eric Holder did not have to comply with Congressional subpoenas. But, if anyone on the right does that? Throw them in jail.
Do you not understand separation of powers?
Democrats have proven either they don't or don't care.

Barry declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect US Immigration Law....right before he did so.

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